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REMOTE VIEWING TRAINING SESSIONS: DISCOVERING YOUR INTUITITION 7 TAPE SET, with Prudence Calabrese and TransDimensional Systems. Prudence Calabrese is the Director of TransDimensional Systems, which provides information solutions to government, corporations and individuals using an array of services including remote viewing, knosomatics, intuitive counseling, technology transfer, consciousness mapping, physical profiling and other techniques. Prudence has been teaching people to remote view since 1996. She takes the scientific approach to the study of remote viewing and has developed methods and techniques that go far beyond the restrictive, protocol-based traditional remote viewing first developed over a generation ago at Stanford Research Institute. This seven-part, 13 hour, video program includes training in Basic Remote Viewing and Knosomatics, the Collector, Use of the Matrix and Advanced Post-Matrix Exercises. Included as a bonus is a discussion and explanation of techniques in Remote Healing and use of Remote Viewing for everyday purposes and career choices. Also covered is a live remote viewing and Knosomatics demonstration by Prudence and her team of professional remote viewers as presented for the London Sunday Times and HBO. This series takes the new Remote Viewer all the way through the Basic Training required to successfully remote view. Actual in-class results are shared, sessions are examined and the entire process is revealed. Part 1 - Introduction to Remote Viewing; Part 2 - The Remote Viewing Process; Part 3 - Live Demonstration / Homework Review; Part 4 - Introduction to the Matrix; Part 5 - Student Sessions; Part 6 - Matrix Procedures; Part 7 - Remote Healing and Diagnosis. Join Prudence Calabrese and her staff as she leads another class into the unknown world and the Larger Universe. Its all here for you to watch, enjoy and learn. RVT-000A o UPC 8 82917 00004 1 o 13 Hours o 7 Audio Tapes o $64.95 +++ RVT-000C o UPC 8 82917 00002 7 o 13 Hours o 7 Audio CDs o $74.95 +++ RVT-000V o UPC 8 82917 00003 4 o 13 Hours o 7 VHS Videos o $124.95 +++ RVT-000D o UPC 8 82917 00009 6 o 13 Hours o 7 DVD Disks o $124.95

ANCIENT MYSTERIES OF NORTH AMERICA, with Tédd St. Rain. This in-depth slide presentation, which is based on a series of books on Mysteries of the World, outlines some of the most perplexing ancient mysteries and other anomalies that have been found in North America. Explore the evidence for Arabian, Celtic, Chinese, Egyptian, Greco-Roman, Hindu, Irish, Mesopotamian, Minoan, Nordic, Pacific Islander, Phoenician, Viking, Welsh, and West African voyages to the New World. Other topics include runestones and tablets found in the East; pre-historic mines near Lake Superior; Roman relics found in Arizona; enigmatic beehive structures, ancient coins unearthed in the Midwest; elephant slabs found in New Mexico; ground and rock petroglyphs in the Southwest; Egyptian hieroglyphics and Chinese characters; drawings of feathered serpents in Illinois; ancient footprints fossilized in rock; mound builders and their burial mounds; a 14-inch mummy found in Wyoming; human teeth found in coal deposits; red-headed giants that lived in Nevada; underground cities in the Grand Canyon; evidence for an advanced civilization; and many more anomalous finds discovered in North America. With over 250 slides in less than 2 hours, this tape offers a glimpse at the various enigmas and artifacts that have been found in North America over the last several centuries. The "full version" to the tape above. Recorded "after hours" to a small audience at the International UFO Congress in Laughlin, NV. Also available as a free e-book at AMNA-008A
THE OCTOPUS: THE DEATH OF DANNY CASOLARO, INSLAW AND THE P.R.O.M.I.S. SOFTWARE SCANDAL, with Kenn Thomas. Kenn Thomas is a para-political researcher who publishes a quarterly zine called Steamshovel Press, In this presentation he discusses the research of Danny Casolaro, the writer who died in Martinsberg, West Virginia while investigating an intelligence cabal called The Octopus. The tentacles of the Octopus reach out from Casolaro's research to today's headlines. Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein are both rumored to use the PROMIS software to evade capture. Resignations from the current Bush administration involve personalities and parapolitical history that Casolaro was the first to expose. Join Kenn Thomas as he reviews this history. The Inslaw/PROMIS scandal started in the early 1980s, when the Department of Justice signed a $10 million contract with a company called Inslaw, that developed specialized tracking software. Inslaw provided the software, called PROMIS, but the government refused to pay the contract, forcing the company into bankruptcy court. The judge ruled against the government, but through appeals it was never held accountable. Instead, profits from PROMIS paid off the Ayatollah Khomeini in the infamous "October Surprise" manipulation of the 1980 presidential election. This set a pattern of trading with the enemy that continued through the Iran-Contra scandal; the build up Saddam Hussein and the al-Queda (as the mujahadeen); and continues to this day with the Bush / Bin Laden / Saudi axis. They all involve the same players and the same parapolitical dynamic that Casolaro warned the world about before he, too, fell victim to the Octopus. In the backdrop: murders and apparent suicides among the Cabazon tribe members in California; the infamous private security/surveillance bureaucracy Wackenhut; the government modified PROMIS, sold illegally to unsuspecting governments and intelligence agencies worldwide with a secretly installed "back door" to allow spying on those same agencies, and now enabling the notorious ECHELON satellite system. Another example are the PROMIS-like spyware worms and viruses that infiltrate the internet. It is a story that just will not go away. Even the courts concluded that through "trickery, deceit and fraud" the US "took, converted, stole" PROMIS through a series of "willful, wanton and deceitful acts" a description that magnified to assassinations, wars and corruption on a global scale. PROMIS: know about it. It surely knows about you. LA-801 115 min DVD Disk $24.95 ttt LA-802 115 min VHS Video Tape $24.95 ttt LA-803 115 min Audio Tapes $14.95
THE STORY OF WILHELM REICH: ORGONE ENERGY, CLOUD-BUSTING AND UFOS, with Kenn Thomas. Kenn Thomas is a para-political researcher who publishes a quarterly zine called Steamshovel Press, In this presentation Kenn discusses the life of the famed Austrian psychiatrist and biophysicist Wilhelm Reich. Reich studied under Sigmund Freud, quit the Communist Party, escaped the Nazis and later investigated UFOs in Eisenhower's America. In such books as The Mass Psychology of Fascism, The Function of the Orgasm and Contact With Space, Reich dealt with the physiological basis of human psychology and emotions. This led him to discover an etheric energy he called Orgone. Reich believed that orgone energized human beings and permeated the atmosphere. In February 1954, the FDA issued a complaint for an injunction against Reich, charging that he had violated the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act by delivering misbranded and adulterated devices in interstate commerce and by making false and misleading claims. The FDA called the accumulators a sham and orgone-energy nonexistent. A judge issued an injunction that ordered all accumulators rented or owned by Reich and those working with him destroyed and all labeling referring to orgone-energy destroyed. It should be noted that the FDA never proved its claims against Reichs discoveries but the courts sanctioned penalties against Reich and the Wilhelm Reich Foundation anyway and ordered the burning of some of his published material that the courts considered medical device labeling. Two years later, Wilhelm Reich was in jail for contempt of the injunction, the conviction based on the actions of an associate who did not obey the injunction and still possessed an accumulator. On November 3, 1957, Wilhelm Reich died in his jail cell of a heart failure. His person effects and writings while at jail were never released to his family. The injunction only applied to Wilhelm Reich and his Foundation and the courts clearly stated that they did not prevent others from using or making orgone devices. There has been no legal action by the courts against Reich's work since the trial. Join Steamshovel's Kenn Thomas as he recounts the controversial life and career of this historic figure in psychology, parapolitics, biophysics and ufology. LA-807 58 min DVD Disk $19.95 ttt LA-808 58 min VHS Video Tape $19.95 ttt LA-809 58 min Audio Tape $11.95 ttt LA-810 58 min Audio CD $11.95
CROP CIRCLES, CHURCHES AND SACRED SITES: THE ENERGY CONNECTION, with Freddy Silva. Freddy Silva first got involved with crop circles in 1996 while working in Chicago as a graphic designer and advertising pro. The evening news showed an image of a circle in the East Field of Alton Barnes in England. This was the beginning of Silvas quest to understand the phenomenon. He says that the choice of Britain as the prime location for crop circles suggests a well-orchestrated plan. They reference sacred sites in a country brimming with ancient markers, where such sites are still honored, where the study of esoteric knowledge still survives. In terms of why these crop circles come to our attention now, Silva suggests several factors that mark our time as more favorable for an interaction between our dimension and others. In this detailed slide presentation, Silva explores the relationship between the appearance of crop circles on ancient sacred sites, and the unusual energy signatures surrounding the designs. This exciting lecture shows that crop circles contain energetic properties that are altering the chromosomes of plants, affecting the water we consume and may even be affecting the cycles of the human body. VS B-801 2 hours DVD Disk $19.95 ttt VSB-802 2 hours VHS Video Tape $19.95 ttt VSB-803 2 hours Audio Tape $11.95
A HI-TECH, ROCK AND ROL, UFO GUY, INVENTOR AND RESEARCHER, with Jim Dilettoso. VS B-801 2 hours DVD Disk $19.95 ttt VSB-802 2 hours VHS Video Tape $19.95 ttt VSB-803 2 hours Audio Tape $11.95
ALIEN MESSAGES: THE REAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE 2002 CRABWOOD CROP FORMATION, with Maurice Olsen. VS B-801 105 min DVD Disk $19.95 ttt VSB-802 105 min VHS Video Tape $19.95 ttt VSB-803 105 min Audio Tape $11.95
CELEBRATION OF LIFE GATHERING: AWAKENING TO WHO YOU ARE - 3 Tape Set, with Eagle Soaring. Eagle Soaring, Medicine Wheel artist and creator of custom Power Shields, is a lecturer and teacher of Native American wisdom. A professional lecturer and workshop facilitator, he speaks on Medicine Wheel teachings and Earth Astrology. Eagle Soaring presents the teachings of the Ancient Ones with scientific validity in a humorous and light manner, encouraging people to respond to their inner call. He says that we each come to Mother Earth with a multitude of lessons to learn. We have the power to direct our lives towards happiness or discord. For nearly 15 year, hundreds of thousands of people have gathered to listen to Eagle Soarings teachings via television, radio, lectures and workshops. Eagle Soaring has traveled extensively throughout the United States and Canada to bring his timely message to people of all nations. Those who have listened, and learned, have awakened to a new level of awareness and have discovered who they truly are. Because of his work path and understanding of world unity, and his knowledge of the rhythms and messages of the natural world, Eagle Soaring was invited to and spoke at the United Nations Society for Transformation and Enlightenment in April, 1997. Shatter the illusions of physical reality and understand that you are a spiritual being having a human experience. This three-tape set, containing over four and half hours of footage, was recorded during one of Eagle Soarings Celebration of Life Gatherings. Join him for this special weekend of experiences, lectures and teaching, based upon Native American ancient wisdom. The purpose of the gathering is to help people discover and follow their personal path, connect with nature and celebrate life. Included in this series are a smudging and cleansing ceremony, how to find your power animal, spirit keeper, clan membership and totems, discussion of environmental and personal issues, Earth cleansing prophecies, finding your sacred path symbol and your Earth connection, removing emotional blocks, and discovering who you are. Come explore the wisdom of Native American teachings and awaken to who you are and where you are going. Thought is based on conceived notions and experiences. To become the true miracle that you are, go within and remember what you forgot. Eagle Soaring, Aho! Mitakuye Oyasin. EAGLE-01a 4 1/2 hours on 3 Audios $30.00 / EAGLE-01 4 1/2 hours on 3 Videos $59.95
WAY OF THE SACRED QUEST, with Eagle Soaring. This presentation was recorded at the Body, Mind and Spirit Expo® ( in San Diego, California. Take a journey of discovery with Eagle Soaring, who introduces Native American Power Shield teachings to awaken the seeker to their true purpose and connection to all of life. This medicine brings personal power, strength and understanding that gives healing to the body, mind and spirit. Discover your power animal, spirit keeper, clan membership, healing stone and life color in this informative presentation. Learn the messages of the animal kingdom and be in perfect balance and harmony to walk your talk. Come explore the wisdom of Native American teachings and awaken to who you are. Thought is based on conceived notions and experiences. To become the true miracle that you are, go within and remember what you forgot. Eagle Soaring, Aho! Mitakuye Oyasin. Also see the three-tape set below. BMSE-01a 62 min. Audio $12.00 / BMSE-01 62 min. Video $19.95
THE ORIGINS AND PHYSICS OF REMOTE VIEWING, with Richard Dolan. Richard Dolan is the author of "UFOs and the National Security State," published by Keyhole Publishing, which covers the period from 1941 to 1973 and provides a thorough historical analysis of the national security dimensions of the UFO phenomenon. Born in Brooklyn and raised on Long Island, Dolan earned a scholarship to study at Oxford University, where he closely missed receiving a Rhodes Scholarship. After completing his graduate work at the University of Rochester he became a self-employed business writer to earn a living. Around 1994 he began to develop and interest in the UFO problem. He approached UFOs by looking at the history and politics of the phenomenon. He was intrigued by the cultural schizophrenia involved in the subject and with the fact that mainstream and academic culture continued to treat UFOs as amusement, but that some many intelligent people take it seriously. In this presentation he reveals the origins of Remote Viewing and psychic spying. AEM-503A UPC 8 82917 05034 3 81 min Audio Tape $14.95 +++ AEM-503C UPC 8 82917 05032 9 81 min Audio CD $16.95 +++ AEM-503V UPC 8 82917 05033 6 81 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ AEM-503D UPC 8 82917 05039 8 81 min DVD Disk $24.95
ANCIENT MYSTERIES OF NORTH AMERICA, with Tédd St. Rain. This in-depth slide presentation, which is based on a series of books on "Mysteries of the World," outlines some of the most perplexing ancient mysteries and other anomalies that have been found in North America. Explore the evidence for Arabian, Celtic, Chinese, Egyptian, Greco-Roman,Hindu,Irish, Mesopotamian, Minoan, Nordic, Pacific Islander, Phoenician, Viking, Welsh, and West African voyages to the New World. Other topics include runestones and tablets found in the East; pre-historic mines near Lake Superior; Roman relics found in Arizona; enigmatic beehive structures, ancient coins unearthed in the Midwest; elephant slabs found in New Mexico; ground and rock petroglyphs in the Southwest; Egyptian hieroglyphics and Chinese characters; drawings of feathered serpents in Illinois; ancient footprints fossilized in rock; mound builders and their burial mounds; a 14-inch mummy found in Wyoming; human teeth found in coal deposits; red-headed giants that lived in Nevada; underground cities in the Grand Canyon; evidence for an advanced civilization; and many more anomalous finds discovered in North America. With over 250 slides in less than 2 hours, this tape offers a glimpse at the various enigmas and artifacts that have been found in North America over the last several centuries. The "full version" to the tape above. Recorded "after hours" to a small audience at the International UFO Congress in Laughlin, NV. AMNA-008A UPC 8 82917 00084 3 110 min Audio Tape $14.95 +++ AMNA-008C UPC 8 82917 00082 9 110 min Audio CD $16.95 +++ AMNA-008V UPC 8 82917 00083 6 110 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ AMNA-008D UPC 8 82917 00089 8 110 min DVD Disk $24.95
MYSTERY OF AMERICA: ENIGMATIC MYSTERIES AND ANOMALOUS ARTIFACTS OF NORTH AMERICA: A CONNECTION TO THE ANCIENT PAST, with Tedd St. Rain. Mysterious and often inexplicable remnants of civilizations history fascinate scientists and archaeologists. People travel worldwide to visit such sites, yet some of the most enigmatic artifacts and structures have been found right here in North America. Unfortunately, because these records do not fit within accepted academic models of human history, they remain unexplained mysteries, and most people never hear of them. Long before any humans were supposed to be on this continent, unknown hands removed millions of pounds of copper from mines near Lake Superior. Giant people as tall as 12 feet were buried in Arizona, Nevada and the Midwest. A three-foot-high adult mummy was discovered in Wyoming. A "hinged silver bell" with indecipherable writing was blasted from 15 feet below the ground in Massachusetts. A human-like tooth, three times normal size, was found in coal from a Montana mine. Sandaled feet made footprints in rock at least 300 million years old in Utah. According to modern wisdom, humans evolved on Earth no earlier than two million years ago. Yet many of these artifacts were made or recorded long before then. How can this be? Could any of these anomalies have been the result of an advanced civilization once present on our planet? This book presents the evidence that there have been intelligent beings on earth long before humans are thought to have evolved here. Explore these intriguing possibilities and more in this exciting and informative investigation into the mysteries and anomalous artifacts of North America. Tédd St. Rain, author, lecturer, and videographer, he has traveled the world extensively investigating the worlds ancient mysteries and enigmas, actively researching the mysterious, the metaphysical and the mythical. Born in Long Beach, California, Tedd is the owner of Lost Arts Media that publishes, markets and distributes fascinating and educational books, videos and multimedia products to help inform, enlighten and inspire humanity. In this presentation Tedd has collected 80 of his best slides in an effort to explain the "most unusual of the unusual" found in the crypto-archaeological literature. Recorded at the International MUFON Symposium in Dearborn, MI, in July 2003 this tape reveals the mysteries that have occurred in our past. A wealth of information provided by the rare and unusual slides, pictures and renderings, besides that its my latest tape, make this one of the best tapes in the catalog. Also check out the companion book to this tape, "Mystery of America: Enigmatic Mysteries and Anomalous Artifacts of North America: A Connection to the Ancient Past," ISBN 1-59016-999-9, available from your favorite bookseller or in our catalog. MUFON-220A UPC 8 82917 02204 3 59 min Audio Tape $12.95 +++ MUFON-220C UPC 8 82917 02202 9 59 min Audio CD $14.95 +++ MUFON-220V UPC 8 82917 02203 6 59 min VHS Video $19.95 +++ MUFON-220D UPC 8 82917 02209 8 59 min DVD Disk $19.95
THE ALIEN INFLUENCE: A PLANETARY PERSPECTIVE PART 1 AND 2 2 TAPE SET, with Neil Freer (author of "Breaking the Godspell"). Every so often someone comes along who is not afraid to take a giant leap out of the box of a limited 3rd-dimensional world view. Neil Freer is one of those people. As a researcher, writer lecturer, philosopher and poet, Neil has a broad scope of knowledge on the history of mankind, the problems we now face, and most importantly where we are going in the future. He has taught courses in philosophy and religion, has given private and public lectures, and has appeared on over 150 radio and television programs. In Neils book, "Breaking the Godspell," he explores the archaeological, astronomical and genetic proof of our being a genetically engineered species. He also reviews the ramifications of this new paradigm of nature that resolves the creationist/evolutionary conflict. In his second book "God Games: What Do You Do Forever," explores how humanity will live when we attain the integrity afforded us by the restoration of our true genetic history. He outlines such subjects as God Games of immortality, 4-dimensional consciousness, life after the Law of Everything and alien contact, as we as new humans matriculate into stellar society. Neil has been a Catholic seminarian, trappist monk, and states he is now a practicing generic human futant. In this presentation he discusses the alien influence, which touches on such things as rewriting the history of the solar system, human genetics, religion, politics and science in terms of human-alien interaction. He will help us to comprehend ourselves in the present and envision our future evolutionary path as we step out of racial adolescence and matriculate to into stellar society. A must see for fans of Zecharia Sitchin. One of the best tapes in the catalog. MUFON-226A UPC 8 82917 02264 7 179 min 2 Audio Tapes $24.95 +++ MUFON-226C UPC 8 82917 02262 3 179 min 2 Audio CDs $28.95 +++ MUFON-226V UPC 8 82917 02263 0 179 min 2 VHS Videos $44.95 +++ MUFON-226D UPC 8 82917 02269 2 179 min 2 DVD Disks $44.95
FROM STARDUST TO THE STARGATE, with Sir Laurence Gardner. From the tombs of pharaonic Egypt, to the laboratories of modern science, comes the extraordinary account of gravity defiance and teleportation in the ancient world. Sir Laurence explains how physicists are now researching previously unknown planes of existence through the rediscovery of a lost technology from distant times. Laurence Gardner, a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, is a constitutional historian, international lecturer and broadcaster. As a worldwide emissary for the Royal House of Stewart, Sir Laurence Gardner is Prior of the Sacred Kindred of Saint Columbia, a Knight Templar of St. Anthony and Envoy to the Grand Protectorate of the Imperial Dragon Court of Hungary. In the popular literary world, Laurence Gardner is an internationally acclaimed author with national press serialization and published works in many languages. They include the Top-10 Bloodline of the Holy Grail, which gained a UK Author of the Year award, along with the international bestsellers Genesis of the Grail Kings and Realm of the Ring Lords. From the late 1800s, thousands of ancient documents have been unearthed, predating the Old Testament writing of Genesis by up to 2000 years. Laurence will present one of the monumental finds from that era that was suppressed by the Egyptian Exploration Fund. His English-language publishers include Transworld, Bantam Books, Penguin Books, Element Books, Barnes & Noble, Fair Winds Press and HarperCollins. In his latest book, Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark, Sir Laurence writes about recent scientific discoveries and advances that are shaping our future and rewriting our past. For more information visit his web site: SIGNS-122A UPC 8 82917 01224 2 148 min 2 Audio Tapes $24.95 +++ SIGNS-122C UPC 8 82917 01222 8 148 min 2 Audio CDs $28.95 +++ SIGNS-122V UPC 8 82917 01223 5 148 min VHS Video $29.95 +++ SIGNS-122D UPC 8 82917 01229 7 148 min DVD Disk $29.95
LOST SECRETS OF THE SACRED ARK, with Sir Laurence Gardner. What was the ancient Hebrew Ark of the Covenant? Where did it go and where is it today? What is the sacred Ark's relationship to medieval alchemys "Philosophers Stone" and to the discoveries of modern Quantum Physics? Were ancient Egyptian initiates and Israelite kings possessors of the secrets of super-conductivity and high-spin metallurgy so as to be able to transcend ordinary Space-Time, using whats known as the "white powder of gold"? By accessing Rosicrucian, Templar, Royal Society and private archives, Sir Laurence Gardner has found astonishing answers to these questions and more. Laurence Gardner, a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, is a constitutional historian, international lecturer and broadcaster. As a worldwide emissary for the Royal House of Stewart, Sir Laurence Gardner is Prior of the Sacred Kindred of Saint Columbia, a Knight Templar of St. Anthony and Envoy to the Grand Protectorate of the Imperial Dragon Court of Hungary. In the popular literary world, Laurence Gardner is an internationally acclaimed author with national press serialization and published works in many languages. They include the Top-10 Bloodline of the Holy Grail, which gained a UK Author of the Year award, along with the international bestsellers Genesis of the Grail Kings and Realm of the Ring Lords. From the late 1800s, thousands of ancient documents have been unearthed, predating the Old Testament writing of Genesis by up to 2000 years. Laurence will present one of the monumental finds from that era that was suppressed by the Egyptian Exploration Fund. His English-language publishers include Transworld, Bantam Books, Penguin Books, Element Books, Barnes & Noble, Fair Winds Press and HarperCollins. In his latest book, Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark, Sir Laurence writes about recent scientific discoveries and advances that are shaping our future and rewriting our past. For more information visit his web site: SIGNS-123A UPC 8 82917 01234 1 144 min 2 Audio Tapes $24.95 +++ SIGNS-123C UPC 8 82917 01232 7 144 min 2 Audio CDs $28.95 +++ SIGNS-123V UPC 8 82917 01233 4 144 min VHS Video $29.95 +++ SIGNS-123D UPC 8 82917 01239 6 144 min DVD Disk $29.95
THE CROP CIRCLES PRIMARY MESSAGE, with Drunvalo Melchizedek. As a celebrated mystic and teacher, Drunvalo Melchizedeks life experience reads like and encyclopedia of breakthroughs in human endeavor. After having taking physics and art at UC Berkeley, he ventured out, and over the last 25 years has studied with over 70 masters from all belief systems and religious backgrounds. An accomplished speaker, he instinctively communicates whats in this heart, his personal warmth, his love for life in all forms and his deep compassion for humanity. His "Flower of Life" teachings and "Mer-ka-ba" meditation system have help thousands better understand their own history and lifes work. An expert on Sacred Geometry, he has studied how Crop Circles manifest these ancient forms for a decade. For more information visit SIGNS-104A UPC 8 82917 01044 6 118 min Audio Tape $14.95 +++ SIGNS-104C UPC 8 82917 01042 2 118 min Audio CD $16.95 +++ SIGNS-104V UPC 8 82917 01043 9 118 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ SIGNS-104D UPC 8 82917 01049 1 118 min DVD Disk $24.95
SACRED GEOMETRY WORKSHOP, with Drunvalo Melchizedek. Drunvalo's information was given to him from 1972 through the 1980s by Thoth, best known as the Egyptian deity of inner wisdom pertaining to science, mathematics, and literature. Since the 1980s, Drunvalo has been presenting his Flower of Life Workshops (either personally or through his trained facilitators). His work has been spread to at least 40 countries, is taught in many languages (such as Spanish, Dutch, German, French, Japanese), and has deeply touched thousands of people around the globe. When the teachings of geometry are used to show the ancient truth that all life emerges from the same blueprint, we can clearly see that life springs from the same source the intelligent, unconditionally loving creative force some call "God." When geometry is used to express and explore this great truth, a broader understanding of the universe unfolds until we can see that all aspects of reality become sacred. The ancients such as the Egyptians, Mayans, and others all knew this truth and incorporated sacred geometry teachings into their mystery schools as a way for anyone to begin to practically understand his or her personal relationship to "God" and the universe. In this presentation, Drunvalo speaks on the experience in his life that led him on the path to the practice the flower of life teachings. A full two-hour presentation on the flower of life and sacred geometry. For more information visit SIGNS-105A UPC 8 82917 01054 5 118 min Audio Tape $14.95 +++ SIGNS-105C UPC 8 82917 01052 1 118 min Audio CD $16.95 +++ SIGNS-105V UPC 8 82917 01053 8 118 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ SIGNS-105D UPC 8 82917 01059 0 118 min DVD Disk $24.95
SIGNS AND SYMBOLS OF THE HEALING SUN CODE, with William Henry. William Henry is a cutting edge Mythologist and leading author. William Henry is an investigative mythologist and author. His mythological specialty is the Ladder to God (Scala Dei in Latin) which has been featured in myths and scriptures since the beginning of time. In his books William interprets these stories of the Ladder to God on six different levels: the historical, the cosmological, the symbolic/metaphorical, the mythological/allegorical, the anatomical, and the technological. The existence of the Healing Sun has been coded in the Mystery Teachings which tradition has so long held to lie behind the Holy Scriptures of numerous religions. This book throws light on these Mystery Teachings, the secret science and religion of the Galactic Core of our Milky Way galaxy, by revealing the symbol and word code of the Healing Sun. For more information visit SIGNS-131A UPC 8 82917 01314 0 67 min Audio Tape $14.95 +++ SIGNS-131C UPC 8 82917 01312 6 67 min Audio CD $16.95 +++ SIGNS-131V UPC 8 82917 01313 3 67 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ SIGNS-131D UPC 8 82917 01319 5 67 min DVD Disk $24.95
STARGATES OF THE GODS, with William Henry. Thousands of years ago the Stargate technology of the gods was lost. Mayan prophecy says it will return by the year 2012 and connect us to the center of our galaxy. This will begin the birth of a new Earth matrix and a new humanity. We are its elders. See vivid examples of ancient stargates juxtaposed with modern science and current events, including crop circles. Cross the boundary and experience the stargates of the gods. William Henry is a cutting edge Mythologist and leading author. William Henry is an investigative mythologist and author. His mythological specialty is the Ladder to God (Scala Dei in Latin) which has been featured in myths and scriptures since the beginning of time. In his books William interprets these stories of the Ladder to God on six different levels: the historical, the cosmological, the symbolic / metaphorical, the mythological / allegorical, the anatomical, and the technological. The existence of the Healing Sun has been coded in the Mystery Teachings which tradition has so long held to lie behind the Holy Scriptures of numerous religions. This book throws light on these Mystery Teachings, the secret science and religion of the Galactic Core of our Milky Way galaxy, by revealing the symbol and word code of the Healing Sun. For more information visit SIGNS-132A UPC 8 82917 01324 9 113 min Audio Tape $14.95 +++ SIGNS-132C UPC 8 82917 01322 5 113 min Audio CD $16.95 +++ SIGNS-132V UPC 8 82917 01323 2 113 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ SIGNS-132D UPC 8 82917 01329 4 113 min DVD Disk $24.95
SYMBOLS, SEX AND THE STARS: ANCIENT MAGIC IN THE MODERN WORLD, with Jordan Maxwell. Author of the book "Matrix of Power" and Radio Talk Show host. Jordan Maxwell continues as a preeminent researcher and authority in the field of occult/religious philosophy since 1959. He served for three and a half years as the Religion Editor of Truth Seeker Magazine, Americas oldest Free Thought Journal (since 1873). His work exploring the hidden foundations of Western religions and secret societies has created an enthusiastic response from audiences for many years. He has conducted dozens of intensive seminars, hosted his own radio talk shows, guested on more than 600 radio shows, and written, produced and appeared in numerous television shows and documentaries (including three 2-hour specials for the CBS TV network, as well as the internationally acclaimed 5-part Ancient Mystery Series - all devoted to understanding ancient religions and their pervasive influence on world affairs today. Jordan Maxwell will give us a glimpse into the super secret organizations that have played such significant roles in world history. One of his videos is entitled "Matrix of Power" and this appellation certainly describes the reality of our world better than any other phrase. For more information visit SIGNS-139A UPC 8 82917 01394 2 84 min Audio Tape $14.95 +++ SIGNS-139C UPC 8 82917 01392 8 84 min Audio CD $16.95 +++ SIGNS-139V UPC 8 82917 01393 5 84 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ SIGNS-139D UPC 8 82917 01399 7 84 min DVD Disk $24.95
FORBIDDEN ARCHAEOLOGY: THE HIDDEN HISTORY OF THE HUMAN RACE, with Michael Cremo. Michael Cremo is on the cutting edge of science and culture issues. In the course of a few months time he might be found on pilgrimage to sacred sites in India, appearing on a national television show, lecturing at a mainstream science conference, or speaking to an alternative science gathering. As he crosses disciplinary and cultural boundaries, he presents to his various audiences a compelling case for negotiating a new consensus on the nature of reality. Michael Cremo is a member of the History of Science Society, the World Archeological Congress, the Philosophy of Science Association, the European Association of Archaeologists and associate member of the Bhaktivedanta Institute specializing in history and philosophy of science. Michael Cremos book Forbidden Archeology has become a classic in the history of archeology. It is filled with evidence showing that humans like us have existed on earth for tens of millions of years. This stands in stark contrast to the conventional scientific beliefs that humans like us have been present on this planet for only about 100,000 years. In his talk, Michael shows some of the more spectacular examples of what have been called out-of-place artifacts and outlines the extreme antiquity of humanity. He also explains how he was inspired by the ancient Sanskrit writings of India and other wisdom traditions. NSAW-315A UPC 8 82917 03154 0 119 min Audio Tape $14.95 +++ NSAW-315C UPC 8 82917 03152 6 119 min Audio CD $16.95 +++ NSAW-315V UPC 8 82917 03153 3 119 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ NSAW-315D UPC 8 82917 03159 5 119 min DVD Disk $24.95
HOW THE WAR ON TERROR INTERRUPTED EXTRATERRESTRIAL CONTACT, with Jim Marrs. A native of Fort Worth, Texas, Mr. Marrs earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from the University of North Texas in 1966 and attended Graduate School at Texas Tech in Lubbock for two years more. He has worked for several Texas newspapers, including the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, where beginning in 1968 he served as police reporter. Mr. Marrs then became a general-assignments reporter covering stories locally, in Europe and the Middle East. After a leave of absence to serve with a Fourth Army intelligence unit during the Vietnam War, he became military and aerospace writer for the newspaper and an investigative reporter. Since 1980, Mr. Marrs has been a freelance writer and public relations consultant. Since 1976, Mr. Marrs has taught a course on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy at the University of Texas at Arlington. In 1989, his book, "Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy," was published to critical acclaim and within three years had gone into an eighth printing in both hardbound and softbound editions. Crossfire reached the New York Times Paperback Non-Fiction Best Seller list in mid-February 1992 and remained there for more than six weeks. His book became a basis for the Oliver Stone film JFK. Mr. Marrs served as a chief consultant for both the films screenplay and production. Mr. Marrs has appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, CSPAN, the Discovery, Learning and History Channels, This Morning America, Geraldo, Montell Williams, Today and The Larry King and Art Bell radio programs. AZTEC-357A UPC 8 82917 03574 6 120 min Audio Tape $14.95 +++ AZTEC-357C UPC 8 82917 03572 2 120 min Audio CD $16.95 +++ AZTEC-357V UPC 8 82917 03573 9 120 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ AZTEC-357D UPC 8 82917 03579 1 120 min DVD Disk $24.95
CONTROLLED REMOTE VIEWING PROJECTS FROM A TO Z PART 1, with Lyn Buchanan. Lyn Buchanan. This series of tapes is from a hands-on training conference, designed to teach people who work with psychic and/or remote viewing groups how to properly run and/or participate in real-world remote viewing projects. There were three presenters, each of whom is highly skilled and experienced in working projects with the police, corporate, and other real-life customers. Each presenter brought an already-solved case (for immediate feedback), and conference attendees got hands-on experience organizing and running the projects, working on them as viewers, analysts, report writers, and project managers. If you are a person or group who plans to use your natural or learned psychic abilities in the workaday world of police work, business, medical, archeological, or other real-world applications, this series of tapes focuses on the skills and techniques necessary for interaction with the customer or sponsoring organization. Leonard (Lyn) Buchanan is the Executive Director of Problems>Solutions>Innovations (P>S>I). P>S>I started as a small data analysis company in the Washington, D.C. area in 1992, after Lyns retirement from the military. Lyn has a personal drive to take this technology completely out of the "spooky" realm and find the scientific and technological causes behind it. To this end, he maintains a strict database on all operations in order to conduct as much research as possible. The training of controlled remote viewers and analysis of data on their work is a passion is now the focus of P>S>I. Does Lyn mind giving up the computer-oriented work for training and studying remote viewers? No. In his words, "They're a whole lot more intricate and interesting. I learn a lot more from a CRVer than I do from a computer." Lyn is the author of "The Seventh Sense" (Paraview Pocket Books, 2003). CRV-511V o UPC 8 82917 05113 5 o 69 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ CRV-511D o UPC 8 82917 05119 7 o 69 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
CONTROLLED REMOTE VIEWING PROJECTS FROM A TO Z PART 2, with Lyn Buchanan. Lyn Buchanan. Leonard (Lyn) Buchanan is the Executive Director of Problems>Solutions>Innovations (P>S>I). P>S>I started as a small data analysis company in the Washington, D.C. area in 1992, after Lyns retirement from the military. Lyn has a personal drive to take this technology completely out of the "spooky" realm and find the scientific and technological causes behind it. To this end, he maintains a strict database on all operations in order to conduct as much research as possible. The training of controlled remote viewers and analysis of data on their work is a passion is now the focus of P>S>I. Does Lyn mind giving up the computer-oriented work for training and studying remote viewers? No. In his words, "They're a whole lot more intricate and interesting. I learn a lot more from a CRVer than I do from a computer." Lyn is the author of "The Seventh Sense" (Paraview Pocket Books, 2003). CRV-512V o UPC 8 82917 05123 4 o 75 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ CRV-512D o UPC 8 82917 05129 6 o 75 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
BEING A PSYCHIC DETECTIVE: THE PROCESS AND FUNDAMENTALS OF CASE SOLVING PART 1, with Annette Martin. Annette Martin. Annette Martin is one of the few natural psychics who has been able to perform under scientific scrutiny in laboratory conditions. She has worked for 28 years as a law enforcement crime detective assistant and has been called upon as a psychic consultant by 35 different law enforcement agencies including the FBI. Her areas of expertise include psychological and physical profiling, locating missing persons, serial homicides, valuable asset retrieval, and theft perpetrator identification For 33 years Annette has psychically counseled corporate as well as private clients. She has demonstrated her ability to psychically diagnose illness and disease before countless physicians. She is the author of "Discovering your Psychic World" and is currently writing a book covering her police and medical work. CRV-513V o UPC 8 82917 05133 3 o 68 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ CRV-513D o UPC 8 82917 05139 5 o 68 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
BEING A PSYCHIC DETECTIVE: THE PROCESS AND FUNDAMENTALS OF CASE SOLVING PART 2, with Annette Martin. Annette Martin. Annette Martin is one of the few natural psychics who has been able to perform under scientific scrutiny in laboratory conditions. She has worked for 28 years as a law enforcement crime detective assistant and has been called upon as a psychic consultant by 35 different law enforcement agencies including the FBI. Her areas of expertise include psychological and physical profiling, locating missing persons, serial homicides, valuable asset retrieval, and theft perpetrator identification For 33 years Annette has psychically counseled corporate as well as private clients. She has demonstrated her ability to psychically diagnose illness and disease before countless physicians. She is the author of "Discovering your Psychic World" and is currently writing a book covering her police and medical work. CRV-514V o UPC 8 82917 05143 2 o 109 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ CRV-514D o UPC 8 82917 05149 4 o 109 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
PSYCHIC ENTERTAINMENT SHOW, with Loyd Auerbach. Loyd Auerbach, M.S., is a parapsychologist on the faculty at JFK University and is a Consulting Editor and columnist for FATE Magazine. For 20 years, Loyd has written and lectured extensively on the psi phenomenon, psychokenesis and various other paranormal areas. He is the author of Psychic Dreaming: A Parapsychologist's Handbook (Warner 1991 and Barnes & Noble Books 1999), Mind Over Matter (Kensington 1996) and Ghost Hunting: How to Investigate the Paranormal (Ronin Publishing, fall 2003). Loyd is well-known for going to extreme lengths to rule out "the normal" before he will consider an event to be of paranormal nature. Besides his work as a parapsychological field investigator and researcher, he is also a professional psychic entertainer. He is President of the international organization, the Psychic Entertainers Association. CRV-515V o UPC 8 82917 05153 1 o 60 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ CRV-515D o UPC 8 82917 05159 3 o 60 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
