UNDERSTANDING THE NEW CALENDAR AND THE LAW OF TIME PART 1 AND 2, with José Arguelles. The old order is rapidly crumbling and the old time is dissolving with it. To get a grip on spiritual survival on the Road to 2012, we need to enter the New Time. This hands-on workshop will initiate participants into the New Time by introducing in detail the practical use of the Thirteen Moon / 28 day Calendar, the synchronic codes of the Law of Time and the Dreamspell, Journey of Timeship Earth 2013. Jose ARGUELLES - Author of: The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology & Earth Ascending. His latest book is: Time and the Technosphere: The Law of Time in Human Affairs. For more information visit www.lawoftime.org Signs-144V UPC 8 82917 01443 7 108 + 67 min 2 VHS Videos $44.95 +++ Signs-144D UPC 8 82917 01449 9 108 + 67 min 2 DVD Disks $44.95

THE 2012 PROPHECY AND THE SPIRITUAL JOURNEY, with Jose Arguelles. December 21, 2012, is the much heralded Closing of the Cycle. With only eight years to go, what does this mean for humanity? The 2012 prophecy discloses that the "end of the Mayan calendar" is really the beginning of a new cycle for humanity. To prepare for this new cycle one need only take advantage of the opportunity of entering into the New Time. Once you are following the new calendar, you are changing your frequency. Through this new frequency you are able to access and enter into evolved spiritual possibilities for surviving the road to 2012. At the closing of the cycle those who survive are those who will take the spiritual journey - all the way. Jose Arguelles - Author of: The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology and Earth Ascending. His latest book is: Time and the Technosphere: The Law of Time in Human Affairs. For more information visit www.lawoftime.org Signs-146V UPC 8 82917 01463 5 98 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ Signs-146D UPC 8 82917 01469 7 98 min DVD Disk $24.95

IZAPA AND THE GALACTIC ALIGNMENT IN 2012, with John Major Jenkins. Izapa is the early Maya culture that invented the Long Count calendarthe mytho-cosmic calendar that gives us the famed 2012 date. Over sixty carved monuments at the site reveal how the Izapan sky-watchers pioneered a profound Galactic Cosmology over 2,000 years ago. The centerpiece of this profound worldview is the alignment of solstice sun and Galactic Center that culminates in the years around 2012, heralding a time of rebirth and renewal in a vast 26,000-year period of human spiritual unfolding. The cosmic symbolism of the ballgame and the galactic meaning of the Creation Myth are encoded into the monuments of Izapa, and a very important 2012 message has survived for us in the ball court at Izapa. For more information visit www.alignment2012.com Signs-147V UPC 8 82917 01473 4 99 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ Signs-147D UPC 8 82917 01479 6 99 min DVD Disk $24.95

THE AZTEC CODE: SPIRITUAL ASCENT AND THE END OF TIME PART 1 AND 2, with John Major Jenkins. A thirteen-page transcription of a lost Aztec codex known as the "Pyramid of Fire" was found in the early 1960's. Conveyed to the Western world by a Mazatec shaman and sacred lineage holder, it contains teachings about Meso-America's sacred calendar, astrology, medicine, yoga and the potential for spiritual ascent that can occur at the end of each great World Age cycle. In this 3-hour intensive, John Major Jenkins will teach the Aztec secrets of sacrifice, what it means to "become a Quetzalcoatl," the "New Fire" ceremony, and how the movements of the Sun and the Pleiades interact in determining the great World Ages or Suns. Together, participants will discover the surprisingly-modern metaphysical insights of this long-lost Aztec initiatory text as well as its Perennial (Ageless) Wisdom - universal principles that always re-emerge into human consciousness during the "end times dynamics" such as are now unfolding." John Major Jenkins - Author of Galactic Alignment & Maya Cosmogenesis 2012. His latest book is: Pyramid of Fire - the Lost Aztec Codex. For more information visit www.alignment2012.com Signs-148V UPC 8 82917 01483 3 102 + 52 min VHS Video $44.95 +++ Signs-148D UPC 8 82917 01489 5 102 + 52 min DVD Disk $44.95

DIVINE SYMBOLS: KEY TO YOUR FUTURE, with Clairvoyant Clarisse Conner. Clarisse Conner is an incredible clairvoyant and advisor from northern California. A natural-born clairvoyant, shes been an intuitive consultant assisting with police investigations, missing persons, lost & sick pets, and medical intuitive questions for over 25 years. She is best known for her amazing predictions of both the Boeing personnel lay-offs and the 9/11 tragedy well before either occurred. Her discussion on divine symbols will be fascinating as will be her revelations about 2005 and beyond. Signs-150V UPC 8 82917 01503 8 45 min VHS Video $19.95 +++ Signs-150D UPC 8 82917 01509 0 45 min DVD Disk $19.95

ENGLAND'S CROP CIRCLES OF 2004, with Francine Blake. A native of Montreal, Canada, Francine studied the Classics and Art. In 1969 she moved to London to continue her studies; there she married an Englishman. A student of Gurdjiefs philosophy and Zen Buddhism, she discovered the crop circle phenomenon in 1987. In 1992, she and her family moved to Wiltshire where she helped found the Wiltshire branch of the Center for Crop Circle Studies. The group became the Wiltshire Crop Circle Study Group in 1996. As its coordinator, Francine now edits The Spiral, and organizes the Wiltshire Crop Circle Conference each summer. An accomplished painter, she learned digital photography for the groups annual calendar, the only one to feature color aerial photos of the current season. She feels most crop circles are manifestations from other dimensions and not mere human creations. Signs-152V UPC 8 82917 01523 6 84 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ Signs-152D UPC 8 82917 01529 8 84 min DVD Disk $24.95

LIVING AMONGST THE CROP CIRCLES, with Francine Blake. A native of Quebec, Canada, Francine has lived in England many years. A trained artist, she moved to Wiltshire a dozen years ago to experience Crop Circles first hand. For the last decade she has been coordinator of the Wiltshire Crop Circle Study Group and the chief photographer for its annual WCCSG Crop Circle Calendar - the only one to show the current season's major formations. Her unusual experiences in taking aerial and ground photos and also in living year-round in this sacred landscape are amazing and must be heard. Signs-153V UPC 8 82917 01533 5 86 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ Signs-153D UPC 8 82917 01539 7 86 min DVD Disk $24.95

SECRETS OF THE ANCIENT INCAS, with Michael-Peter Langevin. Being the publisher of Magical Blend magazine has given Michael-Peter Langevin access to some of the leading visionaries of our times. He's drawn on these friendships to develop a wide array of creative tools for one's every-day life enhancement. He's traveled to Peru and studied with native shamans who taught him how alternative views of reality were successfully used to create the powerful ancient Inca Empire. He will discuss the mysteries of Lake Titicaca, Tihuanaco, the Naza lines and Machu Pichu plus Peruvian crop circles. Participants will learn how to enlist other-dimensional allies to help them achieve any worthy goal and how an alternative spiritual view can be used to remold their lives and accomplish what they presently consider impossible. Michael-Peter Langevin - Author of: Secrets of the Ancient Incas & Publisher-Editor of: Magical Blend and Natural Beauty and Health magazines. For more information visit www.magicalblend.com Signs-154V UPC 8 82917 01543 4 65 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ Signs-154D UPC 8 82917 01549 6 65 min DVD Disk $24.95