INVESTIGATING APPARITIONS, HAUNTINGS AND POLTERGEISTS WITH REMOTE VIEWING PART 1, with Loyd Auerbach. Loyd Auerbach, M.S., is a parapsychologist on the faculty at JFK University and is a Consulting Editor and columnist for FATE Magazine. For 20 years, Loyd has written and lectured extensively on the psi phenomenon, psychokenesis and various other paranormal areas. He is the author of Psychic Dreaming: A Parapsychologist's Handbook (Warner 1991 and Barnes & Noble Books 1999), Mind Over Matter (Kensington 1996) and Ghost Hunting: How to Investigate the Paranormal (Ronin Publishing, fall 2003). Loyd is well-known for going to extreme lengths to rule out "the normal" before he will consider an event to be of paranormal nature. Besides his work as a parapsychological field investigator and researcher, he is also a professional psychic entertainer. He is President of the international organization, the Psychic Entertainers Association. CRV-516V o UPC 8 82917 05163 0 o 65 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ CRV-516D o UPC 8 82917 05169 2 o 65 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
INVESTIGATING APPARITIONS, HAUNTINGS AND POLTERGEISTS WITH REMOTE VIEWING PART 2, with Loyd Auerbach. Loyd Auerbach, M.S., is a parapsychologist on the faculty at JFK University and is a Consulting Editor and columnist for FATE Magazine. For 20 years, Loyd has written and lectured extensively on the psi phenomenon, psychokenesis and various other paranormal areas. He is the author of Psychic Dreaming: A Parapsychologist's Handbook (Warner 1991 and Barnes & Noble Books 1999), Mind Over Matter (Kensington 1996) and Ghost Hunting: How to Investigate the Paranormal (Ronin Publishing, fall 2003). Loyd is well-known for going to extreme lengths to rule out "the normal" before he will consider an event to be of paranormal nature. Besides his work as a parapsychological field investigator and researcher, he is also a professional psychic entertainer. He is President of the international organization, the Psychic Entertainers Association. CRV-517V o UPC 8 82917 05173 9 o 121 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ CRV-517D o UPC 8 82917 05179 1 o 121 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
INVESTIGATING APPARITIONS, HAUNTINGS AND POLTERGEISTS WITH REMOTE VIEWING PART 3, with Loyd Auerbach. Loyd Auerbach, M.S., is a parapsychologist on the faculty at JFK University and is a Consulting Editor and columnist for FATE Magazine. For 20 years, Loyd has written and lectured extensively on the psi phenomenon, psychokenesis and various other paranormal areas. He is the author of Psychic Dreaming: A Parapsychologist's Handbook (Warner 1991 and Barnes & Noble Books 1999), Mind Over Matter (Kensington 1996) and Ghost Hunting: How to Investigate the Paranormal (Ronin Publishing, fall 2003). Loyd is well-known for going to extreme lengths to rule out "the normal" before he will consider an event to be of paranormal nature. Besides his work as a parapsychological field investigator and researcher, he is also a professional psychic entertainer. He is President of the international organization, the Psychic Entertainers Association. This tape also includes the class wrap-up, and conclusion of the weekend course. CRV-518V o UPC 8 82917 05183 8 o 60 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ CRV-518D o UPC 8 82917 05189 0 o 60 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
2ND ANNUAL CRASH RETRIEVAL CONFERENCE SPEAKER PANEL DISCUSSION, with Various Presenters. Moderated by Stephen Bassett. CRC-1051V o UPC 8 82917 10513 5 o 116 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ CRV-1051D o UPC 8 82917 10519 7 o 116 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
UFO CRASHES: AN ILLUSTRATED HISTORY, with Nick Redfern. Nick Redfern is the author of 3 best-selling books on UFOs and spoke at last year's Crash-Retrieval conference on C/R incidents from the United Kingdom. Nick provides a detailed, historical breakdown of the many and varied Crash Retrieval cases that have been reported over the course of the last century and from throughout the world. As well as encompassing new data and summarizing some of the more well known cases such as Roswell, Aztec, Kecksburg and Kingman, Nick's lecture will cover both seldom-discussed and previously-unknown crashed UFO incidents from China, the former Soviet Union, Africa, South America, Germany, Australia and the United States. The lecture will demonstrate the sheer scale of C/R reports on a global scale, their frequency and locations, and will provide the audience with a firm appreciation of what is probably the most important aspect of the UFO mystery. In his first book, A Covert Agenda, Nick Redfern disclosed for the first time the startling facts surrounding the British governments very own top secret UFO reports; and in The FBI Files he revealed the full extent to which the U.S. FBI was involved in the monitoring UFOs throughout the USA. In his new book, Cosmic Crashes, Nick goes one step further: to break down the barriers of secrecy surrounding the ultimate UFO conspiracy and expose the truth behind what could accurately be described as "British Roswells." CRC-1052V o UPC 8 82917 10523 4 o 59 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ CRV-1052D o UPC 8 82917 10529 6 o 59 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
THE MYSTERY AIRSHIPS OF 1897:UFO CRASH IN AURORA, TEXAS, with Jim Marrs. As an investigative journalist and author, Jim Marrs explores the crash details of April 19, 1897, when a slow moving space ship crashed into a windmill, bursting into pieces. As the debris was searched, allegedly the body of a small alien was discovered. Some of the debris also revealed material sketched with a type of hieroglyphic. The town folk gave the deceased creature a proper burial in the local cemetery. Mr. Marrs provides fresh information and startling new evidence to this fascinating story. . Jim Marrs, author of the best sellers Crossfire, Alien Agenda and Rule by Secrecy, has written about it all and will bring a new perspective to the connection between secrecy, extraterrestrial related phenomena and the wealthy elite. Beginning with a documented UFO crash that predates the Wright brothers through the development of Nazi flying saucers to President Kennedy's UFO connections, Marrs will weave together these fascinating topics. Jim has lectured all over the world and is famous for being able to bring humor to the darkest of subjects. A native of Fort Worth, Texas, Mr. Marrs earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from the University of North Texas in 1966 and attended Graduate School at Texas Tech in Lubbock for two years more. After a leave of absence to serve with a Fourth Army intelligence unit during the Vietnam War, he became military and aerospace writer for the newspaper and an investigative reporter. Since 1980, Mr. Marrs has been a freelance writer and public relations consultant. CRC-1053V o UPC 8 82917 10533 3 o 48 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ CRV-1053D o UPC 8 82917 10539 5 o 48 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
THE SHAG HARBOUR UFO INCIDENT, with Don Ledger. The Shag Harbour Incident takes place in two parts. The first part of the incident involves the sighting, and then a witnessing of the entry or crash of an object into the waters adjacent to Shag Harbour on the southern tip of Nova Scotia on the night of October 4, 1967. There followed rescue attempts of a lighted object seen floating on the water by the RCMP and local fishermen, and the subsequent attempts by the authorities and the Canadian navy to find the object or traces of it on the bottom over a 4 day period. This part was in full view of the public and written about extensively in the daily newspapers. The second part of the incident unfolds over a period of 7 days and within a few hours of the incident at Shag Harbour when years later it is discovered that the object apparently made its way northeast some 23 miles to the mouth of Shelburne Harbour under the water and settled on offshore about 1.5 miles from a top-secret base at Government Point, its true purpose not known until 21 years later. Canadian Forces Base, Shelburne was actually a United States Navy SOUSOS base established many years earlier during the early years of the Cold War. During the 7 day period six or seven naval vessels were stationed over the object which was on the bottom in about 80 feet of water. Divers were sent down to ascertain what it was and observe it and took photographs of not one but two objects, one of which appeared to be lending assistance to the other. The first part of the incident is heavily documented while the second part is anecdotal information received from Army, Navy and Air Force personnel who were present during that 7 day period. It is the second part of the Shag Harbour Incident that will be the focus of the speakers presentation. CRC-1054V o UPC 8 82917 10543 2 o 65 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ CRV-1054D o UPC 8 82917 10549 4 o 65 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
LEFT AT EAST GATE REDUX: A BENTWATERSWOODBRIDGE UFO INCIDENT UPDATE, with Peter Robbins. Twenty-four years after the fact England's Bentwaters-Woodbridge UFO Incident (AKA the Rendlesham Forest Incident) still stands as the United Kingdom's seminal UFO event. While no serious allegations of a crash were involved, the Ministry of Defence and the United States Air Force's did what they could to downplay the events in question. Since the 1997 publication of the British best seller Left At East Gate by Larry Warren and Peter Robbins, Her Majesty's government has seen fit to release several hundred pages of documents, memos and letters pertaining to the events of December 1980. Other evidence supporting the book's accuracy has surfaced since then as well. In this talk Peter Robbins will take us through the original incident, then review key updates in the case. Robbins, who will be fresh from a speaking and research tour of the United Kingdom, will present material not previously aired in this country. Join us for what promises to be a most compelling presentation. Peter is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the website and writes a column for "UFO Magazine" called "Webwatch." Robbins has been involved with the UFO field for many years. In 1977 he created and produced "The Question of UFOs," a series of six half-hour programs for Channel C, Manhattan Cable TV. In 1992, Robbins was appointed Executive Assistant for the Intruders Foundation, based in New York City. In this lecture he discussed his reflections, observation and updates on a decade of research in Britain's Rendlesham Forest UFO incident. He also discusses his role in the publication of "Left at East Gate" with Larry Warren and talks about some afterthoughts on the books and the events which inspired it. He also reveals some of the situations and people who never made it into the book, and wither the book had any impact on official government policies pertaining to UFOs in the United Kingdom. CRC-1055V o UPC 8 82917 10553 1 o 61 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ CRV-1055D o UPC 8 82917 10559 3 o 61 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
UFO CRASH RETRIEVALS AND AMERICA'S POLICY OF DENIAL IN THE INTEREST OF NATIONAL SECURITY, with Linda Moulton Howe. Journalist Linda Moulton Howe is an Emmy Award-winning investigative, reporter and editor of the science, environment and real X-Files website, and correspondent for Coast to Coast AM with George Noory and Dreamland with Whitley Strieber. "It is the collective view of this investigative body that the aircraft recovered by the Army and Air Force units ... are not of United States manufacture for the following reasons: a) The circular, disc-shaped 'platform' design does not resemble any design currently under development by this command nor of any Navy project. b) The lack of any external propulsion system, power plant, intake, exhaust either for propeller or jet propulsion, warrants this view." From document signed by U. S. General Nathan F. Twining, July 10, 1947 This presentation plus video and audio is excerpted from Linda Moulton Howe's extensive research about U. S. government knowledge and cover-up of UFO crash retrievals and reverse engineering of advanced technology, as well as information from the UFO crash/retrieval status reports produced by Leonard H. Stringfield between 1978 and 1994 after his honorable discharge from the U. S. Air Force. For 25 years, she has tried to find facts about the important question: What does the United States government actually know about entities and technologies from UFO crash retrievals which have provoked an American policy of misinformation and denial in the interest of national security, since at least 1947 - while at the same time, the American government and corporations have back-engineered the very same alien technology they deny exists. CRC-1056V o UPC 8 82917 10563 0 o 71 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ CRV-1056D o UPC 8 82917 10569 2 o 71 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
THE PRESIDENTS AND THE HARD EVIDENCE: PART 1 AND 2, with Grant Cameron. The public's general impression is that of a government which hid away the facts surrounding extraterrestrials and refused to release anything. Those controlling the secret have been painted as evil men who have contempt for the truth and for the people's right to know. Those who kept the secrets were men of good will who agonized over releasing the truth. Concerned over the impact of complete disclosure, they took a middle position of carefully releasing the story of the U.S. government's role without allowing anyone to obtain a critical mass of information. Those who controlled the secrets have on a number of occasions purposely released key pieces of the UFO story into the public consciousness through a mixed process of disclosure and disinformation. In Part 1 of "The Presidents and the Hard Evidence" this presentation will present evidence that the President did know about hard evidence such as crash retrievals right from the start, and that he took steps to cover up the evidence. There will be evidence presented about the Canadian government involvement in the early days of Ufology, directed by Wilbert Smith who ran the official government investigation of flying saucers known as Project Magnet. Also discussed will be Smith's contact with the secret MJ-12 type group that controlled the most classified UFO evidence, and evidence that Smith was read into the crash retrieval program. Cameron will talk about Arthur Lundahl who was considered the preeminent intelligence officer of the 1950s. According to one CIA source Lundahl briefed at least three presidents on the subject of UFOs. He will also look at Lundahl's involvement in UFO hardware recovered in 1952 and his successful attempt to communicate with an alien in 1959. Lastly he will detail Lundahl's contact to the present flood of UFO documents in the UFO community known as the Majestic Documents. CRC-1057V o UPC 8 82917 10573 9 o 120 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ CRV-1057D o UPC 8 82917 10579 1 o 120 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
TRUTH RETRIEVAL: MESSAGE TO PRESIDENT ELECT GEORGE W. BUSH, with Stephen Bassett. Eleven days after the 2004 presidential election, Stephen Bassett will give the conference Keynote. The politics of disclosure, exopolitics, and the requirements for REAL secrecy/intelligence reform directly engage issues which reside within the hidden core of an evolving governmental dysfunction which threatens the nation. The crash retrievals began in the 1940's; the cover-up followed. Six decades later, it is time for truth retrieval; and as of November 2, 2004, that becomes the job of the President Elect. Who will demand this of the elected administration? What has to be done? What is at stake? Stephen Bassett as moderator. Stephen decided in 1995 to bring a 15-year background in business development and consulting and a degree in physics into the field of extraterrestrial phenomena research..In July of 1996 he set up a consulting practice, Paradigm Research Group, in Bethesda, MD, just outside of Washington, DC. This consulting has consisted of providing professional support to researchers such as lobbying (he is only lobbyist to register on behalf of UFO/ET research/activist organizations), media liaison, funding proposals, and secondary research. At midnight on April 30, 1998 he published the "Paradigm Clock" to the World Wide Web. This website is designed to support the researchers/activists in the field. The Clock itself is a metaphor for citizens and the media to develop a feel for the process of disclosure underway. He founded the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee (X-PPAC), the first PAC in history to target the politics of UFO/ET phenomena and the government embargo of facts confirming the presence of extraterrestrial life forms in our world, now. Early in 2001 Paradigm Research Group and X-PPAC put their support firmly behind a major new political initiative. Specifically assistance was given to the holding of an important press conference on May 9, 2001 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. At that time the testimony of 70 government and agency employees, 21 in person, directly relating to UFO/ET events and evidence was presented to the media. The totality of this testimony, compiled from 120 hours of interviews, essentially confirms an extraterrestrial presence and a government embargo on formal acknowledgment of this fact. He has worked to create a broad based coalition within the UFO/ET research/activist community capable of reaching out to the twenty million plus American citizens who are following the politics of UFOs/disclosure with interest and concern. The aim is to form a political structure of sufficient size to meaningfully influence government policies and actions leading up to and following the formal acknowledgment of an extraterrestrial presence. For more information visit CRC-1058V o UPC 8 82917 10583 8 o 79 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ CRV-1059D o UPC 8 82917 10589 0 o 79 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
CORRELATING LEONARD STRINGFIELD'S UFO CRASH RETRIEVAL REPORTS, with Robert M. Wood. Leonard H. Stringfield was known for his meticulously accurate interviews and his strict adherence to his word of honor about protecting witness identity. His records of crash retrievals are extensively detailed in the eight documents easily available over 17 years (1977 book "Situation Red-The UFO Siege", and seven UFO Crash/Retrieval Status Reports, ending in 1994). A clear and accurate summary of what one can conclude from this large data base would be very welcome and this paper is aimed at being such a summary. There are multiple reports covering the apparently identical crash retrievals, and numerous subtle corroborating statements by unrelated witnesses. Witness crash reports cover at least 30 years. The bottom line will attempt to answer the question, "How many crash retrievals actually occurred, and what are the implications for today?" Dr. Bob and Ryan Wood have been a father-son team of investigators for ten years, having focused on the topic of authenticating questioned UFO documents and taking the findings to their logical conclusion. The first, and classic, document shown to be a genuine 1954-produced document was the now-famous Manual, Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology: Recovery and Disposal. This led to a series of apparent leaks from other sources, including some from inside the government today, based on postal information and the original envelopes, carefully preserved. The various techniques used to authenticate will be shown, and specific examples of famous erroneous evaluations will be noted, including the Truman-Forrestal Majestic authorization letter typewriter font from a 1940 Underwood. New testimony from a source who saw this letter while in the Navy will be revealed. The trail to the Cape Girardeau crash site will be followed and updated, together with an assessment of how this secret played in the parts of intelligence communities that had access to the UFO secrets. Of even greater interest to many are what do these documents say about whether we have technically been successful at reverse engineering UFO technology and what would be the process for dealing with this evidence. Some of the early documents have major clues to routine technology today, such as integrated circuits and fiber optics. Proving the relationship to UFOs is a significant challenge. CRC-1060V o UPC 8 82917 10603 3 o 62 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ CRV-1060D o UPC 8 82917 10609 5 o 62 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
THE ROAD TO ROSWELL: A PRIMER OF UNDISPUTED FACTS AND FACTUAL DISPUTES, with Paul Davids. In December, 1995, when President Clinton visited Ireland, a schoolboy at a press conference asked whether the aliens had really crashed at Roswell. The President replied: "As far as I know, no spaceship crashed at Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947." The crowd roared with laughter. The network news didn't consider it worthwhile to broadcast the rest of what the President said, which was: "But if a spaceship did crash and aliens were recovered there, the Air Force hasn't told me about it, and I would like to know!" Paul Davids wrote the President to tell him what the Air Force didn't. His father, Dr. Jules Davids, was Bill Clinton's Professor of U.S. Diplomatic History at Georgetown University in 1968, and Paul's letter and evidentiary materials got through to the President and received a response. How does one navigate through a morass of competing versions of "The Truth" in books and documentaries and government reports that are designed to shut off inquiry about the Roswell Incident and declare "CASE CLOSED"? How does one choose sides between authors and "authorities" who are at odds with one another -- and who are at one another's throats? Paul Davids will attempt to walk you through the minefield that every truth-seeker must traverse on the Road to Roswell, laying out the undisputed facts and the factual disputes, so that you will better understand why this case emerged for many as "Ground Zero" in the Great UFO Debate. CRC-1061V o UPC 8 82917 10613 2 o 61 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ CRV-1061D o UPC 8 82917 10619 4 o 61 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
INSIDE THE U.S.S.R.'s MAJESTIC 12 COVERT UFO PROGRAM, with David Pace. Due to a problem this tape is not currently available
CONVENIENT DEATHS IN SUPPORT OF UFO SECRECY, with Ryan S. Wood. At first glance you would not think that murder would be necessary in the name of UFO secrecy, however, the data shows otherwise. A review of the most suspect deaths will be presented with details of how the person died and probability against chance. The lecture will discuss famous people such as Oppenheimer, Einstein, and possibly JFK, as well as lesser know people such as Robert Green, virologist, and John Murphy, the Kecksburg, PA UFO crash reporter. Dr. Bob and Ryan Wood have been a father-son team of investigators for ten years, having focused on the topic of authenticating questioned UFO documents and taking the findings to their logical conclusion. The first, and classic, document shown to be a genuine 1954-produced document was the now-famous Manual, Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology: Recovery and Disposal. This led to a series of apparent leaks from other sources, including some from inside the government today, based on postal information and the original envelopes, carefully preserved. The various techniques used to authenticate will be shown, and specific examples of famous erroneous evaluations will be noted, including the Truman-Forrestal Majestic authorization letter typewriter font from a 1940 Underwood. New testimony from a source who saw this letter while in the Navy will be revealed. The trail to the Cape Girardeau crash site will be followed and updated, together with an assessment of how this secret played in the parts of intelligence communities that had access to the UFO secrets. Of even greater interest to many are what do these documents say about whether we have technically been successful at reverse engineering UFO technology and what would be the process for dealing with this evidence. Some of the early documents have major clues to routine technology today, such as integrated circuits and fiber optics. Proving the relationship to UFOs is a significant challenge. CRC-1063V o UPC 8 82917 10633 0 o 49 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ CRV-1063D o UPC 8 82917 10639 2 o 49 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
AZTEC 1948: A DOCUMENTARY REPRISAL OF THE FIRST FLYING SAUCER STORY, with Paul Kimbal. A presentation by Paul Kimball. CRC-1064V o UPC 8 82917 10643 9 o 32 min o VHS Video o $14.95 +++ CRV-1064D o UPC 8 82917 10649 1 o 32 min o DVD Disk o $14.95
REPORT ON THE GENERAL RAMEY OFFICE PHOTOS IN ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO, with Ron Regehr. A presentation by Ron Regehr. CRC-1065V o UPC 8 82917 10653 8 o 33 min o VHS Video o $14.95 +++ CRV-1065D o UPC 8 82917 10659 0 o 33 min o DVD Disk o $14.95
DEBRIS FROM TWO CRASHED UFOS IN NEW MEXICO, 1947, with Chuck Wade. A presentation by Chuck Wade. CRC-1065V o UPC 8 82917 10653 8 o 32 min o VHS Video o $14.95 +++ CRV-1065D o UPC 8 82917 10659 0 o 32 min o DVD Disk o $14.95
NATIONAL UFO CONFERENCE 2004 Los Angeles, California
CASES FROM THE NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER, with Peter Davenport. Peter Davenport has been director of the National UFO Reporting Center since 1994. Peter reports UFO sighting cases regularly on the Jeff Rense Radio Show and presents lectures on specific UFO cases, most notably the Phoenix Lights sighting. In addition to being the director of the National UFO Reporting Center, Peter has served as the director of investigations for the Washington Chapter of the Mutual UFO Network. Peter has had an active interest in the UFO phenomenon from his early boyhood. He experienced his first UFO sighting over the St. Louis municipal airport in the summer of 1954, and he investigated his first UFO case during the summer of 1965 in Exeter, New Hampshire. Peter has been witness to several anomalous events, possibly UFO related, including a dramatic sighting over Baja California in February 1990, and several nighttime sightings over Washington State during 1992. Peter received his undergraduate education at Stanford University in California, where he earned bachelors degrees in both Russian and biology, as well as a translators certificate in Russian translation. His graduate education was completed at the University of Washington in Seattle, where he earned an M.S. degree in the genetics and biochemistry of fish from the College of Fisheries, as well as an M.B.A. degree in finance and international business from the Graduate School of Business. Peter has worked as a college instructor, a commercial fisherman, a Russian translator in the Soviet Union, a fisheries observer aboard Soviet fishing vessels, a flight instructor, and a businessman. Peter was the founding president of a Seattle-based biotechnology company, which currently employs over 300 scientists and technicians. In 1986, Peter was a candidate for the Washington State legislature, and in 1992, he was a candidate for the U. S. House of Representatives. For more information visit NUFOC-1001V o UPC 8 82917 10013 0 o 75 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ NUFOC-1001D o UPC 8 82917 10019 2 o 75 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
THE PHOENIX LIGHTS: UFOS OVER ARIZONA, with Lynne D. Kitei, M.D. Well respected Phoenix Family Practice physician and international healthcare educator who repeatedly witnessed, videotaped, and photographed anomalous phenomena before, during and after the 1997 mass UFO sighting in Arizona that came to be known as the still unexplained "Phoenix Lights". Unable to find easy answers to what she had seen along with her physician husband and documented with her cameras, "Dr. Lynne" began a seven year intensive investigation that resulted in her book The Phoenix Lights ...A Skeptics Discovery That We Are Not Alone . Apollo Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell wrote a review of this book that states in part " Some day the veil of secrecy will surely be lifted, thanks to the efforts of Dr. Lynne and many others.". Dr. Lynne has won numerous international awards for her prevention/education curricula and appeared as a health reporter for NBC, USA Cable and other media. She has also been featured on Fox TV news, the Learning Channel&nb! sp;and MSNBC. Dr. Lynne is currently producing The Phoenix Lights Documentary, targeted for schools worldwide. View Dr. Lynne's personal photographs and video of these global phenomena on her website NUFOC-1002V o UPC 8 82917 10023 9 o 49 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ NUFOC-1002D o UPC 8 82917 10029 1 o 49 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
UFOS, NATIONAL SECURITY AND THE NEWS MEDIA, with Terry Hansen. Science journalist, computer magazine publisher. Author of The Missing Times , a book on his investigation into how the mainstream elite U.S media, through close ties to the U.S. intelligence community, have willingly suppressed full and accurate coverage of UFO phenomena. Hansen reports on his investigations into the non-coverage by the national media on a series of events similar to those that were experienced by then-Lieutenant Bob Salas. Hansen reveals the remarkable and persistent difference in UFO-related news coverage by local versus national news organizations. He shows how Americans are sadly mistaken in believing that "if it happened we would hear about it". Terry Hansen is an independent journalist with an interest in scientific controversies and the politics of mass media. He is author of The Missing Times: News Media Complicity in the UFO Cover-up. He has organized and moderated two symposiums about the science and politics of UFO research for the Science Museum of Minnesota. Hansen holds a bachelors degree in biology and a masters degree in science journalism, both from the University of Minnesota. He was a founding partner of KFH Publications, Inc., a Seattle computer-magazine publishing company. This presentation covers some of the more recent and important stories that have been suppressed by the media cartels and powers-that-be. NUFOC-1003V o UPC 8 82917 10033 8 o 71 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ NUFOC-1003D o UPC 8 82917 10039 0 o 71 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
1967 UFO MISSILE SHUTDOWN AT MALSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, with Capt. Robert Salas. Robert Salas served on active duty with the U.S. Air Force for seven years after graduation from the U.S. Air Force Academy in 1964. He served at Tyndall AFB, Florida before his assignment at Malmstrom AFB, Montana in 1966. He earned a Masters degree in Aerospace Engineering from the Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. He also worked with the Titan III Missile Systems program office at Los Angeles AFS. After being honorably discharged from the Air Force in 1971, Mr. Salas briefly worked as an engineer for Martin-Marietta Aerospace and Rockwell International. From 1974 until his retirement in 1995, Mr. Salas worked for the Federal Aviation Administration as an aircraft structures engineer. He is currently employed as a high school mathematics teacher. Mr. Salas has spoken publicly about the 1967 UFO/Missile Shutdowns since 1995. NUFOC-1004V o UPC 8 82917 10043 7 o 72 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ NUFOC-1004D o UPC 8 82917 10049 9 o 72 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
MAKING THE MOVIE "ROSWELL" AND THE GOVERNMENT'S OFFICIAL RESPONSE, with Paul Davids and Don Schmidt. In 1994, "Roswell-mania" struck nationwide with the broadcast of the Showtime film, ROSWELL, starring Kyle MacLachlan, Martin Sheen and Dwight Yoakam - a motion picture that was executive produced and co-written by Paul Davids. It unleashed a firestorm in Washington and the official response hinted at both high level panic and pandemonium, setting off a frontal assault of media debunking. In the aftermath, Congressman Steven Schiff pressed his inquiry to the Pentagon about the Roswell UFO case, President Clinton made a statement about the Roswell Incident, and the Air Force issued reports on Roswell that included both Mogul balloons and crash dummies. The build-up to the 1997 50th anniversary of the Roswell Incident was accompanied by more national hysteria -- incredible claims of UFO reality from Col. Philip Corso, suicides by the Heavens Gate cult, a controversy over the "alien autopsy" film and claims and counter-claims about the mysterious MJ-12 documents. Having lived in the center of the Roswell media storm, Paul Davids will reveal how the film that no one in Hollywood wanted to make suddenly became a project that was rushed to completion for broadcast with a lavish six million dollar TV budget. The movie producer, whose life was shaken by a daylight disc sighting near his home in 1987, will re-live his personal journey on the road to Roswell -- a journey that transformed him from arch-skeptic about UFO's to being an advocate for the UFO disclosure movement. For more information visit NUFOC-1005V o UPC 8 82917 10053 6 o 74 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ NUFOC-1005D o UPC 8 82917 10059 8 o 74 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
STORIES FROM 50 YEARS OF UFO RESEARCH, with James Mosely. Permanent conference chairperson for the National UFO Conference, life long editor of the eternal Saucer Smear and author of Ufo Crash Secrets at Wright Patterson Air Force Base as well as his forthcoming memoirs. In one form or another, Moseley hasbeen part and parcel of the American UFO scene for almost half a century now. As editor and publisher of Saucer Smear, he is now UFOlogy's reigning court jester. NUFOC-1006V o UPC 8 82917 10063 5 o 49 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ NUFOC-1006D o UPC 8 82917 10069 7 o 49 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
UFOs AND THE NATIONAL SECURITY STATE, with Richard Dolan. Richard holds an MA in History from the University of Rochester and a BA in History from Alfred University. He earned a Certificate in Political Theory from Oxford University and was a Rhodes Scholar finalist. Prior to his interest in anomalous phenomena, Dolan studied US Cold War strategy, Soviet history, and international diplomacy. In 2000, he published a 500-page study, UFOs and the National Security State. This is the first volume of a two-part historical narrative of the national security dimensions of the UFO phenomenon from 1941 to the present. Included are the records of more than fifty military bases relating to innumerable violations of sensitive airspace by unknown objects, demonstrating that the US military has taken the topic of UFOs seriously indeed. Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell has called Dolan's book Amonumental, while Dr. Hal Puthoff, Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, has declared it to be A must-read for serious students in the field. Dolan has published numerous articles on anomalous phenomena, science, and the intelligence community for UFO Magazine. In 2003, he helped to found Phenomena, a magazine dedicated to leading edge issues pertaining to science and society, and for which he continues to serve as Senior Editor and regular contributor. Dolan has been appeared many times on television documentaries and radio programs on the theme of UFOs and government disclosure. He has been a featured speaker at numerous conferences. Richard Dolan also continues to research and write volume two of UFOs and the National Security State. For more information visit NUFOC-1008V o UPC 8 82917 10083 3 o 119 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ NUFOC-1008D o UPC 8 82917 10089 5 o 119 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
NEW EVIDENCE OF MAJESTIC 12 AND THE UFO COVER-UP, with Dr. Robert Wood, Ph.D. Retired Project Director for a major aerospace contractor. He will discuss the latest developments regarding MJ12, the alleged ultra-secret Government group of privileged individuals formed in 1947 to deal with crashed UFOs, dead aliens and the political and technological challenges these presented. He outlines his research on an extensive paper trail of leaked and accidentally declassified Government documents that indicate MJ12 and similar groups within the national security apparatus as well as the events they alleged to have dealt with are a reality. Dr. Wood and his son Ryan Wood, operate the website and hold an annual conference to clarify the UFO phenomenon, its agenda and history, and to implement the most effective way to educate the public and world governments to its reality and implications. Dr. Bob and Ryan Wood have been a father-son team of investigators for ten years, having focused on the topic of authenticating questioned UFO documents and taking the findings to their logical conclusion. The first, and classic, document shown to be a genuine 1954-produced document was the now-famous Manual, Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology: Recovery and Disposal. This led to a series of apparent leaks from other sources, including some from inside the government today, based on postal information and the original envelopes, carefully preserved. NUFOC-1009V o UPC 8 82917 10093 2 o 72 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ NUFOC-1009D o UPC 8 82917 10099 4 o 72 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
DETAILED DIGITAL ANALYSIS OF THE CLASSIC REX HEFLIN UFO FOOTAGEH, with Eric Kelsson. A presentation by Eric Kelsson. NUFOC-1010V o UPC 8 82917 10103 8 o 69 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ NUFOC-1010D o UPC 8 82917 10109 0 o 69 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
40 YEARS OF RESEARCH INTO THE UFO PHENOMENON, with Ann Druffel. Ann began investigating sighting reports in the Southern California area in April 1957 with the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), which was directed by research pioneer Major Donald E. Keyhoe, USMC (Ret.). She became acquainted with Dr. James E. McDonald through his contacts with the Los Angeles NICAP Subcommittee from 1966 to 1971. ) Ann has researched over 2,000 Los Angeles Basin reports, including alleged landings, photo cases, close encounters with physical effects on witnesses and terrain, alleged "abduction" reports and other extraterrestrial related phenomena. She wrote the book How to Defend Yourself Against Alien Abductions and co-authored Tujunga Canyon Contacts with parapsychologist, D. Scott Rogo. Her latest book is titled Firestorm and is a biography of scientist and extraterrestrial phenomena researcher Dr. James McDonald. NUFOC-1011V o UPC 8 82917 10113 7 o 79 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ NUFOC-1011D o UPC 8 82917 10119 9 o 79 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
SECRETS OF THE BLACK VAULT: UFO FILES REVEALED, with John Greenewald, Jr. In the short time since hes been actively researching the UFO phenomenon, Mr. Greenewald, has uncovered over 100,000 pages of documents on UFOs and other related subjects. Armed with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), John has been able to blow the lid off of UFO secrecy and has shown that the U.S. and other governments of the world has had an intense interest in all things extraterrestrial since at least 1947. Johns website contains an online virtual library of the documents hes collected. John has recently published his first book "Beyond UFO Secrecy," available from your favorite bookseller or Johns website. John also has launched an online radio network with new shows coming on the airwaves in the near future. In this presentation, based on his book, he tells the story of how hes accomplished so much, so quickly, with so little, sometimes waiting years for requests to be filled. A verifiable example of how much potential this young man has in the years and decades ahead. NUFOC-1012V o UPC 8 82917 10123 6 o 75 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ NUFOC-1012D o UPC 8 82917 10129 8 o 75 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
NATIONAL UFO CONFERENCE 2004 PANEL DISCUSSION, with Various Presenters. Stephen Bassett as moderator. Stephen decided in 1995 to bring a 15-year background in business development and consulting and a degree in physics into the field of extraterrestrial phenomena research..In July of 1996 he set up a consulting practice, Paradigm Research Group, in Bethesda, MD, just outside of Washington, DC. This consulting has consisted of providing professional support to researchers such as lobbying (he is only lobbyist to register on behalf of UFO/ET research/activist organizations), media liaison, funding proposals, and secondary research. At midnight on April 30, 1998 he published the "Paradigm Clock" to the World Wide Web. This website is designed to support the researchers/activists in the field. The Clock itself is a metaphor for citizens and the media to develop a feel for the process of disclosure underway. He founded the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee (X-PPAC), the first PAC in history to target the politics of UFO/ET phenomena and the government embargo of facts confirming the presence of extraterrestrial life forms in our world, now. Early in 2001 Paradigm Research Group and X-PPAC put their support firmly behind a major new political initiative. Specifically assistance was given to the holding of an important press conference on May 9, 2001 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. At that time the testimony of 70 government and agency employees, 21 in person, directly relating to UFO/ET events and evidence was presented to the media. The totality of this testimony, compiled from 120 hours of interviews, essentially confirms an extraterrestrial presence and a government embargo on formal acknowledgment of this fact. He has worked to create a broad based coalition within the UFO/ET research/activist community capable of reaching out to the twenty million plus American citizens who are following the politics of UFOs/disclosure with interest and concern. The aim is to form a political structure of sufficient size to meaningfully influence government policies and actions leading up to and following the formal acknowledgment of an extraterrestrial presence. For more information visit NUFOC-1013V o UPC 8 82917 10133 5 o 88 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ NUFOC-1013D o UPC 8 82917 10139 7 o 88 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
This international earth mysteries conference leaders from crop circle groups from England, Holland, Canada and the USA to explore 2004's crop circles and discuss what Native prophecies predict as the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012 approaches.
At this international "Earth mysteries" conference, internationally-known speakers plus leading crop circle researchers from England, Holland, and the USA will explore 2004's crop circles and discuss what Native prophecies predict as the end of the Mayan calendar in December 2012 approaches.
SIGNS OF DESTINY 2004 CONFERENCE: CROP CIRCLES AND THE ROAD TO 2012 Tempe Arizona. Signs-143V o UPC 8 82917 01433 8 o 31+ hours o 24 VHS Videos o $399.95 +++ Signs-143D o UPC 8 82917 01439 0 o 31+ hours o 24 DVD Disks o $399.95
UNDERSTANDING THE NEW CALENDAR AND THE LAW OF TIME PART 1, with José Arguelles. The old order is rapidly crumbling and the old time is dissolving with it. To get a grip on spiritual survival on the Road to 2012, we need to enter the New Time. This hands-on workshop will initiate participants into the New Time by introducing in detail the practical use of the Thirteen Moon / 28 day Calendar, the synchronic codes of the Law of Time and the Dreamspell, Journey of Timeship Earth 2013. Jose ARGUELLES - Author of: The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology & Earth Ascending. His latest book is: Time and the Technosphere: The Law of Time in Human Affairs. For more information visit Signs-144V o UPC 8 82917 01443 7 o 108 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ Signs-144D o UPC 8 82917 01449 9 o 108 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
UNDERSTANDING THE NEW CALENDAR AND THE LAW OF TIME PART 2, with Jose Arguelles. The old order is rapidly crumbling and the old time is dissolving with it. To get a grip on spiritual survival on the Road to 2012, we need to enter the New Time. This hands-on workshop will initiate participants into the New Time by introducing in detail the practical use of the Thirteen Moon / 28 day Calendar, the synchronic codes of the Law of Time and the Dreamspell, Journey of Timeship Earth 2013. Jose ARGUELLES - Author of: The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology & Earth Ascending. His latest book is: Time and the Technosphere: The Law of Time in Human Affairs. For more information visit Signs-145V o UPC 8 82917 01453 6 o 67 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ Signs-145D o UPC 8 82917 01459 8 o 67 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
THE 2012 PROPHECY AND THE SPIRITUAL JOURNEY, with Jose Arguelles. December 21, 2012, is the much heralded Closing of the Cycle. With only eight years to go, what does this mean for humanity? The 2012 prophecy discloses that the "end of the Mayan calendar" is really the beginning of a new cycle for humanity. To prepare for this new cycle one need only take advantage of the opportunity of entering into the New Time. Once you are following the new calendar, you are changing your frequency. Through this new frequency you are able to access and enter into evolved spiritual possibilities for surviving the road to 2012. At the closing of the cycle those who survive are those who will take the spiritual journey - all the way. Jose ARGUELLES - Author of: The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology and Earth Ascending. His latest book is: Time and the Technosphere: The Law of Time in Human Affairs. For more information visit Signs-146V o UPC 8 82917 01463 5 o 98 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ Signs-146D o UPC 8 82917 01469 7 o 98 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
IZAPA AND THE GALACTIC ALIGNMENT IN 2012, with John Major Jenkins. Izapa is the early Maya culture that invented the Long Count calendarthe mytho-cosmic calendar that gives us the famed 2012 date. Over sixty carved monuments at the site reveal how the Izapan sky-watchers pioneered a profound Galactic Cosmology over 2,000 years ago. The centerpiece of this profound worldview is the alignment of solstice sun and Galactic Center that culminates in the years around 2012, heralding a time of rebirth and renewal in a vast 26,000-year period of human spiritual unfolding. The cosmic symbolism of the ballgame and the galactic meaning of the Creation Myth are encoded into the monuments of Izapa, and a very important 2012 message has survived for us in the ball court at Izapa. For more information visit Signs-147V o UPC 8 82917 01473 4 o 99 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ Signs-147D o UPC 8 82917 01479 6 o 99 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
THE AZTEC CODE: SPIRITUAL ASCENT AND THE END OF TIME PART 1, with John Major Jenkins. A thirteen-page transcription of a lost Aztec codex known as the "Pyramid of Fire" was found in the early 1960's. Conveyed to the Western world by a Mazatec shaman and sacred lineage holder, it contains teachings about Meso-America's sacred calendar, astrology, medicine, yoga and the potential for spiritual ascent that can occur at the end of each great World Age cycle. In this 3-hour intensive, John Major Jenkins will teach the Aztec secrets of sacrifice, what it means to "become a Quetzalcoatl," the "New Fire" ceremony, and how the movements of the Sun and the Pleiades interact in determining the great World Ages or Suns. Together, participants will discover the surprisingly-modern metaphysical insights of this long-lost Aztec initiatory text as well as its Perennial (Ageless) Wisdom - universal principles that always re-emerge into human consciousness during the "end times dynamics" such as are now unfolding." John Major Jenkins - Author of Galactic Alignment & Maya Cosmogenesis 2012. His latest book is: Pyramid of Fire - the Lost Aztec Codex. For more information visit Signs-148V o UPC 8 82917 01483 3 o 102 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ Signs-148D o UPC 8 82917 01489 5 o 102 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
THE AZTEC CODE: SPIRITUAL ASCENT AND THE END OF TIME PART 2, with John Major Jenkins. A thirteen-page transcription of a lost Aztec codex known as the "Pyramid of Fire" was found in the early 1960's. Conveyed to the Western world by a Mazatec shaman and sacred lineage holder, it contains teachings about Meso-America's sacred calendar, astrology, medicine, yoga and the potential for spiritual ascent that can occur at the end of each great World Age cycle. In this 3-hour intensive, John Major Jenkins will teach the Aztec secrets of sacrifice, what it means to "become a Quetzalcoatl," the "New Fire" ceremony, and how the movements of the Sun and the Pleiades interact in determining the great World Ages or Suns. Together, participants will discover the surprisingly-modern metaphysical insights of this long-lost Aztec initiatory text as well as its Perennial (Ageless) Wisdom - universal principles that always re-emerge into human consciousness during the "end times dynamics" such as are now unfolding." John Major Jenkins - Author of Galactic Alignment & Maya Cosmogenesis 2012. His latest book is: Pyramid of Fire - the Lost Aztec Codex. For more information visit Signs-149V o UPC 8 82917 01493 2 o 52 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ Signs-149D o UPC 8 82917 01499 4 o 52 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
DIVINE SYMBOLS: KEY TO YOUR FUTURE, with Clairvoyant Clarisse Conner. Clarisse Conner is an incredible clairvoyant and advisor from northern California. A natural-born clairvoyant, shes been an intuitive consultant assisting with police investigations, missing persons, lost & sick pets, and medical intuitive questions for over 25 years. She is best known for her amazing predictions of both the Boeing personnel lay-offs and the 9/11 tragedy well before either occurred. Her discussion on divine symbols will be fascinating as will be her revelations about 2005 and beyond. Signs-150V o UPC 8 82917 01503 8 o 45 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ Signs-150D o UPC 8 82917 01509 0 o 45 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
ENGLAND'S CROP CIRCLES OF 2004, with Francine Blake. A native of Montreal, Canada, Francine studied the Classics and Art. In 1969 she moved to London to continue her studies; there she married an Englishman. A student of Gurdjiefs philosophy and Zen Buddhism, she discovered the crop circle phenomenon in 1987. In 1992, she and her family moved to Wiltshire where she helped found the Wiltshire branch of the "Center for Crop Circle Studies." The group became the "Wiltshire Crop Circle Study Group" in 1996. As its coordinator, Francine now edits "The Spiral," and organizes the Wiltshire Crop Circle Conference each summer. An accomplished painter, she learned digital photography for the groups annual calendar, the only one to feature color aerial photos of the current season. She feels most crop circles are "manifestations from other dimensions" and not mere human creations. Signs-152V o UPC 8 82917 01523 6 o 84 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ Signs-152D o UPC 8 82917 01529 8 o 84 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
LIVING WITH CROP CIRCLES, with Francine Blake. A native of Quebec, Canada, Francine has lived in England many years. A trained artist, she moved to Wiltshire a dozen years ago to experience Crop Circles first hand. For the last decade she has been coordinator of the Wiltshire Crop Circle Study Group and the chief photographer for its annual WCCSG Crop Circle Calendar - the only one to show the current season's major formations. Her unusual experiences in taking aerial and ground photos and also in living year-round in this sacred landscape are amazing and must be heard. Signs-153V o UPC 8 82917 01533 5 o 86 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ Signs-153D o UPC 8 82917 01539 7 o 86 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
SECRETS OF THE ANCIENT INCAS, with Michael-Peter Langevin. Being the publisher of Magical Blend magazine has given Michael-Peter Langevin access to some of the leading visionaries of our times. He's drawn on these friendships to develop a wide array of creative tools for one's every-day life enhancement. He's traveled to Peru and studied with native shamans who taught him how alternative views of reality were successfully used to create the powerful ancient Inca Empire. He will discuss the mysteries of Lake Titicaca, Tihuanaco, the Naza lines and Machu Pichu plus Peruvian crop circles. Participants will learn how to enlist other-dimensional allies to help them achieve any worthy goal and how an alternative spiritual view can be used to remold their lives and accomplish what they presently consider impossible. Michael-Peter Langevin - Author of: Secrets of the Ancient Incas & Publisher-Editor of: Magical Blend and Natural Beauty and Health magazines. For more information visit Signs-154V o UPC 8 82917 01543 4 o 65 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ Signs-154D o UPC 8 82917 01549 6 o 65 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
MORE SECRETS OF THE ANCIENT INCAS, with Michael-Peter Langevin. Being the publisher of Magical Blend magazine has given Michael-Peter Langevin access to some of the leading visionaries of our times. He's drawn on these friendships to develop a wide array of creative tools for one's every-day life enhancement. He's traveled to Peru and studied with native shamans who taught him how alternative views of reality were successfully used to create the powerful ancient Inca Empire. He will discuss the mysteries of Lake Titicaca, Tihuanaco, the Naza lines and Machu Pichu plus Peruvian crop circles. Participants will learn how to enlist other-dimensional allies to help them achieve any worthy goal and how an alternative spiritual view can be used to remold their lives and accomplish what they presently consider impossible. Michael-Peter Langevin - Author of: Secrets of the Ancient Incas & Publisher-Editor of: Magical Blend and Natural Beauty and Health magazines. For more information visit Signs-155V o UPC 8 82917 01553 3 o 98 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ Signs-155D o UPC 8 82917 01559 5 o 98 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
CROP CIRCLES OF THE UNITED STATES 2004, with Jeffrey Wilson. Jeffrey Wilson has visited over 100 crop circle formations throughout Americas Midwest since 1996. He holds a Master of Science from Eastern Michigan University where he also taught Physics and Astronomy. He is a certified Skywarn advanced weather spotter and now lives in southeastern Ohio. In 2003 he became the first director of the Independent Crop Circle Researchers Association (ICCRA). Signs-156V o UPC 8 82917 01563 2 o 77 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ Signs-156D o UPC 8 82917 01569 4 o 77 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
INTRODUCING "THE SHIFT: AN AWAKENING," with John English. Imagine the possibilities if spiritually minded people banded together to wake up America and the world through the power of conscious intent. What would happen if the political, social and environmental politics of this nation were shaped in the true image of her citizens? This brilliant visionary novel lights a path towards a positive future. John English is an author, mystic and dynamic speaker whose vision of taking politics away from entrenched special interests and returning it to the people is profoundly inspiring. His work demonstrates that we can re-take control of our nation and our future if we will but focus our dreams and work together with our sacred earth-mother. Signs-159V o UPC 8 82917 01593 9 o 25 min o VHS Video o $14.95 +++ Signs-159D o UPC 8 82917 01599 1 o 25 min o DVD Disk o $14.95
QUINTA ESSENTIA: CROP CIRCLES AND THE PHILOSOPHER'S SECRET FIRE, with Allan Brown. Allan Brown is a geometer, designer and Crop Circle researcher from Sussex, England, who lectures widely on sacred geometry & metaphysics. Drawing on the esoteric traditions of geometry, numbers and proportion, Allan discusses an extraordinary geometrical device that seems to have been woven into crop circle design for the last Quarter Century. This device mirrors the ancient hermetic adage: "As above, so below" and demonstrates the paradoxical inter-play of imagination and reality, delusion and revelation. This lecture will explore how crop circles and sacred geometry both relate to the unfolding of universal consciousness. For more information visit Signs-160V o UPC 8 82917 01603 5 o 80 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ Signs-160D o UPC 8 82917 01609 7 o 80 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
SACRED GEOMETRY AND CROP CIRCLES, with Allan Brown. Allan Brown is a British geometer, thinker and writer who has been studying the crop circle phenomenon since 1996. Drawing on the esoteric traditions of geometry, numbers and proportion, Allans workshop will go deeply into the relationship of crop circles and sacred geometry, showing how their interaction affects the human soul and the daimonic reality all around us. For more information visit Signs-161V o UPC 8 82917 01613 4 o 81 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ Signs-161D o UPC 8 82917 01619 6 o 81 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
WHO ARE WE? WHERE ARE WE HEADED? with Mayan Elder and Grandma, Flordemayo. Mayan elder, Flordemayo is an internationally-known "curandera" (spiritual healer) & medical intuitive from Central America, who now lives in New Mexico. For more information visit Signs-162V o UPC 8 82917 01623 3 o 60 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ Signs-162D o UPC 8 82917 01629 5 o 60 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
DRAGON PREDICTION AND PROPHECY, with Dr. Louis Turi. Astropsychologist and Nostradamus specialist. Special Saturday afternoon healing presentation. Dr. Turi was recognized in the 2003 Marquis "Who's Who in America" as an accomplished leading Astropsychologist. He has taught, lectured, and entertained audiences on the power of the stars and Cabalistic Healing all over the world. He grew up in Provence France, Nostradamus' birthplace, and spent last 30 years re-kindling the great Seer's rare method of Divine Astrology with its incredible therapeutic values. It is crucial to immediately make a distinction between Dr. Turi's work and that of other astrologers and healers. This form of astrology is different from any other you may have heard or read. The homeopathic discipline found in Nostradamus' rare method is totally unique and the predictive powers are unmatched. Dr. Turi speaks at Borders and Barnes & Noble bookstores nationwide, and has performed at numerous well known facilities worldwide including Las Ventana, a top resort in Mexico. Dr. Turi also leads healing tours to Thailand and France with Destination Tropics Inc. Dr. Turi's predictions and articles are regularly featured in India's top astrological monthly magazine, StarTeller (distribution 350,000 copies world wide). His articles are also featured in Australia's magazine, New Dawn Magazine. They have appeared in various other newspapers and publications such as Fate Magazine and Magazine 2000 in the US and Europe. Recently Free Spirit Journal has picked up his articles and forecasts. He has been featured on many national television programs such as NBCs "Ancient Mysteries" series, and TLC "Journal of the Unknown-Astrology" with the Discovery Channel to name a few. For more information visit Signs-163V o UPC 8 82917 01633 2 o 81 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ Signs-163D o UPC 8 82917 01639 4 o 81 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
HEALING WITH LOVE, with Dr. Louis Turi. Cabalistic healing with love is an interactive, entertaining and delightful way to cleanse and relax your Body, Mind & Spirit. Dr. Turi's method is a revival of Nostradamus' 16th Century homeopathic approach involving the use of powerful crystals, precious stones, special rocks, the pendulum, body chakra balancing & toxin clearing. Workshop participants will learn a unique style of purification that is exceptional and safe. The session will involve direct interaction between 2 people so it is recommended you bring a friend, partner or lover with you although it's also effective even working with someone you did not know before. Learn and enjoy this natural gift of healing for yourself & others. All participants are asked to bring a blanket or a towel to lie on for some of the interactive work. For more information visit Signs-164V o UPC 8 82917 01643 1 o 82 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ Signs-164D o UPC 8 82917 01649 3 o 82 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
STARGATE 2012: SURFING THE TIDES OF THE MILKY WAY, with William Henry. Nobody knows for certain what 2012 will bring but some say it will herald the arrival of a beam, a wave, a rising "hum" of new enlightenment particles from the heart of our Milky Way galaxy. Flowing through the heart of the earth and through all our hearts together, in every being, we are now poised to surf these "tides of light". Investigative mythologist William Henry explores the new Milky-Way based metaphysics due in 2012 as he unites the concepts of Stargate 2012, crop circles, ancient Egyptian spirituality and much, much more. For more information visit Signs-166V o UPC 8 82917 01663 9 o 88 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ Signs-166D o UPC 8 82917 01669 1 o 88 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
STARGATE 2012: LIVING THE RE-EVOLUTION, with William Henry. An ancient prophecy, a miraculous new spiritual technology, a bright new world. In his books "Cloak of the Illuminati," "Oracle of the Illuminati" and soon-to-be-published "Empire of the Illuminati," investigative mythologist William Henry has analyzed the most cryptic symbols of 2012. In this workshop he will pieces together Sumerian, Egyptian and Mayan artwork and symbolism to reveal their shared Ideal: the long-sought "Stargate of the Gods," the angelic "Stairway to Heaven". Then, he will compare these images with those of Modern Science to present the background for the revival of humanity. This workshop offers a message of hope for the entire human race: by the efforts of our collective heart-mind, terror will soon be overcome by tara (enlightenment). For more information visit Signs-167V o UPC 8 82917 01673 8 o 118 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ Signs-167D o UPC 8 82917 01679 0 o 118 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
BEYOND 2012: GAME OVER OR NEXT LEVEL? with Geoff Stray. Geoff Stray has been studying the meaning of the year 2012 since the early 1980s. From his home in England, he has collected and compared a wide range of visions, prophecies, ideas and theories about that date. This material was first brought together in a booklet, then on his web site, and most recently in a book, Beyond 2012: Catastrophe or Ecstasy, due for publication next year. In this lecture, Geoff brings together his quarter-century of research into the fascinating possibilities that the road to 2012 reveals. For more information visit Signs-168V o UPC 8 82917 01683 7 o 74 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ Signs-168D o UPC 8 82917 01689 9 o 74 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
2004 CROP CIRCLE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, with Nancy Talbott. Raised in Baltimore, Nancy studied psychology at Johns Hopkins and Harvard. After discovering the crop circle phenomenon in 1991, she worked with Michigan biophysicist Wm. C. Levengood and John Burke, organizing an international reporting and field-sampling network for Wm. Levengoods laboratory analysis. In 1999 she incorporated the BLT Research organization into a non-profit corporation, which she now heads, and received a Laurence Rockefeller grant. With this funding she has expanded the scope of crop circle research so that BLT Inc. team now includes scientific consultants from multiple disciplines. Having herself had both personal experiences and scientific training, Nancy has a unique perspective on this ongoing enigma. For more information visit Signs-169V o UPC 8 82917 01693 6 o 98 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ Signs-169D o UPC 8 82917 01699 8 o 98 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
CROP CIRCLES SHAPES AND THE HUMAN MIND, with Bert Janssen. Photographer Bert Janssen has been involved in frontier sciences for over 26 years, including 10 years research into crop circles both in England and in his native Holland. Author of a newly-released book, "The Hypnotic Power of Crop Circles," he has also released 3 video documentaries on the subject. Having lectured widely in Europe, this is his first USA appearance. In this lecture he discusses the interaction between crop circles and the human mind. How does this Intelligence communicate with us? What are its messages? Is there any relationship between crop circles and the 2012 prophecies? For more information visit Signs-170V o UPC 8 82917 01703 2 o 45 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ Signs-170D o UPC 8 82917 01709 4 o 45 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
CROP CIRCLES AND THE COUNTDOWN TO 2012, with Dr. Chet Snow. An internationally-acclaimed author, lecturer, researcher and regression therapist from Sedona, Arizona, Chet Snow has degrees from Columbia University and Paris Sorbonne. As organizer of the "Signs of Destiny 2004" conference, the fifth in a series of Earth Mysteries gatherings since 1999, hes exploring what has led our species and the planet to these special times of challenge and opportunity. In this lecture, Chet reveals special relationships between crop circles, the Mayan calendar and Native prophecies as we approach the year 2012. For more information and to find out about his future events visit Signs-171V o UPC 8 82917 01713 1 o 70 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ Signs-171D o UPC 8 82917 01719 3 o 70 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
DESTROYING THE COVER-UP: SEPARATING FACT FROM DISINFORMATION, with Marc Davenport. Marc Davenport has been studying UFOs and ET contact for 35 years. He worked for a number of years as a manufacturing engineer, designing, building, and testing electrical wiring components for the aerospace and defense industries. In addition to authoring Visitors >From Time: The Secret of the UFOs, Marc has published numerous magazine articles, and has edited and/or written introductions for numerous books by other authors, including Raymond Fowler, Leah Haley and Richard Boylan. He has been invited to speak throughout the country, and has been a guest on many TV programs as Sightings, Strange Universe, and Art Bells Radio Show, Dreamland. He is currently editor for Greenleaf Publications. Follow Marc Davenport as he hacks a path through the jungle of disinformation and misinformation that intelligence agents have been so carefully cultivating for decades. Using indisputable slides of technology used in psychological operations, and of some of the people involved in mind-control, he separates fact from disinformation about "alien implants," black helicopters, underground bases, chemtrails, MILABS, and Manchurian Candidates. BAUFOE-420V o UPC 8 82917 04203 4 o 45 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ BAUFOE-420D o UPC 8 82917 04209 6 o 45 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
NATIONAL SECURITY AND UFOS: THE FOUNDATION YEARS, 1941 TO 1973, with Richard Dolan. Born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1962. He holds an MA in History from the University of Rochester and a BA in History from Alfred University. He earned a Certificate in Political Theory from Oxford University and was a Rhodes Scholar finalist. Prior to his interest in anomalous phenomena, Dolan studied US Cold War strategy, Soviet history, and international diplomacy. Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell has called Dolan's book Amonumental, while Dr. Hal Puthoff, Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, has declared it to be A must-read for serious students in the field. Richard Dolan will provide a historical foundation to UFOs and government secrecy. Drawing on official documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act, Dolan will detail the extreme levels of interest given to UFOs by the U.S. military and intelligence community, despite public statements to the contrary. One reason he offers is that unknown and extraordinary objects have repeatedly violated sensitive U.S. airspace. Frequently, these objects exhibited capabilities far beyond those of military aircraft even today. Dolans historical analysis will include the origins and development of UFO secrecy during the cold war, as well as descriptions of several spectacular military encounters with UFOs. He will also point out why it is unlikely that "true" UFOs in the early years could have been the product of a secret military program. For more information visit BAUFOE-421V o UPC 8 82917 04213 3 o 45 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ BAUFOE-421D o UPC 8 82917 04219 5 o 45 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
UFOS IN MEXICO: MEXICAN AIR FORCE REPORTS UFO SIGHTING, with Jaime Maussan. Jaime Maussan was born in 1953 in Mexico City. After one year at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (1972-73) he attended Miami University (Ohio) and graduated with a B.A. in Radio and Television. During his college years, he was Midwest Correspondent and sports reporter for Televisa (Mexico). His present occupation is Investigative Journalist/Anchorman and General Producer of the TV show "Tercer Milenio" that is broadcast via the Televisa Network to all Latin American countries, Europe, the United States and also through the Sky Satellite System. In 1996, he was producer of the feature radio program "Jaime Maussan, UFOs and Other Mysteries" transmitted through XEW Radio and the RASA Network, which became one of the most popular radio programs in Mexico. Jaime has earned many awards for his films, radio and television shows both in North America and Europe. He received the National Journalism Award from the Journalists Club of Mexico in 1983, 1987 and 1993. He was presented the "AMPRYT" award for the TV program "60 Minutos" in 1990-91-92. His investigations into the still on-going Mexico UFO wave has garnered world wide acclaim and he has been invited to speak at conferences around the world. BAUFOE-422V o UPC 8 82917 04223 2 o 45 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ BAUFOE-422D o UPC 8 82917 04229 4 o 45 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
COVERT INTELLIGENCE INVOLVEMENT WITH ALIEN ABDUCTEES AS EVIDENCE FOR UFO ABDUCTION, with Melinda Leslie. Researcher and experiencer, Melinda Leslie, has investigated "covert intelligence" involvement in abductions for 12 years, conducting over 40 interviews of experiencers and researchers of this unique phenomenon. For many years Melinda was the Director of 2 experiencer support groups and was Director of a monthly UFO lecture series for 9 years, producing over 90 speakers. Melinda was Associate Producer of the 1994 UFO Expo West conferences and has lectured herself for numerous conferences and organizations. She has also been a guest on numerous radio and television shows. Melinda is an Office Manager. In what may be the strongest evidence for the reality of alien abduction, abductees are being targeted by human "covert intelligence" and "paramilitary" agencies. Melinda Leslie's research shows that it is because alien abductions are real that these agencies are involved. Evidence shown will include extensive corroborating experience testimony, multiple forms of physical evidence, eyewitnesses, and accounts of military "insiders." Melinda explains that such agencies are involved with the abduction phenomena in a quest to obtain extraterrestrial technologies operating on paranormal functioning (psi). This quest has made alien abduction a matter of national security and is ultimately driving the government's suppression of the UFO subject, and along with it, the suppression of the dormant human potential. BAUFOE-423V o UPC 8 82917 04233 1 o 45 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ BAUFOE-423D o UPC 8 82917 04239 3 o 45 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
REPTOIDS: FACTS VS. FICTION AND FORGED LIES, with John Rhodes. John Rhodes was raised and educated in many exotic areas of the world. He received his primary education in Malaysia, Singapore, and England, with further undergraduate studies in the United States. While residing in Asia, Johns curiosity in the local environments reptile population led to a serious, herpetological study that eventually encompassed additional scientific disciplines such as anthropology, paleontology, archaeology, biology, and the actual field work that accompany these various branches of science. Johns vast accumulation of scientific knowledge, acquired through the guidance of some of the worlds leading scientists (specialists), and his pioneering work searching for strange, unknown animals have made him one of the most popular cryptozoologists and lecturers worldwide. The British scientific community today recognizes John Rhodes as one of the worlds leading authorities on reptilian cryptids. His many authored articles, reviews, and technical reports for newsletters and private publications have been distributed internationally and authors continue to refer to his cryptozoological work in support of their conspiratorial beliefs. Americas most controversial cryptozoologist once again steps outside the acceptable boundaries of zoological studies to take us on another unforgettable journey of intellectual exploration as it pertains to eyewitness accounts or reptilian humanoid encounters and their possible origins. In this free lecture, John Rhodes will be discussing Earth's deepest Ultima SubTerra Incognita (or "Ultimate Undiscovered Underground") and the "Reptilian humanoid" civilizations living there. Separating facts from numerous fictional conspiracy theories, John will expose a dangerous trend towards demonizing Reptoids (and people with the unusual RH-negative blood factor.) This prejudice may well suite the plans of certain groups, and individuals...even The New World Order, so beware! For more information visit BAUFOE-424V o UPC 8 82917 04243 0 o 45 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ BAUFOE-424D o UPC 8 82917 04249 2 o 45 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
SECRETS OF THE CROP CIRCLES: THE GIFT OF THE GODS, with William Henry. William Henry is an investigative mythologist and author. His primary expertise and mission is finding and interpreting ancient stories which feature advanced technology for raising of spiritual vibration and increasing spiritual vision. Crop circles contain a blueprint for the construction of a device that will save humanity from a future global catastrophe, says physicist Dr. Paul LaViolette. Taking this cue, investigative mythologist and author William Henry went in search of evidence of crop circles that portray such a device. What he has found is truly explosive. With direct, non-technical language highlighted by crop circle images and other extraordinary pictorial evidence he shows how the glyphs are hyper dimensional messages that encode a device, possibly used by extraterrestrial beings, to create crop circles through quantum communication. This same technology is the basis for Star Trek's "beam me up Scotty" technology. William Henry has found what may be the key to crop circle phenomena and much, much more. His dramatic conclusions have profound implications for the study of UFOs, crop circles and sacred symbolism worldwide. For more information visit BAUFOE-425V o UPC 8 82917 04253 9 o 45 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ BAUFOE-425D o UPC 8 82917 04259 1 o 45 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
THE PHOENIX LIGHTS: THE MOST IMPORTANT STATEWIDE UFO SIGHTING EVER RECORDED, with Lynne Kitei, M.D. As an internationally acclaimed physician and health educator, Dr. Lynne has been on the cutting edge era of early disease detection and prevention as Chief Clinical Consultant at the world renowned Arizona Heart Institute's Imaging/Prevention/Wellness Center in Phoenix, AZ. She received her Bachelors of Science Degree in Secondary Science Education from Temple University in Philadelphia, PA. Dr. Lynne has been called the "woman pioneer" of medical communications in TV Guide after creating and producing innovative TV News health reports for NBC in Philadelphia in 1976. Since that time, she has dedicated over 25 years to global public awareness, wellness and health education. She has appeared as the resident health reporter for many TV programs, and her work has been featured in a variety of national magazines. She has also received numerous awards for her efforts in health education and was named "Woman of the Year" in Pennsylvania. Lynn D. Kitei, M.D., key witness to the historic Arizona mass sighting of March 13, 1997, will discuss her new Book, The Phoenix Lights, including her firsthand experience and groundbreaking photographic evidence, the mass sighting, and her intensive seven year investigation. In addition, she will present her 15 minute video showing how the intriguing story unfolded from the day after the Arizona statewide event through the third anniversary. Dr. Lynne has, indeed, discovered that WE ARE NOT ALONE. BAUFOE-426V o UPC 8 82917 04263 8 o 45 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ BAUFOE-426D o UPC 8 82917 04269 0 o 45 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
CONTACT AND THE UNIVERSAL PROPHECY, with Dr. Louis Turi. Following four extraordinary UFO experiences in Europe and the US, Dr. Turis life changed dramatically on August 11th, 1991 when he and his wife were taking onboard of a flying saucer. The extraterrestrials "downloaded" into Dr. Turis mind the conception of the dynamics of the universe and its impact upon the human psyche. Since then Dr. Turi made unarguable and well documented predictions such as the Kobe earthquake, Hurricane Andrew, the fall of Saddam Hussein regime, the 911 terrorist attack in N.Y., the WA sniper, the SARS deadly virus, both shuttle explosions, the N.Y. black out , the deadly wave of heat waves and destructive fires just to name a few. Dr. Turi will make numerous predictions for the US and the world in 2005 where specific dates and events will be announced to the audience. Experience Dr. Turi's lifetime collection of UFO pictures put together as a unique slide presentation. See pictures of ET X-rays from a Russian KGB/CIA project in Antarctica and a bright UFO in the Phoenix sky among many others. There is also the depiction of a stationary flying saucer suspended 30 feet above Dr. Turi's head in one of his own encounters. There are saucers, orbs, strange lights and paintings of his experiences with the ET's. He will show the location in his native village in France, where some of his incredible contact occurred. Visit his site at BAUFOE-427V o UPC 8 82917 04273 7 o 45 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ BAUFOE-427D o UPC 8 82917 04279 9 o 45 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
IRAQI PRISONER ABUSE? LOOK AT WHATS BEING DONE TO AMERICAN CIVILIANS, with Leah A. Haley. CIA, NSA, NASA, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines. Which of these has been involved in Leah Haley's alien-abduction experiences? Leah will talk about being interrogated at a camouflaged hillside installation, threatened in a military conference room, and subjected to mind control and deprogramming. She will show slides of black helicopters that have repeatedly buzzed her residence and marks left on her body by her abductors. She will also discuss an experience that was a huge turning point in her understanding of the alien-abduction phenomenon. Internationally known author and lecturer Leah A. Haley holds a master's degree in business administration and education, and is a certified public accountant and founding partner of Greenleaf Publications. Her story of personal alien abductions and kidnappings by humans, along with many articles, has been featured in many publications. She has appeared on various radio and TV programs, including Dreamland and Encounters. Leah's first book, Lost Was the Key, describes her abductions by both aliens and apparent U.S. military personnel. Unlocking Alien Closets is an autobiographical account of her alien/human abduction and mind-control experiences and subsequent evolving spirituality. Leah continues to lecture, write, and educate the public about abduction and mind control phenomena. For more information visit BAUFOE-429V o UPC 8 82917 04293 5 o 45 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ BAUFOE-429D o UPC 8 82917 04299 7 o 45 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
THE MEIER CONTACTS: THE KEY TO OUR FUTURE SURVIVAL, with Michael Horn. Michael Horn is the Authorized American Media Representative for the Billy Meier Contacts. He has researched the contacts since 1979, lectured and appeared on numerous radio and TV programs. Michaels's multi-media presentation of the Billy Meier UFO Contacts (on- going in Switzerland for 62 years) explores the abundant, still irreproducible, photos, films, video, sound recordings and metal samples, the nearly 50 years of amazing, prophetically accurate scientific and world event-related information published by Meier years before "official" discovery or occurrences and the failure of the top international professional skeptics to duplicate Meier's photos/films. Michael will show how the real purpose of the now proven, ongoing contact is to help us assure our future survival. BAUFOE-430V o UPC 8 82917 04303 1 o 45 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ BAUFOE-430D o UPC 8 82917 04309 3 o 45 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
THE CODEX THREAT AND WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT, with Robin Falkov. Robin Falkov is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and a Homeopathic Physician. She has worked with Homeopathy for 18 years. Her mission is to allow people the remedies to return to vibrant health using modalities without any side effects. Learn to make the proper diet and lifestyle choices. The key to good health is a commitment to work together! In this lecture Falkov discusses the Codex Alimentaris legislation limiting availability of supplements worldwide. Learn about the worldwide threat to nutritional supplements and the court case in England by the Alliance for Natural Health that is our last protection. We are down to just months before there will be major changes to our Health Freedom Rights and the ability to purchase nutritional supplements. Find out what you can do to help win this final battle! BAUFOE-431V o UPC 8 82917 04313 0 o 45 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ BAUFOE-431D o UPC 8 82917 04319 2 o 45 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
THE SECRET CITY: TIME TRAVEL, UFOS, ATLANTIS, STAR COLONIES AND THE COMING WORLD CHANGES, with Tricia McCannon. Internationally known clairvoyant, contactee and author of "Dialogues With the Angels". She has appeared on over 250 radio and TV shows nationwide, including "Sightings" and "Strange Universe". Her audio books include "UFO's in the Coming Millennium" and "UFO's and Ancient Civilizations". For over a decade she produced the UFO Forum, moderated the UFO panels at the Whole Life Expos and headlined in dozens of international venues. Her teachings integrate science, history, archaeology, religion and prophecy. Leading tours to Peru, Egypt, France, Italy and England, she has come upon a secret city that is involved with time travel, UFO's, Atlantis, star colonies and coming world events. BAUFOE-432V o UPC 8 82917 04323 9 o 45 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ BAUFOE-432D o UPC 8 82917 04329 1 o 45 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
CROP CIRCLES: THE INCREDIBLE EVIDENCE BEHIND THE GENUINE PHENOMENA, with Freddy Silva. One of the worlds foremost experts on crop circles, and best-selling author of Secrets in the Fields: The Science and Mysticism of Crop Circles, hailed by many as the most comprehensive book ever written on this fascinating and multi-disciplinary phenomenon. He is an international lecturer, and a life-long student of Earth Mysteries, Sacred Space and ancient systems of knowledge. Freddy has appeared in TV documentaries for The History Channel and Discovery Channel, as well as numerous video documentaries, and guested on radio shows throughout the US. In this whirlwind slide presentation you will see what the energy behind crop circles is doing to the plants, the soil, and the water in the ground; the kinds of technology that are being decoded from the designs; how they are appearing on the Earths magnetic lines; and how they may be influencing our very DNA. All-in-all, a wide-reaching prÈcis of the evidence supporting a phenomenon that is known to have been around since at least 1678 just what youd expect from one of the worlds leading authorities on the subject. For more information visit is website, The Crop Circular, at BAUFOE-433V o UPC 8 82917 04333 8 o 45 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ BAUFOE-433D o UPC 8 82917 04339 0 o 45 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
UFOS AT "THE RANCH" LANDINGS, MORPHING AND BI-LOCATION, with James Gilliland. After a near death experience brought about by drowning, James Gilliland could no longer continue business as usual. His eyes were fully opened, and he saw the lack of love and joy in his life and his work. Success through material acquisition, "the American dream", was now seen for its emptiness. He realized that the temporary joy and pleasure possessions and outer appearances brought were not the goal and began his inward journey. After experiencing the pure unconditional love and joy, "BLISS", of connecting directly to the source during his near death experience, all that mattered was to reconnect and maintain that contact. This presentation will include incredible footage of UFOs landing, morphing and bilocating, responding to the people on the ground and displaying incredible advanced technology with preknowlege of their appearances. Not only is the question, "Are We Alone ?" in the universe answered, why are they here, will also be answered. Undeniable proof that contact has begun will be given yet the message greatly supercedes the evidence. BAUFOE-434V o UPC 8 82917 04343 7 o 45 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ BAUFOE-434D o UPC 8 82917 04349 9 o 45 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
THE DARK SIDE OF JORDAN MAXWELL: ASTRO-THEOLOGY IN THE MODERN WORLD, with Jordan Maxwell. Author of the book "Matrix of Power" and Radio Talk Show host. Jordan Maxwell continues as a preeminent researcher and authority in the field of occult/religious philosophy since 1959. He served for three and a half years as the Religion Editor of Truth Seeker Magazine, Americas oldest Free Thought Journal (since 1873). His work exploring the hidden foundations of Western religions and secret societies has created an enthusiastic response from audiences for many years. He has conducted dozens of intensive seminars, hosted his own radio talk shows, guested on more than 600 radio shows, and written, produced and appeared in numerous television shows and documentaries (including three 2-hour specials for the CBS TV network, as well as the internationally acclaimed 5-part Ancient Mystery Series - all devoted to understanding ancient religions and their pervasive influence on world affairs today. Jordan Maxwell will give us a glimpse into the super secret organizations that have played such significant roles in world history. One of his videos is entitled "Matrix of Power" and this appellation certainly describes the reality of our world better than any other phrase. For more information visit BAUFOE-435V o UPC 8 82917 04353 6 o 45 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ BAUFOE-435D o UPC 8 82917 04359 8 o 45 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
THE INCAS, PERU & UFOS, with Michael Peter Langevin. Michael has been the publisher and editor-in-chief of MB Media for more that 20 years, which produces Magical Blend magazine, Natural Beauty and Health, and Fresh Blend. He lectures and offers workshops monthly from coast to coast. He was host of the Magical Blend TV show for two years in San Francisco and has been a regular guest on TV and radio. After hearing a college professor's exciting tale of his visit to Peru, Michael set out on his own journey to this magical land. During his visit, he hiked through the countryside, visited the sacred sites, fell in love with the people, and was drawn to the magic of the land. Upon finishing his journey, Michael decided that he needed to incorporate the spirituality of Peru into his life so that he could take it with him no matter where he traveled. With information about initiation, tool gathering, choosing a totem, shamanic work, astral viewing, power rituals, recapitulation, ayahuasca use, and the drawing of natural energies, Michael feels that you too can have all the tools you need to incorporate this magic into your life. In this lecture, Michael will share his knowledge of and experiences in Peru. He will cover the mystery of the Nasca Lines, Machu Picchu, Sacayanman, Lake Titicaca and Tiwanaku. He will also explore the magic and ancient mysteries of Peru, which include Shamanism, the work of Carlos Castaneda, Neo-Paganism, UFOs and other Earth-spirited traditions. Michael's gift to you is the introduction of the secret teachings and ancient traditions of the Incas--revealed to the public for the first time. Incan belief focuses on relinking humanity with itself and with nature. Their living tradition believes that the divine resides in everything the trees, land, and seas. BAUFOE-436V o UPC 8 82917 04363 5 o 45 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ BAUFOE-436D o UPC 8 82917 04369 7 o 45 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
SATURDAY NIGHT KEYNOTE ADDRESS, with Lloyd Pye. Lloyd Pye has been a fixture in the field of alternative knowledge since 1998, when he published "Everything You Know Is Wrong--Book One: Human Origins." He is now recognized as an authority on the Intervention Theory of human origins, which stands opposed to Darwinism, Creationism, or Intelligent Design. He is also known as a spokesman for the reality of hominoids (Bigfoot, Yeti, etc.) and is best known as the caretaker of the Star Child Skull. Since 1999 Lloyd has been attempting to scientifically determine what this mysterious skull is made of, and whether or not it is entirely human. He anticipates having definitive answers by the end of this year (2004). In this keynote address Lloyd will speak about the ongoing struggle among alternative knowledge researchers to be taken seriously by mainstream defenders of status quos. This is old ground well trod by all of us, but Lloyd will put his own unique spin on it using stories and examples from the Cajun area of Louisiana where he hails from. For more information visit BAUFOE-437V o UPC 8 82917 04373 4 o 45 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ BAUFOE-437D o UPC 8 82917 04379 6 o 45 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
HAUNTED SEATTLE, with Jake. A presentation by Jake. GHC-1251V o UPC 8 82917 12513 3 o 77 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ GHC-1251D o UPC 8 82917 12519 5 o 77 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
NATIVE AMERICAN GHOST STORIES OF THE SOUTHWEST, with Antonio Garcez. A presentation by Antonio Garcez. GHC-1252V o UPC 8 82917 12523 2 o 77 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ GHC-1252D o UPC 8 82917 12529 4 o 77 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
QUANTUM PHYSICS, STRING THEORY AND THE PARANORMAL, with Katherine Pacheco. A presentation by Katherin Pacheco. GHC-1253V o UPC 8 82917 12533 1 o 75 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ GHC-1253D o UPC 8 82917 12539 3 o 75 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
THE PARANORMAL: BEST CASES FROM 25 YEARS OF RESEARCH, with Dennis William Hauck. A presentation by Dennis William Hauck. GHC-1254V o UPC 8 82917 12543 0 o 75 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ GHC-1254D o UPC 8 82917 12549 2 o 75 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
ASK THE GHOST HUNTERS PANEL DISCUSSION, with Various Presenters. One of the best tapes in the catalog. GHC-1255V o UPC 8 82917 12553 9 o 75 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ GHC-1255D o UPC 8 82917 12559 1 o 75 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
ORBS AND ECTOPLASM, with Patricia Woolard and Mike West. A presentation by Patricia Woolard and Mike West. GHC-1256V o UPC 8 82917 12563 8 o 60 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ GHC-1256D o UPC 8 82917 12569 0 o 60 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
MEDIUMSHIP 101, with Maria DePeralta. A presentation by Maria Medina. GHC-1257V o UPC 8 82917 12573 7 o 60 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ GHC-1257D o UPC 8 82917 12579 9 o 60 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
GHOSTHUNTING 101, with Ross Allison. A presentation by Ross Allison. GHC-1259V o UPC 8 82917 12593 5 o 60 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ GHC-1259D o UPC 8 82917 12599 7 o 60 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
HAUNTED PACIFIC NORTHWEST, with Jefferson Davis. A presentation by Jefferson Davis. GHC-1260V o UPC 8 82917 12603 1 o 75 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ GHC-1260D o UPC 8 82917 12609 3 o 75 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
GHOST HUNTING: HOW TO INVESTIGATE THE PARANORMAL, with Loyd Auerbach. Loyd Auerbach, M.S., is a parapsychologist on the faculty at JFK University and is a Consulting Editor and columnist for FATE Magazine. For 20 years, Loyd has written and lectured extensively on the psi phenomenon, psychokenesis and various other paranormal areas. He is the author of Psychic Dreaming: A Parapsychologist's Handbook (Warner 1991 and Barnes & Noble Books 1999), Mind Over Matter (Kensington 1996) and Ghost Hunting: How to Investigate the Paranormal (Ronin Publishing, fall 2003). Loyd is well-known for going to extreme lengths to rule out "the normal" before he will consider an event to be of paranormal nature. Besides his work as a parapsychological field investigator and researcher, he is also a professional psychic entertainer. He is President of the international organization, the Psychic Entertainers Association. GHC-1261V o UPC 8 82917 12613 0 o 75 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ GHC-1261D o UPC 8 82917 12619 2 o 75 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
GHOSTS AMONG US, with Leslie Rule. A presentation by Leslie Rule. GHC-1262V o UPC 8 82917 12623 9 o 75 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ GHC-1262D o UPC 8 82917 12629 1 o 75 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
TOOLS OF THE GHOSTHUNTING TRADE, with Dutch Jackson and Mike West. A presentation by Dutch Jackson and Ross Allison. GHC-1263V o UPC 8 82917 12633 8 o 60 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ GHC-1263D o UPC 8 82917 12639 0 o 60 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
VOICES OF THE DEAD AND EVP (ELECTRO VOICE PHENOMENON), with Stef Marshall and Jake Warga. A presentation by Stef Marshall and Jake Warga. GHC-1264V o UPC 8 82917 12643 7 o 60 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ GHC-1264D o UPC 8 82917 12649 9 o 60 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
CEMETERY 101, with Patricia Woolard. A presentation by Patricia Woolard. GHC-1265V o UPC 8 82917 12653 6 o 60 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ GHC-1265D o UPC 8 82917 12659 8 o 60 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
FACTS AND FINDINGS ON 9/11: PART 1, with Jim Hoffman, Don Paul and Jim Marrs. Presentations by Jim Hoffman, Don Paul and Jim Marrs. Sep-1151V o UPC 8 82917 11513 4 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ Sep-1151D o UPC 8 82917 11519 6 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
FACTS AND FINDINGS ON 9/11: PART 2, with Jim Hoffman, Don Paul, Jim Marrs and Ken Jenkins. Presentations by Jim Hoffman, Don Paul, Jim Marrs and Ken Jenkins. Sep-1152V o UPC 8 82917 11523 3 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ Sep-1152D o UPC 8 82917 11529 5 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
SOCIAL CHANGE IMPLICATION OF 9/11: PART 1, with Jim Garrison and Byron Belistos. Presentations by Jim Garrison and Byron Belistos. Sep-1153V o UPC 8 82917 11533 2 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ Sep-1153D o UPC 8 82917 11539 4 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