MORE SECRETS OF THE ANCIENT INCAS, with Michael-Peter Langevin. Being the publisher of Magical Blend magazine has given Michael-Peter Langevin access to some of the leading visionaries of our times. He's drawn on these friendships to develop a wide array of creative tools for one's every-day life enhancement. He's traveled to Peru and studied with native shamans who taught him how alternative views of reality were successfully used to create the powerful ancient Inca Empire. He will discuss the mysteries of Lake Titicaca, Tihuanaco, the Naza lines and Machu Pichu plus Peruvian crop circles. Participants will learn how to enlist other-dimensional allies to help them achieve any worthy goal and how an alternative spiritual view can be used to remold their lives and accomplish what they presently consider impossible. Michael-Peter Langevin - Author of: Secrets of the Ancient Incas & Publisher-Editor of: Magical Blend and Natural Beauty and Health magazines. For more information visit www.magicalblend.com Signs-155V UPC 8 82917 01553 3 98 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ Signs-155D UPC 8 82917 01559 5 98 min DVD Disk $24.95

CROP CIRCLES OF THE UNITED STATES 2004, with Jeffrey Wilson. Jeffrey Wilson has visited over 100 crop circle formations throughout Americas Midwest since 1996. He holds a Master of Science from Eastern Michigan University where he also taught Physics and Astronomy. He is a certified Skywarn advanced weather spotter and now lives in southeastern Ohio. In 2003 he became the first director of the Independent Crop Circle Researchers Association (ICCRA). Signs-156V UPC 8 82917 01563 2 77 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ Signs-156D UPC 8 82917 01569 4 77 min DVD Disk $24.95

INTRODUCING "THE SHIFT: AN AWAKENING," with John English. Imagine the possibilities if spiritually minded people banded together to wake up America and the world through the power of conscious intent. What would happen if the political, social and environmental politics of this nation were shaped in the true image of her citizens? This brilliant visionary novel lights a path towards a positive future. John English is an author, mystic and dynamic speaker whose vision of taking politics away from entrenched special interests and returning it to the people is profoundly inspiring. His work demonstrates that we can re-take control of our nation and our future if we will but focus our dreams and work together with our sacred earth-mother. Signs-159V UPC 8 82917 01593 9 25 min VHS Video $14.95 +++ Signs-159D UPC 8 82917 01599 1 25 min DVD Disk $14.95

QUINTA ESSENTIA: CROP CIRCLES AND THE PHILOSOPHER'S SECRET FIRE, with Allan Brown. Allan Brown is a geometer, designer and Crop Circle researcher from Sussex, England, who lectures widely on sacred geometry & metaphysics. Drawing on the esoteric traditions of geometry, numbers and proportion, Allan discusses an extraordinary geometrical device that seems to have been woven into crop circle design for the last Quarter Century. This device mirrors the ancient hermetic adage: "As above, so below" and demonstrates the paradoxical inter-play of imagination and reality, delusion and revelation. This lecture will explore how crop circles and sacred geometry both relate to the unfolding of universal consciousness. For more information visit www.darroch.dircon.co.uk Signs-160V UPC 8 82917 01603 5 80 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ Signs-160D UPC 8 82917 01609 7 80 min DVD Disk $24.95

SACRED GEOMETRY AND CROP CIRCLES, with Allan Brown. Allan Brown is a British geometer, thinker and writer who has been studying the crop circle phenomenon since 1996. Drawing on the esoteric traditions of geometry, numbers and proportion, Allans workshop will go deeply into the relationship of crop circles and sacred geometry, showing how their interaction affects the human soul and the daimonic reality all around us. Due to a problem with the editing about a dozen of the slides were not recorded properly for this presentation. For more information visit www.darroch.dircon.co.uk Signs-161V UPC 8 82917 01613 4 81 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ Signs-161D UPC 8 82917 01619 6 81 min DVD Disk $24.95

WHO ARE WE? WHERE ARE WE HEADED? with Mayan Elder and Grandma, Flordemayo. Mayan elder, Flordemayo is an internationally-known "curandera" (spiritual healer) & medical intuitive from Central America, who now lives in New Mexico. In this presentation she explains our place in the universe, and the actions we need to take to save our fragile mother earth. A very moving and inspiration addition to the Signs of Destiny and the Road to 2012 Conference. For more information visit http://dir.jayde.com/profile10214397.html Signs-162V UPC 8 82917 01623 3 60 min VHS Video $19.95 +++ Signs-162D UPC 8 82917 01629 5 60 min DVD Disk $19.95

DRAGON PREDICTION AND PROPHECY, with Dr. Louis Turi. Astropsychologist and Nostradamus specialist. Special Saturday afternoon healing presentation. Dr. Turi was recognized in the 2003 Marquis "Who's Who in America" as an accomplished leading Astropsychologist. He has taught, lectured, and entertained audiences on the power of the stars and Cabalistic Healing all over the world. He grew up in Provence France, Nostradamus' birthplace, and spent last 30 years re-kindling the great Seer's rare method of Divine Astrology with its incredible therapeutic values. It is crucial to immediately make a distinction between Dr. Turi's work and that of other astrologers and healers. This form of astrology is different from any other you may have heard or read. The homeopathic discipline found in Nostradamus' rare method is totally unique and the predictive powers are unmatched. Dr. Turi speaks at Borders and Barnes & Noble bookstores nationwide, and has performed at numerous well known facilities worldwide including Las Ventana, a top resort in Mexico. Dr. Turi also leads healing tours to Thailand and France with Destination Tropics Inc. Dr. Turi's predictions and articles are regularly featured in India's top astrological monthly magazine, StarTeller (distribution 350,000 copies world wide). His articles are also featured in Australia's magazine, New Dawn Magazine. They have appeared in various other newspapers and publications such as Fate Magazine and Magazine 2000 in the US and Europe. Recently Free Spirit Journal has picked up his articles and forecasts. He has been featured on many national television programs such as NBCs "Ancient Mysteries" series, and TLC "Journal of the Unknown-Astrology" with the Discovery Channel to name a few. For more information visit www.drturi.com Signs-163V UPC 8 82917 01633 2 81 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ Signs-163D UPC 8 82917 01639 4 81 min DVD Disk $24.95

HEALING WITH LOVE, with Dr. Louis Turi. Cabalistic healing with love is an interactive, entertaining and delightful way to cleanse and relax your Body, Mind & Spirit. Dr. Turi's method is a revival of Nostradamus' 16th Century homeopathic approach involving the use of powerful crystals, precious stones, special rocks, the pendulum, body chakra balancing & toxin clearing. Workshop participants will learn a unique style of purification that is exceptional and safe. The session will involve direct interaction between 2 people so it is recommended you bring a friend, partner or lover with you although it's also effective even working with someone you did not know before. Learn and enjoy this natural gift of healing for yourself & others. All participants are asked to bring a blanket or a towel to lie on for some of the interactive work. For more information visit www.drturi.com Signs-164V UPC 8 82917 01643 1 82 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ Signs-164D UPC 8 82917 01649 3 82 min DVD Disk $24.95

STARGATE 2012: SURFING THE TIDES OF THE MILKY WAY, with William Henry. Nobody knows for certain what 2012 will bring but some say it will herald the arrival of a beam, a wave, a rising hum of new enlightenment particles from the heart of our Milky Way galaxy. Flowing through the heart of the earth and through all our hearts together, in every being, we are now poised to surf these tides of light. Investigative mythologist William Henry explores the new Milky-Way based metaphysics due in 2012 as he unites the concepts of Stargate 2012, crop circles, ancient Egyptian spirituality and much, much more. For more information visit www.WilliamHenry.net Signs-166V UPC 8 82917 01663 9 88 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ Signs-166D UPC 8 82917 01669 1 88 min DVD Disk $24.95

STARGATE 2012: LIVING THE RE-EVOLUTION, with William Henry. An ancient prophecy, a miraculous new spiritual technology, a bright new world. In his books "Cloak of the Illuminati," "Oracle of the Illuminati" and soon-to-be-published "Empire of the Illuminati," investigative mythologist William Henry has analyzed the most cryptic symbols of 2012. In this workshop he will pieces together Sumerian, Egyptian and Mayan artwork and symbolism to reveal their shared Ideal: the long-sought "Stargate of the Gods," the angelic "Stairway to Heaven". Then, he will compare these images with those of Modern Science to present the background for the revival of humanity. This workshop offers a message of hope for the entire human race: by the efforts of our collective heart-mind, terror will soon be overcome by tara (enlightenment). For more information visit www.WilliamHenry.net Signs-167V UPC 8 82917 01673 8 118 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ Signs-167D UPC 8 82917 01679 0 118 min DVD Disk $24.95

BEYOND 2012: GAME OVER OR NEXT LEVEL? with Geoff Stray. Geoff Stray has been studying the meaning of the year 2012 since the early 1980s. From his home in England, he has collected and compared a wide range of visions, prophecies, ideas and theories about that date. This material was first brought together in a booklet, then on his web site, and most recently in a book, Beyond 2012: Catastrophe or Ecstasy, due for publication next year. In this lecture, Geoff brings together his quarter-century of research into the fascinating possibilities that the road to 2012 reveals. For more information visit www.diagnosis2012.co.uk Signs-168V UPC 8 82917 01683 7 74 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ Signs-168D UPC 8 82917 01689 9 74 min DVD Disk $24.95

2004 CROP CIRCLE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, with Nancy Talbott. Raised in Baltimore, Nancy studied psychology at Johns Hopkins and Harvard. After discovering the crop circle phenomenon in 1991, she worked with Michigan biophysicist Wm. C. Levengood and John Burke, organizing an international reporting and field-sampling network for Wm. Levengoods laboratory analysis. In 1999 she incorporated the BLT Research organization into a non-profit corporation, which she now heads, and received a Laurence Rockefeller grant. With this funding she has expanded the scope of crop circle research so that BLT Inc. team now includes scientific consultants from multiple disciplines. Having herself had both personal experiences and scientific training, Nancy has a unique perspective on this ongoing enigma. For more information visit www.bltresearch.com Signs-169V UPC 8 82917 01693 6 98 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ Signs-169D UPC 8 82917 01699 8 98 min DVD Disk $24.95

CROP CIRCLES SHAPES AND THE HUMAN MIND, with Bert Janssen. Photographer Bert Janssen has been involved in frontier sciences for over 26 years, including 10 years research into crop circles both in England and in his native Holland. Author of a newly-released book, The Hypnotic Power of Crop Circles, he has also released 3 video documentaries on the subject. Having lectured widely in Europe, this is his first USA appearance. In this lecture he discusses the interaction between crop circles and the human mind. How does this Intelligence communicate with us? What are its messages? Is there any relationship between crop circles and the 2012 prophecies? For more information visit www.bertjanssen.nl Signs-170V UPC 8 82917 01703 2 45 min VHS Video $19.95 +++ Signs-170D UPC 8 82917 01709 4 45 min DVD Disk $19.95

CROP CIRCLES AND THE COUNTDOWN TO 2012, with Dr. Chet Snow. An internationally-acclaimed author, lecturer, researcher and regression therapist from Sedona, Arizona, Chet Snow has degrees from Columbia University and Paris Sorbonne. As organizer of the Signs of Destiny 2004 conference, the fifth in a series of Earth Mysteries gatherings since 1999, hes exploring what has led our species and the planet to these special times of challenge and opportunity. In this lecture, Chet reveals special relationships between crop circles, the Mayan calendar and Native prophecies as we approach the year 2012. For more information and to find out about his future events visit www.chetsnow.com Signs-171V UPC 8 82917 01713 1 70 min VHS Video $19.95 +++ Signs-171D UPC 8 82917 01719 3 70 min DVD Disk $19.95

SIGNS OF DESTINY: CROP CIRCLE AND EARTH MYSTERIES CONFERENCE 2003 21 TAPE SET Tempe, Arizona. Complete conference set includes Signs 119 through 141: NOSTRADAMUS AND OUR FUTURE, with Dolores Cannon; MANKIND: CHILD OF THE STARS, with Dolores Cannon; YOUR PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE REVEALED, with Clarisse Conner; FROM STARDUST TO THE STARGATE, with Sir Laurence Gardner; LOST SECRETS OF THE SACRED ARK, with Sir Laurence Gardner; THE CROP CIRCLE MYSTERY: AN OVERVIEW, with Andy Thomas; PSYCHIC INTERACTION WITH CROP CIRCLES, with Andy Thomas; ENGLANDS CROP CIRCLES OF 2003, with Francine Blake; LIVING WITH CROP CIRCLES, with Francine Blake; CROP CIRCLES AND OTHER EVENTS IN POLAND, with Nancy Talbott; THE BASICS OF CROP CIRCLE FIELD SAMPLING, with Nancy Talbott. SIGNS AND SYMBOLS OF THE HEALING SUN CODE, with William Henry; STARGATES OF THE GODS, with William Henry; and CABALISTIC HEALING PRESENTATION, with Dr. Louis Turi; AMAZING USA CROP FORMATIONS IN 2003, with Linda Moulton Howe; LIGHTS IN NORWAY AND BRAZIL, with Linda Moulton Howe; THE DEEPENING COMPLEXITY OF CROP CIRCLES, with Dr. Eltjo Haselhoff; REMEMBERING ATLANTIS: HUMANITYS COLLECTIVE AMNESIA, with Doug Kenyon; SYMBOLS, SEX AND THE STARS: ANCIENT MAGIC IN THE MODERN WORLD, with Jordan Maxwell; CANADIAN CROP CIRCLES: SOUND AND CREATION, with Beata van Berkom; and CROP CIRCLES 2002-2003: THE MAGIC CONTINUES, with Dr. Chet Snow. SIGNS-118V UPC 8 82917 01183 2 33 hours 21 VHS Videos $359.95 +++ SIGNS-118D UPC 8 82917 01189 4 33 hours 21 DVD Disks $359.95

NOSTRADAMUS AND OUR FUTURE, with Dolores Cannon. Dolores Cannon is the author of the three volume set Conversations with Nostradamus and many other books. Now that the millennium is here, the prophecies of Nostradamus are being fulfilled at an alarming rate. The future is upon us and unfolding before our eyes. Dolores will tell how she made a remarkable contact with the living Nostradamus that resulted in the reinterpretation of all of his known prophecies (quatrains). She will describe Nostradamus' predictions that have come true since her books were first published in 1989, including the September 11th events, new computer technology, experimental weaponry projects and current events in Iraq. She will discuss possible predictions for the next twenty years, and how the worst-case scenarios can be avoided. Information includes: the Third Anti-Christ; a possible Third World War; which Areas will survive a possible Earth shift; the Great Genius that comes after the Anti-Christ and his wonderful inventions and the role of ETs in the predicted future Thousand years of Peace. Take this rare opportunity to hear Nostradamus' visions of our Future and how we can improve it! For more information visit www.ozarkmtn.com SIGNS-119V UPC 8 82917 01193 1 148 min VHS Video $29.95 +++ SIGNS-119D UPC 8 82917 01199 3 148 min DVD Disk $29.95