SOCIAL CHANGE IMPLICATION OF 9/11: PART 2, with Robert Rabbin, Jim Garrison, Medea Benjamin and Byron Belitsos. Presentations by Robert Rabbin, Jim Garrison, Medea Benjamin and Byron Belitsos. Sep-1154V o UPC 8 82917 11543 1 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ Sep-1154D o UPC 8 82917 11549 3 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
HEALING AND HUMOR LEARNED FROM 9/11, with Stephen Dinan, Errol and Rochelle Strider, and Swami Beyondananda. Presentations by Stephen Dinan, Errol and Rochelle Strider, and Swami Beyondananda. Sep-1155V o UPC 8 82917 11553 0 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ Sep-1155D o UPC 8 82917 11559 2 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
OPEN DISCUSSION ON 9/11 AND OTHER MYSTERIES, with Jim Marrs and Ken Jenkins. A native of Fort Worth, Texas, Mr. Marrs earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from the University of North Texas in 1966 and attended Graduate School at Texas Tech in Lubbock for two years more. He has worked for several Texas newspapers, including the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, where beginning in 1968 he served as police reporter. Mr. Marrs then became a general-assignments reporter covering stories locally, in Europe and the Middle East. After a leave of absence to serve with a Fourth Army intelligence unit during the Vietnam War, he became military and aerospace writer for the newspaper and an investigative reporter. Since 1980, Mr. Marrs has been a freelance writer and public relations consultant. Since 1976, Mr. Marrs has taught a course on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy at the University of Texas at Arlington. In 1989, his book, "Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy," was published to critical acclaim and within three years had gone into an eighth printing in both hardbound and softbound editions. Crossfire reached the New York Times Paperback Non-Fiction Best Seller list in mid-February 1992 and remained there for more than six weeks. His book became a basis for the Oliver Stone film JFK. Mr. Marrs served as a chief consultant for both the films screenplay and production. Mr. Marrs has appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, CSPAN, the Discovery, Learning and History Channels, This Morning America, Geraldo, Montell Williams, Today and The Larry King and Art Bell radio programs. For more information visit Sep-1156V o UPC 8 82917 11563 9 o 120 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ Sep-1156D o UPC 8 82917 11569 1 o 120 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
ANCIENT TECHNOLOGY FROM THE PAST: WHITE POWDER GOLD, with Jim Marrs. It has been widely reported that Saddam Hussein believes himself to be the reincarnation of King Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian monarch that tried to contact the prehistoric gods. It has also been reported that amazing new archeological finds were discovered in Iraq in the late 1990's. Could these ancient texts provide the key to understanding the monatomic elements only now being studied by modern scientists? Could these elements - which may provide the secrets of limitless non-polluting energy, teleportation, longevity and even time and dimension travel - be the true reason for the United States recent and unprecedented invasion of Iraq? Author/Journalist Jim Marrs for the first time puts the pieces of this intriguing puzzle together. A native of Fort Worth, Texas, Mr. Marrs earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from the University of North Texas in 1966 and attended Graduate School at Texas Tech in Lubbock for two years more. He has worked for several Texas newspapers, including the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, where beginning in 1968 he served as police reporter. Mr. Marrs then became a general-assignments reporter covering stories locally, in Europe and the Middle East. After a leave of absence to serve with a Fourth Army intelligence unit during the Vietnam War, he became military and aerospace writer for the newspaper and an investigative reporter. Since 1980, Mr. Marrs has been a freelance writer and public relations consultant. Since 1976, Mr. Marrs has taught a course on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy at the University of Texas at Arlington. In 1989, his book, "Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy," was published to critical acclaim and within three years had gone into an eighth printing in both hardbound and softbound editions. Crossfire reached the New York Times Paperback Non-Fiction Best Seller list in mid-February 1992 and remained there for more than six weeks. His book became a basis for the Oliver Stone film JFK. Mr. Marrs served as a chief consultant for both the films screenplay and production. Mr. Marrs has appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, CSPAN, the Discovery, Learning and History Channels, This Morning America, Geraldo, Montell Williams, Today and The Larry King and Art Bell radio programs. For more information visit Sep-1157V o UPC 8 82917 11573 8 o 120 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ Sep-1157D o UPC 8 82917 11579 0 o 120 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
THE SUNS OF GOD AND THE CHRIST CONSPIRACY, with Acharya S. A presentation by Acharya S. WEX-1201V o UPC 8 82917 12013 8 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ GHC-1201D o UPC 8 82917 12019 0 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
ATLANTIS AND THE TECHNOLOGY OF THE GODS, with David Hatcher Childress. David Hatcher Childress is a real-life Indiana Jones. He has written a series of books about his journeys and research into lost cities and ancient mysteries of Africa, Arabia, China, Central Asia, India, South America Ancient Lemuria, Central America, Atlantis, Europe, as well as other locations. He is recognized as an expert not only on ancient civilizations and technology, but also on free energy, anti-gravity and UFOs. His books on these subjects include The Anti-Gravity Handbook, Extraterrestrial Archeology, The Free-Energy Device Handbook, and The Time Travel Handbook. In his lecture, he presents fascinating information on the advanced technology and anomalous architecture of our predecessors from around the globe. David Hatcher Childress provides a qualified presentation about his search for Atlantis, megalithic cultures and ancient technology. From the Hittite empire of the Middle East to the mountains of South America and the plains of Central America, records of ancient civilizations of an advanced nature are found throughout the world. In this presentation, Childress explores the massive cities high in the Andes and their links to Atlantis and Mu. A full two hours with over 200 slides from his travels around the world. Visit for more info. WEX-1202V o UPC 8 82917 12023 7 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ GHC-1202D o UPC 8 82917 12029 9 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
THE LAND OF OSIRIS: ANCIENT KHEMIT, with Stephen Mehler. A presentation by Stephen Mehler. WEX-1203V o UPC 8 82917 12033 6 o 105 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ GHC-1203D o UPC 8 82917 12039 8 o 105 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
THE GIZA POWER PLANT, with Christopher Dunn. Christopher Dunn has an extensive background as a master craftsman, starting as a journeyman lathe turner in his hometown of Manchester, England. Recruited by an American aerospace company, he immigrated to the United States in 1969. The authors pyramid odyssey began in 1977 when he read Peter Tompkins book Secrets of the Great Pyramid. His immediate reaction to the Giza Pyramids schematics was that this edifice was a gigantic machine. Discovering the purpose of this machine and documenting his case has taken the better part of twenty years of research. In the process he has published a dozen magazine articles, including the much-quoted "Advanced Machining in Ancient Egypt" in Analog, and has had his research referenced in such books as Graham Hancocks "Fingerprints of the Gods" and Cohn Wilsons "From Atlantis to the Sphinx". Chris Dunn, his wife Jeanne and their children live in Danville, Illinois. In 1998, he published the groundbreaking book The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt, which proposed that the Great Pyramid of Giza was actually a large acoustical device that produced energy. WEX-1204V o UPC 8 82917 12043 5 o 120 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ GHC-1204D o UPC 8 82917 12049 7 o 120 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
PAUL BENNEWITZ AND THE UNDERGROUND DULCE UFO BASE, with by Greg Bishop. A presentation by Greg Bishop. WEX-1205V o UPC 8 82917 12053 4 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ GHC-1205D o UPC 8 82917 12059 6 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
HIGH FREQUENCY ACTIVE AURORAL PROGRAM: THE ULTIMATE WEAPON OF THE CONSPIRACY, with Jerry E. Smith. Jerry has been a writer, a poet, an editor and an activist for over thirty years. His bibliography of published works includes "HAARP: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy," books of his poetry, a handful of fiction pieces and over 100 non-fiction articles and reviews. Jerry has been on many radio shows and was featured on the PAX TV show "Encounters with the Unexplained." In 1991 Mr. Smith and Jim Keith, author of "Black Helicopters Over America: Strikeforce for the New World Order" and numerous other conspiracy and mind control books, founded the National UFO Museum (NUFOM) in Reno, Nevada. From 1991 to 1994 Mr. Smith was the Executive Director of NUFOM, while Mr. Keith acted as the Chairman of the Board. In addition to his administrative duties of running the day-to-day operations of NUFOM, Mr. Smith also edited and wrote for that organization's quarterly journal, "Notes from the Hangar." At the same time Mr. Smith worked as an editor/graphic artist with Jim Keith's magazine "Dharma Combat: The Magazine of Religion, Spirituality and Other Conspiracies," until Jim's untimely death in 1999. Jerry served variously as Managing Editor and Art Director from Dharma Combat's inception in 1988. Mr. Smith's life-long political and environmental activism and research has resulted in the publication of scores of news stories, opinion pieces and book and movie reviews for local and regional magazines and newspapers throughout the western states. Mr. Smith's work has also appeared in such national publications as "Fate Magazine" and "Paranoia: The Conspiracy Reader." WEX-1206V o UPC 8 82917 12063 3 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ GHC-1206D o UPC 8 82917 12069 5 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT AND THE OCTOPUS, with Kenn Thomas. Kenn Thomas is a para-political researcher who publishes a quarterly zine called Steamshovel Press, WEX-1207V o UPC 8 82917 12073 2 o 105 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ GHC-1207D o UPC 8 82917 12079 4 o 105 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
GUARDIANS OF THE HOLY GRAIL, with Mark Amaru Pinkham. A presentation by Mark Amaru Pinkam. WEX-1208V o UPC 8 82917 12083 1 o 105 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ GHC-1208D o UPC 8 82917 12089 3 o 105 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
AWAKENING TO THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL REALITY, with Mark Kimmel. In this presentation Mark discusses extraterrestrial contact and how these events have been covered up, the important and compelling implications and messages we can derive from studying events of extraterrestrial contact, and the "Spectrum of Reality" and why we Earth-humans are so reluctant to embrace the larger picture. Since 1987, Mark Kimmel, author of Trillion, has studied the messages provided by extraterrestrials. Utilizing disciplines learned during his business career, he avoids the sensational and fear riddled perspectives that plague many who get trapped in the alien, UFO, or ET phenomena, and the mystery and secrecy surrounding it. By focusing on the implications of extraterrestrial contact in both his writing and speaking, Mark gets to the heart of the matter and presents an uplifting vision for the future of this planet. Marks exposure to UFOs began when he was shown a copy of Project Blue Book, a supposedly classified USAF document about reported sightings. The year was 1963. In 1997, Mark wrote the first draft of Trillion while he was studying for his Masters in Psychology. During the interim years he had become convinced that there we were not the lone inhabited planet, that we were being visited by representatives of off-planet civilizations, and that these wiser beings had messages they wished to impart to us. Mark is married with two grown sons. He lives in Southwest Colorado amidst the natural splendor he incorporates into his writing. He spends his days further researching the implications of extraterrestrial contact, and completing the sequel to Trillion. UFOW-1143V o UPC 8 82917 11433 5 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ UFOW-1143D o UPC 8 82917 11439 7 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
RECOVERING MEMORIES OF ALIEN ABDUCTION, with Gloria Hawker. A presentation by Gloria Hawker. UFOW-1144V o UPC 8 82917 11443 4 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ UFOW-1144D o UPC 8 82917 11449 6 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
UNDERSTANDING UFOS AND OTHER PARANORMAL PHENOMENON, with David Perkins. A presentation by David Perkins. UFOW-1145V o UPC 8 82917 11453 3 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ UFOW-1145D o UPC 8 82917 11459 5 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
ALIEN HYBRIDS: THE KEY TO OUR FUTURE, with Sanni. A presentation by Sanni. UFOW-1146V o UPC 8 82917 11463 2 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ UFOW-1146D o UPC 8 82917 11469 4 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
THE MANY FACES OF EXTRATERRESTRIALS, with Bill Winkler. A presentation by Bill Winkler. UFOW-1147V o UPC 8 82917 11473 1 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ UFOW-1147D o UPC 8 82917 11479 3 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
ALTERNATIVES IN SASQUATCH AND BIGFOOT RESEARCH, with Joe Fex. A presentation by Joe Fex. UFOW-1148V o UPC 8 82917 11483 0 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ UFOW-1148D o UPC 8 82917 11489 2 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
DIARY OF AN ARTIST AND ABDUCTEE, with Mary Munoz. A presentation by Mary Munoz. UFOW-1149V o UPC 8 82917 11493 9 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ UFOW-1149D o UPC 8 82917 11499 1 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
COULD ORTHODOX CHRISTIANITY AND JUDAISM ACCOMMODATE A GENUINE EXTRATERRESTRIAL REALITY? with Michael S. Heiser, Ph.D. Mike Heiser has completed his Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible and Ancient Semitic Languages at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Mike holds an M.A. in Ancient History (Egypt, Palestine) from the University of Pennsylvania and an M.A. from the UW-Madison in Hebrew Bible and Ancient Semitic Languages. He has taught biblical studies and biblical theology on the undergraduate level for eleven years. He has had a lifelong interest in the paranormal, particularly UFOlogy, and the subject of ET life. Mike has lectured frequently on those topics, specializing in critical evaluation of the belief that UFOs and aliens are found in ancient Near Eastern texts, including the Bible. He is an expert on divine beings and angels in the Hebrew Bible, Second Temple Jewish literature, and Canaanite texts. Mike holds a personal disdain for both intellectual snobbery, and the religious fear of critical thinking (and thinkers) - both of which he feels tend to form an ungodly barrier between general academia, church leadership, and the public whom they should be serving. In that spirit, Heiser authored The Façade, a mind-blowing novelization of the above subjects, which makes his original perspectives and 20 years of highly credentialed scholarship easily accessible to lay audiences. AOD-901V o UPC 8 82917 09013 4 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ AOD-901D o UPC 8 82917 09019 6 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
EXTRATERRESTRIALS SPIRITUAL VIEWS: IN THEIR OWN WORDS AN OVERVIEW OF THE TEACHINGS OF EXTRATERRESTRIALS AND UFO-BASED RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS, with William Alnor, Ph.D. William Alnor is the author of four books: Soothsayers of the Second Advent; UFOs in the New Age; Heaven Cant Wait, and UFO Cults and the New Millennium. He has also authored hundreds of articles and investigative reports in many magazines and journals. He has appeared on numerous radio and television shows including 20/20, Inside Edition and A Current Affair. A professor at Texas A&M University - Kingsville, he directs the journalism program, advises the university newspaper, and advises a campus Christian student fellowship. He oversees the work of the Christian Sentinels publications and ministry. While working on his graduate degrees, he planted a church that became Calvary Chapel Living Waters of the Lehigh Valley in Allentown, Pennsylvania. He is the former executive director of EMNR (Evangelical Ministries to New Religions) and coordinated two successful national conferences on cults and false religious movements. He is the former news editor of the Christian Research Journal under the directorship of the late Walter Martin, the original Bible Answer Man and the former editor of National and International Religion Report. AOD-902V o UPC 8 82917 09023 3 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ AOD-902D o UPC 8 82917 09029 5 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
THE HISTORYOF MAN-MADE UFOS, THE OCCULT AND THE TECHNOLOGICAL PAPER TRAIL PREFACING THE 1947 UFO CRASH IN ROSWELL, with Jim Wilhelmsen. As a new Christian, Wilhelmsen has had a difficult time integrating his new faith with some of the knowledge he had about U.F.O.s. The apparent silence and lack of understanding by the church did not help. I had to dig for answers myself. In 1976, he received three scriptures; Genesis 6:1-13, Daniel 11:36-38 and Revelations 11:9. I knew by this that something happened before the flood that somehow was related to U.F.O.s and would possibly happen again in the "end-times." He was satisfied for the time and set it aside sensing that someday he would have to study further and write about it. Because Wilhelmsen had no prior experience with organized church, he began a whirlwind tour, prayerfully searching for where he should go. In 1975 he was befriended by a man who has since authored several books on cults. This man taught Wilhelmsen how to use reference books to study the Bible in the original languages. Wilhelmsen did some research for him on one of his books and fell in love with the whole research process. This began his search and research of the scriptures for answers. Part of his Christian discipleship stresses that anything we encounter natural or supernatural must be referenced with scripture and compatible to the written Word of God. With all diligence, obedience and faithfulness he has done his best to find the answers to this mystery and in this way tries to be an obedient servant of the Lord. AOD-903V o UPC 8 82917 09033 2 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ AOD-903D o UPC 8 82917 09039 4 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
A HEBREW SCHOLARS UNANSWERED, ONGOING CHALLENGE TO THE PUBLISHED WORKS OF ZECHARIA SITCHIN: THE PLEA FOR HONESTY, ACCOUNTABILITY AND INTEGRITY IN MARKETING UFOLOGY, with Michael S. Heiser, Ph.D. Mike Heiser has completed his Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible and Ancient Semitic Languages at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Mike holds an M.A. in Ancient History (Egypt, Palestine) from the University of Pennsylvania and an M.A. from the UW-Madison in Hebrew Bible and Ancient Semitic Languages. He has taught biblical studies and biblical theology on the undergraduate level for eleven years. He has had a lifelong interest in the paranormal, particularly UFOlogy, and the subject of ET life. Mike has lectured frequently on those topics, specializing in critical evaluation of the belief that UFOs and aliens are found in ancient Near Eastern texts, including the Bible. He is an expert on divine beings and angels in the Hebrew Bible, Second Temple Jewish literature, and Canaanite texts. Mike holds a personal disdain for both intellectual snobbery, and the religious fear of critical thinking (and thinkers) - both of which he feels tend to form an ungodly barrier between general academia, church leadership, and the public whom they should be serving. In that spirit, Heiser authored The Façade, a mind-blowing novelization of the above subjects, which makes his original perspectives and 20 years of highly credentialed scholarship easily accessible to lay audiences. AOD-904V o UPC 8 82917 09043 1 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ AOD-904D o UPC 8 82917 09049 3 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT FILES: OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT RECORDS OF UFO CASES, with John Greenewald, Jr. John Greenewald, Jr. has been researching UFOs since the age of 15. He began simply with the question of whether any true evidence or documentation of UFOs exists, when he learned of the Freedom of Information Act. His persistent requests for previously classified documentation on UFO sightings and investigations through legal (but often hard to navigate) channels has resulted in his now famous website "The Black Vault." Sometimes referred to as "the motherlode" of official, government UFO related documents, The Black Vault now contains over 100,000 government documents detailing their investigations into UFOs. From the image on the left, you will see, however, that not all U.S. government UFO reports were ever intended to see the public eye! Now 21, find out more when John shares what he's learned over the past 6 years. Greenewald has been a featured presenter at The Bay Area UFO Expo and the Tri-Lakes UFO Congress. AOD-905V o UPC 8 82917 09053 0 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ AOD-905D o UPC 8 82917 09059 2 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
UFOS AND THE NATIONAL SECURITY STATE: DOCUMENTING GOVERNMENT DUPLICITY ON UFOS, with Richard Dolan. Richard Dolan is the author of "UFOs and the National Security State," a recent work central to understanding the government management of the extraterrestrial phenomena issue during the second half of the 20th Century. He will provide a historical foundation for UFOs and government secrecy. Drawing on official documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act, he will detail the extreme levels of interest given to UFOs by the U.S. military and intelligence community, despite public statements to the contrary. One reason he offers is that unknown and extraordinary objects have repeatedly violated sensitive U.S. airspace. Frequently, these objects exhibited capabilities far beyond those of military aircraft even today. Dolan's historical analysis will include the origins and development of a secrecy/cover-up posture during the cold war, as well as descriptions of several spectacular military encounters with UFOs. He will also point out why it is unlikely that "true" UFOs in the early years could have been the product of a secret military program. AOD-906V o UPC 8 82917 09063 9 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ AOD-906D o UPC 8 82917 09069 1 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
NASAS VIDEO EVIDENCE OF UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS, with David Sereda. David Sereda, born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on August 21, 1961, became a permanent Resident of the United States of America with his family in 1964 and grew up in the State of California. David Sereda's first aspiration in life was to become an astronaut. He kept a scrapbook of every Apollo mission while growing up in Berkeley and San Francisco, California in the 1960s. In approximately 1968, while David was on his way home from elementary school in Berkeley, California, he and his friend Tommy witnessed a large, classic disc-shaped UFO hovering in a clear blue sky with hundreds of witnesses shouting with excitement in the streets all pointing upwards in utter amazement. After 20 minutes to a half an hour of witnessing this UFO, David said he saw it literally disappear in one second into another invisible dimension, a subject that would take him until the year 2000 to understand. With a permanent and affected memory, David grew up as a UFO enthusiast never living in doubt of the phenomena that has swept the world since the Roswell incident in 1947. His interest in space, religion, philosophy, astronomy and science led him on his career in related fields. He has worked deeply in high technology, on environmental and humanitarian issues and as a professional photographer for over 20 years. He has studied world religion, science, physics and paranormal psychology for over 25 years on virtually hundreds of issues. AOD-907V o UPC 8 82917 09073 8 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ AOD-907D o UPC 8 82917 09079 0 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
THE MARS / EARTH CONNECTION: CYDONIA, GENESIS 3 AND ANCIENT MYTHOLOGIES, with David Flynn. Since 1994, David Flynn has posted his groundbreaking research of ancient mysteries, Masonry, gnosticism, crop circles, UFOs, and Bible prophecy on his famous Watcher website. In his first public speaking appearance, Dave expertly connects the sacred geometry and monuments of a seemingly destroyed culture, to Earth's most ancient mythologies, deities and mystery religions. From a Genesis 3 paradigm, Dave presents these so-called mythologies as fact-based, using both scripture and his amazing grasp of astronomy to draw a clear connection to the serpentine god of multiple cultures, who gave mankind knowledge, or "gnosis." AOD-909V o UPC 8 82917 09093 6 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ AOD-909D o UPC 8 82917 09099 8 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
GENESIS 6 HYBRIDIZATION: SONS OF GOD, DAUGHTERS OF MEN AND THE NEPHILIM, with Michael S. Heiser, Ph.D. Mike Heiser has completed his Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible and Ancient Semitic Languages at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Mike holds an M.A. in Ancient History (Egypt, Palestine) from the University of Pennsylvania and an M.A. from the UW-Madison in Hebrew Bible and Ancient Semitic Languages. He has taught biblical studies and biblical theology on the undergraduate level for eleven years. He has had a lifelong interest in the paranormal, particularly UFOlogy, and the subject of ET life. Mike has lectured frequently on those topics, specializing in critical evaluation of the belief that UFOs and aliens are found in ancient near eastern texts, including the Bible. He is an expert on divine beings and angels in the Hebrew Bible, Second Temple Jewish literature, and Canaanite texts. Mike holds a personal disdain for both intellectual snobbery, and the religious fear of critical thinking (and thinkers) - both of which he feels tend to form an ungodly barrier between general academia, church leadership, and the public whom they should be serving. In that spirit, Heiser authored The Façade, a mind-blowing novelization of the above subjects, which makes his original perspectives and 20 years of highly credentialed scholarship easily accessible to lay audiences. AOD-910V o UPC 8 82917 09103 2 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ AOD-910D o UPC 8 82917 09109 4 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
THE BOOK OF ENOCH AND THE THEOLOGICAL COVER-UP OF GENESIS 6, with Guy Malone. An experiencer himself, Malone has considered the UFO and abduction phenomena to be real since childhood. Once a somewhat "new age" believer in "beneficial aliens here to help mankind," many factors have since contributed his more sinister understanding of at least the abduction phenomenon. His entry into the field of UFOlogy was the publication of his first website and 1998 book, Come Sail Away : UFO Phenomenon & The Bible. An admittedly under-researched but good "freshman effort," the book tells his own personal childhood experiences, and examines UFOlogy 101 in light of Christianity 101, both in an introductory (cursory) manner. He has since learned that much of the documented UFO phenomenon simply does not so neatly fit his original view of UFOs - or of the Bible! Spurred by the Heaven's Gate tragedy, in 1999 Malone moved to Roswell New Mexico as a sort of "missionary" - to become more visible and accessible to those whose spiritual views were being influenced by the more occult aspects of UFO belief (opposed to research) - and especially - contact. Opening Alien Resistance HQ in 2000, the storefront has since served as "Roswell's only source for Biblical perspectives on UFOs and abductions," with an emphasis on the angelic view of Genesis 6 (mostly absent from Come Sail Away, and most Christian books on UFOs) and it's overlooked implications. Based upon his now exhaustive studies of the Genesis 6 paradigm, he gleans from several sources to inform, challenge and occasionally outrage both the UFO community and the church, each of which he feels hold to incomplete information and even certain dogmas, which ultimately prevent either group from embracing or teaching the full implications of what this, and other related passages, reveal. AOD-912V o UPC 8 82917 09123 0 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ AOD-912D o UPC 8 82917 09129 2 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
THE POLITICS OF DISCLOSURE KEYNOTE ADDRESS, with Stephen Bassett. Stephen Bassett is a political activist, founder of Paradigm Research Group, Executive Director of the Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee (X-PPAC, pronounced "expack"), author of the Paradigm Clock website, and a political columnist, commentator and former Independent candidate for Congress. He is the executive producer of the X-Conference. Presently he is the only registered lobbyist in the United States representing extraterrestrial related phenomena research/activist organizations, and X-PPAC is the first political action committee to target the political implications of extraterrestrial related phenomena. Between April 19 and November 5 of 2002 he conducted an independent candidacy in the 2002 congressional campaign for the 8th District of Maryland. It was the first instance in which a candidate on the November ballot in a federal election addressed the matter of an extraterrestrial presence and the government imposed truth embargo. On January 13 of 2003 he launched a new project, Citizen Hearing, which intends to conduct a week-long hearing in Washington, DC before former Members of the House and Senate. The motto for this project is, "If Congress will not do its job, the people will." Since 1996 Bassett has assisted a number of organizations and initiatives, which have been making the case for 1) an end to the government embargo on the truth surrounding an extraterrestrial presence and 2) open congressional hearings to take the testimony of former military and agency employees witness to extraterrestrial related events and evidence. He has spoken to millions of Americans about the likelihood and implications of a formal disclosure event. AOD-913V o UPC 8 82917 09133 9 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ AOD-913D o UPC 8 82917 09139 1 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
PROVE TO ME IN 15 MINUTES THAT ABDUCTIONS ARE REAL PANEL DISCUSSION, with Guy Malone, Lisa Davis, Michael S. Heiser Ph.D., and Jim Hickman. A presentation by various presenters. AOD-914V o UPC 8 82917 09143 8 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ AOD-914D o UPC 8 82917 09149 0 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
A BLOOD-SOAKED PAPER TRAIL: MEDICAL EVIDENCE OF ABDUCTION AND HUMAN MUTILATION, with Jim Hickman. Jim Hickman has lectured on the subject of UFO's and the need for full disclosure from our Government for over 30 years. He also does a live multimedia version of his first book titled, "5000 years of UFO's", published by America House Publishing. Jim currently is a Research Specialist for Media Operations for MUFON, and he serves as a Staff Consultant for Citizens Against UFO Secrecy, and is a Consulting Editor for Beyond Publications. Jim has been a UFO investigator for over 30 years and he has trained well over 100 field investigators. He, along with author Chris O'Brien wrote the Skywatchers UFO handbook. He is also technical consultant for a new show called "Rough Science" on the BBC-TV, a correspondent for UFO Round-Up, and of course, Jim is the host of radio's Wake UP USA show on the Stardust Radio Network. Jim has appeared on the TV shows "In Search Of..." and "We are Not Alone" and "Sightings." "Jim Hickman brings the study of UFOs out of the basement, out of the clutches of the hoaxers, and places it in the context of competent scientists and technicians. He also provides a framework that many reporters currently use to achieve credibility and approach the truth, incorporating the scientific method instills trust in the soundness of the research while maintaining an appropriate distance of skepticism." The University of South Carolina Journal, AOD-915V o UPC 8 82917 09153 7 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ AOD-915D o UPC 8 82917 09159 9 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
MILABS: MILITARY ABDUCTIONS AND MIND CONTROL, with Leah Haley. The most credible of all "abductees," Leah has been featured in Omni Magazine, The Joan Rivers Show, Encounters, and has delivered speeches from coast-to-coast. She is the author of Lost Was The Key. A true, first-person account of Leah Haley's memories of abductions by what appear to be both alien beings and military and government personnel. A CPA with two master's degrees, wife and mother, shares the emotional trauma she experienced when her balanced, safe, "normal" middle-class Southern Baptist world was shattered by abduction memories. When Leah sought professional help, she discovered that her memories were not manifestations of mental illness (and therefore she could not be "cured"). When she began to investigate, agencies of the U.S. government and/or military became so vitally interested in her contact with other intelligences that they were willing to risk charges of burglary, kidnapping, and torture to learn what she knew and to silence her" her struggle to cope with her unusual experiences and relates her attempts to understand how aliens, UFOs, mind control and government cover-ups are related to God, spirituality and the Bible. AOD-916V o UPC 8 82917 09163 6 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ AOD-916D o UPC 8 82917 09169 8 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN: LIVING BEINGS, CHARIOTS AND CHERUBIM, with Jim Wilhelmsen. As a new Christian, Wilhelmsen has had a difficult time integrating his new faith with some of the knowledge he had about U.F.O.s. The apparent silence and lack of understanding by the church did not help. I had to dig for answers myself. In 1976, he received three scriptures; Genesis 6:1-13, Daniel 11:36-38 and Revelations 11:9. I knew by this that something happened before the flood that somehow was related to U.F.O.s and would possibly happen again in the "end-times." He was satisfied for the time and set it aside sensing that someday he would have to study further and write about it. Because Wilhelmsen had no prior experience with organized church, he began a whirlwind tour, prayerfully searching for where he should go. In 1975 he was befriended by a man who has since authored several books on cults. This man taught Wilhelmsen how to use reference books to study the Bible in the original languages. Wilhelmsen did some research for him on one of his books and fell in love with the whole research process. This began his search and research of the scriptures for answers. Part of his Christian discipleship stresses that anything we encounter natural or supernatural must be referenced with scripture and compatible to the written Word of God. With all diligence, obedience and faithfulness he has done his best to find the answers to this mystery and in this way tries to be an obedient servant of the Lord. AOD-918V o UPC 8 82917 09183 4 o 45 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ AOD-918D o UPC 8 82917 09189 6 o 45 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
BIBLICAL ABDUCTIONS? AN ORTHODOX LOOK AT THE EXPERIENCES OF ENOCH, ELIJAH, EZEKIEL AND OTHERS, with Guy Malone. An experiencer himself, Malone has considered the UFO and abduction phenomena to be real since childhood. Once a somewhat "new age" believer in "beneficial aliens here to help mankind," many factors have since contributed his more sinister understanding of at least the abduction phenomenon. His entry into the field of UFOlogy was the publication of his first website and 1998 book, Come Sail Away : UFO Phenomenon & The Bible. An admittedly under-researched but good "freshman effort," the book tells his own personal childhood experiences, and examines UFOlogy 101 in light of Christianity 101, both in an introductory (cursory) manner. He has since learned that much of the documented UFO phenomenon simply does not so neatly fit his original view of UFOs - or of the Bible! Spurred by the Heaven's Gate tragedy, in 1999 Malone moved to Roswell New Mexico as a sort of "missionary" - to become more visible and accessible to those whose spiritual views were being influenced by the more occult aspects of UFO belief (opposed to research) - and especially - contact. Opening Alien Resistance HQ in 2000, the storefront has since served as "Roswell's only source for Biblical perspectives on UFOs and abductions," with an emphasis on the angelic view of Genesis 6 (mostly absent from Come Sail Away, and most Christian books on UFOs) and it's overlooked implications. Based upon his now exhaustive studies of the Genesis 6 paradigm, he gleans from several sources to inform, challenge and occasionally outrage both the UFO community and the church, each of which he feels hold to incomplete information and even certain dogmas, which ultimately prevent either group from embracing or teaching the full implications of what this, and other related passages, reveal. AOD-919V o UPC 8 82917 09193 3 o 75 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ AOD-919D o UPC 8 82917 09199 5 o 75 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
DEFENSES AGAINST ABDUCTION, with Ann Druffel. Ann Druffel began investigating UFO reports in the Southern California area in April 1957 with the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), which was directed by the UFO research pioneer Major Donald E. Keyhoe, USMC (Ret.). She became acquainted with Dr. James E. McDonald through his contacts with the Los Angeles NICAP Subcommittee from 1966 to 1971. After NICAP's demise in 1970, she joined the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and the then newly-formed Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS.) She has researched over 2,000 Los Angeles Basin reports, including alleged landings, UFO photo cases, close encounters with physical effects on witnesses and terrain, alleged "abduction" reports and other UFO-related phenomena. A prolific writer, Druffel has contributed over 180 articles on various aspects of the UFO question to numerous UFO journals and newsstand magazines. She wrote the book How to Defend Yourself Against Alien Abductions and co-authored Tujunga Canyon Contacts with parapsychologist D. Scott Rogo. Her newest book Firestorm, is a biography of scientist and UFO researcher Dr. James McDonald. AOD-920V o UPC 8 82917 09203 9 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ AOD-920D o UPC 8 82917 09209 1 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
TERMINATING ABDUCTIONS AS A LIFE PATTERN: TESTIMONY OF A MUFON RESEARCHER, with Joe Jordan. Joe Jordan is President and co-founder of CE 4 Research Group. He is also a MUFON State Section Director for Brevard County, Florida. He currently works for Sea Ray Boats in Product Design and Development. CE 4 is an alien abduction research group based in Joe's hometown of Cocoa, Florida (aka "the Space Coast). CE 4 first distinguished themselves from all other UFO and Abduction research groups by being the first to publish - within the UFO community - documented cases of abductions being halted. Primarily an outreach and counseling ministry to abductees, CE-4 Research Group was established to separate their MUFON activities from their abduction investigation and research. Established in October, 1996, the group consists of about a dozen MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) Field Investigators and researchers. AOD-921V o UPC 8 82917 09213 8 o 90 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ AOD-921D o UPC 8 82917 09219 0 o 90 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
EZEKIELS WHEEL AND CHAPTER 1 VISION, with Michael S. Heiser, Ph.D. Mike Heiser has completed his Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible and Ancient Semitic Languages at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Mike holds an M.A. in Ancient History (Egypt, Palestine) from the University of Pennsylvania and an M.A. from the UW-Madison in Hebrew Bible and Ancient Semitic Languages. He has taught biblical studies and biblical theology on the undergraduate level for eleven years. He has had a lifelong interest in the paranormal, particularly UFOlogy, and the subject of ET life. Mike has lectured frequently on those topics, specializing in critical evaluation of the belief that UFOs and aliens are found in ancient near eastern texts, including the Bible. He is an expert on divine beings and angels in the Hebrew Bible, Second Temple Jewish literature, and Canaanite texts. Mike holds a personal disdain for both intellectual snobbery, and the religious fear of critical thinking (and thinkers) - both of which he feels tend to form an ungodly barrier between general academia, church leadership, and the public whom they should be serving. In that spirit, Heiser authored The Façade, a mind-blowing novelization of the above subjects, which makes his original perspectives and 20 years of highly credentialed scholarship easily accessible to lay audiences. AOD-922V o UPC 8 82917 09223 7 o 60 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ AOD-922D o UPC 8 82917 09229 9 o 60 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
THE ANUNNAKI, WATCHERS AND SERPENTINE BEINGS IN ANCIENT TEXTS, with Michael S. Heiser, Ph.D. Mike Heiser has completed his Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible and Ancient Semitic Languages at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Mike holds an M.A. in Ancient History (Egypt, Palestine) from the University of Pennsylvania and an M.A. from the UW-Madison in Hebrew Bible and Ancient Semitic Languages. He has taught biblical studies and biblical theology on the undergraduate level for eleven years. He has had a lifelong interest in the paranormal, particularly UFOlogy, and the subject of ET life. Mike has lectured frequently on those topics, specializing in critical evaluation of the belief that UFOs and aliens are found in ancient near eastern texts, including the Bible. He is an expert on divine beings and angels in the Hebrew Bible, Second Temple Jewish literature, and Canaanite texts. Mike holds a personal disdain for both intellectual snobbery, and the religious fear of critical thinking (and thinkers) - both of which he feels tend to form an ungodly barrier between general academia, church leadership, and the public whom they should be serving. In that spirit, Heiser authored The Façade, a mind-blowing novelization of the above subjects, which makes his original perspectives and 20 years of highly credentialed scholarship easily accessible to lay audiences. AOD-923V o UPC 8 82917 09233 6 o 60 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ AOD-923D o UPC 8 82917 09239 8 o 60 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
THE DARK SIDE OF INTELLIGENT DESIGN: PANSPERMIA VS. CREATION THEOLOGY, with Michael S. Heiser, Ph.D. Mike Heiser has completed his Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible and Ancient Semitic Languages at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Mike holds an M.A. in Ancient History (Egypt, Palestine) from the University of Pennsylvania and an M.A. from the UW-Madison in Hebrew Bible and Ancient Semitic Languages. He has taught biblical studies and biblical theology on the undergraduate level for eleven years. He has had a lifelong interest in the paranormal, particularly UFOlogy, and the subject of ET life. Mike has lectured frequently on those topics, specializing in critical evaluation of the belief that UFOs and aliens are found in ancient near eastern texts, including the Bible. He is an expert on divine beings and angels in the Hebrew Bible, Second Temple Jewish literature, and Canaanite texts. Mike holds a personal disdain for both intellectual snobbery, and the religious fear of critical thinking (and thinkers) - both of which he feels tend to form an ungodly barrier between general academia, church leadership, and the public whom they should be serving. In that spirit, Heiser authored The Façade, a mind-blowing novelization of the above subjects, which makes his original perspectives and 20 years of highly credentialed scholarship easily accessible to lay audiences. AOD-924V o UPC 8 82917 09243 5 o 105 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ AOD-924D o UPC 8 82917 09249 7 o 105 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
ANCIENT OF DAYS UFO AND ABDUCTION CONFERENCE 2004 PANEL DISCUSSION, with Various Presenters. Various presenters include Michael Heiser, Bill Alnor, John Greenewald, David Sereda, David Flynn, Guy Malone, Stephen Bassett, Jim Hickman, Leah Haley, Jim Wilhemsen, Ann Druffel and Joe Jordan. AOD-925V o UPC 8 82917 09253 4 o 162 min o VHS Video o $29.95 +++ AOD-925D o UPC 8 82917 09259 6 o 162 min o DVD Disk o $29.95
PROBLEMS OF UFO DISCLOSURE, with Richard Dolan. Richard Dolan is the author of "UFOs and the National Security State," a recent work central to understanding the government management of the extraterrestrial phenomena issue during the second half of the 20th Century. He will provide a historical foundation for UFOs and government secrecy. Drawing on official documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act, he will detail the extreme levels of interest given to UFOs by the U.S. military and intelligence community, despite public statements to the contrary. One reason he offers is that unknown and extraordinary objects have repeatedly violated sensitive U.S. airspace. Frequently, these objects exhibited capabilities far beyond those of military aircraft even today. Dolan's historical analysis will include the origins and development of a secrecy/cover-up posture during the cold war, as well as descriptions of several spectacular military encounters with UFOs. He will also point out why it is unlikely that "true" UFOs in the early years could have been the product of a secret military program. AOD-927V o UPC 8 82917 09273 2 o 60 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ AOD-927D o UPC 8 82917 09279 4 o 60 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
COMMON DUCT ELECTROLYTIC OXYHYDROGEN / "BROWN'S GAS," with Larry Oja. Over the past forty years many have postulated various opinions explaining these "secrets". The accumulated literature has both facts and myths concerning these secrets of "Browns Gas".This presentation will give a brief history, and explain what Browns Gas is thought to be. Discuss its many uses and "myth-conceptions" and its role in our future, such as a torch gas in current applications in industry, as a fuel enhancer for increased gas mileage, for muscle relaxation and pain relief, the neutralization of radioactive waste, creating "new water", ore reduction and many other uses. Tesla-601V o UPC 8 82917 06013 7 o 77 min o DVD Disk o $24.95 +++ Tesla-601D o UPC 8 82917 06019 9 o 77 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
EXPLORING THE LIMITS OF PULSED ELECTROMAGNETIC HEALING, with Glen A. Gordon, M.D. In 1980 Gordon received the first investigational device exemption issued in the US to study low level laser effects in soft tissue injuries. A sizable anecdotal experience with these devices by Soviet bloc athletes was reported, however FDA stated they had no biologic effect. Using freshly harvested surgical specimens and a spectrophotometer we studied skin transmission from near infrared through 904 nm. That model failed to demonstrate meaningful transmittal of monochromatic light radiation causing us to study the device for other sources of EM radiation to explain our observations in red blood cell models and clinical application(s). Tesla-602V o UPC 8 82917 06023 6 o 51 min o DVD Disk o $19.95 +++ Tesla-602D o UPC 8 82917 06029 8 o 51 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
BUILDING MULTIPLE WAVE OSCILLATORS, with Bruce Forrester, Jr. Bruce has constructed hundreds of Multiple Wave Oscillators, using an open source design. In this hands-on presentation, Bruce will examine component by component the Multiple Wave Oscillator he builds. In addition to detailed construction techniques, Bruce will illustrate some of the basic application methods that many Multiple Wave Oscillator researchers use to achieve various responses. This is an excellent opportunity for Tesla Coil builders to pick up some construction tips for their devices too. Bruce will present some of his true experiences building Multiple Wave Oscillators over the past twenty years as a method of understanding "Tesla Coils" and some of them. Tesla-603V o UPC 8 82917 06033 5 o 82 min o DVD Disk o $24.95 +++ Tesla-603D o UPC 8 82917 06039 7 o 82 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
THE PHOTON STIMULATOR, with Tony Cocilovo. In the 1970s the concept of light and color therapy were in their rudimentary stage of development. At that time, in addition to a dearth of written research materials, the available equipment was inadequate for human experimenal needs. Tony determined that it was necessary to construct a device that could deliver pulsed and colored light to the iris via an optic fiber which would not be damaging to the eye. Russian research found that living tissue conducts light along acupuncture meridians. In fact, the light conducting ability of the human body exists only along the meridians. This presentation will provide an overview of operational aspects and a variety of current therapeutic applications. Tesla-604V o UPC 8 82917 06043 4 o 54 min o DVD Disk o $19.95 +++ Tesla-604D o UPC 8 82917 06049 6 o 54 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
NEUTRINO POWER AND THE EXISTENCE OF SCALAR WAVES, with Professor Konstantin Meyl. It will be shown that scalar waves, normally remaining unnoticed, are very interesting in practical use for information and energy technology for reason of their special attributes. The mathematical and physical derivations are supported by practical experiments. The demonstration will show: 1) the wireless transmission of electrical energy, 2) the reaction of the receiver to the transmitter, 3) Free Energy with an over-unity-effect, 4) transmitting of scalar waves with 1.5 times the speed of light, 5) the inefficiency of a Faraday cage to shield scalar waves. 6) the transmission over a long distance showing it is not a near-field-effect 7) the modulation of a passive receiver send to another receiver of scalar waves Tesla-605V o UPC 8 82917 06053 3 o 66 min o DVD Disk o $24.95 +++ Tesla-605D o UPC 8 82917 06059 5 o 66 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
ZERO-POINT EXTRACTION FROM THE QUANTUM VACUUM, with Thomas Valone, Ph.D. Today we face a destabilizing dependency on irreplaceable fossil fuels which are also rapidly dwindling. A real need exists for a portable source of power that can compete with fossil fuel and its energy density. A further need exists for a fuelless source of power which, by definition, does not require re-fueling. One possible source could be zero-point energy (ZPE). A major feasibility study by Integrity Research Institute placed its emphasis on the practical potential for ZPE energy conversion, especially in view of recent advances in nanotechnology, than in the theory. Tesla-606V o UPC 8 82917 06063 2 o 72 min o DVD Disk o $24.95 +++ Tesla-606D o UPC 8 82917 06069 4 o 72 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES, with Dr. Kiril Chukanov. The concept of quantum energy, or the energy of space, may seem puzzling at first. After all, there is no such thing as free energy. Or is there? For decades people were observing the mysterious natural phenomenon of ball lightning which radiates an enormous amount of energy in form of light and heat, making it a source of abundant free energy. Artificially created ball lightning can produce a quantum free energy in form of photon radiation or electricity. The efficiency and the energy level of the radiated quantum photons depend on the scale of the process. The quantum energy process becomes a "stand-alone" process for microwave input power bigger than 100 KW. Tesla-607V o UPC 8 82917 06073 1 o 65 min o DVD Disk o $24.95 +++ Tesla-607D o UPC 8 82917 06079 3 o 65 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
INNOVATIVE ENERGY TECHNOLOGY, with Bruce Perreault. When light falls on the junction of a crystal diode, it, like a solar cell, acquires a forward-biased charge. What this shared characteristic tells us is that the solar cell and the crystal radio diode are fundamentally the same and allows us to convert ambient radio frequency radiation (static noise) into useful electrical current. To efficiently conert this source of energy into useful current, a diode has to be built that will respond to the minute voltages. This is exactly what the Perreault "ionic diode" accomplishes. Perreaults Ultra Fuel Cell demonstrates an economical method of electrolysis, producing hydrogen and oxygen ions. Tesla-609V o UPC 8 82917 06093 9 o 64 min o DVD Disk o $24.95 +++ Tesla-609D o UPC 8 82917 06099 1 o 64 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