MANKIND: CHILD OF THE STARS, with Dolores Cannon. Dolores Cannon is the author of the three volume set Conversations with Nostradamus and many other books. Now that the millennium is here, the prophecies of Nostradamus are being fulfilled at an alarming rate. The future is upon us and unfolding before our eyes. Dolores will tell how she made a remarkable contact with the living Nostradamus that resulted in the reinterpretation of all of his known prophecies (quatrains). She will describe Nostradamus' predictions that have come true since her books were first published in 1989, including the September 11th events, new computer technology, experimental weaponry projects and current events in Iraq. She will discuss possible predictions for the next twenty years, and how the worst-case scenarios can be avoided. Information includes: the Third Anti-Christ; a possible Third World War; which Areas will survive a possible Earth shift; the Great Genius that comes after the Anti-Christ and his wonderful inventions and the role of ETs in the predicted future Thousand years of Peace. Take this rare opportunity to hear Nostradamus' visions of our Future and how we can improve it! For more information visit www.ozarkmtn.com SIGNS-120V UPC 8 82917 01203 5 119 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ SIGNS-120D UPC 8 82917 01209 7 119 min DVD Disk $24.95

YOUR PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE REVEALED, with Clarisse Conner. Clarisse Conner is an incredible clairvoyant and advisor. Her readings of the Past, Present & Future will astound everyone. A natural-born clairvoyant, shes been an intuitive consultant assisting with police investigations, missing persons, lost & sick pets, and medical intuitive questions for over 25 years. She is best known for her amazing predictions of both the Boeing personnel lay-offs and the 9/11 tragedy well before either occurred. Her discussion on divine symbols will be fascinating as will be her revelations about 2005 and beyond. SIGNS-121V UPC 8 82917 01213 6 30 min VHS Video $14.95 +++ SIGNS-121D UPC 8 82917 01219 8 30 min DVD Disk $14.95

FROM STARDUST TO THE STARGATE, with Sir Laurence Gardner. From the tombs of pharaonic Egypt, to the laboratories of modern science, comes the extraordinary account of gravity defiance and teleportation in the ancient world. Sir Laurence explains how physicists are now researching previously unknown planes of existence through the rediscovery of a lost technology from distant times. Laurence Gardner, a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, is a constitutional historian, international lecturer and broadcaster. As a worldwide emissary for the Royal House of Stewart, Sir Laurence Gardner is Prior of the Sacred Kindred of Saint Columbia, a Knight Templar of St. Anthony and Envoy to the Grand Protectorate of the Imperial Dragon Court of Hungary. In the popular literary world, Laurence Gardner is an internationally acclaimed author with national press serialization and published works in many languages. They include the Top-10 Bloodline of the Holy Grail, which gained a UK Author of the Year award, along with the international bestsellers Genesis of the Grail Kings and Realm of the Ring Lords. From the late 1800s, thousands of ancient documents have been unearthed, predating the Old Testament writing of Genesis by up to 2000 years. Laurence will present one of the monumental finds from that era that was suppressed by the Egyptian Exploration Fund. His English-language publishers include Transworld, Bantam Books, Penguin Books, Element Books, Barnes & Noble, Fair Winds Press and HarperCollins. In his latest book, Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark, Sir Laurence writes about recent scientific discoveries and advances that are shaping our future and rewriting our past. For more information visit his web site: www.graal.co.uk SIGNS-122V UPC 8 82917 01223 5 148 min VHS Video $29.95 +++ SIGNS-122D UPC 8 82917 01229 7 148 min DVD Disk $29.95

LOST SECRETS OF THE SACRED ARK, with Sir Laurence Gardner. What was the ancient Hebrew Ark of the Covenant? Where did it go and where is it today? What is the sacred Ark's relationship to medieval alchemys "Philosophers Stone" and to the discoveries of modern Quantum Physics? Were ancient Egyptian initiates and Israelite kings possessors of the secrets of super-conductivity and high-spin metallurgy so as to be able to transcend ordinary Space-Time, using whats known as the "white powder of gold"? By accessing Rosicrucian, Templar, Royal Society and private archives, Sir Laurence Gardner has found astonishing answers to these questions and more. Laurence Gardner, a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, is a constitutional historian, international lecturer and broadcaster. As a worldwide emissary for the Royal House of Stewart, Sir Laurence Gardner is Prior of the Sacred Kindred of Saint Columbia, a Knight Templar of St. Anthony and Envoy to the Grand Protectorate of the Imperial Dragon Court of Hungary. In the popular literary world, Laurence Gardner is an internationally acclaimed author with national press serialization and published works in many languages. They include the Top-10 Bloodline of the Holy Grail, which gained a UK Author of the Year award, along with the international bestsellers Genesis of the Grail Kings and Realm of the Ring Lords. From the late 1800s, thousands of ancient documents have been unearthed, predating the Old Testament writing of Genesis by up to 2000 years. Laurence will present one of the monumental finds from that era that was suppressed by the Egyptian Exploration Fund. His English-language publishers include Transworld, Bantam Books, Penguin Books, Element Books, Barnes & Noble, Fair Winds Press and HarperCollins. In his latest book, Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark, Sir Laurence writes about recent scientific discoveries and advances that are shaping our future and rewriting our past. For more information visit his web site: www.graal.co.uk SIGNS-123V UPC 8 82917 01233 4 144 min VHS Video $29.95 +++ SIGNS-123D UPC 8 82917 01239 6 144 min DVD Disk $29.95

THE CROP CIRCLE MYSTERY: AN OVERVIEW, with Andy Thomas. Andy Thomas is a founder member of the Southern Circular Research crop circle investigation team (SCR), which has been active since 1991. Andy is editor of the popular website www.swirlednews.com, renowned for its outspoken and insightful reporting, and previously produced the circle journal SC. Andy has written five books exploring aspects of the crop circle enigma: Fields of Mystery: The Crop Circle Phenomenon in Sussex (1996) and Quest For Contact: A True Story of Crop Circles, Psychics and UFOs (1997, with Paul Bura) were his first, followed by his best-known and much-praised book Vital Signs: A Complete Guide to the Crop Circle Mystery and Why it is NOT a Hoax (1998, revised 2002), which has been described by many as the definitive guide to the subject. Most recently Andy has written the revised version of An Introduction to Crop Circles for Wessex Books, and produced Swirled Harvest: Views from the Crop Circle Frontline, a collection of many of his articles from an eleven-year period. This has been published simultaneously with A Oneness of Mind: The Power of Collective Thought and Signs of Our Times, which collects together edited transcripts of Andys renowned Glastonbury Symposium presentations. A prolific lecturer, Andy is famed for his lively and sometimes theatrical presentations on crop circles and other inspirational topics. He has spoken extensively in England, and also in Europe and America. He is one of the organizers and presenters of The Glastonbury Symposium, the worlds longest-running crop circle-related conference, which takes place each summer. For more information visit www.vitalsignspublishing.co.uk SIGNS-124V UPC 8 82917 01243 3 92 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ SIGNS-124D UPC 8 82917 01249 5 92 min DVD Disk $24.95

PSYCHIC INTERACTION WITH CROP CIRCLES, with Andy Thomas. With slides and videos, Andy will recount the efforts his group, Southern Circular Research, made in trying to interact with the crop circle phenomenon using psychic questing and other metaphysical methods. The extraordinary results gained through the ensuing remarkable events hold important lessons for all who wish to dabble in paranormal realms. Andy Thomas is a founder member of the Southern Circular Research crop circle investigation team (SCR), which has been active since 1991. Andy is editor of the popular website www.swirlednews.com, renowned for its outspoken and insightful reporting, and previously produced the circle journal SC. Andy has written five books exploring aspects of the crop circle enigma: Fields of Mystery: The Crop Circle Phenomenon in Sussex (1996) and Quest For Contact: A True Story of Crop Circles, Psychics and UFOs (1997, with Paul Bura) were his first, followed by his best-known and much-praised book Vital Signs: A Complete Guide to the Crop Circle Mystery and Why it is NOT a Hoax (1998, revised 2002), which has been described by many as the definitive guide to the subject. Most recently Andy has written the revised version of An Introduction to Crop Circles for Wessex Books, and produced Swirled Harvest: Views from the Crop Circle Frontline, a collection of many of his articles from an eleven-year period. This has been published simultaneously with A Oneness of Mind: The Power of Collective Thought and Signs of Our Times, which collects together edited transcripts of Andys renowned Glastonbury Symposium presentations. A prolific lecturer, Andy is famed for his lively and sometimes theatrical presentations on crop circles and other inspirational topics. He has spoken extensively in England, and also in Europe and America. He is one of the organizers and presenters of The Glastonbury Symposium, the worlds longest-running crop circle-related conference, which takes place each summer. For more information visit www.vitalsignspublishing.co.uk SIGNS-125V UPC 8 82917 01253 2 96 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ SIGNS-125D UPC 8 82917 01259 4 96 min DVD Disk $24.95

ENGLANDS CROP CIRCLES OF 2003, with Francine Blake. Francine Blake is the coordinator of the Wiltshire, England, Crop Circle Study Group and photographer for the WCCSG Crop Circle Calendar. A native of Montreal, Canada, Francine studied the Classics and Art. In 1969 she moved to London to continue her studies; there she married an Englishman. A student of Gurdjiefs philosophy and Zen Buddhism, she discovered the crop circle phenomenon in 1987. In 1992, she and her family moved to Wiltshire where she helped found the Wiltshire branch of the Center for Crop Circle Studies. The group became the Wiltshire Crop Circle Study Group in 1996. As its coordinator, Francine now edits The Spiral, and organizes the Wiltshire Crop Circle Conference each summer. An accomplished painter, she learned digital photography for the groups annual calendar, the only one to feature color aerial photos of the current season. She feels most crop circles are manifestations from other dimensions and not mere human creations. SIGNS-127V UPC 8 82917 01273 0 86 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ SIGNS-127D UPC 8 82917 01279 2 86 min DVD Disk $24.95

LIVING WITH CROP CIRCLES, with Francine Blake. A native of Quebec, Canada, Francine has lived in England for many years. An artist, she moved to Wiltshire a dozen years ago to experience this phenomena first hand. For the last several years she has been coordinator of the Wiltshire Crop Circle Study Group and the chief photographer for its annual WCCSG Crop Circle Calendar the only one to show the current season's formations. Her unusual experiences in taking aerial and ground photos and living in this sacred landscape are amazing and must be heard. In 1969 she moved to London to continue her studies; there she married an Englishman. A student of Gurdjiefs philosophy and Zen Buddhism, she discovered the crop circle phenomenon in 1987. In 1992, she and her family moved to Wiltshire where she helped found the Wiltshire branch of the Center for Crop Circle Studies. The group became the Wiltshire Crop Circle Study Group in 1996. As its coordinator, Francine now edits The Spiral, and organizes the Wiltshire Crop Circle Conference each summer. An accomplished painter, she learned digital photography for the groups annual calendar, the only one to feature color aerial photos of the current season. She feels most crop circles are manifestations from other dimensions and not mere human creations. SIGNS-128V UPC 8 82917 01283 9 97 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ SIGNS-128D UPC 8 82917 01289 1 97 min DVD Disk $24.95

CROP CIRCLES AND OTHER EVENTS IN POLAND, with Nancy Talbott. Nancy Talbott is President of BLT Research Team Inc. The BLT Research Team Inc.'s primary goal is the discovery and scientific documentation of physical changes induced in plants, soils and other materials at crop circle sites by the energy (or energy system) responsible for creating them and to determine, if possible, from these data the specific nature and source of these energies. Secondly, our intent is to publish these research results in peer-reviewed scientific journals and to disseminate this information to the general public. BLT Inc. is comprised of several hundred trained field-sampling personnel in the U.S., Canada and Europe who collect plant and soil samples at crop circle sites for analyses by a number of scientists (see "Professional Consultants") in various disciplines. The hard work of these field teams and their careful adherence to field-sampling protocols has contributed enormously to the on-going discoveries in the laboratory and the large data-base of factual information which now exists. SIGNS-129V UPC 8 82917 01293 8 93 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ SIGNS-129D UPC 8 82917 01299 0 93 min DVD Disk $24.95

THE BASICS OF CROP CIRCLE FIELD SAMPLING, with Nancy Talbott. Nancy Talbott is President of BLT Research Team Inc. The BLT Research Team Inc.'s primary goal is the discovery and scientific documentation of physical changes induced in plants, soils and other materials at crop circle sites by the energy (or energy system) responsible for creating them and to determine, if possible, from these data the specific nature and source of these energies. Secondly, our intent is to publish these research results in peer-reviewed scientific journals and to disseminate this information to the general public. BLT Inc. is comprised of several hundred trained field-sampling personnel in the U.S., Canada and Europe who collect plant and soil samples at crop circle sites for analyses by a number of scientists (see "Professional Consultants") in various disciplines. The hard work of these field teams and their careful adherence to field-sampling protocols has contributed enormously to the on-going discoveries in the laboratory and the large data-base of factual information which now exists. As head of the BLT Research, Inc., Nancy receives hundreds of field samples from crop circle formations each year. Learn the "tricks of the sampling trade" from Nancy's extensive hands-on experience to help in future research. Also learn more of Nancy's own amazing experiences in 10 years of circle research. SIGNS-130V UPC 8 82917 01303 4 104 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ SIGNS-130D UPC 8 82917 01309 6 104 min DVD Disk $24.95

SIGNS AND SYMBOLS OF THE HEALING SUN CODE, with William Henry. William Henry is a cutting edge Mythologist and leading author. William Henry is an investigative mythologist and author. His mythological specialty is the Ladder to God (Scala Dei in Latin) which has been featured in myths and scriptures since the beginning of time. In his books William interprets these stories of the Ladder to God on six different levels: the historical, the cosmological, the symbolic/metaphorical, the mythological/allegorical, the anatomical, and the technological. The existence of the Healing Sun has been coded in the Mystery Teachings which tradition has so long held to lie behind the Holy Scriptures of numerous religions. This tape throws light on these Mystery Teachings, the secret science and religion of the Galactic Core of our Milky Way galaxy, by revealing the symbol and word code of the Healing Sun. For more information visit www.williamhenry.net -131V UPC 8 82917 01313 3 67 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ SIGNS-131D UPC 8 82917 01319 5 67 min DVD Disk $24.95

STARGATES OF THE GODS, with William Henry. Thousands of years ago the Stargate technology of the gods was lost. Mayan prophecy says it will return by the year 2012 and connect us to the center of our galaxy. This will begin the birth of a new Earth matrix and a new humanity. We are its elders. See vivid examples of ancient stargates juxtaposed with modern science and current events, including crop circles. Cross the boundary and experience the stargates of the gods. William Henry is a cutting edge Mythologist and leading author. William Henry is an investigative mythologist and author. His mythological specialty is the Ladder to God (Scala Dei in Latin) which has been featured in myths and scriptures since the beginning of time. In his books William interprets these stories of the Ladder to God on six different levels: the historical, the cosmological, the symbolic / metaphorical, the mythological / allegorical, the anatomical, and the technological. The existence of the Healing Sun has been coded in the Mystery Teachings which tradition has so long held to lie behind the Holy Scriptures of numerous religions. This book throws light on these Mystery Teachings, the secret science and religion of the Galactic Core of our Milky Way galaxy, by revealing the symbol and word code of the Healing Sun. For more information visit www.williamhenry.net SIGNS-132V UPC 8 82917 01323 2 113 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ SIGNS-132D UPC 8 82917 01329 4 113 min DVD Disk $24.95