PER-MAG MOTORS AND VAPOR SYSTEMS, with Alan Francouer. As early as 1986, Al began his research into intereference disc generators. As part of his research, has replicated the Gary Motor which gave him an opportunity to learn more about magnetic forces and their interactions in a motor. He has built three interference disc generators and is currently working on the fourth generation prototype. This generator is quite unique in that it simulates a moving magnetic field by shielding and unshielding the magnets on the armature. As the magnetic fields intensity is constantly changing, the coils "see" a moving field, and thus create an electric current. Tesla-610V o UPC 8 82917 06103 5 o 63 min o DVD Disk o $24.95 +++ Tesla-610D o UPC 8 82917 06109 7 o 63 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
IMPLOSION TECHNOLOGY: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE, with Sonne Ward. Range and charging speeds are a couple of the keys to widespread acceptance of electric vehicles. Sonnes Braxton Reaction Battery Charger effectively addresses these issues. He will demonstrate its effectiveness using a variety of power tools and... his electric motorcycle! This is but one of the devices Sonne demonstrated. His Accurate Injection Unit which may reduce fuel consumption by 30% is sure to draw increased interest this year. On the market for years, it is being reevaluated on new vehicles! Sonnes Starship Module Home is designed to be totally off the grid. Solar energy is used in a variety of ways from providing heat to providing electric power. Tesla-611V o UPC 8 82917 06113 4 o 53 min o DVD Disk o $19.95 +++ Tesla-611D o UPC 8 82917 06119 6 o 53 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
PULSED PLASMA ANOMALIES, with Moray King. Abruptly pulsing corona or plasma appears to activate a cohering interaction with the zero-point energy (ZPE). Numerous researchers have observed energetic anomalies as well as element transmutation triggered by pulsed plasma stimulation. An overview of experimental work includes the following research. Ken Shoulders can repeatedly launch micron size, plasmoid entities that resemble ball lightning, called electrum validum (EV) or charge clusters. A single strike onto a metal target produces an array of new elements and unusual isotopes in the crater region. Adamenkos team in the Ukraine has recently developed a protocol for producing numerous new elements in a metal target via a pulsed, supercompression discharge. Tesla-612V o UPC 8 82917 06123 3 o 67 min o DVD Disk o $24.95 +++ Tesla-612D o UPC 8 82917 06129 5 o 67 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
VORTEX MECHANICS, FREE ENERGY AND THE RAM IMPLOSION WING, with Robert Patterson. Roberts ram implosion wing on RIW) the back of a V-8 van (GVW 5750 lbs) achieves that much on a regular basis... and some crude, but astounding tests last year indicates it is capable of much more! In independent test runs Aug. 13, 2003, using a Dodge Caravan (V-6, GVW 2726 lb), results of 100+ mpg were achieved! The driver weighed 295 lbs and the copilot had a weight of 195 lbs. The tanks were topped off, and the van driven 20.2 miles at 65mph with the AC unit on. When we arrived back at the fueling station we were amazed to find that we could only squeeze 0.2 gallon back into the tank, we even picked the hose up and tried to pour the extra gas from the line into the tank but it all ran back out onto the ground. Thats 101 mpg!!! Tesla-613V o UPC 8 82917 06133 2 o 55 min o DVD Disk o $19.95 +++ Tesla-613D o UPC 8 82917 06139 4 o 55 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
A COMMUNITY WITHOUT ELECTRIC BILLS, with John Balfour. The true "American Dream"is ... not having to pay exorbitant electric bills every month! A BIG step in acheiving energy independence can be found at GreenWood Ranch Estates, the first privately funded solar-powered development in the US which is entirely off the electric power grid. A mild climate with lower energy needs, clear skies for maximum solar power, no-worry sustainable homes, and a no-hassle location all come together at Green Wood Estates in northern Arizona. The homes are being designed to be sustainable and provide years of maintenance-free service. Autoclaved aerated concrete, popular in Europe for decades, will be used to build homes that are earthquake, insect, and mold high insulation value. Tesla-614V o UPC 8 82917 06143 1 o 39 min o DVD Disk o $19.95 +++ Tesla-614D o UPC 8 82917 06149 3 o 39 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
THE KEELY LEGACY SYMPATHETIC VIBRATORY PHYSICS, with Dale Pond. Over 100 years ago, John Ernst Worrell Keely, developed the Musical Dynasphere. These devices were designed as Prime Movers or power sources to drive the industries of that time. Keely was able to develop useable horsepower as demonstrated to engineers and scientists of that time period who left affidavits and testimonials. These devices were harnessed to vibrational energies, the interconnecting link between all matter. The awareness of vibrational energy has spawned a new field of study referred to as sympathetic vibratory physics. By studying and applying the principles of vibration we are enabled to see beyond material matter and into the very nature of the causative Forces of Nature operating by immutable Universal Laws. Tesla-616V o UPC 8 82917 06163 9 o 55 min o DVD Disk o $19.95 +++ Tesla-616D o UPC 8 82917 06169 1 o 55 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
SHAPE AS UNIVERSAL RESONANCE, with Dan Davidson. This presentation will briefly summarize the Shape Power phenomena whereby physical shapes convert the aether to other forces as discovered by Mr. Davidson, followed by research findings of a unversal resonance principal where shape, mass, frequency, and other quantities fit into a natural universal order of creation. Preliminary analysis shows that there is a basic pattern to creation that exists from the sub-atomic level to the highert levels of the physical universe. This discovery leads to a cohesive understanding of how the aether manifests on various levels and opens the door to a new understanding of how free energy and gravity control is possible. Tesla-617V o UPC 8 82917 06173 8 o 69 min o DVD Disk o $24.95 +++ Tesla-617D o UPC 8 82917 06179 0 o 69 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
MAGNETS AND SPACE ENERGY, with Hal Fox. The study of magnets and magnetism has been going on for several thousand years. In 1269 AD, an engineer named Petrus Peregrinuscompiled all of the known information in a letter which introduced the concept of self-running magnetic motors. Over time, improved magnetic materials have been developed so that stronger magnets can be made. It is well KNOWN that by using some materials and applying a magnetizing force for a short period of time a permanent magnet can be made. Magnetic theory includes the concept of ferromagnetic domains in which atomic or nuclear magnetic alignments are made parallel. Tesla-618V o UPC 8 82917 06183 7 o 54 min o DVD Disk o $19.95 +++ Tesla-618D o UPC 8 82917 06189 9 o 54 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
G.E.E.T. AND WHERE WE ARE TODAY, with Paul Pantone. A presentation by Paul Pantone. Tesla-619V o UPC 8 82917 06193 6 o 60 min o DVD Disk o $19.95 +++ Tesla-618D o UPC 8 82917 06189 9 o 54 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
THE EFFECT OF SURFACE SPECIES ON THE RATE OF 'H' SORPTION, with Jan Marwan. Includes exhibitor presentations and tour. Tesla-620V o UPC 8 82917 06203 2 o 63 min o DVD Disk o $19.95 +++ Tesla-620D o UPC 8 82917 06209 4 o 63 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
RELATIVISTIC TORUS AND HELIX USING THE PRIME CARRIERS OF ENERGY, with Vladimir Ginzburg. A presentation with Vladimir Ginzburg. Tesla-621V o UPC 8 82917 06213 1 o 55 min o DVD Disk o $19.95 +++ Tesla-621D o UPC 8 82917 06219 3 o 55 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
GERMAN SPACE POWER COMMISSION AND THE LATEST EUROPEAN TECHNOLOGY, with Thorsin Ludwig. A presentation with Thorsin Ludwig. Tesla-621V o UPC 8 82917 06213 1 o 55 min o DVD Disk o $19.95 +++ Tesla-621D o UPC 8 82917 06219 3 o 55 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
The First Annual Exopolitics Expo The X-Conference
GLIMPSES OF DISCLOSURE: THE OTHER SIDE OF THE COVER-UP, with Grant Cameron. The public's general impression is that of a government which hid away the facts surrounding extraterrestrials and refused to release anything. Those controlling the secret have been painted as evil men who have contempt for the truth and for the people's right to know. "Glimpses of Disclosure" will tell a more complicated story. Those who kept the secrets were men of good will who agonized over releasing the truth. Concerned over the impact of complete disclosure, they took a middle position of carefully releasing the story of the U.S. government's role without allowing anyone to obtain a critical mass of information. Those who controlled the secrets have on a number of occasions purposely released key pieces of the UFO story into the public consciousness through a mixed process of disclosure and disinformation. Glimpses of Disclosure will also look at the efforts of various presidents to release elements of the UFO story, or who actually tried to initiate a complete disclosure. The efforts of the Carter and Clinton administrations will be the focus of this section. XCon-701V o UPC 8 82917 07013 6 o 50 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-701D o UPC 8 82917 07019 8 o 50 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
NEWS MEDIA COMPLICITY AND THE TRUTH EMBARGO, with Terry Hansen. A mesmerizing account of his investigation into whether some of America's most influential news organizations, many having maintained close ties to the U.S. intelligence community, have willingly suppressed full and accurate news coverage of extraterrestrial related phenomena for a variety of "national-security" reasons. Hansen reveals the remarkable and persistent difference in UFO-related news coverage exhibited by local and national news organizations and reviews the history of censorship and propaganda during the twentieth century and the evidence for media-government collusion over the course of the half-century-long UFO controversy. Terry Hansen is an independent journalist with an interest in scientific controversies and the politics of mass media. He is author of The Missing Times: News Media Complicity in the UFO Cover-up. He has organized and moderated two symposiums about the science and politics of UFO research for the Science Museum of Minnesota. Hansen holds a bachelors degree in biology and a masters degree in science journalism, both from the University of Minnesota. He was a founding partner of KFH Publications, Inc., a Seattle computer-magazine publishing company. This presentation covers some of the more recent and important stories that have been suppressed by the media cartels and powers-that-be. XCon-702V o UPC 8 82917 07023 5 o 50 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-702D o UPC 8 82917 07029 7 o 50 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
THE FIRESTORM: DR. JAMES E. MCDONALDS FIGHT FOR UFO SCIENCE, with Ann Druffel. Ann will expand on her new book, Firestorm, which tells the important story of Dr. James McDonald. Her book and presentation powerfully demonstrate what researchers have gone through to bring a truth to the public which the public's elected and appointed officials did not want acknowledged. Of all the researchers who intersected with the process and prospects of governmental public disclosure, none was more intellectually suited and had collected more scientifically valid data than Dr. James E. McDonald, a prominent scientist and professor with the Institute of Atmospheric Physics and the University of Arizona at Tucson. He had unprecedented high-level contacts, and during his scientific career introduced numerous groundbreaking projects in meteorology and climatology under ONR contracts and with top scientific organizations. Between 1958-1971 he worked closely with science-oriented UFO groups nationwide and in several foreign countries. He gave hundreds of talks on UFOs before top scientific organizations, influencing numerous scientists to take the UFO question seriously and in 1968 was instrumental in bringing about one of only two public Congressional hearing, thus far, on the UFO subject. His premature death, a suicide, at age 51 stands as a warning to researchers, for McDonald was under surveillance by unknown sources. McDonald had the right methodology, adequate empirical data, and always presented his facts in strictly scientific terms. In seeking disclosure, we must follow his lead, for those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. XCon-703V o UPC 8 82917 07033 4 o 50 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-703D o UPC 8 82917 07039 6 o 50 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
THE NEXUS OF EXPOPOLITICS AND GLOBAL PEACE, with Dr. C. B. Scott Jones. One of the key figures in the private approach to the Clinton administration by Laurance Rockefeller seeking the release of government documents and an end to the truth embargo, former Naval intelligence officer, Dr. Scott Jones, will discuss how humanity is placed in a highly vulnerable position by politics of exclusion and denial of the intimate relationship of all life in the universe. That is the direct relationship of Exopolitics and global peace and survival. Up to this point, strategies used to engage the nation-state system on Exopolitical issues have failed. A new strategy, formulated around the historical precedence of successful use of the think tank in American politics, is recommended. A short "Issues to be Explored" think piece would be personally briefed to a number of international think tanks. They would be requested to do pro bono studies on the challenges and opportunities that the Exopolitical enigma presents. This approach is deliberately designed not to engage countries, but private think tanks from a variety of cultures. The think tank studies would be used as wedges to open a public debate involving, among others, international media, the National Academy of Sciences and their counterparts in other countries, universities, and organized religion. National governments and the United Nations would not be directly approached, but allowed to enter the dialogue at their own initiative. This presentation is filled with accounts of trying the old strategies with research and intelligence communities in China and the former Soviet Union. Much was learned about their interests and activities. The Chinese suggested a special role that the United States might be destined to fill. XCon-704V o UPC 8 82917 07043 3 o 50 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-704D o UPC 8 82917 07049 5 o 50 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
MJ-12 COMMITTEE OF THE MAJORITY: THE STRANGE DEATH OF JAMES FORRESTAL, with Peter Robbins. Once the truth embargo is ended it will be necessary to reexamine significant portions of the historical record of the second half of the 20th Century in light of this extraordinary new information with particular emphasis on military/intelligence/political events. In fact, this is already underway. Peter Robbins is investigating the strange death of James Forrestal. In the official account, early on the morning of May 22, 1949, a despondent James Vincent Forrestal, former Secretary of the Navy, chief architect of our modern Department of Defense and recently retired as first Secretary of Defense, threw himself to his death from the 16th floor of the Bethesda Naval Hospital where he was being held under a round the clock Marine guard while being treated for depression. The Navy's five-month investigation concluded that Forrestal had taken his own life. The investigation report was then classified and remains so to this day. James Forrestal is the third official on the list denoting the members of the MJ-12 Committee of the Majority. Peter Robbins will take us through a diverse body of evidence that counters the Navy's contention and makes the case for officially sanctioned murder with a most compelling motive. Peter is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the website and writes a column for "UFO Magazine" called "Webwatch." Robbins has been involved with the UFO field for many years. In 1977 he created and produced "The Question of UFOs," a series of six half-hour programs for Channel C, Manhattan Cable TV. XCon-705V o UPC 8 82917 07053 2 o 50 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-705D o UPC 8 82917 07059 4 o 50 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
EXOPOLITICS: NEW DISCIPLINE FOR A NEW PARADIGM, with Dr. Michael Salla. Within a short number of years the study of the political science of extraterrestrial phenomena will be commonplace at universities around the world. It will be called "Exopolitics" in no small measure due to the work of Dr. Salla, who with a few others, is founding this new area of study. This lecture will identify the key features in the emergence of exopolitics as a branch of political science. Attention will be placed on identifying the different conceptual frameworks used to understand the extraterrestrial presence and its political implications. Attention will be on the various sources of information on the extraterrestrial presence, the coherence of these sources and their persuasiveness as evidentiary bases for making policy recommendation. Special focus will be on the motivations, activities and moral orientations of different extraterrestrial groups identified by a variety of sources. Finally, the way in which political control has evolved in response to the extraterrestrial presence by responsible government agencies in the US will also be identified and analyzed in the context of the present international political climate. XCon-706V o UPC 8 82917 07063 1 o 50 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-706D o UPC 8 82917 07069 3 o 50 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
HIDDEN EMPIRE: UNDERGROUND BASES AND TUNNEL SYSTEMS, with Dr. Richard Sauder. One of the most mysterious and secretive developments of the 20th Century was the coming together of the Cold War, extraterrestrial related phenomena, the national security infrastructure and advances in digging and tunneling technology. The author of Underground Bases and Tunnels: What is the Government Trying to Hide? will present a packed lecture on the extraordinary proliferation of underground military, intelligence and agency facilities, the relationship to the black budget and possible relation to extraterrestrial phenomena. Dr. Sauder may be the world's leading researcher in this particular area of study. XCon-707V o UPC 8 82917 07073 0 o 50 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-707D o UPC 8 82917 07079 2 o 50 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
COLONEL PHILIP J. CORSO AND THE POLITICS OF DISCLOSURE, with Dr. William Birnes. Phil Corso once told Bill Birnes during the course of working on the manuscript for The Day after Roswell, that the Army never had to worry about disinformation or a conspiracy to hide the truth because the public was more than willing to hide the truth for them. In other words, the UFO community itself, such as it was in the 1950s and '60s was so focused on some of the wilder stories about trips to Venus and creatures from nearby planets that the rock solid evidence of UFOs, right before the eyes of the American public, largely went unnoticed. Real sightings, witness reports from the military and from credible public safety officers were dismissed as wild ravings by the tabloid press and never even covered by mainstream media. Corso said that the government never actually had to worry about disclosure because the truth of the matter was so self-evident it was in plain sight and nobody was looking at it. This is the springboard for the presentation about Corso and how in his final lectures before academic audiences, he was able to present his story, stripped of all the hype and derogatory criticism, in a way that people could understand it. Corso's story encompassed far more than UFOs, although the Roswell file and his technology transfer program certainly became prominent in the latter part of his life. Of course, he was able to keep what he knew about the Roswell crash and the debris retrieved a secret. XCon-709V o UPC 8 82917 07093 8 o 50 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-709D o UPC 8 82917 07099 0 o 50 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
THE LEGACY OF COLONEL PHILIP J. CORSO: PART 1, with Philip Corso, Jr. One of the most important milestones since the disclosure process began in earnest after the dissolution of the Soviet empire in 1991 was the publishing in 1997 of The Day After Roswell by Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso with William Birnes (also a speaker). The allegations in this book rocked the foundations of the cover-up. To this day the neither the Army nor the Department of Defense nor any agency of government has formally responded to these allegations. The Washington Post would not even dare write an obituary for this noted Washington insider rather than mention the book. The life story of Col. Corso, who died on July 16, 1998 at 83, is extraordinary. Col. Corso was a decorated officer and a patriot who believed the public should know the truth about the extraterrestrial reality. His son shares this belief and is determined to defend his father's legacy. Paradigm Research Group is pleased to announce Philip Corso, Jr. will come to Washington to talk about his father and the family's experience in the aftermath of one of the most controversial books ever published. In his lecture and workshop he will present information never before revealed to the public. The story of Col. Philip J. Corso is not over. It has only just begun. XCon-711V o UPC 8 82917 07113 3 o 50 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-711D o UPC 8 82917 07119 5 o 50 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
THE LEGACY OF COLONEL PHILIP J. CORSO: PART 2, with Philip Corso, Jr. and Dr. William Birnes. One of the most important milestones since the disclosure process began in earnest after the dissolution of the Soviet empire in 1991 was the publishing in 1997 of The Day After Roswell by Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso with William Birnes (also a speaker). The allegations in this book rocked the foundations of the cover-up. To this day the neither the Army nor the Department of Defense nor any agency of government has formally responded to these allegations. The Washington Post would not even dare write an obituary for this noted Washington insider rather than mention the book. If you plan to attend this conference, it is recommended you read The Day After Roswell in advance. The life story of Col. Corso, who died on July 16, 1998 at 83, is extraordinary. Col. Corso was a decorated officer and a patriot who believed the public should know the truth about the extraterrestrial reality. His son shares this belief and is determined to defend his father's legacy. Paradigm Research Group is pleased to announce Philip Corso, Jr. will come to Washington to talk about his father and the family's experience in the aftermath of one of the most controversial books ever published. In his lecture and workshop he presented information never before revealed to the public. The story of Col. Philip J. Corso is not over. It has only just begun. XCon-712V o UPC 8 82917 07123 2 o 136 min o VHS Video o $29.95 +++ XCon-712D o UPC 8 82917 07129 4 o 136 min o DVD Disk o $29.95
ROSWELL: THE MAKING OF THE MOVIE "ROSWELL" AND THE OFFICIAL REPLY with Paul Davids. In 1994, "Roswell-mania" struck nationwide as Paul Davids produced and co-wrote the Showtime film, ROSWELL, starring Kyle MacLachlan, Martin Sheen and Dwight Yoakam. This will be a lecture filled with rare video clips (an amazing, largely different set of visuals than will be shown at the Paul Davids workshop). It will examine the debunking, official denials and attacks on witness credibility that has marked the entire history of the UFO phenomenon. This is given as background for understanding the firestorm the Roswell UFO case unleashed in Washington from 1994 through 1997 which became a three-ring circus on the national stage: Congressman Steven Schiff's inquiry to the Pentagon, the Government Accounting Office investigation, President Clinton's statement from Ireland, and the Air Force reports which officials say make Roswell a CASE CLSOED. The build-up to the 1997 50th anniversary of the Roswell Incident was accompanied by ever-increasing national hysteria -- incredible claims of UFO reality from Lt. Col. Philip Corso, suicides by the Heavens Gate cult, a controversy over apparently fraudulent alien autopsy film and claims and counter-claims about the mysterious MJ-12 documents. Debunking of the Roswell Incident was raised to a shrill and fevered pitch by the government, media news shows and skeptical magazines. Having lived in the center of the Roswell media storm, Davids will reveal how a $25.00 deal made between friends (Paul Davids, Captain Kevin Randle and Donald R. Schmitt) became the famous Showtime TV movie -- and how the film that no one in Hollywood wanted to make suddenly became a project that was rushed to completion for broadcast with a lavish 6 million dollar TV budget, just in time to be officially debunked in a series of Air Force reports and newscasts. Davids grew up in nearby Bethesda, Maryland, and is a graduate of Walter Johnson High School and Princeton University. His father, Dr. Jules Davids, was one of Georgetown's most famous professors and historians, who taught Jackie Kennedy and Bill Clinton and was a "secret writer" for JFK. The movie producer, whose life was shaken by a daylight disc sighting near his home in 1987, will re-live his personal journey on the road to Roswell and the bizarre aftermath, including his current views on the incident that the government says, for the 4th time, is explained and is a CASE CLOSED. XCon-713V o UPC 8 82917 07133 1 o 50 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-713D o UPC 8 82917 07139 3 o 50 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
PROFILES IN UFO COURAGE, with Paul Davids. This workshop is a highly visual presentation, with photos and many rare TV and news clips that document the boldest uses of the media efforts to expose the public to facts and concepts about UFO's and alien contact. You will hear from the likes of astronaut Gordon Cooper and Walt Disney CEO Michael Eisner that some UFO's are extraterrestrial spacecraft, and that a wall of secrecy has kept the facts from the public. The presentation will impress upon you just how much things have changed since the days when the CIA-backed Congressional Robertson Committee in the early 1950's recommended that media companies, such as Disney, be enlisted to debunk UFO's for the good of the nation. Paul Davids was executive producer and co-writer of the Showtime film ROSWELL (starring Kyle MacLachlan, Dwight Yoakan and Martin Sheen and Golden Globe nominated as Best TV Motion Picture of 1994). His interest in the UFO field was propelled by a daylight UFO sighting in 1987 in close proximity, with his two children. The experience opened his mind about a subject he knew little about until 1987, and it led to his conviction that excessive official secrecy on this issue is a negative and mistaken national policy. The sighting directly led to his becoming a producer of UFO-themed movies, TV shows and documentaries, as well as a writer in the field (FLYING SAUCERS OVER HOLLYWOOD for AlienZoo, etc.) and lecturer. Paul Davids' father, the late Georgetown University professor Dr. Jules Davids, was a principal contributor, or "ghostwriter," of JFK's Pulitzer Prize-winning book, Profiles in Courage. Paul Davids will reveal the story, the documents -- and how his father's contribution was "covered up" during the 1960 Presidential campaign so as not to derail JFK's election. The whole point of the book PROFILES IN COURAGE is that it is in fact very rare that a Senator will take an unpopular position, against his personal interests and contrary to the wishes of his constituency, for what he perceives as the larger good of the nation. On the UFO issue, there have been precious few examples of courage in the Senate or Congress or anywhere else -- including the media, among journalists, military men and astronauts. Using his father's essay for JFK on political courage as a point of departure, Paul Davids will forth his view of "Profiles in UFO Courage" -- those in the media (film, journalism, TV), politics and astronautics who took personal risks to try to pull back veil of secrecy hiding the facts of UFO reality. Paul Davids also had repeated correspondence with one of his father's former students, President Bill Clinton, which he will share, as he sought to provide information to the President on the Roswell incident. The workshop will bring to life Paul Davids' "Profiles in UFO Courage" to show how a rare group publicly known personalities -- dedicated, outspoken, brave and courageous people from Washington to Hollywood -- have pushed the envelope to work toward raising public awareness on the UFO issue. XCon-714V o UPC 8 82917 07143 0 o 105 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ XCon-714D o UPC 8 82917 07149 2 o 105 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
NATIONAL SECURITY AND UFOS: THE FOUNDATION YEARS 1941 TO 1973, with Richard Dolan. Richard Dolan is the author of UFOs and the National Security State, a recent work central to understanding the government management of the extraterrestrial phenomena issue during the second half of the 20th Century. He will provide a historical foundation for UFOs and government secrecy. Drawing on official documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act, he will detail the extreme levels of interest given to UFOs by the U.S. military and intelligence community, despite public statements to the contrary. One reason he offers is that unknown and extraordinary objects have repeatedly violated sensitive U.S. airspace. Frequently, these objects exhibited capabilities far beyond those of military aircraft even today. Dolan's historical analysis will include the origins and development of a secrecy/cover-up posture during the cold war, as well as descriptions of several spectacular military encounters with UFOs. He will also point out why it is unlikely that "true" UFOs in the early years could have been the product of a secret military program. PRG strongly advises any Congressional Members and staffers or political journalists coming to the X-Conference to attend this Lecture. Richard Dolan is the author of "UFOs and the National Security State," published by Keyhole Publishing, which covers the period from 1941 to 1973 and provides a thorough historical analysis of the national security dimensions of the UFO phenomenon. XCon-715V o UPC 8 82917 07153 9 o 50 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-715D o UPC 8 82917 07159 1 o 50 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
NATIONAL SECURITY AND UFOS: THE RECENT YEARS 1973 TO THE PRESENT, with Richard Dolan. Richard Dolan will expand his lecture on UFOs and government secrecy to cover the last thirty years. This in fact is the time frame in the forthcoming second volume of his, UFOs and the National Security State, due for release in 2005. Dolan's approach combines a rigorous adherence to verifiable facts with the willingness not to shrink from logical conclusions. Working strictly from historical documents and verified sources, he will describe the amazing story of military encounters with UFOs since the mid-1970s. In addition, Dolan will delve into the history of Area 51 and assess the state of our knowledge of what is actually going on there. This includes assessing the critical issue of whether or not the "deep black" world has developed its own "flying saucers." He will explain why UFO secrecy continues to this day and emphasize why this topic is one of grave concern for all of humanity. Richard Dolan is the author of "UFOs and the National Security State," published by Keyhole Publishing, which covers the period from 1941 to 1973 and provides a thorough historical analysis of the national security dimensions of the UFO phenomenon. XCon-716V o UPC 8 82917 07163 8 o 105 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ XCon-716D o UPC 8 82917 07169 0 o 105 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
UFOS: THE COSMIC WATERGATE, with Stanton Friedman. Over the past 57 years there is overwhelming evidence that agencies of the US Government have intentionally withheld and misrepresented data on sightings of extraterrestrial craft. One can understand such an attitude during WWII. It is much harder to justify it now. There is no question that some technical data probably should be withheld. But the fact the planet is being engaged by extraterrestrial space craft should be of concern to all humans. Ignorance is not bliss in this case. Stanton will touch on the cover-up of the Project Blue Book Special Report #14, the Roswell incident and the disinformation targeting operation Majestic 12. The government was clearly guilty of misrepresentation in the manner in which Project Bluebook was terminated. He will introduce new material from his next book with the working title " Flying Saucers and Science." Stanton likes to refer to debunkers as noisy negativists. He has been taking on these debunkers for 47 years and shows no sign of slowing down. He is a legend in the field and possibly the best known researcher in the world. XCon-718V o UPC 8 82917 07183 6 o 50 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-718D o UPC 8 82917 07189 8 o 50 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
UFO COVER-UP: DEBUNKING THE DEBUNKERS, with Stanton Friedman. At the center of the truth embargo is a core of propaganda promulgated over 50 years in the guise of scientific skepticism. This false "skepticism" came to be known as "debunking." Having given more than 700 lectures about flying saucers in 15 countries; answered more than 35,000 questions; published more than 80 papers, 2 books, a CD-ROM and videos about UFOs and visited 20 document archives; Stanton Friedman has heard all the objections the human mind can conjure in opposition to the extraterrestrial hypothesis. In the workshop, all objections will be discussed such as the notions that interstellar travel is impossible, there is no good evidence for flying saucer reality, secrets can't be kept, aliens engaging the earth would land on the White House lawn, SETI (Silly Effort to Investigate) is sensible science, the Drake Equation predicts extraterrestrial contact is unlikely and other false arguments. For those who want to test their skeptical mettle against this research legend, here is your chance. XCon-719V o UPC 8 82917 07193 5 o 105 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ XCon-719D o UPC 8 82917 07199 7 o 105 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
BEYOND TOP SECRET: UFOS AND USOS (UNIDENTIFIED SUBMARINE OBJECTS), with Timothy Good. Beyond Top Secret UFOs and USOs (unidentified submarine objects) remain the most highly classified subject on Earth. In his fully illustrated presentation, drawing on the latest evidence, the highly respected researcher and best-selling author will outline the involvement of intelligence agencies in North America, South America and Europe in top-secret investigations. He will describe some little-known and disturbing cases reported by military and civilian pilots, army and naval personnel, and discuss contacts with ETs reported by highly credible witnesses, such as a former British deputy chief of Strike Command and Equerry to HM The Queen and Prince Philip, and a former CIA communications specialist, currently a respected Brazilian scientist. Good will also discuss his meeting at the Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office at the Pentagon in 1998, and some of the information provided to him over the years by his contacts in Washington, including revelations via a high-ranking source who worked at the Pentagon with the USAF Air Staff and Joint Staff. XCon-720V o UPC 8 82917 07203 1 o 50 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-720D o UPC 8 82917 07209 3 o 50 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
BEYOND TOP SECRET: EXTRAORDINARY CASES OF EXTRATERRESTRIAL CONTACT, with Timothy Good. Timothy Good's workshop presentation will include some extraordinary cases, such as the encounters reported by a witness in Italy in 1993 who took a series of remarkable color Polaroid photographs of an unusual creature. Officers from the US Embassy in Rome attempted to steal the Polaroids and the witness was eventually arrested by the Italian military police. Good will also describe some of his investigations during seven visits to Puerto Rico in the 1990s, including an animal mutilation apparently monitored by US federal agents, the shooting by a police officer of an alien creature at point-blank range, the teleportation of a British Airways captain while flying a light aircraft, and the disappearance of an aircraft and its young pilots after reporting a UFO. Trips to alien bases in the Andes and the Pacific Ocean reported by a South American witness will be discussed in depth. Invited to Washington by the CIA, the witness was interrogated for several days at a "safe house." Finally, Good will reveal astounding new information about alien bases on Earth - including alleged locations - as provided to him via a high-ranking source who served in the USAF Air Staff and Joint Staff at the Pentagon. Earth - unique in our solar system and perhaps for light years around - is a center of operations for several species. Some are here for purposes of exploitation, such as hybridization. This has led to a conflict of interest, at both a terrestrial and extraterrestrial level. XCon-721V o UPC 8 82917 07213 0 o 105 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ XCon-721D o UPC 8 82917 07219 2 o 105 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
AREA 51: AMERICAS SECRET SPACE BASE, with William Hamilton. Area 51, also known as Groom Lake, is a secret military facility about 90 miles north of Las Vegas, Nevada USA. The number refers to a 6-by-10-mile block of land, at the center of which is a large air base the government will not discuss. The site was selected in the mid-1950s for testing of the U-2 spy plane, due to its remoteness, proximity to existing facilities and presence of a dry lake bed for landings. Groom Lake is America's traditional testing ground for "black budget" aircraft before they are publicly acknowledged. The facility and surrounding areas are also associated with varying levels of credibility with UFO and conspiracy stories. In 1989, Bob Lazar claimed on a Las Vegas television station that he had worked with alien spacecraft at Papoose Lake, south of Area 51. Since then, "Area 51" has become a popular symbol for the alleged U.S. Government UFO cover-up. Bill Hamilton is a leading investigator of Area 51. Bill Hamilton read the book "Flying Saucers from Outer Space" by Donald Keyhoe when still in grade school. By the time he went to high school, he was actively pursuing interests in the UFO phenomenon. He met and became acquainted with the early UFO contactees by attending the Giant Rock spacecraft conventions hosted by George Van Tassel. Hamilton has had over one hundred personal sightings of UFOs. XCon-722V o UPC 8 82917 07223 9 o 50 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-722D o UPC 8 82917 07229 1 o 50 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
THE CASE FOR REVERSE ENGINEERING, with William Hamilton. The alleged recovery of a flying disk near Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947 has sparked discussions, opinions, and reports that the U.S. Army and Air Force studied the remnants of the disk, especially the methods and modes of its propulsion with the intent of "reverse engineering" the advanced technology found in the alien craft. Is it even possible to comprehend such advanced technology much less attempt to duplicate its function? Alien astronautics is a subject predicated on the existence of intelligent alien life forms whose evolution occurred on an extraterrestrial world and who developed means to travel from their world to other worlds in spacecraft. Reverse engineering is predicated on the fact that we have acquired alien hardware through flight systems failure of an alien spacecraft or through communication and negotiation. Reverse engineering of mechanical parts requires extraction of information about an instance of a particular part sufficient to replicate the part using appropriate fabrication techniques. In a letter to researcher William Steinman, Dr. Robert I. Sarbacher who was with the Washington Institute of Technology, confirms that some of the scientists involved in the study of recovered flying discs were Dr. Vannever Bush, John von Neumann, and Dr. Robert Oppenheimer. New technology such as morphing airplanes and carbon nanotubes may be the result of alien technology back-engineering studies conducted by the military-industrial complex. XCon-723V o UPC 8 82917 07233 8 o 105 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ XCon-723D o UPC 8 82917 07239 0 o 105 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
ITALY, COLONEL CORSO AND THE VATICAN: PART 1, with Paola Harris. International Journalist and researcher Paola Leopizzi Harris will discuss how the Italian media, newspapers, TV, magazines handle the coverage of UFO related events. She will cover several of the most notable cases including the visits of Colonel Philip Corso to Italy, the disclosure efforts of Monsignor Corrado Balducci and this year's Italian coverage of the Travis Walton Story on major prime time TV . From her early work with Dr. J. Allen Hynek to her current efforts to bring researchers to Italy through Starworks Italia, Ms Harris will explain the great importance of networking information world wide to prepare humanity for disclosure. Drawing upon the researcher for her new book, Connecting the Dots: Making Sense of the UFO Phenomenon, she will discuss "field investigations" and the research process she uses in order to piece together a very complex picture of the extraterrestrial presence on the planet. XCon-724V o UPC 8 82917 07243 7 o 50 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-724D o UPC 8 82917 07249 9 o 50 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
ITALY, COLONEL CORSO AND THE VATICAN: PART 2, with Paola Harris. How did Colonel Corso's revelations and the Italian publication of "The Day after Roswell" change the field of Ufology in Italy? How did his presence in two conferences affect the media coverage of the phenomena? How does the Italian press handle sightings, witness testimony and the publicity around Monsignor Corrado Balducci's acceptance of the possibility of extraterrestrial life? Paola Harris' book "Connecting the Dots" contains a great deal of inside personal testimony from notable figures in the UFO Field. She will explain the amazing synchronicity that enabled her to cover these stories and obtain the respect of these key figures. She was one of very few people close to both Colonel Philip Corso and Monsignor Balducci. In 1997, after the Roswell 50th year Reunion, International Journalist researcher Paola Harris and the editorial staff from Futuro magazine brought Colonel Philip Corso back to Rome where he had served as head of Intelligence (CIG) from 1944-1947. In 1998, Corso was the keynote speaker at the International Conference in the independent Republic of San Marino and signed a document along with other international researchers calling for full disclosure of the facts surrounding extraterrestrial-related phenomenon. This document was sent to the United Nations and it was the first of its kind coming from any country. XCon-725V o UPC 8 82917 07253 6 o 105 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ XCon-725D o UPC 8 82917 07259 8 o 105 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
UFO CRASH RETRIEVALS: SECRETS KEPT IN THE INTEREST OF U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY, with Linda Moulton Howe. Journalist Linda Moulton Howe is an Emmy Award-winning investigative, reporter and editor of the science, environment and real X-Files website, and correspondent for Coast to Coast AM with George Noory and Dreamland with Whitley Strieber. "It is the collective view of this investigative body that the aircraft recovered by the Army and Air Force units ... are not of United States manufacture for the following reasons: a) The circular, disc-shaped 'platform' design does not resemble any design currently under development by this command nor of any Navy project. b) The lack of any external propulsion system, power plant, intake, exhaust either for propeller or jet propulsion, warrants this view." From document signed by U. S. General Nathan F. Twining, July 10, 1947 This presentation plus video and audio is excerpted from Linda Moulton Howe's extensive research about U. S. government knowledge and cover-up of UFO crash retrievals and reverse engineering of advanced technology, as well as information from the UFO crash/retrieval status reports produced by Leonard H. Stringfield between 1978 and 1994 after his honorable discharge from the U. S. Air Force. XCon-727V o UPC 8 82917 07273 4 o 50 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-727D o UPC 8 82917 07279 6 o 50 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
SHOW ME THE EVIDENCE: INVESTIGATIVE UFO SCIENCE AND BISMUTH/MAGNESIUM LAYERING OF ARTIFACT FROM WHITE SANDS, NEW MEXICO IN 1947, with Linda Moulton Howe. Show me the evidence! Find out what it is like to investigate hard evidence when your own government says there is nothing there, universities are scared to use their resources, foundations will not provide funding and peer review science is closed off. The amazing tale of a unique layered metal allegedly removed from a wedge-shaped aerial vehicle of unknown origin at White Sands, New Mexico, in 1947 "I have basically exhausted every resource that I have ever tried to use from about 1940 to now. I have found no reference, even in government research, for bismuth/magnesium layers. This material didn't just make itself. It had to come from somewhere. ...And nobody's told anyone about this material!" Travis Taylor, Physicist working for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Redstone Army Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama. In her presentation Linda will have a physical sample of the unidentified layered metal for the workshop audience to see and touch, plus video and audio excerpted from her 9-year effort to find a source in government, military or civilian sector anywhere in the world with knowledge about layering 1-4 microns of pure bismuth with 100-200 microns of nearly pure magnesium. XCon-728V o UPC 8 82917 07283 3 o 105 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ XCon-728D o UPC 8 82917 07289 5 o 105 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
SECURITY MATTER X: THE UFO / FBI CONNECTION, with Dr. Bruce Maccabee. During the early years of UFO sightings (1947-1955) the FBI collected information provided by the Air Force. As with the proverbial "black hole" or "roach motel," information went in and didn't come out. No one outside the FBI (and few within) knew of the Flying Disc File with reports labeled "Security Matter - X." the REAL X-files. Not until 1977, when Maccabee received the Flying Disc file from the FBI as a result of a request under the Freedom of Information Act, did more than a couple of people know that in the early years there were top Air Force officials who secretly and seriously considered the Interplanetary Hypothesis. The FBI, because of its penchant for collecting and storing information, acted as a sort of "window" on Air Force activities. Through the historical eyes" of the FBI one can see the internal struggle of the Air Force officials to make some sense of the flying saucer problem without publicly, or even privately, admitting that something unusual was really going on, something of potentially great importance. The FBI, too, "covered up" its initial interest in the flying saucer reports. When asked, in the 1960's, whether or not the FBI had ever been involved J. Edgar Hoover, Director, said "no." He lied. This lecture will present some of the early history of FBI involvement and the surprising (some might say "shocking") revelations about the Air Force UFO investigation. XCon-729V o UPC 8 82917 07293 2 o 50 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-729D o UPC 8 82917 07299 4 o 50 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
1952: WASHINGTON, D.C. AND THE YEAR OF THE UFO, with Dr. Bruce Maccabee. More than fifty years ago during the most amazing flap of sightings in the USA (and the world), the Air Force almost publicly admitted that at least some of the objects seen during sightings of UFO sightings could be objects that were literally "from out of this world." However, when that opportunity arose during a large press conference in late July, 1952, instead of admitting that the Air Force couldn't explain all sightings and that some "high officials" were seriously considering the "interplanetary hypothesis," the Air Force, represented by General John A. Samford, Director of Intelligence, said that everything could be explained as natural phenomena, effectively slamming the lid down on the UFO subject. But what the Air Force said privately was a different matter. This report tells "the rest of the story" of that amazing year. This lecture will show how the events of that year have had an impact on the history of UFO investigation, even continue today. XCon-730V o UPC 8 82917 07303 8 o 105 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ XCon-730D o UPC 8 82917 07309 0 o 105 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
RULE BY SECRECY: THE POLITICS OF SECRET SOCIETIES, with Jim Marrs. There have always been powerful financial interests and secret societies. Both candidates in the coming presidential election, John Kerry and George W. Bush, are members of the secret society Skull and Bones, based at their Alma Mater, Yale University. Skull and Bones. However, from 1947 to the present day a new player took the field - the "Secret Empire" - the intelligence wing of the military/industrial complex. Jim Marrs, author of the best sellers Crossfire, Alien Agenda and Rule by Secrecy, has written about it all and will bring a new perspective to the connection between secrecy, extraterrestrial related phenomena and the wealthy elite. Beginning with a documented UFO crash that predates the Wright brothers through the development of Nazi flying saucers to President Kennedy's UFO connections, Marrs will weave together these fascinating topics. Jim has lectured all over the world and is famous for being able to bring humor to the darkest of subjects. A native of Fort Worth, Texas, Mr. Marrs earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from the University of North Texas in 1966 and attended Graduate School at Texas Tech in Lubbock for two years more. After a leave of absence to serve with a Fourth Army intelligence unit during the Vietnam War, he became military and aerospace writer for the newspaper and an investigative reporter. Since 1980, Mr. Marrs has been a freelance writer and public relations consultant. XCon-731V o UPC 8 82917 07313 7 o 50 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-731D o UPC 8 82917 07319 9 o 50 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
THE U.S. GOVERNMENTS SECRET REMOTE VIEWING PROGRAM AND THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL CONNECTION, with Jim Marrs. One of the more intriguing hypotheses put forward to explain government intransigence to end the UFO/ET truth embargo in the face of mounting public awareness does not center on nuts and bolts or the public's right (or lack thereof) to know about extraterrestrials and new technology. Rather it is a deep concern for the consequences from people learning about profound mental abilities and powers of perception which they may possess and might enhance and which would hugely undermine governmental control mechanisms such as propaganda, misinformation, disinformation and outright lies. Think that is absurd? Think again and learn about the 25-year secret research by military services and intelligence agencies to perfect "remote viewing" - the ability to "see" not only at a distance, but backward and forward in time. And whenever this research was being conducted, it repeatedly intersected with extraterrestrial related phenomena. This fact combined with consistent reports of the telepathic capability of extraterrestrial beings from contact events worldwide makes such an hypothesis worth serious consideration. Jim Marrs, who first wrote of "remote viewing" in 1993 when it was still a Top Secret program and before dozens of participants in this research began to come forward, will give an overview of its history and future potential. XCon-732V o UPC 8 82917 07323 6 o 105 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ XCon-732D o UPC 8 82917 07329 8 o 105 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