CABALISTIC HEALING PRESENTATION, with Dr. Louis Turi. Astropsychologist and Nostradamus specialist. Special Saturday afternoon healing presentation. Dr. Turi was recognized in the 2003 Marquis "Who's Who in America" as an accomplished leading Astropsychologist. He has taught, lectured, and entertained audiences on the power of the stars and Cabalistic Healing all over the world. He grew up in Provence France, Nostradamus' birthplace, and spent last 30 years re-kindling the great Seer's rare method of Divine Astrology with its incredible therapeutic values. It is crucial to immediately make a distinction between Dr. Turi's work and that of other astrologers and healers. This form of astrology is different from any other you may have heard or read. The homeopathic discipline found in Nostradamus' rare method is totally unique and the predictive powers are unmatched. Dr. Turi speaks at Borders and Barnes & Noble bookstores nationwide, and has performed at numerous well known facilities worldwide including Las Ventana, a top resort in Mexico. Dr. Turi also leads healing tours to Thailand and France with Destination Tropics Inc. Dr. Turi's predictions and articles are regularly featured in India's top astrological monthly magazine, StarTeller (distribution 350,000 copies world wide). His articles are also featured in Australia's magazine, New Dawn Magazine. They have appeared in various other newspapers and publications such as Fate Magazine and Magazine 2000 in the Us and Europe. Recently Free Spirit Journal has picked up his articles and forecasts. He has been featured on many national television programs such as NBCs "Ancient Mysteries" series, and TLC "Journal of the Unknown-Astrology" with the Discovery Channel to name a few. For more information visit www.drturi.com SIGNS-133V UPC 8 82917 01333 1 54 min VHS Video $19.95 +++ SIGNS-133D UPC 8 82917 01339 3 54 min DVD Disk $19.95

AMAZING USA CROP FORMATIONS IN 2003, with Linda Moulton Howe. An Emmy-award winning investigative journalist and author, now living near Philadelphia, Linda was the creative genius behind the original Sightings TV Series. For several years she has provided millions of listeners with a weekly UFO update and summary at the beginning of the Dreamland radio show and has done numerous guest appearances on Art Bells Coast to Coast late-night show. One of the most serious and respected investigators of the paranormal, her interests include alien abductions, animal mutilations, crop circles and ET contacts. She is a graduate of Stanford University with a Masters Degree in Communication. She has devoted her documentary film, television and radio career to productions concerning science, medicine and the environment. Ms. Howe has received local, national and international awards, including three regional Emmys and a national Emmy nomination. Those films have included Poison in the Wind and A Sun Kissed Poison which compared smog pollution in Los Angeles and Denver; Fire In The Water about hydrogen as an alternative energy source to fossil fuels; A Radioactive Water about uranium contamination of public drinking water in a Denver suburb; and A Strange Harvest which explored the worldwide animal mutilation mystery that has haunted the United States and other countries since the late 1950s and continues to date. In this presentation she discusses the recent discovery of a sunken city off the coast of Cuba. For more information visit www.earthfiles.com SIGNS-135V UPC 8 82917 01353 9 88 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ SIGNS-135D UPC 8 82917 01359 1 88 min DVD Disk $24.95

MYSTERIOUS LIGHTS IN NORWAY AND BRAZIL, with Linda Moulton Howe. There are places on the earth where locals have long reported seeing mysterious lights, day and night. To name a few there are the Ontario Lake lights in Canada, the Ural lights in Russia, the Victoria lights in Argentina, the Tagish lights in the Yukon, the Yakima lights in Washington, the Marfa lights in Texas and the Hessdalen lights in Norway. In this presentation Linda talks about the recent research shes done in Hessdalen. Details of Linda's scientific research data coming from her field trips to Hessdalen, Norway, in August 2002 and to Corguinho, Brazil, in the spring of 2003. Could advance intelligences be programming plasmas to monitor and interact with Earth life in both of these unusual places? She also talks about her recent trip, in February 2003, to Corguinho, Brazil, to collect physical evidence related a strange event that occurred there concerning an apparent otherworldly abduction where the bedsheets and wood in the ceiling above the bed were scorched as though the individual had be transported through it. A strange case in recent UFOlogical circles. An Emmy-award winning investigative journalist and author, now living near Philadelphia, Linda was the creative genius behind the original Sightings TV Series. For several years she has provided millions of listeners with a weekly UFO update and summary at the beginning of the Dreamland radio show and has done numerous guest appearances on Art Bells Coast to Coast late-night show. One of the most serious and respected investigators of the paranormal, her interests include alien abductions, animal mutilations, crop circles and ET contacts. She is a graduate of Stanford University with a Masters Degree in Communication. She has devoted her documentary film, television and radio career to productions concerning science, medicine and the environment. Ms. Howe has received local, national and international awards, including three regional Emmys and a national Emmy nomination. Those films have included Poison in the Wind and A Sun Kissed Poison which compared smog pollution in Los Angeles and Denver; Fire In The Water about hydrogen as an alternative energy source to fossil fuels; A Radioactive Water about uranium contamination of public drinking water in a Denver suburb; and A Strange Harvest which explored the worldwide animal mutilation mystery that has haunted the United States and other countries since the late 1950s and continues to date. In this presentation she discusses the recent discovery of a sunken city off the coast of Cuba. For more information visit www.earthfiles.com SIGNS-136V UPC 8 82917 01363 8 117 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ SIGNS-136D UPC 8 82917 01369 0 117 min DVD Disk $24.95

THE DEEPENING COMPLEXITY OF CROP CIRCLES, with Dr. Eltjo Haselhoff. Dr. Eltjo Haselhoff is a Dutch physicist and Author of The Deepening Complexity of Crop Circles. The mysterious appearance of "crop circles" in farm fields and other land areas is obtaining increased public attention. Where are they coming from, how are they made, and what do they mean? Are these the "signs on earth", as predicted throughout the centuries, that warn us for dramatic earth changes taking place in the near future? Or are they simply all made by men, as some want us to believe? Should this phenomenon be taken seriously? In his current bestseller, Dr. Haselhoff takes the viewer on a fascinating journey through the world of the crop circles. The award-winning author presents a popular-scientific study on this fascinating phenomenon, which is much more complex than most people know. In simple language, the former employee of Los Alamos National Laboratories reveals many facts unknown to the general public, and answers questions that have never been answered before. An abundance of clear color diagrams and a beautiful collection of artistic color photographs support Haselhoff's fascinating story, which has already convinced many that, indeed, something very strange is going on. After finishing Grammar School, Eltjo Haselhoff studied experimental physics, specializing in high power gas lasers, non-linear optics and ultra-short optical pulse detection. After obtaining his M. Sc. degree, he worked at several European research institutes, and at Los Alamos National Laboratories, USA. His main activities were in the fields of free-electron laser research, accelerator technology, ultra-high vacuum technology, semiconductor photo-emission cathodes for high current electron beam accelerators and ultra-fast optical infrared switches. For more information visit www.deepeningcomplexity.com SIGNS-137V UPC 8 82917 01373 7 91 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ SIGNS-137D UPC 8 82917 01379 9 91 min DVD Disk $24.95

REMEMBERING ATLANTIS: HUMANITYS COLLECTIVE AMNESIA, with Doug Kenyon. Doug Kenyon is editor of Atlantis Rising magazine, a great magazine that exposes the truth about ancient mysteries, alternative science and unexplained anomalies. In this presentation he reveals the story of Atlantis, its history, accomplishments, and eventual downfall. For more information and a free sample issue Atlantis Rising Magazine please visit www.atlantisrising.com SIGNS-138V UPC 8 82917 01383 6 78 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ SIGNS-138D UPC 8 82917 01389 8 78 min DVD Disk $24.95

SYMBOLS, SEX AND THE STARS: ANCIENT MAGIC IN THE MODERN WORLD, with Jordan Maxwell. Author of the book Matrix of Power and Radio Talk Show host. Jordan Maxwell continues as a preeminent researcher and authority in the field of occult/religious philosophy since 1959. He served for three and a half years as the Religion Editor of Truth Seeker Magazine, Americas oldest Free Thought Journal (since 1873). His work exploring the hidden foundations of Western religions and secret societies has created an enthusiastic response from audiences for many years. He has conducted dozens of intensive seminars, hosted his own radio talk shows, guested on more than 600 radio shows, and written, produced and appeared in numerous television shows and documentaries (including three 2-hour specials for the CBS TV network, as well as the internationally acclaimed 5-part Ancient Mystery Series - all devoted to understanding ancient religions and their pervasive influence on world affairs today. Jordan Maxwell will give us a glimpse into the super secret organizations that have played such significant roles in world history. One of his videos is entitled "Matrix of Power" and this appellation certainly describes the reality of our world better than any other phrase. For more information visit www.jordanmaxwell.com SIGNS-139V UPC 8 82917 01393 5 84 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ SIGNS-139D UPC 8 82917 01399 7 84 min DVD Disk $24.95

CANADIAN CROP CIRCLES: SOUND AND CREATION, with Beata van Berkom. Beata van Berkom is a medical laboratory technologist from Saskatoon, Canada. A field researcher for the Canadian Crop Circle Research Network and a crop circle workshop leader. The Canadian Crop Circle Research Network (CCCRN) is a non-profit research organization which has been seriously investigating and documenting the crop circle phenomenon and other possibly related phenomena in Canada since 1995, creating a liaison between researchers, farmers, the public, media and scientists. CCCRN was initially founded by researcher, writer, graphic artist and current director Paul Anderson as Circles Phenomenon Research Canada, an affiliate of Circles Phenomenon Research International (CPRI) in 1995. With the later closure of the CPRI offices, the organization was refounded in 2001 as CCCRN, an independent group which now has coordinators and field research assistants in seven provinces, with the main office in Vancouver, BC and provincial branches in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia. CCCRN does not have a general membership per se, membership is made up entirely of volunteer coordinators and field research assistants. While it is the only such organization specifically investigating the crop circle phenomenon in Canada on an ongoing basis, CCCRN also works with numerous other research groups, including the BLT Research Team Inc., which has been conducting scientific laboratory studies of plant and soil samples from crop formations worldwide for the past decade with mainstream scientists and laboratories. For more information visit www.cccrn.ca SIGNS-140V UPC 8 82917 01403 1 54 min VHS Video $19.95 +++ SIGNS-140D UPC 8 82917 01409 3 54 min DVD Disk $19.95

CROP CIRCLES 2002-2003: THE MAGIC CONTINUES, with Dr. Chet Snow. Dr. Chet Snow is a crop circle researcher, author and "Signs of Destiny II" co-host with his wife, Kallista. An internationally-acclaimed author, lecturer, researcher and regression therapist, Chet Snow has degrees from Columbia University and Paris Sorbonne. As the promoter of the Signs of Destiny conference, the third in a series of Earth Mysteries conventions, designed to study what has led our species and the planet to these special times of challenge and opportunity. In this lecture, Chet Snow will reveal the latest information on crop circles from the English countryside of the 2001-2002 season. For more information and to find out about future events visit www.chetsnow.com SIGNS-141V UPC 8 82917 01413 0 60 min VHS Video $19.95 +++ SIGNS-141D UPC UPC 8 82917 01419 2 60 min VHS Video $19.95


EGYPT AND THE SCIENCE OF IMMORTALITY: PARTS 1 AND 2 2 TAPE SET, with John Anthony West. Ancient Egypt was a one-issue civilization - its energies were entirely devoted to expressing and furthering its doctrine of Immortality. The number symbolism, the geometry of the temples, the fabulous architecture, art and sculpture, even the gods themselves, all played a role in this astonishing doctrine that fused science, art, religion and philosophy into a single, coherent Wisdom Teaching. Mere lectures do not allow enough time to broach this broad subject, but this 3-hour Institute provides a golden opportunity to explore Ancient Egypts major aspects in depth, along with my latest research into how that system actually performed. This presentation is his Friday afternoon workshop. SIGNS-101V UPC 8 82917 01013 2 180 min 2 VHS Videos $44.95 +++ SIGNS-101D UPC 8 82917 01019 4 180 min 2 DVD Disks $44.95

THE GREAT SPHINX AND THE QUEST TO REWRITE HISTORY, with John Anthony West. A writer, scholar and Pythagorean from New York, John Anthony West is the author of The Travelers Key to Ancient Egypt and Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptians attributed their wisdom to an earlier age going back 36,000 years. John set out to test whether the Sphinx is older than its recognized date of 2,500 B.C. His finding provide the first hard evidence that an earlier civilization preceded Egypts dynastic history. Today hes an authority on the Symbolist school of Egyptology, a view first proposed by French scholar-philosopher, R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz. In the Symbolist view, ancient Egyptian art and architecture disclose richer, more universal wisdom than conventional Egyptology has assumed. John Anthony West won an Emmy Award for his 1993 NBC Special Documentary, The Mystery of the Sphinx, hosted by Charlton Heston. This presentation is his Saturday evening keynote address. For more information visit www.jawest.com SIGNS-103V UPC 8 82917 01033 0 139 min VHS Video $29.95 +++ SIGNS-103D UPC 8 82917 01039 2 139 min DVD Disk $29.95

THE CROP CIRCLES PRIMARY MESSAGE, with Drunvalo Melchizedek. As a celebrated mystic and teacher, Drunvalo Melchizedeks life experience reads like and encyclopedia of breakthroughs in human endeavor. After having taking physics and art at UC Berkeley, he ventured out, and over the last 25 years has studied with over 70 masters from all belief systems and religious backgrounds. An accomplished speaker, he instinctively communicates whats in this heart, his personal warmth, his love for life in all forms and his deep compassion for humanity. His Flower of Life teachings and Mer-ka-ba meditation system have help thousands better understand their own history and lifes work. An expert on Sacred Geometry, he has studied how Crop Circles manifest these ancient forms for a decade. For more information visit www.floweroflife.com SIGNS-104V UPC 8 82917 01043 9 118 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ SIGNS-104D UPC 8 82917 01049 1 118 min DVD Disk $24.95

SACRED GEOMETRY WORKSHOP, with Drunvalo Melchizedek. Drunvalo's information was given to him from 1972 through the 1980s by Thoth, best known as the Egyptian deity of inner wisdom pertaining to science, mathematics, and literature. Since the 1980s, Drunvalo has been presenting his Flower of Life Workshops (either personally or through his trained facilitators). His work has been spread to at least 40 countries, is taught in many languages (such as Spanish, Dutch, German, French, Japanese), and has deeply touched thousands of people around the globe. When the teachings of geometry are used to show the ancient truth that all life emerges from the same blueprint, we can clearly see that life springs from the same source the intelligent, unconditionally loving creative force some call "God." When geometry is used to express and explore this great truth, a broader understanding of the universe unfolds until we can see that all aspects of reality become sacred. The ancients such as the Egyptians, Mayans, and others all knew this truth and incorporated sacred geometry teachings into their mystery schools as a way for anyone to begin to practically understand his or her personal relationship to "God" and the universe. In this presentation, Drunvalo speaks on the experience in his life that led him on the path to the practice the flower of life teachings. A full two-hour presentation on the flower of life and sacred geometry. For more information visit www.floweroflife.com SIGNS-105V UPC 8 82917 01053 8 118 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ SIGNS-105D UPC 8 82917 01059 0 118 min DVD Disk $24.95