SECRET HISTORY OF THE UNITED KINGDOMS UFO PROJECT, with Nick Pope. In 1950 the United Kingdom's Ministry of Defence commissioned an official study into the UFO phenomenon. The MODs Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir Henry Tizard ordered this initiative, and scientific and technical intelligence personnel carried out the study. Nick Pope's lecture will tell the story of this study, and explain how a number of senior political, military and scientific figures become embroiled in discussions and disagreements over policy on UFOs, and over the true nature of the phenomenon itself. In the aftermath of a skeptic versus believer debate that raged at the heart of government, the MOD set up a UFO project to research and investigate the phenomenon. The project was modeled on the USAF's Project Blue Book, and although less well-known, survives to this day. Nick Pope stewarded this work from 1991 to 1994, and his lecture will reveal the secret history of the British Government's UFO project. For more information visit XCon-734V o UPC 8 82917 07343 4 o 50 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-734D o UPC 8 82917 07349 6 o 50 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
BRITAINS CONTINUING UFO PROJECT, with Nick Pope. For much of the early Nineties, Ministry of Defence official Nick Pope ran the British Government's UFO project. In this workshop, he lifts the lid on the operation of the project during his tour of duty. He sets out the policy, and explains how UFO investigations and related research projects were carried out. Nick Pope explains how the project interfaced with Parliament, the media and the public, and will give an insight into the day-to-day business of the team. He will dip into the case files, discussing a series of incidents - some explained, some still a mystery. Finally, he will explain how he undertook one of the most extraordinary UFO investigations ever to have been carried out in the 50-year history of the project - a case from 1993 which involved a UFO flying directly over two military bases, with the subsequent inquiry involving senior political and military figures, and going to the very heart of government. For more information visit XCon-735V o UPC 8 82917 07353 3 o 105 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ XCon-735D o UPC 8 82917 07359 5 o 105 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
THE MJ-12 DOCUMENTS: WHERE DO THEY LEAD? with Dr. Robert Wood and Ryan Wood. Dr. Bob and Ryan Wood have been a father-son team of investigators for ten years, having focused on the topic of authenticating questioned UFO documents and taking the findings to their logical conclusion. The first, and classic, document shown to be a genuine 1954-produced document was the now-famous Manual, Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology: Recovery and Disposal. This led to a series of apparent leaks from other sources, including some from inside the government today, based on postal information and the original envelopes, carefully preserved. The various techniques used to authenticate will be shown, and specific examples of famous erroneous evaluations will be noted, including the Truman-Forrestal Majestic authorization letter typewriter font from a 1940 Underwood. New testimony from a source who saw this letter while in the Navy will be revealed. The trail to the Cape Girardeau crash site will be followed and updated, together with an assessment of how this secret played in the parts of intelligence communities that had access to the UFO secrets. Of even greater interest to many are what do these documents say about whether we have technically been successful at reverse engineering UFO technology and what would be the process for dealing with this evidence. Some of the early documents have major clues to routine technology today, such as integrated circuits and fiber optics. Proving the relationship to UFOs is a significant challenge. XCon-736V o UPC 8 82917 07363 2 o 50 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-736D o UPC 8 82917 07369 4 o 50 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
MJ-12 DOCUMENTATION AUTHENTICATION WORKSHOP, with Dr. Robert Wood and Ryan Wood. This workshop will provide a clear description of the processes used to initiate the authentication of questioned UFO documents. It will include establishing provenance, physical factors such as dating techniques, identifying typewriters, matching printed type fonts, and comparison of handwritten evidence. The usual hunt for anachronisms that would belie authenticity will be exemplified, and examples of etymological issues (word sources and usage) will be provided. The mother of all authentication processes - the comparison with known authentic documents - will be exemplified using several examples. Not content to rest on their achievements to date, Dr. Bob and Ryan Wood will be willing to discuss documents that seem to have problems that they cannot totally explain. Foremost among these are apparently identical marginalia written back in the forties, where skeptics have claimed that identicalness implies the obvious use of a modern copy machine. These workshop leaders will look beyond the obvious here and postulate alternative explanations. Specifically, several examples of similar language between some questioned documents and some genuine documents will be discussed in detail from the point of view of supporting fakery on the one hand, or the common use of "boilerplate" on the other. As a fitting climax to this topic, a relatively recent Majestic document, shredded and subsequently reconstructed, will be evaluated from the points of view discussed in the workshop. If it were authentic, it would be front page news. XCon-737V o UPC 8 82917 07373 1 o 105 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ XCon-737D o UPC 8 82917 07379 3 o 105 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
THE UNTOLD HISTORY OF THE DISCLOSURE PROJECT, with Dr. Steven Greer. While a majority of American citizens and journalists do not yet know it, one of the most important events of the 21st Century to date took place at the National Press Club in Washington, DC on May 9, 2001. In the main ballroom before 100 journalists, 17 camera crews and 100 interested public, the Disclosure Project, founded by Dr. Steven Greer, presented the testimony of dozens of former military and agency employees which collectively confirms the extraterrestrial presence. Statements were presented in person and via video tape. All witnesses in attendance vowed to repeat their testimony under oath before Congress. This press conference was aired live around the world via the internet and is continuously being downloaded from the Disclosure Project website along with the witness testimonies. While the near term impact of this event was blunted by the terrorist attacks four months later, it will play an historic role in the disclosure process and will almost certainly be repeated - in or outside of Congress. Take a "tour" with Dr. Greer behind the scenes inside the meetings that led to the Disclosure Project press conference. XCon-738V o UPC 8 82917 07383 0 o 50 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-738D o UPC 8 82917 07389 2 o 50 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
SECRECY IS TERRORISM: THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL TRUTH EMBARGO, with Dr. Steven Greer. Dr. Steven Greer has written, "It appears that the fear and ruthless control exercised by these projects (i.e.. Unacknowledged Special Access Projects - USAPs) around the world has effectively kept the matter [of a government imposed truth embargo regarding the extraterrestrial presence] off the public radar screen. In our view, the propagation of such controlling fear is a genuine form of international terrorism. Its effects are devastating: it has neutralized democratic processes and institutions, engendered paralyzing fear, hijacked the future of humanity, impoverished billions of people and decimated the environment of earth in the span of one human lifetime. Indeed, the harmful effects of such rogue secrecy exceed by orders of magnitude the consequences of any terrorist organization operating today." At the center of the extraterrestrial truth embargo lies the fundamental relationship between the American people and their government - the social contract. Is the truth embargo now endangering that relationship? Come hear the opinion of a man who has spoken with members of Congress, the Department of Defense and a host of other entities in Washington over the past 11 years. This workshop offers an opportunity to ask questions of one of the most controversial figures in America today - a successful physician who committed his life's work to challenging his government's decisions regarding the most controversial event in human history - the engagement of the human race by extraterrestrial beings. XCon-739V o UPC 8 82917 07393 9 o 105 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ XCon-739D o UPC 8 82917 07399 1 o 105 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
The 2003 Bay Area UFO Expo 2003
A BREAKTHROUGH ABDUCTION CASE WITH IMPORTANT MEDICAL EVIDENCE, with Budd Hopkins. For the first time in history a team of physicians are banding together to study the medical evidence in UFO abduction cases. Budd Hopkins will present a dramatic videotape of the abductee under hypnosis, recalling his traumatic 2002 experience, as well as a second tape documenting the discovery of physical evidence at the site in the New York City environs. He will discuss this abduction and the subsequent role of a group of physicians in the investigation of this extraordinary case. You may learn more about Mr. Hopkins and his work at BAUFOE-401D UPC 8 82917 04019 1 44 min DVD Disk $24.95
AN INSIDE VIEW OF THE OUTSIDE WORLD, with Marcia Schafer. A credible and grounded MBA business consultant, Marcia Schafer crosses all boundaries as she educates audiences about her lifetime of contact experiences. An award winning author and sought after speaker, Schafer has been featured in Europe and throughout the United States, as well as in magazines, radio, television and video. Her story, "Confessions of an Intergalactic Anthropologist," has been read in 14 countries and in 2001 won an award for best new age book. Called by the media an extraordinary package that is half Tom Peters and half Fox Mulder, Marcia is a highly regarded intuitive and international business consultant. Schafer is founder of Beyond Zebra, a firm specializing in progressive business education for entrepreneurs exploring higher consciousness. What are the eight most common beliefs we hold about contact, and why are we so mistaken about all of them? Schafer, author of the award winning "Confessions of an Intergalactic Anthropologist," takes you inside a world filled with over forty years of face-to-face contact with many of the different races visiting our planet. Her first-hand insights can guide you to think smartly about this controversial topic. Marcia's extensive work with other beings has given her an insider perspective about how they regard humans, and in part one of her presentation, she passes this on to you. Get prepared for who's out there, why they are here now, how they communicate and even what you can expect should you find yourself in their presence. Art Bell After Dark Magazine says, ""She even goes into what these several ET races are like with detail maybe rivaled only by the US military in their manuals on extraterrestrials..." BAUFOE-402D UPC 8 82917 04029 0 52 min DVD Disk $24.95
STARGATES OF THE GODS, with William Henry. William Henry, investigative mythologist, adventurer and author of nine books dares to speak publicly about the true history and origins of the human species. No piece of fiction could rival the incredible story of our own beginnings and the sheer drama of our interaction with the "Illuminati" of mythology and history and the larger than life gateway stories of ancient reference. He's excited about his discoveries about the Stargates of the gods and eager to share his insights with an enlightened audience. If you're part of the growing segment of humanity which asks the question, "Is this all there is?" . . . then you may be ready for your "wake-up" call . . . and this guide may have the key to your soul's yearning . . . the release of "the ship in the bottle." Thousands of years ago the Stargate technology of the gods was lost. Mayan Prophecy says it will return by 2012 and connect us to the center of our galaxy. This will bring the birth of a new matrix and a new human. We are its elders. See vivid examples of ancient Stargates juxtaposed with modern science and current events. Experience the Stargates of the gods. BAUFOE-403D UPC 8 82917 04039 9 46 min DVD Disk $24.95
RE-INHERITING THE EARTH, with Brian O Leary. "Internationally acclaimed, author, futurist and speaker, was a NASA scientist-Apollo Astronaut and Ivy League professor specializing in planetary science and technology assessment. He advised several U.S. presidential candidates and co-founded the International Association for New Science. Author of numerous popular books, articles and peer-reviewed papers on science, space, energy and culture, he now researches and presents what it will take for us to overcome greed and terrorism for a sustainable global future. BAUFOE-404D UPC 8 82917 04049 8 44 min DVD Disk $24.95
STAR CHILDREN: HOMO NOETICUS (Cosmic Humankind), with Richard Boylan, Ph. D. Dr. Richard J. Boylan Ph.D. behavioral scientist, anthropologist, university associate professor (emeritus), certified clinical hypnotherapist, consultant, and researcher. He provides hypnotherapy for recalling full details of partially-remembered close encounters with the Star Visitors, and for exploring previous life experiences stored in subconscious memory. Dr. Boylan also is a consultant to Star Kids and Star Seeds seeking to understand better their origin, identity and mission, so as to attain optimal awareness and clarity of identity, inner growth and spiritual development. Dr. Boylan has served as a Lecturer at California State University, Sacramento, University of California, Davis, National University, Chapman University, and Sierra College. He has presented papers on his research at, among other conferences, the 1992 M.I.T. Abduction Study Conference, and the 1995 Cosmic Cultures International Conference at Washington, DC. He is author of three books, Close Extraterrestrial Encounters (1994), Labored Journey To the Stars (1996), and Project Epiphany (1997). He has over 50 articles published. He has conducted numerous workshops for mental health professionals on the specialized counseling for experiencers of Star Visitor contact. He has lectured widely at regional and national conferences, and has been interviewed on numerous radio and television programs, including NBC's "Sightings" twice, on Paramount Television Network's "Paranormal Borderline", and three times on Art Bell's "Dreamland" program. Dr. Boylan is a member of the National Board of Hypnosis and Hypnotic Anaethesiology. You can visit Dr. Boylan' s website at: BAUFOE-405D UPC 8 82917 04059 7 45 min DVD Disk $24.95
CONTACT WITH ANOTHER MIND: CONCLUSIONS FROM TWO DECADES OF RESEARCH, with Colin Andrews. For nearly two decades Colin Andrews has traveled the world and appeared on numerous television programs in his efforts to communicate the mystery of crop circles to the general public. Because he is widely recognized as the world's foremost authority on the subject it came as a great shock to millions when he was seen on national television last year stating that only 20% of the crop circles researched during the years of 1999 and 2000 remained a mystery, inferring that the remaining 80% are man made! He has made numerous recent media appearances including with Sally Jesse Raphael, Art Bell and Dan Akroyd. Andrews says: "I have been very careful in my media interviews not to damage the scientific methods applied to two decades of research into the Crop Circle mystery but I now have overwhelming evidence of something very bizarre at work. This dictates that risks must now be taken in speaking out about the strange events which have occurred for the public to consider". At this time last year when Colin was awarded The Maverick Award for his scientific studies into the crop circle mystery, he was struggling with how to make public his extraordinary findings. His new book just published, called 'Crop Circles - Signs of Contact' is the outcome. In his lecture and workshop Colin will spell out the details of what he calls 'SIGNS OF CONTACT' between the observers and the observed. BAUFOE-406D UPC 8 82917 04069 6 46 min DVD Disk $24.95
INVESTIGATION INTO VARGINHA, BRAZIL, with Roger Leir. Dr. Leir, in a complete departure from his subject on alien implants, for the first time will speak about one of his recent visit to Brazil, where he did an extensive investigation of numerous areas that were UFO hotspots, including the now famous Varginha case of 1996. He will present slides and video of Brazil, showing some of these areas. Dr. Leir will speak for the first time about some startling new testimony he was able to obtain from witnesses in the Varginha case. Included in this testimony will be eyewitness reports from medical personnel at one of the local Varginha hospitals who actually rendered medical treatment to an alien being. This exciting lecture is being presented to a large audience for the first time at this conference. You will not want to miss it.Visit Dr. Leir's web site at BAUFOE-407D UPC 8 82917 04079 5 48 min DVD Disk $24.95
ANCIENT ASTRONAUTS AND THE ANUNNAKI, with Jason Martell. Jason's research first started 8 years ago where he became fascinated with possible artificial structures on Mars, and NASA's explanation for these objects. As well as the theory that there is another planet in our solar system, known as Planet X or the 12th planet. This planet is being actively search for by modern astronomers, because it does exist. The Sumerian culture, 6,000 years ago were also aware of this planet. And described a race of "GODS" that lived on that planet, and have visited us in our past. Jason Martell has given several lectures to MUFON about his research and appeared on many radio shows. Jason derives his information from a vast network of skilled researchers and sources, which can be accessed at See amazing artifact from Ancient Iraq and learn about the oldest civilization we have on earth. Artifacts and stone tablets excavated from Iraq clearly speak of a planet from which ancient astronauts or "Gods" had come from. See the evidence for yourself. We are not alone! For more information visit BAUFOE-408D UPC 8 82917 04089 4 40 min DVD Disk $24.95
THE MYSTERY OF THE SPHINX, with John Anthony West. John Anthony West is a writer and independent Egyptologist who has been studying and writing about ancient Egypt for nearly three decades. He is the foremost exponent of the "Symbolist" school of Egyptology- which sees (and demonstrates) an ancient sacred science where modern academics see mainly superstition. West's work re-dating the Great Sphinx of Giza via geology, (proving that it must be at least 10,000 years old or older) was the subject of a 1993 NBC Special, The Mystery of the Sphinx, hosted by Charlton Heston. This case has escalated into a heated international scholarly controversy. West won an Emmy in 1993 for Best Research for his work on the video and the show itself was one of the four nominated for Best Documentary Program. West's non fiction books include Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt. The Traveler's Key to Ancient Egypt and The Case for Astrology. West is presently at work (in collaboration with Robert M. Schoch, principal scientific investigator) on a book. In this slide lecture Mr. West will introduce his revolutionary theory re-dating--via geology--the Great Sphinx of Giza and discuss its profound implications for history and for the evolution of human civilization. Enthusiastically received by geologists when the evidence was first presented, it aroused fierce opposition in Egyptological and Archaeological circles. While the controversy continues, substantial new evidence may soon overcome opposition once and for all. West will detail these exciting new developments. BAUFOE-410D UPC 8 82917 04109 9 50 min DVD Disk $24.95
MYSTERIOUS PENNSYLVANIA, with Stan Gordon. Since 1965, Stan has been conducting on scene investigations of mysterious encounters in Pennsylvania. He has been involved with the examination of thousands of UFO and other strange reports from across the Keystone State. During the late 1960's, Stan acted as a telephone report sighting coordinator for the UFO Research Institute of Pittsburgh. Stan has been internationally recognized as an authority on the subject of the UFO and Bigfoot phenomena. He gained prominence from his first hand investigation into the well remembered 1973 Bigfoot/UFO series of sightings and encounters which occurred in Pennsylvania. This outbreak brought worldwide attention to the subject, and was a major news story in the media for several weeks. For more information you can visit Stan's website at This presentation will cover some of the strange incidents that Stan has investigated in the past 44 years. This will include the 1965 Kecksburg, PA UFO Crash Incident. The Kecksburg case involves first hand accounts from observers who report seeing an odd metallic acorn shaped object semi-buried in the ground, and the quick response by the military to the scene. Some people say that a large military flat-bed tractor trailer truck hauled the object away from the area late that night. Other extraordinary cases from Pennsylvania will be presented with slides. BAUFOE-411D UPC 8 82917 04119 8 46 min DVD Disk $24.95
EXPERIENCES WITH EXTRATERRESTRIALS: AN AMAZING VARIETY, with Barbara Lamb. Psychotherapist Barbara Lamb has had extensive experience in regressing people to important experiences in the past, including to past lives and to more than 2000 experiences with extraterrestrial beings. She has trained psychotherapist and hypnotherapists in conducting this much-needed, in-depth work. This lecture will give highlights of the extraordinary range of experiences uncovered and recalled during professional regression sessions with more than 450 experiencers of extraterrestrial contacts and abductions. The experiences vary widely and include traditional abductions by "little gray beings" that perform medical-sexual-reproductive-implant procedures, educational and training sessions by lifelong mentors, channeling of valuable perspectives from civilizations in the cosmos, and inspiring, uplifting contacts with highly evolved spiritual beings. A variety of beings will be shown in slides. BAUFOE-412D UPC 8 82917 04129 7 52 min DVD Disk $24.95
ET AND GOD? THE THEOLOGICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL IMPLICATIONS OF THE SEARCH OF LIFE BEYOND EARTH, with J.J. Hurtak. J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D., is an investigator of extraterretrial events and contact throughout the world. He has lectured at the Academy of Science in Russia, the Academy of Science in China, and the major universities in North and South America, Europe, and southern Africa. He has been a main speaker at the Parliament of the World's Religions (1999), The State of the World's Forum (2000) and the recent U.N. World Summit on Sustainability in Johannesburg (2002). Hurtak's talent as a communicator and producer offilms and media projects has brought him six international awards. His scientific research interests are in the fields of archaeology, cosmology, astrobiology, and the dialogue between science and religion. He is author of over ten books in twelve languages. From the very beginnings of modern thought, scientists, philosophers and theologians have debated what the significance for humankind might be if we should encounter extraterrestrial life. Theologians are afraid of what this might mean for our various religious systems. Finding out that we are not alone in the universe could shake the foundations of established belief. From Egypt and India to the islands of the Pacific, the ancients had a greater understanding regarding life forms in space, detailing both a hostile or intrinsically bio-friendly universe. In fact, is the coming of extraterrestrials a fulfillment of prophecy or, better stated, a sign of the end times? BAUFOE-413D UPC 8 82917 04139 6 48 min DVD Disk $24.95
JOURNALISM 101 AND THE UFO/ET PHENOMENON, with Robert O. Dean. Retired Command Sergeant Major Robert O. Dean served on the front lines of Korea and Vietnam as a highly decorated combat veteran. Stationed at NATO SHAPE command headquarters in France during the sixties, he had access to classified documents confirming government knowledge of the extraterrestrial reality. A prominent and internationally recognized speaker, he has countless television, radio, video and news documentary appearances to his credit. Mr. Dean has been involved in UFO research for more than forty years and has been honored with two lifetime achievement awards for his contribution to the field of Ufology. Many years ago journalism taught that any complete story had to include the basic 5 W's: who-what-when-where and why. Over the years Robert Dean has applied that same fundamental rule to research unraveling the UFO/ET puzzle. He shows that we have finally begun to understand the what, when and where, and now takes you into the remaining mysteries. Sometimes inflammatory, always controversial, the answers behind these inquiries will give greater understanding to the bigger picture that is sitting right in front of us. BAUFOE-414D UPC 8 82917 04149 5 47 min DVD Disk $24.95
UNIVERSAL PROPHECIES, with Louis Turi. Following four extraordinary UFO experiences in Europe and the US, Dr. Turis life changed dramatically on August 11th, 1991 when he and his wife were taking onboard of a flying saucer. The extraterrestrials "downloaded" unto Dr. Turis mind the conception of the dynamics of the universe and its impact upon the human psyche. Since then Dr. Turi made unarguable and well documented predictions such as the Kobe earthquake, Hurricane Andrew, the fall of Saddam Hussein regime, the 911 terrorist attack in N.Y., the WA sniper, the SARS deadly virus, both shuttle explosions, the N.Y. black out , the deadly wave of heat waves and destructive fires just to name a few. Dr. Turi will make numerous predictions for the US and the world in 2004 where specific dates and events will be announced to the audience. Visit his site at BAUFOE-415D UPC 8 82917 04159 4 28 min DVD Disk $19.95
THE EXTRATERRESTRIALS ARE HERE, with Robert Perala. Robert is an international speaker and author of "The Divine Blueprint" and the newly released "The Divine Architect " His contact with Extraterrestrial visitors at age 21 has led him into a 23 years of research into Alien Abductions, Crop Circle Research, The Ancient Mystery Schools, The Esoteric Sciences, After-Death Communication and much more..... He has been seen on The FOX Network, The A&E Channel, SHOWTIME, in addition to doing over 180 radio shows including being a favorite on Coast to Coast AM. Order the Divine Blueprint from For more information on Robert's new book The Divine Architect visit Robert's website at Robert will share the startling yet intelligent wisdom shared by his nighttime visitors he call "Extraterrestrial Emissaries" He will share how each and everyone of us has contact from various esoteric forces that watch over the planet daily. Earth is in an evolutionary awakening in which we will meet various ET lifeforms such as the Pleiadians and our own guides well in our lifetime....Also included is a view into why Karmic bound souls come to Earth. What agreements might have been made by you and your off planet visitors. This is a very visual and powerful presentation and includes a wonderful slide show. BAUFOE-416D UPC 8 82917 04169 3 49 min DVD Disk $24.95
CROP CIRCLES IN CALIFORNIA: AN UPDATE, with Ruben Uriarte & Steven Marino. Master of Ceremonies: Ruben Jose Uriarte is a State Director for the Northern California Mutual UFO Network ( Mufon) and California State Director for Crop Circle Phenomenon Research International . He is also the Research Director for Beyond Boundaries, Inc., a company specializing in leading small groups of people interested in the UFO Phenomena to areas of the world where UFO sightings and experiences are frequent. He has been on a number of television interviews and documentaries and has traveled to England over the past years and photographed many crop circle formations. Our own Master of Ceremonies and experienced crop circle researcher, Ruben J. Uriarte has worked in tandem with Steve Moreno on this exciting case file. Steve Moreno is a paranormal investigator and researcher of 2 decades, and is well connected in all the associated fields. He is the founder and President of Psi APPLICATIONS, a non-profit research foundation he was inspired to form after a 'near death' experience that transformed his life. Three local crop circles recently appeared up in the Solano County area and received national media attention. Despite the eventual disputed claims by a group of teenagers to have hoaxed the original Rockville Circle, the latest information from an ongoing in depth investigation is very revealing towards the strong possibility of all three formations being authentic. Though the investigation is not yet complete, Steve Moreno and Ruben Uriarte have offered to share the more astonishing information and evidence gathered up to this point. Ruben and Steve will also preview the first ever live 'International North American Tele / Video-Conference' of a crop circle investigation! BAUFOE-417D UPC 8 82917 04179 2 48 min DVD Disk $24.95
THE BAY AREA UFO EXPO 2003 - 16 DISK SET, San Jose, CA. Complete conference set. BAUFOE-400D 12+ hours on 16 audio tapes $120.00 / BAUFOE-400V 12+ hours on 16 video tapes $240.00 / BAUFOE-400D 12+ hours on 16 DVD disks $240.00
Conspiracy Cafes Ancient Earth Mysteries 2003 Conference
Unexplained Phenomenon and CryptozoologIC WONDERS, with Loren Coleman. Come on a slide lecture journey of unexplained phenomenon and cryptozoological wonders around the continent. From the Mothman of West Virginia to Bigfoot of the Pacific Northwest, from the Fort Mountain's Mystery Stone Walls to the Northeast's Bridgewater Triangle, experience a Fortean's overview of the wonders all around us, often ignored by the media and academia. AEM-501D UPC 8 82917 05019 0 90 min DVD Disk $24.95
Future Technology from the Past, with Jim Marrs. It has been widely reported that Saddam Hussein believes himself to be the reincarnation of King Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian monarch that tried to contact the prehistoric gods. It has also been reported that amazing new archeological finds were discovered in Iraq in the late 1990's. Could these ancient texts provide the key to understanding the monatomic elements only now being studied by modern scientists? Could these elements - which may provide the secrets of limitless non-polluting energy, teleportation, longevity and even time and dimension travel - be the true reason for the U.S.'s recent and unprecedented invasion of Iraq? Author/Journalist Jim Marrs for the first time puts the pieces of this intriquing puzzle together. AEM-502D UPC 8 82917 05029 9 90 min DVD Disk $24.95
The Origins of Remote Viewing, with Richard Dolan. Richard Dolan is a historian whose study of the Cold War led him into the broader context of secrect and national security, and finally into the study of UFOs. His book UFOs and the National Security State is the first volume of a two-part historical narrative detailing the national security dimensions of the UFO phenomenon from the 1940s to the present. Working from hundreds of declassified records and other primary and secondary sources. In this presentation he reveals the origins of Remote Viewing and psychic spying. AEM-503D UPC 8 82917 05039 8 90 min DVD Disk $24.95
Ancient Mysteries and Secret Societies, with Gail Ferguson. Ancient Mysteries and Secret Societies which continue to influence our thinking and behavior today. The ancient philosophers believed that no human could live intelligently who did not have a fundamental knowledge of Nature and her laws.The Mystery schools were devoted to instructing initiates about the operation of divine law here on earth. This is essentially a talk that speaks to the spiritual development of civilization. I will not focus on the spiritual as much as the Mysteries themselves. I think they are exciting and interesting because they were attempting to reveal the invisible world that rules us. We can know these Laws, in part, through our intuition. AEM-504D UPC 8 82917 05049 7 90 min DVD Disk $24.95
CRV, Archaeology, Our True History & Ancient Civilizations, with Lyn Buchanan. Controlled Remote Viewing, the scientific method of "psychic spying" was used for military and political purposes by the U.S. government for almost 25 years. In the civilian sector, it is most often used for finding missing children, for "best path" business planning, "surprise prevention" in Research & Development, and even for predicting lottery and stock market results. The technology can also be used to look into the ancient mysteries which leave modern scientists scratching their heads. As such, it is a wonderful tool in the study of ancient mysteries. Lyn Buchanan will discuss the use of Controlled Remote Viewing in a matter-of-fact and realistic manner, revealing the strengths and weaknesses of using Controlled Remote Viewing in this capacity. AEM-505D UPC 8 82917 05059 6 90 min DVD Disk $24.95
Discoveries Off the Coast of Cuba, with Linda Moulton Howe. Linda Moulton Howe, Emmy Award-winning TV producer, investigative reporter and writer. Linda Moulton Howe is a graduate of Stanford University with a Masters Degree in Communication. She has devoted her documentary film, television and radio career to productions concerning science, medicine and the environment. Ms. Howe has received local, national and international awards, including three regional Emmys and a national Emmy nomination. Those films have included Poison in the Wind and A Sun Kissed Poison which compared smog pollution in Los Angeles and Denver; Fire In The Water about hydrogen as an alternative energy source to fossil fuels; A Radioactive Water about uranium contamination of public drinking water in a Denver suburb; and A Strange Harvest which explored the worldwide animal mutilation mystery that has haunted the United States and other countries since the late 1950s and continues to date. In this presentation she discusses the recent discover of a sunken city off the coast of Cuba. AEM-506D UPC 8 82917 05069 5 90 min DVD Disk $24.95
Water Erosion of the Sphinx, with John Anthony West. Author, lecturer, and guide, John Anthony West delivered a seismic shock to archaeology in the early 1990's when he and Boston University geologist Robert Schoch revealed that the Great Sphinx of Giza, Egypt, showed evidence of rainfall erosion. Such erosion could only mean that the Sphinx was carved during or before the rains that marked the transition of northern Africa from the last Ice Age to the present interglacial epoch, a transition that occurred in the millennia from 10,000 to 5000 BC. AEM-507D UPC 8 82917 05079 4 98 min DVD Disk $24.95
Path of the Skin Walkers: The Legend of Windigo, with Dr. John Alexander. The legend of the Windigo has permeated many parts of Native American culture. In recent times there have been many examples of strange beings wandering our remote western lands. Now, experienced scientists have observed these phenomena first hand. Together we will explore their reports and the relationships between these ancient myths and modern incidents that defy conventional explanation. AEM-508D UPC 8 82917 05089 3 90 min DVD Disk $24.95
Magic Dominates the World, with Jordan Maxwell. Jordan Maxwell continues as a preeminent researcher and authority in the field of occult/religious philosophy since 1959. He served for three and a half years as the Religion Editor of Truth Seeker Magazine, Americas oldest Free Thought Journal (since 1873). His work exploring the hidden foundations of Western religions and secret societies has created an enthusiastic response from audiences for many years. He has conducted dozens of intensive seminars, hosted his own radio talk shows, guested on more than 600 radio shows, and written, produced and appeared in numerous television shows and documentaries (including three 2-hour specials for the CBS TV network, as well as the internationally acclaimed 5-part Ancient Mystery Series - all devoted to understanding ancient religions and their pervasive influence on world affairs today. Jordan Maxwell will give us a glimpse into the super secret organizations that have played such significant roles in world history. One of his videos is entitled "Matrix of Power" and this appellation certainly describes the reality of our world better than any other phrase. AEM-509D UPC 8 82917 05099 2 30 min DVD Disk $19.95
CONSPIRACY CAFES ANCIENT EARTH MYSTERIES 2003 CONFERENCE - 9 DISK SET, Laughlin, NV. Complete conference set. AEM-500D 12+ hours on 9 audio tapes $65.00 / AEM-500V 12+ hours on 9 video tapes $135.00 / AEM-500D 12+ hours on 9 DVD disks $135.00
The Nikola Telsa Energy Science
2003 Conference and Expostion
SPACE SOLAR POWER, with Paul Werbos, Ph.D. Dr. Paul Werbos is the Program Director for the National Science Foundation. 40 min Tesla-651D UPC 8 82917 06519 4 DVD Disk $24.95
NIKOLA TESLA AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF RF POWER SYSTEMS, with James Corum, Ph.D. and Kenneth Corum. Dr. James Corum is a Physics Professor, Research Scientist and Inventor. Kenneth Corum is a Physicist, teacher and consultant. 120 min Tesla-652D UPC 8 82917 06529 3 DVD Disk $24.95
POWER ENGINEERING SCALAR FIELD THEORY: FARADAY VS. MAXWELL LONGITUDINAL WAVE DEMONSTRATION, with Professor Konstantin Meyl. Professor Konstantin Meyl is an Engineer, Author Inventor of the Demo-Set and Professor at the University of Berlin. 115 min Tesla-653D UPC 8 82917 06539 2 DVD Disk $24.95
WIRELESS ENERGY THROUGH THE EARTH-IONOSPHERE CAVITY, with Elizabeth Rauscher, Ph.D. Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher is a Nuclear and Astrophysicist, and Inventor of the ELF Earthquake Predictor and Triangulator. 50 min Tesla-654D UPC 8 82917 06549 1 DVD Disk $24.95
THE WARDENCLYFFE DREAM: TESLAS PLAN FOR WIRELESS WORLDWIDE DISTRIBUTION, with Marc Seifer, Ph.D. Dr. Marc Seifer is a Professor and Author of the best-selling book Wizard: The Life and TImes of Nikola Tesla. In this lecture he will present an illustrated historical account of the great man that was Nikola Tesla. 50 min Tesla-656D UPC 8 82917 06569 9 DVD Disk $24.95
A FAMILY PERSPECTIVE ON THE PERSONALITY OF NIKOLA TESLA: A REVIEW OF THE POPULAR INTEREST IN THIS SCIENTIFIC ICON, with William Terbo (Grand-Nephew of Nikola Tesla). William Terbo is an Engineer. He is the closest living relative of Nikola Tesla and the founder and director of the Tesla Memorial Society. 50 min Tesla-657D UPC 8 82917 06579 8 DVD Disk $24.95
ELECTROTHERAPY WITH TESLA COIL DESIGN: INTRODUCTION TO BIOELECTROMAGNETICS, with Thomas Valone, Ph.D. Dr. Thomas Valone is a Physicist, Professional Engineer and Author of the new book Bioelectromagnetic Healing: A Rationale for Its Use. 50 min Tesla-659D UPC 8 82917 06599 6 DVD Disk $24.95
DISCOVERY OF HIGH VOLTAGE ELECTROMAGNETIC HEALING DEVICES, with Ralph Suddath. Ralph Suddath is a Third Generation Tesla Electrotherapy Inventor, Radio Host and Entrepreneur. 40 min Tesla-660D UPC 8 82917 06609 2 DVD Disk $24.95
CANCER AND ELECTROMAGNETIC FREQUENCY THERAPY: AN EMERGING OPPORTUNITY, with Dr. Mark Neveu. Dr Mark Neveu is the President of the National Foundation for Alternative Medicine. 50 min Tesla-661D UPC 8 82917 06619 1 DVD Disk $24.95
TURN OF THE CENTURY ELECTROTHERAPY DISCOVERIES, with Jeffrey Behary. Jeffrey Behary is the Director of the Turn of the Century Electrotherapy Museum. 50 min Tesla-662D UPC 8 82917 06629 0 DVD Disk $24.95
EXHIBITOR PRESENTATIONS, with Various Exhibitors. The various exhibitors will each give a 5 to 10 minute presentation on their products or exhibits. 30 min Tesla-663D UPC 8 82917 06639 9 DVD Disk $24.95
THE NIKOLA TESLA ENERGY SCIENCE 2003 CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION - 12 DISK SET, Washington, D.C. Complete conference set. Tesla-650A 11+ hours on 12 audio tapes $90.00 / Tesla-650V 11+ hours on 12 video tapes $180.00 / Tesla-650D 11+ hours on 12 DVD disks $180.00
The Alternate Realities 2003 Conference
UFOs - PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE, with Earle Benezet. Unidentified Flying Objects have been reported for thousands of years. There are countless depictions of what by todays standards would be considered UFOs on cave paintings, medival depictions andmodern renaissance art. In this heavily illustrated presentation Earle Benezet shows how the ancient ones knew of, and drew, strange craft that were seen in the sky. One of the better tapes in the catalog. ARC-344D UPC 8 82917 043449 7 60 min DVD Disk $24.95
LIFE-LONG EXPERIENCES WITH EXTRATERRESTRIALS, with Jeffrey Morgan Foss. Elaborating On His Own "The Road To Open Contact" An Experiencer's Life-Long Revelation. ARC-345D UPC 8 82917 043459 6 70 min DVD Disk $24.95
EXPERIENCES WITH BIG FOOT IN TENNESSEE, with Sherry Lee Malin. Speaking About Personal Experiences With "The Tennessee Bigfoot" Includes soundtracks of apparent big foot howlings. ARC-346D UPC 8 82917 043469 5 50 min DVD Disk $24.95
THE TENNESSEE BELL WITCH HUNT: THE FULL ACCOUNT, with Pat A. Fitzhugh. Speaking About "The Bell Witch of Tennessee" and "The Bell Witch Haunting" As Well As Other Mysteries of The Paranormal. This is the incident the big-screen movie The Bell Witch Project was based on. Though it occurred more than 100 years ago, it is still one of the best documented cases of spiritual manifestation. A interesting tape. ARC-347D UPC 8 82917 043479 4 60 min DVD Disk $24.95
REACHING FOR REALITY: SEVEN STORIES OF ALIEN ABDUCTION, with Constance Clear. In this tape Constance Clear details reveals the details to some of the cases shes come across. Sadly, 4 months after this tape was produced Constance passed from injuries sustained during an accident. Many blessings. ARC-348D UPC 8 82917 043489 3 60 min DVD Disk $24.95
THE TRAVIS WALTON STORY, with Travis Walton. The ARC 2003's Key Note Speaker Speaking On His Experiences and His Book Entitled "Fire In The Sky: The Walton Experience" The book on which the movie "Fire In The Sky" was based and the best documented case of alien abduction ever recorded! ARC-349D UPC 8 82917 043499 2 70 min DVD Disk $24.95
THE ALTERNATE REALITIES CONFERENCE 2003 - 6 TAPE SET, Roan Mountain, Tennessee. Complete conference set. ARC-93a 7 hours on 6 audio tapes $60.00 / ARC-93 7 hours on 6 video tapes $100.00
MARS AND VENUS ON A DIET, with John Gray. John Gray presents the concepts and invaluable practices from his new book The Mars and Venus Diet and Exercise Solution, revealing little-known information regarding how diet, exercise and communication skills combine to affect the production of healthy brain chemicals. Exploring issues not commonly known or expressed in other books and programs, you will gain insight to understand little known gender insights. This special worskshop presents the basic information for understanding nutrition, exercise, brain chemistry, sex hormones and stress management. In addition, this tape explains how necessary relationship skills will successfully stimulate the healthy production of brain chemicals. Once you have all the pieces of the puzzle in front of you, suddenly it all fits neatly together and you realize why diets, exercise programs or relationships may have failed in the past. NLE-01a 113 min Audio $12.00 / NLE-01 113 min Video $19.95
THE POWER OF FOCUS, with Jack Canfield. Jack Canfield is a skilled success coach, human potential trainer and the author of 60 books and ten audio programs including The Success Principles, Self-Esteem and Peak Performance, The Power of Focus and the best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul series with over 80 million copies in print. Based on his best-selling book, The Power of Focus: How to Hit Your Business, Personal and Financial Targets with Absolute Certainty, this presentation will share the secrets of how to double your income and double your time off in three years or less. Learn how to create more income, greater results, more time off and greater balance in your life. Its all possible. Jack will draw upon his 30 years of teaching experience and coaching people to achieve results. NLE-02a 120 min Audio $12.00 / NLE-02 125 min Video $24.95
A REVOLUTIONARY NEW PROGRAM FOR WEIGHT LOSS, GREATER HEALTH AND EMOTIONAL HAPPINESS, with Jack Canfield and John Gray. Two legends of the health and relationship well-being genre Jack Canfield and John Gray discuss a revolutionary new weight-loss program that they have both benefited from and are now endorsing. Learn how with the right nutrition and exercise you and those you love can quickly, easily and effortlessly lose weight whenever you want and reap many other side benefits in your emotional and relational life as well. Jack Canfield lost 33 pounds in 35 days on this program, John Gray lost 15 pounds in 20 days, and others, have lost as much as 110 pounds in 5 months. Jack Canfield has collected over 60 of these success stories in his new book Chicken Soup for the Healthy Soul and John Gray writes about the program in his newest book The Mars and Venus Diet and Exercise Solution. NLE-03a 2 90 min Audios $20.00 / NLE-03 134 min Video $24.95
EGYPT AND THE SCIENCE OF IMMORTALITY: Parts 1 and 2, with John Anthony West. Ancient Egypt was a one-issue civilization - its energies were entirely devoted to expressing and furthering its doctrine of Immortality. The number symbolism, the geometry of the temples, the fabulous architecture, art and sculpture, even the gods themselves, all played a role in this astonishing doctrine that fused science, art, religion and philosophy into a single, coherent Wisdom Teaching. Mere lectures do not allow enough time to broach this broad subject, but this 3-hour Institute provides a golden opportunity to explore Ancient Egypt's major aspects in depth, along with my latest research into how that system actually performed. This presentation is his Friday afternoon workshop.
SIGNS-01v 2 90 min Videos $40.00
THE GREAT SPHINX AND THE QUEST TO REWRITE HISTORY, with John Anthony West. A writer, scholar and Pythagorean from New York, John Anthony West is the author of "The Traveler's Key to Ancient Egypt" and "Seprent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt." The ancient Egyptians attributed their wisdom to an earlier age going back 36,000 years. John set out to test whether the Sphinx is older than its recognized date of 2,500 B.C. His finding provide the first hard evidence that an earlier civilization preceded Egypt's dynastic history. Today he's an authority on the "Symbolist" school of Egyptology, a view first proposed by French scholar-philosopher, R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz. In the Symbolist view, ancient Egyptian art and architecture disclose richer, more universal wisdom than conventional Egyptology has assumed. John Anthony West won an Emmy Award for his 1993 NBC Special Documentary, "The Mystery of the Sphinx," hosted by Charlton Heston. This presentation is his Saturday evening keynote address. For more information visit
SIGNS-03v o139 min Video $25.00
THE CROP CIRCLES PRIMARY MESSAGE, with Drunvalo Melchizedek. As a celebrated mystic and teacher, Drunvalo Melchizedek's life experience reads like and encyclopedia of breakthroughs in human endeavor. After having taking physics and art at UC Berkeley, he ventured out, and over the last 25 years has studied with over 70 masters from all belief systems and religious backgrounds. An accomplished speaker, he instinctively communicates what's in this heart, his personal warmth, his love for life in all forms and his deep compassion for humanity. His "Flower of Life" teachings and "Mer-ka-ba" meditation system have help thousands better understand their own history and life's work. An expert on Sacred Geometry, he has studied how Crop Circles manifest these ancient forms for a decade. For more information visit
SIGNS-04v 2 hour Video $20.00
SACRED GEOMETRY WORKSHOP, with Drunvalo Melchizedek. Drunvalo's information was given to him from 1972 through the 1980s by Thoth, best known as the Egyptian deity of inner wisdom pertaining to science, mathematics, and literature. Since the 1980s, Drunvalo has been presenting his Flower of Life Workshops (either personally or through his trained facilitators). His work has been spread to at least 40 countries, is taught in many languages (such as Spanish, Dutch, German, French, Japanese), and has deeply touched thousands of people around the globe. When the teachings of geometry are used to show the ancient truth that all life emerges from the same blueprint, we can clearly see that life springs from the same source the intelligent, unconditionally loving creative force some call "God." When geometry is used to express and explore this great truth, a broader understanding of the universe unfolds until we can see that all aspects of reality become sacred. The ancients such as the Egyptians, Mayans, and others all knew this truth and incorporated sacred geometry teachings into their mystery schools as a way for anyone to begin to practically understand his or her personal relationship to "God" and the universe. In this presentation, Drunvalo speaks on the experience in his life that lead him on the path to the practice the flower of life teachings. A full two-hour presentation on the flower of life and sacred geometry. For more information visit
SIGNS-05v 2 hour Video $20.00
THE IMPORTANCE OF HOW AND WHEN THE CROP CIRCLE PHENOMENON BEGAN, with Colin Andrews. One of the earliest and best-known crop circle researchers and authors, Colin became involved in this mystery when, in 1983, he saw a quintuplet formation near his home in Andover, England. An electrical engineer by training, he was intrigued about what forces could create such perfect glyphs in crop fields. In 1989 he and Pat Delgado wrote "Circular Evidence," a best-seller, followed by "Crop Circles: The Latest Evidence," a year later. Colin founded Circles Phenomenon Research International (CPRI) and later moved to Connecticut. His scientific investigations have been widely recognized as models in the field and he has been featured in many crop circle documentaries. Recently, he has stated that while he considers many complex formations to be man-made, one cannot rule out unknown paranormal involvement in the rest. For more information visit
SIGNS-06v 92 min Video $20.00
THERMAL PLASMAS OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN: Hessdalen 2002, with Linda Moulton Howe. An Emmy-award winning investigative journalist and author, now living near Philadelphia, Linda was the creative genius behind the original "Sightings" TV Series. For several years she has provided millions of listeners with a weekly UFO update and summary at the beginning of the "Dreamland" radio show and has done numerous guest appearances on Art Bell's "Coast to Coast" late-night show. One of the most serious and respected investigators of the paranormal, her interests include alien abductions, animal mutilations, crop circles and ET contacts. She has This lecture focuses on here latest research into the mysterious plasma and glowing orb effects found in a remote valley in Hessdalen, Norway. She's working on a new documentary on the subject, visit for more information.
SIGNS-07v 62 min Video $20.00
THE CIRCLES, THE SCIENCE AND AN EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT, with Nancy Talbott. Raised in Baltimore, Nancy studied psychology at Johns Hopkins and Harvard. After discovering the crop circle phenomenon in 1991, she worked with Michigan biophysicist Wm. C. Levengood and John Burke, organizing an international reporting and field-sampling network for Wm. Levengood's laboratory analysis. In 1999 she incorporated the BLT Research organization into a non-profit corporation, which she now heads, and received a Laurence Rockefeller grant. With this funding she has expanded the scope of crop circle research so that BLT Inc. team now includes scientific consultants from multiple disciplines. Having herself had both personal experiences and scientific training, Nancy has a unique perspective on this ongoing enigma. For more information visit
SIGNS-08v 92 min Video $20.00
SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS OF CROP CIRCLES: A Practical Guide, with Nancy Talbott. Nancy Talbott is president of BLT Research Team Inc., whose primary goal is the discovery and scientific documentation of physical changes induced in plants, soils and other materials at crop circle sites by the energy (or energy system) responsible for creating them and to determine, if possible, from these data the specific nature and source of these energies. Secondly, our intent is to publish these research results in peer-reviewed scientific journals and to disseminate this information to the general public. BLT Inc. is comprised of several hundred trained field-sampling personnel in the U.S., Canada and Europe who collect plant and soil samples at crop circle sites for analyses by a number of scientists (see "Professional Consultants") in various disciplines. The hard work of these field teams and their careful adherence to field-sampling protocols has contributed enormously to the on-going discoveries in the laboratory and the large database of factual information that now exists. This presentation outlines the basic research and results obtained so far, highlighting individual crop circle case studies from a number of countries. Slides of recent crop circles in North America and Europe are included, as well as anecdotal reports of associated strange phenomena encountered by personnel working in the fields each summer. For more information visit
SIGNS-09v 108 min Video $20.00
FIELD OF DREAMS: Crop Circles in Canada, with Paul Anderson. A media writer and graphic designer by profession, Paul Anderson has had a life-long interest in future studies and alternative science. In 1990, he became fascinated with the visually-inspiring crop circle phenomenon. As the numbers of Canadian formations grew, he saw the need for an organized network of local researchers to study them scientifically. He help found the group that is now known as the "Canadian Crop Circle Research Network." It links researchers in seven Canadian provinces. As group coordinator, Paul maintains the CCCRN website,, and E-news service from his Vancouver, BC, office.
SIGNS-10 68 min Video $20.00
GROWING CROP CIRCLE SEEDS FOR FOOD, with Steve Purkable. A gentleman farmer from Illinois, Steve Purkable became interested in crop circles in 1992 and built his first 3-D model of a formation in April, 1993. Since then he has made more than 400 models of different crop circles. In 1997, he came into possession of some crop circle wheat seeds and began a long-term study of their growth potential. His seventh generation of crop circle wheat plantings has recently matured.
SIGNS-11v 26 min Video $20.00
ENGLAND'S CROP CIRCLES OF 2002, with Francine Blake. A native of Montreal, Canada, Francine studied the Classics and Art. In 1969 she moved to London to continue her studies; there she married and Englishman. A student of Gurdjief's philosophy and Zen Buddhism, she discovered the crop circle phenomenon in 1987. In 1992, she and her family moved to Wiltshire where she helped found the Wiltshire branch of the "Center for Crop Circle Studies." The group became the "Wiltshire Crop Circle Study Group" in 1996. As its coordinator, Francine now edits "The Spiral," and organizes the Wiltshire Crop Circle Conference each summer. An accomplished painter, she learned digital photography for the group's annual calendar, the only one to feature color aerial photos of the current season. She feels most crop circles are "manifestations from other dimensions" and not mere human creations.
SIGNS-12v 115 min Video $20.00
CROP CIRCLES IN GERMANY: Amazing Recent Developments, with Andreas Mueller. As a student of graphic design at the School of Fine Arts and Design in Saarbrucken, Germany, Andreas Mueller became interested in the crop circle phenomenon for nearly 10 years. Since 1994 he has been investigating crop circles in both England and Germany. In 1994, he also founded the "International Crop Circle Archives," which has become one of the largest databases on this phenomenon with 4,000 records from 45 countries, covering five centuries. In 2001 he published "Kornkreise: Geometric, Phaenomene, Forshung," in German. His slide lecture will also feature photos taken by German photographer Frank Laumen. For more information visit
SIGNS-13v 85 min Video $20.00
CROP CIRCLES REVEALED: A Spiritual Perspective, with Barbara Lamb. A licensed Psychotherapist in Claremont, CA, specializing in hypnotic regressions to remember past lives or alien contacts. Barbara has also been investigating crop circles since 1991. She recently co-authored "Crop Circles Revealed: Language of the Light Symbols," with channel Judith Moore. Barbara has stated her belief that the electromagnetic light and sound frequencies of each crop circle are mathematical and geometric formulas for the healing of our planet, for the evolution of our world and for the spiritual ascension of the human species. Barbara's unique perspective on the crop circle enigma even takes "human-made" formations into account as she feels they too are influenced by unseen forces whose ultimate purpose is both positive and spiritual. For more information visit
SIGNS-14v 89 min Video $20.00
CROP CIRCLES 2001-2002: A Year of Surprises, with Dr. Chet Snow. An internationally-acclaimed author, lecturer, researcher and regression therapist, Chet Snow has degrees from Columbia University and Paris' Sorbonne. As the promoter of the "Signs of Destiny" conference, the third in a series of Earth Mysteries conventions, designed to study what has led our species and the planet to these special times of challenge and opportunity. In this lecture, Chet Snow will reveal the latest information on crop circles from the English countryside of the 2001-2002 season. For more information and to find out about future events visit
SIGNS-15v 53 min Video $20.00
SIGNS OF DESTINY: Crop Circle and Sacred Geometry Conference 2002 - Tempe, Arizona. Complete conference set.
SIGNS-92v 22+ hours on 15 videotapes Normally $270.00 - Now only $225.00
NOSTRADAMUS AND OUR FUTURE: Part 1 and 2, with Dolores Cannon. Dolores Cannon is the author of Conversations with Nostradamus & many other books Now that the millennium is here, the prophecies of Nostradamus are being fulfilled at an alarming rate. The future is upon us and unfolding before our eyes. Dolores will tell how she made a remarkable contact with the living Nostradamus that resulted in the reinterpretation of all of his known prophecies (quatrains) in her three volume book set "Conversations with Nostradamus". She will describe Nostradamus' predictions that have come true since her books were first published in 1989, including the September 11th events, new computer technology, experimental weaponry projects and current events in Iraq. She will discuss possible predictions for the next twenty years, and how the worst-case scenarios can be avoided. Information includes: the Third Anti-Christ; a possible Third World War; which Areas will survive a possible Earth shift; the Great Genius that comes after the Anti-Christ and his wonderful inventions and the role of ETs in the predicted future Thousand years of Peace. Take this rare opportunity to hear Nostradamus' visions of our Future and how we can improve it! For more information visit SIGNS-119D UPC 8 82917 01199 3 180 min 2 DVD Disks $44.95
MANKIND: CHILD OF THE STARS, with Dolores Cannon. Dolores Cannon is the author of Conversations with Nostradamus & many other books Now that the millennium is here, the prophecies of Nostradamus are being fulfilled at an alarming rate. The future is upon us and unfolding before our eyes. Dolores will tell how she made a remarkable contact with the living Nostradamus that resulted in the reinterpretation of all of his known prophecies (quatrains) in her three volume book set "Conversations with Nostradamus". She will describe Nostradamus' predictions that have come true since her books were first published in 1989, including the September 11th events, new computer technology, experimental weaponry projects and current events in Iraq. She will discuss possible predictions for the next twenty years, and how the worst-case scenarios can be avoided. Information includes: the Third Anti-Christ; a possible Third World War; which Areas will survive a possible Earth shift; the Great Genius that comes after the Anti-Christ and his wonderful inventions and the role of ETs in the predicted future Thousand years of Peace. Take this rare opportunity to hear Nostradamus' visions of our Future and how we can improve it! For more information visit SIGNS-121D UPC 8 82917 01219 8 105 min DVD Disk $24.95
YOUR PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE REVEALED, with Clarisse Conner. Clarisse Conner is an incredible clairvoyant and advisor. Her readings of the Past, Present & Future will astound everyone SIGNS-122D UPC 8 82917 01229 7 30 min DVD Disk $19.95
FROM STARDUST TO THE STARGATE, with Sir Laurence Gardner. From the tombs of pharaonic Egypt, to the laboratories of modern science, comes the extraordinary account of gravity defiance and teleportation in the ancient world. Sir Laurence explains how physicists are now researching previously unknown planes of existence through the rediscovery of a lost technology from distant times. Laurence Gardner, a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, is a constitutional historian, international lecturer and broadcaster. As a worldwide emissary for the Royal House of Stewart, Sir Laurence Gardner is Prior of the Sacred Kindred of Saint Columba, a Knight Templar of St. Anthony and Envoy to the Grand Protectorate of the Imperial Dragon Court of Hungary. In the popular literary world, Laurence Gardner is an internationally acclaimed author with national press serialization and published works in many languages. They include the Top-10 Bloodline of the Holy Grail, which gained a UK Author of the Year award, along with the international bestsellers Genesis of the Grail Kings and Realm of the Ring Lords. From the late 1800s, thousands of ancient documents have been unearthed, predating the Old Testament writing of Genesis by up to 2000 years. Laurence will present one of the monumental finds from that era, that was suppressed by the Egyptian Exploration Fund. His English-language publishers include Transworld, Bantam Books, Penguin Books, Element Books, Barnes & Noble, Fair Winds Press and HarperCollins. In his latest book, Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark, Sir Laurence writes about recent scientific discoveries and advances that are shaping our future and rewriting our past. For more information visit his web site: SIGNS-123D UPC 8 82917 01239 6 120 min DVD Disk $24.95
LOST SECRETS OF THE SACRED ARK: Part 1 and 2, with Sir Laurence Gardner. What was the ancient Hebrew Ark of the Covenant? Where did it go and where is it today? What is the sacred Ark's relationship to medieval alchemys "Philosophers Stone" and to the discoveries of modern Quantum Physics? Were ancient Egyptian initiates and Israelite kings possessors of the secrets of super-conductivity and high-spin metallurgy so as to be able to transcend ordinary Space-Time, using whats known as the "white powder of gold"? By accessing Rosicrucian, Templar, Royal Society and private archives, Sir Laurence Gardner has found astonishing answers to these questions and more. Laurence Gardner, a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, is a constitutional historian, international lecturer and broadcaster. As a worldwide emissary for the Royal House of Stewart, Sir Laurence Gardner is Prior of the Sacred Kindred of Saint Columba, a Knight Templar of St. Anthony and Envoy to the Grand Protectorate of the Imperial Dragon Court of Hungary. In the popular literary world, Laurence Gardner is an internationally acclaimed author with national press serialization and published works in many languages. They include the Top-10 Bloodline of the Holy Grail, which gained a UK Author of the Year award, along with the international bestsellers Genesis of the Grail Kings and Realm of the Ring Lords. From the late 1800s, thousands of ancient documents have been unearthed, predating the Old Testament writing of Genesis by up to 2000 years. Laurence will present one of the monumental finds from that era, that was suppressed by the Egyptian Exploration Fund. His English-language publishers include Transworld, Bantam Books, Penguin Books, Element Books, Barnes & Noble, Fair Winds Press and HarperCollins. In his latest book, Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark, Sir Laurence writes about recent scientific discoveries and advances that are shaping our future and rewriting our past. For more information visit his web site: SIGNS-124D UPC 8 82917 01249 5 180 min 2 DVD Disks $49.95
THE CROP CIRCLE MYSTERY: AN OVERVIEW, with Andy Thomas. Andy Thomas is a founder member of the Southern Circular Research crop circle investigation team (SCR), which has been active since 1991. Andy is editor of the popular website, renowned for its outspoken and insightful reporting, and previously produced the circle journal SC. Andy has written five books exploring aspects of the crop circle enigma: Fields of Mystery: The Crop Circle Phenomenon in Sussex (1996) and Quest For Contact: A True Story of Crop Circles, Psychics and UFOs (1997, with Paul Bura) were his first, followed by his best-known and much-praised book Vital Signs: A Complete Guide to the Crop Circle Mystery and why it is NOT a Hoax (1998, revised 2002), which has been described by many as the definitive guide to the subject. Most recently Andy has written the revised version of An Introduction to Crop Circles for Wessex Books, and produced Swirled Harvest: Views from the Crop Circle Frontline, a collection of many of his articles from an eleven-year period. This has been published simultaneously with A Oneness of Mind: The Power of Collective Thought and Signs of Our Times, which collects together edited transcripts of Andys renowned Glastonbury Symposium presentations. A prolific lecturer, Andy is famed for his lively and sometimes theatrical presentations on crop circles and other inspirational topics. He has spoken extensively in England, and also in Europe and America. He is one of the organisers and presenters of The Glastonbury Symposium, the worlds longest-running crop circle-related conference, which takes place each summer. For more information visit SIGNS-127D UPC 8 82917 01279 2 90 min DVD Disk $24.95
PSYCHIC INTERACTION WITH CROP CIRCLES, with Andy Thomas. With slides and videos, Andy will recount the efforts his group, Southern Circular Research, made in trying to interact with the crop circle phenomenon using psychic questing and other metaphysical methods. The extraordinary results gained through the ensuing remarkable events hold important lessons for all who wish to dabble in paranormal realms. Andy Thomas is a founder member of the Southern Circular Research crop circle investigation team (SCR), which has been active since 1991. Andy is editor of the popular website, renowned for its outspoken and insightful reporting, and previously produced the circle journal SC. Andy has written five books exploring aspects of the crop circle enigma: Fields of Mystery: The Crop Circle Phenomenon in Sussex (1996) and Quest For Contact: A True Story of Crop Circles, Psychics and UFOs (1997, with Paul Bura) were his first, followed by his best-known and much-praised book Vital Signs: A Complete Guide to the Crop Circle Mystery and why it is NOT a Hoax (1998, revised 2002), which has been described by many as the definitive guide to the subject. Most recently Andy has written the revised version of An Introduction to Crop Circles for Wessex Books, and produced Swirled Harvest: Views from the Crop Circle Frontline, a collection of many of his articles from an eleven-year period. This has been published simultaneously with A Oneness of Mind: The Power of Collective Thought and Signs of Our Times, which collects together edited transcripts of Andys renowned Glastonbury Symposium presentations. A prolific lecturer, Andy is famed for his lively and sometimes theatrical presentations on crop circles and other inspirational topics. He has spoken extensively in England, and also in Europe and America. He is one of the organisers and presenters of The Glastonbury Symposium, the worlds longest-running crop circle-related conference, which takes place each summer. For more information visit SIGNS-128D UPC 8 82917 01289 1 120 min DVD Disk $24.95
ENGLANDS CROP CIRCLES OF 2003, with Francine Blake. Francine Blake is the Coordinator of the Wiltshire, England, Crop Circle Study Group. Editor of The Spiral. Photographer for the WCCSG Crop Circle Calendar. A native of Montreal, Canada, Francine studied the Classics and Art. In 1969 she moved to London to continue her studies; there she married and Englishman. A student of Gurdjiefs philosophy and Zen Buddhism, she discovered the crop circle phenomenon in 1987. In 1992, she and her family moved to Wiltshire where she helped found the Wiltshire branch of the Center for Crop Circle Studies. The group became the Wiltshire Crop Circle Study Group in 1996. As its coordinator, Francine now edits The Spiral, and organizes the Wiltshire Crop Circle Conference each summer. An accomplished painter, she learned digital photography for the groups annual calendar, the only one to feature color aerial photos of the current season. She feels most crop circles are manifestations from other dimensions and not mere human creations. SIGNS-129D UPC 8 82917 01299 0 90 min DVD Disk $24.95
LIVING WITH CROP CIRCLES, with Francine Blake. A native of Quebec, Canada, Francine's lived in England many years. An artist, she moved to Wiltshire a dozen years ago to experience this phenomena first hand. For the last several years she has been coordinator of the Wiltshire Crop Circle Study Group and the chief photographer for its annual WCCSG Crop Circle Calendar the only one to show the current season's formations. Her unusual experiences in taking aerial and ground photos and living in this sacred landscape are amazing and must be heard. Francine Blake is the Coordinator of the Wiltshire, England, Crop Circle Study Group. Editor of The Spiral. Photographer for the WCCSG Crop Circle Calendar. A native of Montreal, Canada, Francine studied the Classics and Art. In 1969 she moved to London to continue her studies; there she married and Englishman. A student of Gurdjiefs philosophy and Zen Buddhism, she discovered the crop circle phenomenon in 1987. In 1992, she and her family moved to Wiltshire where she helped found the Wiltshire branch of the Center for Crop Circle Studies. The group became the Wiltshire Crop Circle Study Group in 1996. As its coordinator, Francine now edits The Spiral, and organizes the Wiltshire Crop Circle Conference each summer. An accomplished painter, she learned digital photography for the groups annual calendar, the only one to feature color aerial photos of the current season. She feels most crop circles are manifestations from other dimensions and not mere human creations. SIGNS-130D UPC 8 82917 01309 6 105 min DVD Disk $24.95
CROP CIRCLES AND OTHER EVENTS IN POLAND, with Nancy Talbott. Nancy Talbott is President of BLT Research Team Inc. The BLT Research Team Inc.'s primary goal is the discovery and scientific documentation of physical changes induced in plants, soils and other materials at crop circle sites by the energy (or energy system) responsible for creating them and to determine, if possible, from these data the specific nature and source of these energies. Secondly, our intent is to publish these research results in peer-reviewed scientific journals and to disseminate this information to the general public. BLT Inc. is comprised of several hundred trained field-sampling personnel in the U.S., Canada and Europe who collect plant and soil samples at crop circle sites for analyses by a number of scientists (see "Professional Consultants") in various disciplines. The hard work of these field teams and their careful adherence to field-sampling protocols has contributed enormously to the on-going discoveries in the laboratory and the large data-base of factual information which now exists. SIGNS-131D UPC 8 82917 01319 5 90 min DVD Disk $24.95
THE BASICS OF CROP CIRCLE FIELD SAMPLING, with Nancy Talbott. Nancy Talbott is President of BLT Research Team Inc. The BLT Research Team Inc.'s primary goal is the discovery and scientific documentation of physical changes induced in plants, soils and other materials at crop circle sites by the energy (or energy system) responsible for creating them and to determine, if possible, from these data the specific nature and source of these energies. Secondly, our intent is to publish these research results in peer-reviewed scientific journals and to disseminate this information to the general public. BLT Inc. is comprised of several hundred trained field-sampling personnel in the U.S., Canada and Europe who collect plant and soil samples at crop circle sites for analyses by a number of scientists (see "Professional Consultants") in various disciplines. The hard work of these field teams and their careful adherence to field-sampling protocols has contributed enormously to the on-going discoveries in the laboratory and the large data-base of factual information which now exists. As head of the BLT Research, Inc., Nancy receives hundreds of field samples from crop circle formations each year. Learn the "tricks of the sampling trade" from Nancy's extensive hands-on experience to help in future research. Also learn more of Nancy's own amazing experiences in 10 years of circle research. SIGNS-132D UPC 8 82917 01329 4 90 min DVD Disk $24.95
SIGNS AND SYMBOLS OF THE HEALING SUN CODE, with William Henry. William Henry is a cutting edge Mythologist and leading author. William Henry is an investigative mythologist and author. His mythological specialty is the Ladder to God (Scala Dei in Latin) which has been featured in myths and scriptures since the beginning of time. In his books William interprets these stories of the Ladder to God on six different levels: the historical, the cosmological, the symbolic/metaphorical, the mythological / allegorical, the anatomical, and the technological. The existence of the Healing Sun has been coded in the Mystery Teachings which tradition has so long held to lie behind the Holy Scriptures of numerous religions. This book throws light on these Mystery Teachings, the secret science and religion of the Galactic Core of our Milky Way galaxy, by revealing the symbol and word code of the Healing Sun. For more information visit SIGNS-133D UPC 8 82917 01339 3 90 min DVD Disk $24.95
STARGATES OF THE GODS, with William Henry. Thousands of years ago the Stargate technology of the gods was lost. Mayan prophecy says it will return by the year 2012 and connectus to the center of our galaxy. This will being the birth of a new Earth matrix and a new humanity. We are its elders. See vivid examples of ancient stargates juxtaposed with modern science and current events, including crop circles. Cross the boundary. Experience the stargates of the gods. William Henry is a cutting edge Mythologist and leading author. William Henry is an investigative mythologist and author. His mythological specialty is the Ladder to God (Scala Dei in Latin) which has been featured in myths and scriptures since the beginning of time. In his books William interprets these stories of the Ladder to God on six different levels: the historical, the cosmological, the symbolic/metaphorical, the mythological / allegorical, the anatomical, and the technological. The existence of the Healing Sun has been coded in the Mystery Teachings which tradition has so long held to lie behind the Holy Scriptures of numerous religions. This book throws light on these Mystery Teachings, the secret science and religion of the Galactic Core of our Milky Way galaxy, by revealing the symbol and word code of the Healing Sun. For more information visit SIGNS-134D UPC 8 82917 01349 2 105 min DVD Disk $24.95
CABALISTIC HEALING PRESENTATION, with Dr. Louis Turi. Astropsychologist and Nostradamus specialist. Special Saturday afternoon healing presentation. Dr. Turi was recognized in the 2003 Marquis "Who's Who in America" as an accomplished leading Astropsychologist. He has taught, lectured, and entertained audiences on the power of the stars and Cabalistic Healing all over the world. He grew up in Provence France, Nostradamus' birthplace, and spent last 30 years re-kindling the great Seer's rare method of Divine Astrology with its incredible therapeutic values. It is crucial to immediately make a distinction between Dr. Turi's work and that of other astrologers and healers. This form of astrology is different from any other you may have heard or read. The homeopathic discipline found in Nostradamus' rare method is totally unique and the predictive powers are unmatched. Dr. Turi speaks at Borders and Barnes & Noble bookstores nationwide, and has performed at numerous well known facilities worldwide including Las Ventana, a top resort in Mexico. Dr. Turi also leads healing tours to Thailand and France with Destination Tropics Inc. Dr. Turi's predictions and articles are regularly featured in India's top astrological monthly magazine, StarTeller (distribution 350,000 copies world wide). His articles are also featured in Australia's magazine, New Dawn Magazine. They have appeared in various other newspapers and publications such as Fate Magazine and Magazine 2000 in the Us and Europe. Recently Free Spirit Journal has picked up his articles and forecasts. He has been featured on many national television programs such as NBCs "Ancient Mysteries" series, and TLC "Journal of the Unknown-Astrology" with the Discovery Channel to name a few. For more information visit SIGNS-136D UPC 8 82917 01369 0 70 min DVD Disk $24.95
THE DEEPENING COMPLEXITY OF CROP CIRCLES, with Dr. Eltjo Haselhoff. Dr. Eltjo Haselhoff is a Dutch physicist and Author of The Deepening Complexity of Crop Circles. The mysterious appearance of "crop circles" in farm fields and other land areas is obtaining increased public attention. Where are they coming from, how are they made, and what do they mean? Are these the "signs on earth", as predicted throughout the centuries, that warn us for dramatic earth changes taking place in the near future? Or are they simply all made by men, as some want us to believe? Should this phenomenon be taken seriously? In his current bestseller, Dr. Haselhoff takes the viewer on a fascinating journey through the world of the crop circles. The award-winning author presents a popular-scientific study on this fascinating phenomenon, which is much more complex than most people know. In simple language, the former employee of Los Alamos National Laboratories reveals many facts unknown to the general public, and answers questions that have never been answered before. An abundance of clear color diagrams and a beautiful collection of artistic color photographs support Haselhoff's fascinating story, which has already convinced many that, indeed, something very strange is going on. After finishing Grammar School, Eltjo Haselhoff studied experimental physics, specializing in high power gas lasers, non-linear optics and ultra-short optical pulse detection. After obtaining his M.Sc. degree, he worked at several European research institutes, and at Los Alamos National Laboratories, USA. His main activities were in the fields of free-electron laser research, accelerator technology, ultra-high vacuum technology, semiconductor photo-emission cathodes for high current electron beam accelerators and ultra-fast optical infrared switches. For more information visit SIGNS-137D UPC 8 82917 01379 9 90 min DVD Disk $24.95
REMEMBERING ATLANTIS, with Doug Kenyon. Doug Kenyon is editor of Atlantis Rising magazine. For more information visit SIGNS-138D UPC 8 82917 01389 8 90 min DVD Disk $24.95
SYMBOLS, SEX AND THE STARS, with Jordan Maxwell. Author of Matrix of Power and Radio Talk Show host. Jordan Maxwell continues as a preeminent researcher and authority in the field of occult/religious philosophy since 1959. He served for three and a half years as the Religion Editor of Truth Seeker Magazine, Americas oldest Free Thought Journal (since 1873). His work exploring the hidden foundations of Western religions and secret societies has created an enthusiastic response from audiences for many years. He has conducted dozens of intensive seminars, hosted his own radio talk shows, guested on more than 600 radio shows, and written, produced and appeared in numerous television shows and documentaries (including three 2-hour specials for the CBS TV network, as well as the internationally acclaimed 5-part Ancient Mystery Series - all devoted to understanding ancient religions and their pervasive influence on world affairs today. Jordan Maxwell will give us a glimpse into the super secret organizations that have played such significant roles in world history. One of his videos is entitled "Matrix of Power" and this appellation certainly describes the reality of our world better than any other phrase. For more information visit SIGNS-139D UPC 8 82917 013997 90 min DVD Disk $24.95
AMAZING USA CROP FORMATIONS IN 2003, with Linda Moulton Howe. Linda Moulton Howe, Emmy Award-winning TV producer, investigative reporter and writer. Linda Moulton Howe is a graduate of Stanford University with a Masters Degree in Communication. She has devoted her documentary film, television and radio career to productions concerning science, medicine and the environment. Ms. Howe has received local, national and international awards, including three regional Emmys and a national Emmy nomination. Those films have included Poison in the Wind and A Sun Kissed Poison which compared smog pollution in Los Angeles and Denver; Fire In The Water about hydrogen as an alternative energy source to fossil fuels; A Radioactive Water about uranium contamination of public drinking water in a Denver suburb; and A Strange Harvest which explored the worldwide animal mutilation mystery that has haunted the United States and other countries since the late 1950s and continues to date. SIGNS-140D UPC 8 82917 01409 3 90 min DVD Disk $24.95
MYSTERIOUS LIGHTS IN NORWAY AND BRAZIL, with Linda Moulton Howe. There are places on the earth where locals have long reported seeing mysterious lights, day and night.To name a few there are the Ontario Lake lights in Canada, the Ural lights in Russia, the Victoria lights in Argentina, the Tagish lights in the Yukon, the Yakima lights in Washington, the Marfa lights in Texas and the Hessdalen lights in Norway. In this presentation Linda talks about the recent research shes done in Hessdalen. Details of Linda's scientific research data coming from her field trips to Hessdalen, Norway,in August 2002 and to Corguinho, Brazil, in the spring of 2003. Could advance intelligences be programming plasmas to monitor and interact with Earth life in both of these unusual places? She also talks about her recent trip, in February 2003, to Corguinho, Brazil, to collect physical evidence related a strange event that occurred there concerning an apparent otherworldly abduction where the bedsheets and wood in the ceiling above the bed were scorched as though the individual had be transported through it. A strange case in recent UFOlogical circles. Linda Moulton Howe, Emmy Award-winning TV producer, investigative reporter and writer. Linda Moulton Howe is a graduate of Stanford University with a Masters Degree in Communication. She has devoted her documentary film, television and radio career to productions concerning science, medicine and the environment. Ms. Howe has received local, national and international awards, including three regional Emmys and a national Emmy nomination. Those films have included Poison in the Wind and A Sun Kissed Poison which compared smog pollution in Los Angeles and Denver; Fire In The Water about hydrogen as an alternative energy source to fossil fuels; A Radioactive Water about uranium contamination of public drinking water in a Denver suburb; and A Strange Harvest which explored the worldwide animal mutilation mystery that has haunted the United States and other countries since the late 1950s and continues to date. SIGNS-141D UPC 8 82917 01419 2 120 min DVD Disk $24.95
CANADIAN CROP CIRCLES: SOUND AND CREATION, with Beata van Berkom. Beata van Berkom is a medical laboratory technologist from Saskatoon, Canada. A field researcher for the Canadian Crop Circle Research Network and a crop circle workshop leader. The Canadian Crop Circle Research Network (CCCRN) is a non-profit research organization which has been seriously investigating and documenting the crop circle phenomenon and other possibly related phenomena in Canada since 1995, creating a liason between researchers, farmers, the public, media and scientists. CCCRN was initially founded by researcher, writer, graphic artist and current director Paul Anderson as Circles Phenomenon Research Canada, an affiliate of Circles Phenomenon Research International (CPRI) in 1995. With the later closure of the CPRI offices, the organization was refounded in 2001 as CCCRN, an independent group which now has coordinators and field research assistants in seven provinces, with the main office in Vancouver, BC and provincial branches in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia. CCCRN does not have a general membership per se, membership is made up entirely of volunteer coordinators and field research assistants. While it is the only such organization specifically investigating the crop circle phenomenon in Canada on an ongoing basis, CCCRN also works with numerous other research groups, including the BLT Research Team Inc., which has been conducting scientific laboratory studies of plant and soil samples from crop formations worldwide for the past decade with mainstream scientists and laboratories. For more information visit SIGNS-142D UPC 8 82917 01429 1 75 min DVD Disk $24.95
CROP CIRCLES 2003: THE MAGIC CONTINUES, with Dr. Chet Snow. Dr. Chet Snow is a crop circle researcher, author and "Signs of Destiny II" co-host with his wife, Kallista. An internationally-acclaimed author, lecturer, researcher and regression therapist, Chet Snow has degrees from Columbia University and Paris Sorbonne. As the promoter of the Signs of Destiny conference, the third in a series of Earth Mysteries conventions, designed to study what has led our species and the planet to these special times of challenge and opportunity. In this lecture, Chet Snow will reveal the latest information on crop circles from the English countryside of the 2001-2002 season. For more information and to find out about future events visit SIGNS-143D UPC 8 82917 01439 0 30 min DVD Disk $24.95
SIGNS OF DESTINY: Crop Circle and Earth Mysteries Conference 2003 - Tempe, Arizona. Complete conference set. SIGNS118a 28+ hours on 23 audio tapes $170.00 SIGNS-118 28+ hours on 23 videotapes $345.00 28+ hours on 23 DVD disks $345.00
THE COSMIC ORIGINS OF MAN, with Father Charles Moore. Father Charles Moore graduated from Stanford University with a degree in law, was admitted to the California Bar and then was elected District Attorney of Santa Cruz County in 1954. He was ordained a Roman Catholic Priest in 1964. Father Charlie is a local spiritual leader, historian and scholar who speaks about our history, spirituality, ancient cultures and modern society. His broad grasp on human nature, our origins, organized religions, legends and myths make this presentation a fascinating and informative exposé of our ancient political and religious practices. Learn about the "Theories of Knowledge" and the "100th Monkey Internet." With his incredible knowledge he gives new dimensions and deeper understandings to topics we thought we already knew. He has traveled extensively in search of the roots of religious practice. His quest has taken him to Britain, Europe, Alaska, Mexico, and India as well as he homelands of several Native American tribes where he has studied over a dozen languages. He shares with us his highly unconventional views about human genetic, religious and cultural origins.
BACN-01v 105 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
21ST CENTURY VISIONS OF NOSTRADAMUS, with Dolores Cannon. Dolores Cannon is an internationally known specialist in the recovery and cataloging of "lost" knowledge through regression. Cannon is a regressive hypnotist specializing in past life recall, and she is fascinated by the details of history revealed by many of her subjects. Through her communication with Nostradamus, she has written three volumes of "conversations" which interpret almost 1000 prophecies of the 16th century seer. In addition to these volumes, Dolores has written Keepers of the Garden, Legacy from the Stars, and Between Life and Death. In her lecture, she focuses on the 21st century visions of Nostradamus. Dolores Cannon has written several books on the prophecies of Nostradamus. Her Nostradamus series is particularly interesting, as her subjects appear to have traveled through both time and space while in trance, and to have contacted the living Michel de Notredame, (Nostradamus) in his own time. Dolores Cannon is a warm and likable person. She is a past-life regressionist and hypnotherapist who specializes in the recovery and cataloging of "Lost Knowledge." Working through several different subjects, Dolores was able to establish communication with the living Michel De Notredame better known as the prophet, Nostradamus. His revelations and their impact on our own time provide a fascinating look into a rarely discussed subject.
BACN-02v 105 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS WITH ETS, with Barbara Lamb. Barbara Lamb, a regular at our conferences and one of the nations most experienced therapists working with UFO experiencers, suggests that either the numbers of experiencers are rising rapidly or more people are willing to talk publicly about such encounters. Barbara Lamb is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who specializes in doing regression therapy with extraterrestrial contactees and abductees. A former Executive Vice President of the Association for Past Life Research and Therapies, Lamb has trained many other psychotherapists and hypnotherapists. Ms. Lamb has worked with over 200 separate individuals who have come to her for clarity in regards to their ET contacts. Barbara is well known and highly respected for her work on an international level. Barbaras unselfish commitment to her students, patients and research is never less than 110%. Her stellar achievements have made her an asset to humanity and her qualities and standards should be considered beyond reproach. This tape describes her experiences in hypnotherapy with regards to human relationships with extraterrestrials. She discusses ongoing human relationships with ETs and shows slides that she has just recently compiled. For more information visit
BACN-03v 60 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
ET RELATIONSHIPS PANEL, with Barbara Lamb, Pamela Stonebrooke, Eve Lorgen and Dolores Cannon. Barbara Lamb, a regular at our conferences and one of the nations most experienced therapists working with UFO experiencers, suggests that either the numbers of experiencers are rising rapidly or more people are willing to talk publicly about such encounters. Pamela Stonebrooke, also known as the Intergalactic Diva, a professional singer in the Los Angeles area, is writing the story of her alien encounters. Four years ago Pamela went public with her Grey and Reptilian accounts on the national TV show "Strange Universe." In her presentation, Pamela shares her encounters with her four Grey hybrid daughters, and openly discusses her experiences with the Reptilians. From terror and denial to awakening and expansion, Pamela proposes a metaphysical perspective of this phenomenon. Eve Lorgens interest in the UFO phenomenon began early in life as a result of multiple witnessed UFO sightings with family members. She holds a Bachelors degree in Biochemistry from San Francisco State University and a Masters degree in counseling Psychology. She provides insights from her recent book, The Alien Love Bite: Alien Interference in Human Love Relationships, which explores how alien beings may be orchestrating human love dramas for their own ends. Dolores Cannon has also written several books on the prophecies of Nostradamus. Cannon is a regressive hypnotist specializing in past life recall, and she is fascinated by the details of history which are revealed by many of her subjects. On the panel, she shares information from her latest book, The Custodians, which discusses distorted time, screen memories and reasons for abductions. These experts have gathered to discuss the relationships between ETs and humans.
BACN-04v 90 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
SCIENCE, POLITICS AND THE NEW MILLENNIUM, with Dr. Nick Begich. Best selling author and lecturer Dr. Nick Begich presents an overview of the HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) transmitter and antenna in Alaska. His countless years of research help to provide a glimpse of new technological achievements that can help better the environment and reshape mankind in the future. Pulling from an array of extensive documentation from government, academic and media sources, Begich is able explain the big picture in terms that anyone can understand. Nick Begich co-authored the book Angels Dont Play This HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology, and wrote Towards a New Alchemy: The Millennium Science. His latest book Earth Rising - The Revolution: Toward a Thousand Years of Peace was co-authored with James Roderick in December 1999. He is also the editor of Earthpulse Flashpoints, a continuing new-science book series. On the eve of the 2000 presidential election, Nick discussed science and politics in the new millennium. He discussed differences between the two major parties and what is going behind the scenes. He also gave an update on the latest research activities including new technologies, health and earth science related issues. There was a citywide power loss shortly after Begich began his presentation, but through the use of a quickly replaced battery pack, only a few moments of this valuable presentation were lost.
BACN-05v 2 hour VHS Video Tape $20.00
MUSIC OF THE SPHERES, with Randy Masters. Randy Masters, a musician, composer and recording artist, has delved deeply into the study of sacred geometry, harmony and resonance, searching for the true knowledge of the music of the spheres. He has been a musician and educator about the science of music for many years. He has a unique understanding of the harmonic mathematics, and teaches about the ancient knowledge of Pythagoras and esoteric teachings. Randy Masters is a composer, publisher and multi-talented musician specializing in world music composition and performance. He taught at the University of California, Santa Cruz, where he was on the Music Faculty and Artist in Residence for ten years. He also taught seven years at San Jose State University. He has released numerous recordings of multi-national jazz music and composed several feature-length movie scores. He both performed and arranged for many internationally known recording artists such as Tito Puente, Charlie Byrd, Hedzoleh Soundz, Lou Harrison and Solar Plexus. Randy is a Minister in the Church of Malabar and the Church of the Golden Age. He specializes in spiritual teaching and harmonic attunements using special tuning forks designed from his research, color and essential oils. Randy explains how sound could be the key to unlocking and opening monuments such as the Hall of Records under the Sphinx, which contain information about advanced civilizations before Egypt. Randy also reveals how our bodies contain the microcosm of these codes that can be ignited through sound to explore these ancient structures.
BACN-06v 90 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
TECHNOLOGY OF THE GODS, with David Hatcher Childress. David Hatcher Childress is a real-life Indiana Jones. He has written a series of books about his journeys and research into lost cities and ancient mysteries of Africa, Arabia, China, Central Asia, India, South America Ancient Lemuria, Central America, Atlantis, Europe, as well as other locations. He is recognized as an expert not only on ancient civilizations and technology, but also on free energy, anti-gravity and UFOs. His books on these subjects include The Anti-Gravity Handbook, Extraterrestrial Archeology, The Free-Energy Device Handbook, and The Time Travel Handbook. In his lecture, he presents fascinating information on the advanced technology and anomalous architecture of our predecessors from around the globe. David Hatcher Childress provides a qualified presentation about his search for Atlantis, megalithic cultures and ancient technology. From the Hittite empire of the Middle East to the mountains of South America and the plains of Central America, records of ancient civilizations of an advanced nature are found throughout the world. In this presentation, Childress explores the massive cities high in the Andes and their links to Atlantis and Mu. A full two hours with over 200 slides from his travels around the world. Visit for more info.
BACN-07v 2 hour VHS Video Tape $20.00
ANCIENT WISDOM / NEW SCIENCE: 2000 Conference - Berkeley, California. Complete conference set.
BACN-90v o 10+ hours on 7 videotapes o Normally $140.00 - Now only $110.00
BIGFOOT / UFO CONNECTION, with Jack "Kewaunee" Lapseritis.. Kewaunee Lapseritis is a social scientist, applied anthropologist and health care professional who has thoroughly researched the Bigfoot/Sasquatch phenomenon for the last 45 years. In 1979, Kewaunee received the shock of his life when both a Bigfoot and ET simultaneously communicated with him telepathically. Since that time, he has documented 95 percipients, including a college professor, a government administrator and a whole array of people who have had similar psychic close encounters. Unlike many researchers looking for hard evidence of this elusive creature, Lapseritis has concentrated more on documenting the "experience" of the phenomenon, and gathering first-hand accounts of contacts. His "proof" is not a dead body, nor even a plaster cast, but takes the form of a consensus reality. That is, after hearing dozens of accounts of Sasquatch contact from witnesses who tell similar stories it is impossible for him not to accept the truth of these experiences. His findings are chronicled in his book, The Psychic Sasquatch and Their UFO Connection.
BACN-08v 105 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
OUT-OF-BODY ADVENTURES, with Albert Taylor. Al Taylor, Ph.D., left behind nearly two decades of work as an aeronautical engineer/scientist to become a metaphysical researcher, teacher, lecturer and artist. Taylor describes his Out-of-Body (OBEs) with great insight and humor. Taylor reveals how these paranormal events have impacted his personal growth and relationships. Born and raised in Southern California, Albert Taylor attended Catholic elementary schools and Los Angeles City High School. At seventeen, he elected to serve his country by enlisting into the United States Air Force. During his tour of duty in the USAF, he continued his education by attending nearby colleges and universities. His aerospace career continued as he performed development engineering on a top-secret program which has since become known as the F-117A Stealth Fighter. He evaluated satellite system designs in support of former President Reagans Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) known as Star Wars to the layman. He was also involved in NASAs International Space Station program. During the late 1980s Taylor taught Logistics Engineering at Cerritos College, California. After a myriad of paranormal events, and as a result of a spiritual awakening, Taylor left behind nearly two decades of work as an aeronautical engineer/scientist, to author and publish his book, Soul Traveler. Author of the Los Angeles Times #1 bestseller SOUL TRAVELER: A Guide to Out-Of-Body Experiences and the Wonders Beyond, he is an active member of International Association of Near Death Studies (IANDS) and a participant in the Monroe Institutes Voyagers program. With his characteristic wit, he reveals how paranormal events have impacted his personal growth and explain step-by-step how you can also have an OBE.
BACN-09v 90 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
EGYPTIAN MYSTERIES, with Karena Bryan. Karena Bryan is a dynamic healer, writer, teacher and practitioner of the matriarchal Egyptian mysteries. She is a lifelong student of ancient and modern spiritual practice, with particular emphasis on social, cultural, and political anthropology as it applies to the Divine Feminine. Her training includes thirteen years of study and practice of core and region specific shamanic divination and healing. Among her many achievements, Karena is a graduate of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies three-year advanced training program. As part of her ageless souls quest for knowledge, particularly that knowledge which might be shared and utilized for the peaceful benefit of humankind and Mother Earth, Karena continues to study and practice numerous global traditions. This tape describes her travels and experience in and with the people of Egypt, and how their ancient mysteries touch even our modern society. Splitting her residence between the U.S. and Egypt, she has worked together with soul partner Hakim and co-authored a soon-to-be-published book: Egypt and The Awakening. Karenas training includes over ten years of study and practice of shamanic healing. In her presentation she provides a visual map of the role of the goddess and the sacred teachings of procreative alchemy.
BACN-10v 90 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
UFOS AND RELIGION PANEL, with Stella Harder-Kucera, Moderator and Ted Peters, Jose Tirado and Matthew Fox, Panelists. Stella Harder-Kucera is a Filipina journalist, independent filmmaker and spiritual director who took a special reading course on UFOs with Dr. Ted Peters while pursuing the Master of Divinity/Master of Arts degree. She does pastoral counseling and spiritual direction with experiencers of anomalous trauma. Matthew Fox is a creation spirituality theologian who has been an ordained priest since 1967. A liberation theologian and progressive visionary, he was silenced by the Vatican and later dismissed from the Dominican order. Dr. Fox is the founder and president of the University of Creation Spirituality (UCS), and the author of numerous books. He offers his insights on the phenomenon of UFOs, and how spirituality can be helpful in handling unexplained and unexpected experiences. Ted Peters is Professor of Systematic Theology at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, Graduate Theological Union (GTU) in Berkeley, CA. He directs the Science and Religion Course Program at the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences at the Graduate Theological Union. He has a longstanding theological interest in the possibility of extraterrestrial life in the universe. In 1977, he authored UFOs-Gods Chariots? Flying Saucers in Politics, Science and Religion. He is a Theology consultant for MUFON and was a former Louisiana MUFON Regional Director for Investigations. Jose Tirado is a Chaplain and Clinical Pastoral Education Supervisory Candidate at California Pacific Medical Centers Institute for Health and Healing. José is ordained as a Pastoral Care Minister in the Nalandabodhi Buddhist Community.
BACN-11v 90 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
INTUITIVE ANIMAL COMMUNICATION, with Raphaela Pope. Raphaela Pope was a critical care nurse for many years before becoming a telepathic animal communicator. She has made her living for many years by talking to animals about life and death, about health and behavior problems, asking their opinions and discovering their desires. She has spoken with animals in their homes, shelters, rehabilitation centers, humane societies, on ranches, and in the wild. From this background of daily conversation and interaction, she has developed an authoritative vision about who and what animals are, what motivates them, and what their wisdom and insight can offer humans in an electronic age. She is an expert teacher, workshop leader, and sought-after speaker by animal clubs and organizations. She recently led a dolphin swim in the Bahamas, where human participants swam in the water and telepathically communicated with wild dolphins. Her work has been featured on numerous local, national, and international radio and television programs. Recent articles on her work have appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle, Washington Post, and Reuters News Agency. Her journey is described in her book, Wisdom of Animals: Communication Between Animals and the People Who Love Them, which she co-wrote with Elizabeth Morrison. She helps people locate lost pets, solve behavior problems, diagnose illnesses and even simply find out what their pets are thinking. In her presentation she shares some simple techniques with the audience.
BACN-13v 90 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
FORBIDDEN ARCHEOLOGY, with Michael Cremo. Michael Cremo is on the cutting edge of science and culture issues. In the course of a few months time he might be found on pilgrimage to sacred sites in India, appearing on a national television show, lecturing at a mainstream science conference, or speaking to an alternative science gathering. As he crosses disciplinary and cultural boundaries, he presents to his various audiences a compelling case for negotiating a new consensus on the nature of reality. Michael Cremo is a member of the History of Science Society, the World Archeological Congress, the Philosophy of Science Association, the European Association of Archaeologists and associate member of the Bhaktivedanta Institute specializing in history and philosophy of science. Michael Cremos book Forbidden Archeology has become a classic in the history of archeology. It is filled with evidence showing that humans like us have existed on earth for tens of millions of years. This stands in stark contrast to the conventional scientific beliefs that humans like us have been present on this planet for only about 100,000 years. In his talk, Michael shows some of the more spectacular examples of what have been called out-of-place artifacts and outlines the extreme antiquity of humanity. He also explains how he was inspired by the ancient Sanskrit writings of India and other wisdom traditions.
BACN-14v 2 hour VHS Video Tape $20.00
ANCIENT WISDOM / NEW SCIENCE: 2001 Conference - Berkeley, California. Complete conference set.
BACN-91v o 11 hours on 7 videotapes o Normally $140.00 - Now only $110.00
TALKING TO THE OTHER SIDE, with Mark Macy. Based in Boulder, Colorado, Macy is part of a growing international community of people working to contact the deceased. Mark Macy was an agnostic until a brush with colon cancer set him on a spiritual search in the 1980s. Then he learned about the miracles of Instrumental Trans-Communication (ITC): personal letters planted mysteriously in computers by invisible hands, images from other realms flashing across TV screens, and actual phone calls from angels. He immersed himself in ITC, and the amazing results of his research can be seen on his website and in his new book, Miracles in the Storm. Imagine picking up the telephone one day and hearing the voice of a professional colleague long deceased. These researchers use contemporary electronic technology from audio and video recorders to personal computers for documenting what they claim are communications from their friends and associates on "the other side." According to Macy, he and his earthside colleagues are joined in this bridge-building effort by a distinguished team of deceased scientists and artists who call themselves "Timestream." His mission is simple: to present graphic evidence that the worlds of the dead and the living are coming closer together.
BACN-15v 105 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
NEW PARADIGMS FOR LOVE, with Deborah Taj Anapol. Deborah Taj Anapol attended Barnard College, graduated Phi Beta Kappa from UC Berkeley and received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Washington in 1981. She is the author of Polyamory: The New Love Without Limits (1997), co-founder of Loving More magazine and producer of the Pelvic-Heart Integration videos (2002). Compersion: Using Jealousy as a Path to Unconditional Love is now available in Xerox pamphlet form, and she is currently at work on a book about balancing feminine and masculine energies. She currently works with individuals, couples and moresomes who are exploring New Paradigm relating and leads workshops nationwide on tantra, sexual healing, and polyamory with her tantric lover, Victor Gold.
BACN-16 90 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
MEDIA COVER-UPS, with Terry Hansen. Terry Hansen is an independent journalist with an interest in scientific controversies and the politics of mass media. He is author of The Missing Times: News Media Complicity in the UFO Cover-up. He has organized and moderated two symposiums about the science and politics of UFO research for the Science Museum of Minnesota. Hansen holds a bachelors degree in biology and a masters degree in science journalism, both from the University of Minnesota. This presentation covers some of the more recent and important stories that have been suppressed by the media cartels.
BACN-17v 90 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
MEDIA PANEL ON UFO'S: Lucia August, Moderator; Ralph Steiner, Leslie Kean, and Terry Hansen as Panelists. Lucia August is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Certified Hypnotherapist with a diverse private practice in Fremont, CA. She is the coordinator of the East Bay Contact Support Network and serves on the Board of Directors of the Bay Area Consciousness Network. Ralph Steiner is an independent producer and science journalist affiliated with KPFA and the Pacifica Radio Network. Working in conjunction with Dr. Steven Greer, he helped to found and develop what has become known as The Disclosure Project, an endeavor aimed at bringing forth the highly credible testimony of former military and government UFO project participants. He brings to the UFO issue a knowledge of physics, molecular biology, genetics, astrophysics and information science. Leslie Kean is an investigative reporter, author and producer for Pacifica Radio. In May 2000, she published an investigative feature for the Boston Globe about the French report by high level military and space officials called "UFOs and Defense: What are we Prepared for?" In 2001, her story in the Providence Journal about pilot sightings of UFOs and possible aviation safety concerns was widely syndicated. Terry Hansen is an independent journalist with an interest in scientific controversies and the politics of mass media. He is author of The Missing Times: News Media Complicity in the UFO Cover-up. He has organized and moderated two symposia about the science and politics of UFO research for the Science Museum of Minnesota. Hansen holds a bachelors degree in biology and a masters degree in science journalism, both from the University of Minnesota.
BACN-18v 75 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
THE TRUTH ABOUT 9-11, with Carol Brouillet. Carol Brouillet is a Co-Founder of the International Media Project, which produces Making Contact, a half-hour radio program now heard on over 165 stations, primarily in the U.S. and Canada. (Making Contact will also pilot a new daily show beginning in February 2001.) Carol also helped found the Whos Counting Project, which promotes the film Whos Counting? Marilyn Waring on Sex, Lies & Global Economics. Both non-profits seek to connect people, vital ideas and important information to nurture healthy social change, economic justice and ecological sustainability. A passionate advocate of local currencies to raise consciousness, nurture community, and increase local self-reliance, her paper Reinventing Money, Restoring the Earth, Reweaving the Web of Life has won an honourable mention from the Millennium Institute as one of the best ideas for the 21st Century.
BACN-19v 2 hour VHS Video Tape $20.00
ANCIENT EGYPTIAN HI-TECH, with Christopher Dunn. Christopher Dunn has an extensive background as a master craftsman, starting as a journeyman lathe turner in his hometown of Manchester, England. Recruited by an American aerospace company, he immigrated to the United States in 1969. Beginning as a skilled machinist, he has worked at every level of high-tech manufacturing from toolmaking to operating high-power industrial lasers, including the position of Project Engineer and Laser Operations Manager at DMS, a Midwest aerospace manufacturer. The authors pyramid odyssey began in 1977 when he read Peter Tompkins book Secrets of the Great Pyramid. His immediate reaction to the Giza Pyramids schematics was that this edifice was a gigantic machine. Discovering the purpose of this machine and documenting his case has taken the better part of twenty years of research. In the process he has published a dozen magazine articles, including the much-quoted "Advanced Machining in Ancient Egypt" in Analog, and has had his research referenced in such books as Graham Hancocks "Fingerprints of the Gods" and Colin Wilsons "From Atlantis to the Sphinx". Chris Dunn, his wife Jeanne and their children live in Danville, Illinois. In 1998, he published the groundbreaking book The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt, which proposed that the Great Pyramid of Giza was actually a large acoustical device that produced energy.
BACN-20v 2 hour VHS Video Tape $20.00
NEW SCIENCE BREAKTHROUGHS, with Joe Firmage. Joe Firmage founded his first company, Serius, at age 18, embarking on a career in science and technology research, which has included everything from Internet consulting to investigating JFKs UFO intelligence files. Currently chairman of Motion Sciences Organization, he will explain how physics can advance technologies for nonpolluting energy generation and land, sea, air and space transportation systems.
BACN-21v 90 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
ANCIENT WISDOM / NEW SCIENCE: 2002 Conference - Berkeley, California. Complete conference set.
BACN-92v o 10+ hours on 7 videotapes o Normally $140.00 - Now only $110.00
ANCIENT WISDOM / NEW SCIENCE: 2000, 2001 & 2002 Conferences - Berkeley, California. Complete conference set.
BACN-00v o 34+ hours on 21 videotapes o Normally $420.00 - Now only $330.00
THE INTERCEPTION: Roswell Crash Site Metal Recovery with Dennis Balthaser. Dennis Balthaser, concentrates his research on the 1947 Roswell Incident, Area 51 and Underground Bases. At the 2002 Aztec Symposium he will talk about his Interception experience. While still affiliated with the International UFO Museum in Roswell, NM, in 1997 as the UFO investigator, he was contacted by a gentleman in Oklahoma claiming his father had been a military policeman at the Roswell crash site and had a piece of the metal from the crashed vehicle. Balthaser made arrangements to travel to Oklahoma to meet the gentleman and obtain the metal for testing, but was never able to meet with them. Instead he was met and intercepted by people claiming to be United States Air Force, Office of Special Investigation agents. In this lecture Balthaser gives a detailed account of the events that transpired from the original phone call through the current investigation, which is still on-going. Balthaser was in the United States Army in an Engineering Battalion. He moved to Roswell, NM in 1996, to pursue his 25 year interest in UFOlogy and particularly the Roswell Incident, Underground Bases and Area 51. From 1996 - 1998 he was affiliated with the UFO museum in Roswell, on the Board of Directors, Operations Manager and the museum UFO Investigator.
Aztec-01v 2 Hour VHS Video Tape $20.00
MYSTERIOUS UFO INCIDENT IN PENNSYLVANIA AND BIG FOOT, with Stan Gordon. This presentation includes a detailed account of the 1965 UFO crash incident near Kecksburg, PA, and the bizarre 1973 UFO/Bigfoot outbreak in the state. Stan Gordons UFO/Phenomena Biographical Information: Born October 30, 1949 in Pittsburgh, Stan was trained as an electronics technician who has specialized in the area of radio communications. He is presently active in the advanced consumer electronics sales field. Stans interest in UFOs and other unusual happenings began at age 10. Since 1965, Stan has been conducting investigations into thousands of UFO and other strange encounters reported across Pennsylvania. During the late 1960s, Stan acted as a telephone report sighting coordinator for the UFO Research Institute of Pittsburgh. Stan has been internationally recognized as an authority on the subject of the UFO and Bigfoot phenomena. He gained prominence from his firsthand investigation into the well-remembered 1973 Bigfoot/ UFO series of sightings and encounters which occurred in Pennsylvania. This outbreak brought worldwide attention to the subject, and was a major news story in the media for several weeks. Due to copyright restrictions this tape does not include the slides.
Aztec-02v 2 Hour VHS Video Tape $20.00
UFOS: THE TECHNOLOGY ISSUE with John Schuessler. John Schuessler is a founding member of the Mutual UFO Network, Inc., and is currently the MUFON International Director and a member of the Board of Directors. As a staff member he has written numerous articles for SKYLOOK and the MUFON UFO Journal and has been a featured speaker as many MUFON symposia. He is a member of the UFO Research Coalition Board of Directors and a member of the Science Advisory Board for the National Institute for Discovery Science. He first became active in UFO research in 1965 when he joined the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization. John is an aerospace consultant specializing in space commercialization and space tourism. Prior to his retirement from Boeing he was involved engineering for most human space flight programs including Gemini, Skylab, Space Shuttle and the International Space Station. On his last major project, he was Program Manager for the design and construction of the new NASA Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory and in 1997, he received the NASA Public Service Medal for his leadership on the project.
Aztec-03v 2 Hour VHS Video Tape $20.00
THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL: Revelations from Beyond the Grave with Karl Pflock. Karl Pflock, author, consultant, and UFO researcher, is the author of numerous works of fiction and nonfiction. He has written and ghostwritten several nonfiction books and has been a consulting senior editor for Arlington House Publishers, editor of Libertarian Review, a senior editor at the American Enterprise Institute, contributing editor to Reason, and science columnist for Eternity Science Fiction. His articles on UFOs have appeared in such journals as Fortean Times, Omni, the International UFO Reporter, The Anomalist, Fate, the MUFON UFO Journal, Cuadernos de Ufología (Spain), and the MUFON 1995 International UFO Symposium Proceedings, and he has made significant contributions to other U.S. and foreign publications. A popular speaker at UFO and anomalous phenomena gatherings, he was named 1998 UFOlogist of the Year by the National UFO Conference. Mr. Pflocks interest in UFOs is virtually lifelong, and his investigations have left no doubt in his mind that UFOs are real. In the late 1960s and early 1970s he served as a member and chairman of the National Capital Area [investigations] Subcommittee of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), then the worlds largest private UFO research organization.
Aztec-04v 2 Hour VHS Video Tape $20.00
CRITIQUE OF THE ROSWELL CRITICS with Stanton Friedman. Stanton T. Friedman was born in New Jersey on July 29, 1934. He was named valedictorian of his 1951 Linden, New Jersey, high school class and spent two years at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey before switching to the University of Chicago in 1953. He received BS and MS degrees in Physics from UC in 1955 and 1956, where Carl Sagan was a classmate. He worked for fourteen years as a nuclear physicist for such companies as General Electric, General Motors, Westinghouse, TRW, Aerojet General Nucleonics, and McDonnell Douglas on such advanced, highly classified, eventually canceled projects as nuclear aircraft, fission and fusion rockets, and nuclear power plants for space. Since 1967 he has lectured on the topic Flying Saucers Are Real at more than 600 colleges and over 100 professional groups in fifty states, nine Canadian provinces, England, Italy, Germany, Holland, France, Finland, Brazil, Australia, Korea, Mexico, Turkey, Argentina, and Israel. He has published more than 70 papers on UFOs besides his dozens of conventional articles and appeared on hundreds of radio and TV shows. These include the TNT Larry King UFO Special on Oct.1, 1994; Nightline; Sally Jessy Raphael; Unsolved Mysteries; Entertainment Tonight; Leeza; Sightings; Canada AM; Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell and many more. Stan is the original civilian investigator of the Roswell Incident, who co-authored Crash at Corona and instigated the Unsolved Mysteries Roswell program.
Aztec-05v 2 Hour VHS Video Tape $20.00
AZTEC 1949-1950: New Information on the Aztec UFO Crash with Linda Moulton Howe. Linda Moulton Howe, Emmy Award-winning TV producer, investigative reporter and writer, presents eyewitness accounts and documents about a "dog fight" of silver discs in the sky over Aztec followed by a crash and retrieval of one disc from Hart Canyon in March 1949; multiple disc flyovers by the hundreds the next year on March 17, 1950 reported in The Denver Post and The Farmington Daily Times; and alleged government knowledge and cover-up of the Aztec disc crash and subsequent disc flyovers. Linda Moulton Howe is a graduate of Stanford University with a Masters Degree in Communication. She has devoted her documentary film, television and radio career to productions concerning science, medicine and the environment. Ms. Howe has received local, national and international awards, including three regional Emmys and a national Emmy nomination. Those films have included Poison in the Wind and A Sun Kissed Poison which compared smog pollution in Los Angeles and Denver; Fire In The Water about hydrogen as an alternative energy source to fossil fuels; A Radioactive Water about uranium contamination of public drinking water in a Denver suburb; and A Strange Harvest which explored the worldwide animal mutilation mystery that has haunted the United States and other countries since the late 1950s and continues to date. Linda continues to write, produce and speak at national and international conferences and symposiums. She also produces, writes and reports for television segments.
Aztec-06v 2 Hour VHS Video Tape $20.00
HOW THE WAR ON TERROR INTERRUPTED ET CONTACT, with Jim Marrs. A native of Fort Worth, Texas, Mr. Marrs earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from the University of North Texas in 1966 and attended Graduate School at Texas Tech in Lubbock for two years more. He has worked for several Texas newspapers, including the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, where beginning in 1968 he served as police reporter. Mr. Marrs then became a general-assignments reporter covering stories locally, in Europe and the Middle East. After a leave of absence to serve with a Fourth Army intelligence unit during the Vietnam War, he became military and aerospace writer for the newspaper and an investigative reporter. Since 1980, Mr. Marrs has been a freelance writer and public relations consultant. He also published a rural weekly newspaper along with a monthly tourism tabloid, a cable television show and several videos. Since 1976, Mr. Marrs has taught a course on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy at the University of Texas at Arlington. In 1989, his book, Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy, was published to critical acclaim and within three years had gone into an eighth printing in both hardbound and softbound editions. Crossfire reached the New York Times Paperback Non-Fiction Best Seller list in mid-February 1992 and remained there for more than six weeks. His book became a basis for the Oliver Stone film JFK. Mr. Marrs served as a chief consultant for both the films screenplay and production. Mr. Marrs has appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, CSPAN, the Discovery, Learning and History Channels, This Morning America, Geraldo, Montell Williams, Today and The Larry King and Art Bell radio programs.
Aztec-07v 2 Hour VHS Video Tape $20.00
AZTEC UFO SYMPOSIUM: 2002 Conference - Aztec, New Mexico. Complete conference set.
AZTEC-92v o 14 hours on 7 videotapes o Normally $140.00 - Now only $110.00
UFOS AND REALITY TRANSFORMATION, with Chris Styles. Chris Styles is a Canadian UFO researcher who has been an active investigator of both classic and current UFO cases that have occurred along the Atlantic Ocean in Canada. His work on the Shag Harbour Incident has had tremendous impact on the way that UFO crash / retrieval scenarios are viewed. In 1994, Chris received a grant from the Fund for UFO Research to help underwrite the cost of an extensive document search that involved non-transferable Canadian military documents held at Canada's National Archives in Ottawa. Some of the results of that search are included in this presentation. He has written custom software used in both printing and UFOlogy which automates many of the measurements needed in tedious video analysis. And in 1995, Chris directed an underwater search for physical evidence that might have remained submerged and undetected below the surface of Shag Harbour. Paramount Television financed the expedition that employed divers, sidescan sonar, underwater video and magnetometers in their search to uncover evidence from this fascinating incident.
MUFON-01v o 76 min Video o $20.00
THE DAY AFTER PHIL CORSO, with William J. Birnes. Dr. William J. Birnes is a New York Times best selling author with Col. Philip Corso for The Day After Roswell. Dr. Birnes is also a new York literary publishing agent and an editor at McGraw-Hill. Birnes is also the publisher of UFO Magazine in Los Angeles and the Editor-in-Chief of the UFO Encyclopedia at Pocket Books, a division of Simon & Schuster in New York. He is a New Jersey native who currently resides in southern California. A true-crime writer who books have become required reading at Harvard Law School, Birnes has recently completed a psychology textbook for police and homicide investigators. In this lecture, Birnes describes his involvement with helping Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso in the publication of his book "The Day After Roswell."
MUFON-02v o 82 min Video o $20.00
SCIENTIFIC CONNECTIONS IN PHOTO/VIDEO UFOLOGY, with Jeff Sainio. Graduating Magna Cum Laude from Northern Michigan University with a BS in Math-Computer Science in 1979, Jeff W. Sainio made a career switch from the broadcast engineering field to managing a major printing firm in Wisconsin. His work has netted seven US patents in the imaging and aerodynamics fields. Being an F.C.C. licensed broadcast engineer, his knowledge is useful in video analysis at the electronic as well as imaging level. Jeff's interest in UFOs was piqued during the 1965 flap when two discs were sighted by respected policemen in his hometown in northern Michigan. He joined MUFON in February 1991 and is the Staff Photoanalyst for still photographs and videotapes. He has been performing computer enhancement and analysis of UFO photographs and videotapes submitted to him by either MUFON or directly from the photographers. Mr. Sainio is recognized worldwide for his expertise in this field and has appeared on numerous national television show demonstrating techniques for determining the authenticity of UFO photographs and videos. In this presentation he outlines those techniques and describes working with some of more popular and recent footage of UFOs.
MUFON-03v o 68 min Video o $20.00
THE LIMITS OF SCIENCE IN UFO RESEARCH, with Richard Dolan. Richard Dolan is the author of "UFOs and the National Security State," published by Keyhole Publishing, which covers the period from 1941 to 1973 and provides a thorough historical analysis of the national security dimensions of the UFO phenomenon. Born in Brooklyn and raised on Long Island, Dolan earned a scholarship to study at Oxford University, where he closely missed receiving a Rhodes Scholarship. After completing his graduate work at the University of Rochester he became a self-employed business writer to earn a living. Around 1994 he began to develop and interest in the UFO problem. He approached UFOs by looking at the history and politics of the phenomenon. He was intrigued by the cultural schizophrenia involved in the subject and with the fact that mainstream and academic culture continued to treat UFOs as amusement, but that some many intelligent people take it seriously. In this presentation he discusses using science and peer review to examine UFOs and national security.
MUFON-04v o 70 min Video o $20.00
IN SEARCH OF EBES, with William Hamilton. Bill read the book "Flying Saucers from Outer Space" by Donald Keyhoe when still in grade school. By the time he went to high school, he was actively pursuing interests in the UFO phenomenon. He met and became acquainted with the early UFO contactees by attending the Giant Rock spacecraft conventions hosted by George Van Tassel. Hamilton has had over one hundred personal sightings of UFOs. In 1976, he investigated his first UFO abduction case and applied for membership in MUFON as a field investigator. He is currently Executive Director of Skywatch International, founded by Col. Steve Wilson. In this lecture he presents how new findings in planetary science and new discoveries and theories in biology have a bearing on UFO studies. He also discusses the new perspectives offered by these conclusions and their relevance toward resolving the mystery of UFO origins.
MUFON-05v o 75 min Video o $20.00
FIVE THEMES ON UFO ABDUCTION, with Dan Wright. Dan Wright has a masters degree in political affairs from the University of Illinois, Springfield. He joined MUFON in 1978, where his positions included state section director, state director for Michigan, central states regional director, and deputy director for investigations. Dan was on the MUFON board for 15 years, seven as deputy director. His accomplishments at MUFON over the years include the revised computer input database and initial computer catalog of MUFON case files; writing several chapters in the field investigator's manual on proper interviewing techniques and on completing the general cases and computer input forms; distribution of a photo slide set for MUFON presentations; and initiation of a regular newsletter to and annual meeting for all state directors. From 1992 until 1997, he directed the abduction transcription project for MUFON. Twenty abduction researchers contributed 930 audio cassette tapes of hypnosis sessions and interviews with 265 suspected abductees. In this presentation he details the five themes found in many abduction cases, as based on a key-word index containing nearly 2,500 entries from transcripts of those sessions.
MUFON-06v o 73 min Video o $20.00
BUILDING A PROFESSIONAL COMMUNITY IN THE UFO FIELD, with David Jacobs. Dr. David M. Jacobs is Associate Professor of History at Temple University specializing in twentieth century American history and culture. His is former Director of the American Studies Program. Dr. Jacobs has been a UFO researcher for 35 year. In 1973, he completed his doctoral dissertation in the field of intellectual history at the University of Wisconsin - Madison on the controversy over unidentified flying objects in America. This was only the second Ph.D. degree granted involving a UFO-related theme. Indiana University Press published a revised version of his dissertation as "The UFO Controversy in America" in 1975. It was the first positive book towards UFOs published by an academic press. In this lecture he discusses how both the UFO phenomenon and the UFO research community have presented almost insurmountable barriers to scientific engagement with the data.
MUFON-07v o 73 min Video o $20.00
CONFLICTING INTEREST IN THE CONTROL OF EXTRATERRESTRIAL INTELLIGENCE, with Timothy Good. Timothy Good became interested in UFOs in 1955 when he read a book by Donald Keyhoe describing sightings by qualified observers such as military and civilian pilots. He has become a leading authority on the subject, researching sightings worldwide, amassing a wealth of evidence, including thousands of intelligence documents. His numerous contacts include astronauts, military and intelligence chiefs, pilots and politicians. In 1987, Good published "Above Top Secret" which became an instant bestseller and is regarded by many as the definitive book on the subject, together with the fully updated book replacing it, "Beyond Top Secret" in 1996, which spent five weeks on the Sunday Times best-seller list. His latest book, "Unearthly Disclosure," published in 2000, was serialized in London's Daily Mail. Timothy is also a professional violinist, and played for fourteen years with the London Symphony Orchestra. He is without a doubt, one of the world's most respected authorities on the alien phenomenon. In this lecture he discloses extraordinary information provided to him via a high-ranking source that confirms that aliens have established subterranean and submarine bases on Earth and that contact has been made with a select group in the U.S. Military and scientific intelligence community.
MUFON-08v o 77 min Video o $20.00
AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL ZONES, PILOTS, AIRCRAFT AND UFOS, with Don Ledger. Don ledger is a writer and the author of three books. His most recent book, "Dark Object," co-authored with Chris Styles, deals with the alleged UFO crash in Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia in October 1967. Mr. Ledger is a regular contributor to the Toronto-based radio show Strange Days Indeed, hosted by Errol Bruce-Knapp. He has been involved in half a dozen television documentaries dealing with both the Shag Harbour Incident and UFOs in general, as well as numerous radio shows in both Canada and the United States. He become and active investigator of the UFO phenomenon over ten years ago. In this lecture he discusses the misinterpretation of air regulations and air traffic control systems and regulations by UFO researchers, some scientists and the lay public when UFO incidents occur in regulated airspace or near aircraft.
MUFON-09v o 78 min Video o $20.00
THE ABDUCTION PHENOMENON - Where We Are Now? with Budd Hopkins. Budd Hopkins, a New York artist, is famous for his three important books: Missing Time (1981), Intruders (1987), and Witnessed (1996). On a summer afternoon in 1964, Budd Hopkins and two others watched a small, round metallic craft maneuver in the sky over Cape Cod. This daylight sighting marked the beginning of Hopkin's interest in the UFO phenomenon, but his first nationally known investigation didn't tale place until 1975. At that time, a UFO apparently landed in a New Jersey park only one mile from Manhattan and was seen by a number of witnesses. Mr Hopkin's carefully researched account of this landing and the observation of ten or eleven occupants, appeared in "The Village Voice," and "Cosmopolitan" magazine and elsewhere, and was covered extensively by television and radio. Throughout the years, his goal has been to bring an objective, dispassionate, scientific intelligence to bear on the UFO abduction phenomenon. In pursuit of this goal he founded, in 1989, "the Intruders Foundation," a not-for-profit organization devoted to research and public education concerning this extraordinary enigma. In this lecture he discusses several things that are known with assurance about the UFO phenomenon as well as some of the theories that can be confidently pronounced as incorrect. He covers some of the latest research, particularly in the area of abductions, and provides a summary where were are now with the abduction phenomenon.
MUFON-10v o 72 min Video o $20.00
AN AMERICAN IN SUFFOLK: The Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident, with Peter Robbins. Peter is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the website and writes a column for "UFO Magazine" called "Webwatch." Robbins has been involved with the UFO field for many years. In 1977 he created and produced "The Question of UFOs," a series of six half-hour programs for Channel C, Manhattan Cable TV. In 1992, Robbins was appointed Executive Assistant for the Intruders Foundation, based in New York City. In this lecture he discussed his reflections, observation and updates on a decade of research in Britain's Rendlesham Forest UFO incident. He also discusses his role in the publication of "Left at East Gate" with Larry Warren and talks about some afterthoughts on the books and the events which inspired it. He also reveals some of the situations and people who never made it into the book, and wither the book had any impact on official government policies pertaining to UFOs in the United Kingdom.
MUFON-11v o 90 min Video o $20.00
MIRACLES: UFO CONTACT, with Betty Hill. Betty Hill is a life-long resident of New Hampshire. She graduated from the University of New Hampshire, with a BS Degree in Social Work and was employed by the State of New Hampshire as a social worker, until her retirement in 1975. Following her UFO sighting and abduction experience in 1961, Betty has spent many years doing television and radio programs, college lectue tours and writing assignments. She is the author of the book "A Common Sense Approach to UFOs." Betty is also the subject of John Fuller's book "Interrupted Journey," and the television movie "The UFO Incident." In this lecture she describes her (and her husband Barney's) abduction experience and provides some anecdotes and reflections on the 40 years that has passed since it occurred. At the end of the presentation she displays the blue dress she was wearing with the even happened back in 1961.
MUFON-12v o 68 Min Video o $20.00
ARE THERE UFOS ON MARS? with Richard Thieme. Richard Thieme speaks, writes and consults on the human dimensions of technology and work, including information security, organizational culture and the dynamics of leadership and communications. He is a regular featured speaker at the Black Hat Briefings and Def Con and a contributing editor for Information Security Magazine. Thieme's creative use of the Internet to reach global markets has earned accolades around the world. Thieme has published widely. Translated into German, Chinese, Japanese, Slovene, Danish and Indonesian, his articles are taught at numerous universities in Europe, Australia, Canada, and the United States. His is a contributing editor for Information Security Magazine and has written for Secure Business Quarterly, Forbes, Wires, Computer Underground Digest and Salon. His article "Stalking the UFO Mime on the Internet" is the basis of education at universities in Europe, Canada, Australia and the United States. His interest in UFOs began in the 1950s, when he had first heard of them as a child. In this lecture he discusses the evidence for the evidence of UFOs. He also talks about the consensus reality of the UFO phenomenon, from the religious metaphors to the views of the general public on UFOs.
MUFON-13v o 49 min Video o $20.00
TURKISH UFO INVESTIGATION, with Esen Sekerkarar. Esen Sekerkarar is a young Turkish woman who is vice-president of a very active UFO association in Istanbul. She is an integral part of the annual Turkish UFO symposium, and has also helped to create a new UFO museum in Istanbul. In this lecture, Esen presents some interesting facts and observations about new UFO sightings in Turkey, including the recent video footage of a UFO shooting down an incoming meteor.
MUFON-14v o 79 min Video o $20.00
MUFON FIELD INVESTIGATOR TRAINING, with Dan Wright. UFOlogy is the study of the UFO phenomenon. At its core is the investigation of UFO reports as made by human witnesses, the enigmatic source of the original sighting typically having long since departed. In some cases, however, physical traces may have been left on the environment and these need to be collected and analyzed according to accepted scientific procedures. Primary witnesses need to be interviewed and other corroborating witnesses (and data) sought out. Since well over 90 percent of all UFO reports turn out to be IFOs -- Identified Flying Objects -- after a thorough examination, it is important to ascertain if any mundane phenomena, manmade, meteorological or astronomical, may have been in the immediate vicinity of the sighting and somehow served as its stimulus. Everything from street lamps and advertising blimps, to ball lightning and the planet Venus have been misinterpreted as UFOs at one time or another. Only by identifying and eliminating such mundane sources can researchers concentrate on the core phenomenon. With close encounters and other so-called "high strangeness" cases, a thorough investigation is even more necessary, especially where episodes of "missing time" and other psychological or physiological effects are reported by the witness(es). Indeed, a UFO investigation can become quite complicated, involving issues of ethics, confidentiality, media relations and other aspects of human behavior with which most of us are ill-equipped, or at least untrained, to deal with. Questions about regressive hypnosis, potential hoaxes, witness reliability and so on tax even the most sincere and objective investigator. Accordingly, MUFON has established a program to train member volunteers as Field Investigators. This two-hour video presentation was recorded at a recent Field Investigator training class. Makes a great companion to the MUFON Field Investigator's Manual, now in a newly revised fourth edition. It is a 311-page manual that comes bound in a sturdy 3-ring loose-leaf folder and includes instructions for investigating a variety of UFO phenomena. Whether you decide to join MUFON and undertake the training program or not, the Field Investigator's Manual contains a wealth of information and is an indispensable tool for undertaking your own investigations. The MUFON Field Investigator's Manual is available from MUFON, PO Box 369, Morrison, Colorado, 80465-0369. The price for MUFON members is $25.00 plus $4.00 shipping and handling. The price for non-members is $35.00 plus $4.00 shipping and handling.
MUFON-15v o 115 min Video o $20.00
MUFON INTERNATIONAL UFO SYMPOSIUM: 2002 Conference - Rochester, New York. Complete conference set.
MUFON-92v o 19 hours on 15 videotapes o Normally $270.00 - Now only $220.00
THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE KINROSS INCIDENT: AND STILL NO GOLDEN ANSWER TO THE QUESTION, with David W. Davis (aka Walks-as-Bear). MUFON-16a 50 min Audio $12.00 / MUFON-16 50 min Video $20.00
Also check out his book posted online
EVEN MORE REMARKABLE: THE USS SUPPLY SIGHTING OF REMARKABLE METEORS, with Bruce Maccabee. MUFON-18a 50 min Audio $12.00 / MUFON-18 50 min Video $20.00
THE MARIAN VISITATIONS: MIRACLES, HOAXES OR ALIEN ENCOUNTERS, with Dasn Wright. MUFON-19a 75 min Audio $12.00 / MUFON-19 75 min Video $20.00
BACK ROADS OF THE UNIVERSE: UNUSUAL UFO ENCOUNTERS IN HISTORY, with Jim Hickman. MUFON-20a 50 min Audio $12.00 / MUFON-20 50 min Video $20.00
CRITIQUING THE ROSWELL CRITICS, with Stanton Friedman. MUFON-21a 50 min Audio $12.00 / MUFON-21 50 min Video $20.00
BEYOND UFO SECRECY, with John Greenewald, Jr. MUFON-22a 50 min Audio $12.00 / MUFON-22 50 min Video $20.00
THE ALIEN INFLUENCE: A PLANETARY PERSPECTIVE, with Neil Freer (author of Breaking the Godspell). MUFON-23a 2 90 min Audios $20.00 / MUFON-23 2 90 min Videos $40.00
HUMAN PSYCHE AND CLOSE ENCOUNTERS, with Dan Wright. MUFON-24a 50 min Audio $12.00 / MUFON-24 50 min Video $20.00
BIBLICAL UFOs: THE UFO-JESUS CONNECTION, with David Twichell. MUFON-25a 50 min Audio $12.00 / MUFON-25 50 min Video $20.00
COSMIC WATERGATE: THE UFO COVERUP, with Stanton Friedman. MUFON-26a 50 min Audio $12.00 / MUFON-26 50 min Video $20.00
U.S. CROP CIRCLES AND INVESTIGATIVE TECHNIQUES, with Jeffrey Wilson. MUFON-27a 50 min Audio $12.00 / MUFON-27 50 min Video $20.00
MULTIPLE ANOMALIES WITHIN CROP FORMATIONS, with William C. Levengood. MUFON-28a 50 min Audio $12.00 / MUFON-28 50 min Video $20.00
FIELD RESEARCH IN NORWAY AND BRAZIL, with Linda Moulton Howe. MUFON-29a 50 min Audio $12.00 / MUFON-29 50 min Video $20.00
BIG MEDIA AND LITTLE GREEN MEN, with John Nowinski (Director of the Smoking Gun Research Agency). MUFON-30a 50 min Audio $12.00 / MUFON-30 50 min Video $20.00
MUFON 2003 PANEL DISCUSSION, with various panelists. MUFON-31a 50 min Audio $12.00 / MUFON-31 50 min Video $20.00
MUFON INTERNATIONAL UFO SYMPOSIUM: 2003 Conference - Dearborn, MI. MUFON-93a 16 hours on 16 audio tapes $120.00 / MUFON-93 16 hours on 16 video tapes $240.00
Following 16 tapes not on DVD-R yet.
AN OVERVIEW OF ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION by Tedd St. Rain. Tedd St. Rain is a 15-year researcher of Government Conspiracies, Mind Control, Black Operations, Ancient Religions, American Mysteries, and UFO Sightings. He has given many lectures on American Mysteries and Mind Control. This presentation covers the electromagnetic spectrum and its uses in every day. St. Rain also discusses the effects of the Electromagnetics on living beings, and its use in mind control and behavior modification.
CAHE-01v 105 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
GOVERNMENT DIRECTED ENERGY MIND CONTROL EXPERIMENTATION: Part 1, by Rod Orr, Directed Energy Weapons and Protection from Electromagnetic Waves by Marc Sausman and Ron Rhoades. See description for CAHE-04, this presentation is similar in scope but different in content.
CAHE-02v 120 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
GOVERNMENT HARRASSMENT AND THE PARAMORNAL by Albert Taylor. As a 20-year Aeronautical engineer, Albert Taylor worked on the Stealth bomber and the NASA space station. Currently he is a metaphysical researcher, teacher, lecturer and artist. Hi book Soul Traveler is about paranormal events in his life including his experiences in remote viewing. And Victims of the New Controlled America: Part 1 by Mary Ann Stratton.
CAHE-03v 120 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
VICTIMS OF THE NEW CONTROLLED AMERICA: Part 2, by Mary Ann Stratton. Mary Ann continues describing the victims of the New Controlled America. And How to Protect Yourself from Electromagnetic Radiation, by Ron Rhoades. Spectrum International Investigations was founded by CIN in 1990 in the United States by the charter members of the U.I.N. to combat the growing need for electronic harassment protective services.They conduct electronic surveys, investigative research, design, and implement protective measures for private citizens, companies and corporations. They are pioneers in the field of Electronic Harassment. Team members range from former government agents to computer experts.
CAHE-04v 120 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
VICTIMS OF THE NEW CONTROLLED AMERICA: Part 3, by Mary Ann Stratton. A full two hours. Mary Ann Stratton is a 5-year researcher of Government Mind Control Conspiracy. She is also a member of Citizens Against Human Experimentation and Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse. She is also co-founder of Controlled America which is group that organizes lectures, rallies, protests, and produces websites, flyers, and video to help educate the American public on the systematic abuse of power by the U.S. Government and its use of Mind Control techniques and Mind Control weapons on the citizens of America and the World.
CAHE-05v 120 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
AN OVERVIEW OF CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WARFARE, by Tedd St. Rain. This tape explores the early research in germ warfare as well as the history of the virus research programs that are said to have created AIDS, Ebola, and many other new designer diseases.
CAHE-06v 90 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
GOVERNMENT DIRECTED ENERGY MIND CONTROL EXPERIMENTATION: Part 2, by Rod Orr. As an 8 year researcher of Government Mind Control Conspiracies, Orr continues his discussion of mind control techniques.
CAHE-07v 90 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
CAHE-08v 90 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
MIND CONTROL: PARANOID DELUSIONS OR FRIGHTENING REALITY? by Dr. Eldon Byrd BS Electrical Engineering from Purdue and MS Medical Engineering from the George Washington University. Several of his work assignments were on Navy and Marine projects as TRIDENT, POLARIS ICBM, SALT I, Chief of Engineer of the World Dolphin Research Foundation, US Marine Corps Electromagnetic Non-lethal Weapons Development Project, Cryogenics Engineer, Project Manager of the Navy Metal Matrix Composites Program. He was a retired Naval officer. President of three corporations. Mentioned in the American Men of Science.
CAHE-09v 90 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
OPERATION MIND CONTROL, with Walter Bowart. The Author of Operation Mind Control speaks at the Controlled America conference.
CAHE-15v 92 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
VICTIMS OF THE NEW CONTROLLED AMERICA: An Overview, with Mary Ann Stratton.
CAHE-18v 92 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
CAHE-19v 92 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
CAHE-20v 92 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
CAHE-21v 92 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
MISSING CHILDREN,SATANIC CULTS AND TERRORISM, with Ted Gunderson. Ted is a retired FBI Sr. Special Agent in Charge of the Los Angeles office. Some of his more high profile cases have been the McMartin preschool, Polly Klass and Franklin cover-up cases. Visit for more information.
CAHE-22v 92 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
NIKOLA TESLA'S MAGNIFYING TRANSMITTER AND MIND CONTROL, with Dr. Hal Treacy. As one of the founding members of the International Tesla Society, Dr. Traecy is a scientist who is well versed oh how electromagnetic and other energies affect a person's health and their environment. This lecture is mostly about Nikola Tesla's life and the energy system he developed in common use today. Also includes a short lecture by Roger Tolces from, a private investigaro specializing in detection of bugging devices and harassment.
CAHE-23v 92 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
GLOBALIZATION OF MIND CONTROL AND THE MUSLIM WORLD, with Dr. Maimul Ahsan Khan. Dr. Khan is an Amnesty International Afghanistan Specialist and professor of Law at U.C. Davis and U.C. Berkeley. Dr. Khan will be addressing human rights abuse and mind control in the West and how it affects the muslim world.
CAHE-24v 92 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
HAARP: THE TECHNOLOGY OF TOTAL CONTROL, with Jerry E. Smith. Jerry has been a writer, a poet, an editor and an activist for over thirty years. His bibliography of published works includes "HAARP: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy," books of his poetry, a handful of fiction pieces and over 100 non-fiction articles and reviews. Jerry has been on many radio shows and was featured on the PAX TV show "Encounters with the Unexplained."
CAHE-25v 92 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
GOVERNMENT EXPERIMENTS USING NON-LETHAL WEAPONS TECHNOLOGY, with Cheryl Welsh. Since 1996 Cheryl Welsh has been the director of Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse (CAHRA). THis organization was formed by a group of victims of nonconsesual human experimentation involving electromagnetic and neurological weapon testing programs by the U.S. and other governments. Cheryl is recognized by the United Nations as an expert on non-lethal technologies (directed energy weapons). Cheryl was on a CNN program explaining the use of directed energy weapons on U.S. citizens. She has co-authored several books including "International Campaign to End Human RIghts Violations Involving Classified New Weapons of Mass Destruction: Electromagnetic and Neurological Technologies." A two-part article of hers recently appeared in the Feb/Mar and Apr/May 2003 issues of UFO Magazine. Visit for more information.
CAHE-26v 92 min VHS Video Tape $20.00
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