THE IMPORTANCE OF HOW AND WHEN THE CROP CIRCLE PHENOMENON BEGAN, with Colin Andrews. One of the earliest and best-known crop circle researchers and authors, Colin became involved in this mystery when, in 1983, he saw a quintuplet formation near his home in Andover, England. An electrical engineer by training, he was intrigued about what forces could create such perfect glyphs in crop fields. In 1989 he and Pat Delgado wrote Circular Evidence, a best-seller, followed by Crop Circles: The Latest Evidence, a year later. Colin founded Circles Phenomenon Research International (CPRI) and later moved to Connecticut. His scientific investigations have been widely recognized as models in the field and he has been featured in many crop circle documentaries. Recently, he has stated that while he considers many complex formations to be man-made, one cannot rule out unknown paranormal involvement in the rest. For more information visit www.cropcircleinfo.com SIGNS-106V UPC 8 82917 01063 7 92 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ SIGNS-106D UPC 8 82917 01069 9 92 min DVD Disk $24.95

THERMAL PLASMAS OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN: THE MYSTERIOUS LIGHTS OF HESSDALEN, NORWAY, with Linda Moulton Howe. An Emmy-award winning investigative journalist and author, now living near Philadelphia, Linda was the creative genius behind the original Sightings TV Series. For several years she has provided millions of listeners with a weekly UFO update and summary at the beginning of the Dreamland radio show and has done numerous guest appearances on Art Bells Coast to Coast late-night show. One of the most serious and respected investigators of the paranormal, her interests include alien abductions, animal mutilations, crop circles and ET contacts. She is a graduate of Stanford University with a Masters Degree in Communication. She has devoted her documentary film, television and radio career to productions concerning science, medicine and the environment. Ms. Howe has received local, national and international awards, including three regional Emmys and a national Emmy nomination. Those films have included Poison in the Wind and A Sun Kissed Poison which compared smog pollution in Los Angeles and Denver; Fire In The Water about hydrogen as an alternative energy source to fossil fuels; A Radioactive Water about uranium contamination of public drinking water in a Denver suburb; and A Strange Harvest which explored the worldwide animal mutilation mystery that has haunted the United States and other countries since the late 1950s and continues to date. In this presentation she discusses the recent discovery of a sunken city off the coast of Cuba. This lecture focuses on here latest research into the mysterious plasma and glowing orb effects found in a remote valley in Hessdalen, Norway. Shes working on a new documentary on the subject, visit www.earthfiles.com for more information. SIGNS-107V UPC 8 82917 01073 6 54 min VHS Video $19.95 +++ SIGNS-107D UPC 8 82917 01079 8 54 min DVD Disk $19.95

THE CIRCLES, THE SCIENCE AND AN EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT, with Nancy Talbott. Raised in Baltimore, Nancy studied psychology at Johns Hopkins and Harvard. After discovering the crop circle phenomenon in 1991, she worked with Michigan biophysicist Wm. C. Levengood and John Burke, organizing an international reporting and field-sampling network for Wm. Levengoods laboratory analysis. In 1999 she incorporated the BLT Research organization into a non-profit corporation, which she now heads, and received a Laurence Rockefeller grant. With this funding she has expanded the scope of crop circle research so that BLT Inc. team now includes scientific consultants from multiple disciplines. Having herself had both personal experiences and scientific training, Nancy has a unique perspective on this ongoing enigma. For more information visit www.bltresearch.com SIGNS-109V UPC 8 82917 01093 4 92 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ SIGNS-109D UPC 8 82917 01099 6 92 min DVD Disk $24.95

SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS OF CROP CIRCLES: A PRACTICAL GUIDE, with Nancy Talbott. Nancy Talbott is president of BLT Research Team Inc., whose primary goal is the discovery and scientific documentation of physical changes induced in plants, soils and other materials at crop circle sites by the energy (or energy system) responsible for creating them and to determine, if possible, from these data the specific nature and source of these energies. Secondly, our intent is to publish these research results in peer-reviewed scientific journals and to disseminate this information to the general public. BLT Inc. is comprised of several hundred trained field-sampling personnel in the U.S., Canada and Europe who collect plant and soil samples at crop circle sites for analyses by a number of scientists (see "Professional Consultants") in various disciplines. The hard work of these field teams and their careful adherence to field-sampling protocols has contributed enormously to the on-going discoveries in the laboratory and the large database of factual information that now exists. This presentation outlines the basic research and results obtained so far, highlighting individual crop circle case studies from a number of countries. Slides of recent crop circles in North America and Europe are included, as well as anecdotal reports of associated strange phenomena encountered by personnel working in the fields each summer. For more information visit www.bltresearch.com com SIGNS-110V UPC 8 82917 01103 0 108 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ SIGNS-110D UPC 8 82917 01109 2 108 min DVD Disk $24.95

FIELD OF DREAMS: CROP CIRCLES IN CANADA, with Paul Anderson. A media writer and graphic designer by profession, Paul Anderson has had a life-long interest in future studies and alternative science. In 1990, he became fascinated with the visually-inspiring crop circle phenomenon. As the numbers of Canadian formations grew, he saw the need for an organized network of local researchers to study them scientifically. He help found the group that is now known as the Canadian Crop Circle Research Network. It links researchers in seven Canadian provinces. As group coordinator, Paul maintains the CCCRN website, www.cccrn.com, and E-news service from his Vancouver, BC, office. SIGNS-111V UPC 8 82917 01113 9 68 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ SIGNS-111D UPC 8 82917 01119 1 68 min DVD Disk $24.95

GROWING CROP CIRCLE SEEDS FOR FOOD, with Steve Purkable. A gentleman farmer from Illinois, Steve Purkable became interested in crop circles in 1992 and built his first 3-D model of a formation in April, 1993. Since then he has made more than 400 models of different crop circles. In 1997, he came into possession of some crop circle wheat seeds and began a long-term study of their growth potential. His seventh generation of crop circle wheat plantings has recently matured. SIGNS-112V UPC 8 82917 01123 8 26 min VHS Video $14.95 +++ SIGNS-112D UPC 8 82917 01129 0 26 min DVD Disk $14.95

ENGLANDS CROP CIRCLES OF 2002, with Francine Blake. A native of Montreal, Canada, Francine studied the Classics and Art. In 1969 she moved to London to continue her studies; there she married an Englishman. A student of Gurdjiefs philosophy and Zen Buddhism, she discovered the crop circle phenomenon in 1987. In 1992, she and her family moved to Wiltshire where she helped found the Wiltshire branch of the Center for Crop Circle Studies. The group became the Wiltshire Crop Circle Study Group in 1996. As its coordinator, Francine now edits The Spiral, and organizes the Wiltshire Crop Circle Conference each summer. An accomplished painter, she learned digital photography for the groups annual calendar, the only one to feature color aerial photos of the current season. She feels most crop circles are manifestations from other dimensions and not mere human creations. SIGNS-113V UPC 8 82917 01133 7 115 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ SIGNS-113D UPC 8 82917 01139 9 115 min DVD Disk $24.95

CROP CIRCLES IN GERMANY: AMAZING RECENT DEVELOPMENTS, with Andreas Mueller. As a student of graphic design at the School of Fine Arts and Design in Saarbrucken, Germany, Andreas Mueller became interested in the crop circle phenomenon for nearly 10 years. Since 1994 he has been investigating crop circles in both England and Germany. In 1994, he also founded the International Crop Circle Archives, which has become one of the largest databases on this phenomenon with 4,000 records from 45 countries, covering five centuries. In 2001 he published Kornkreise: Geometric, Phaenomene, Forshung, in German. His slide lecture will also feature photos taken by German photographer Frank Laumen. For more information visit www.invisiblecircle.de SIGNS-114V UPC 8 82917 01143 6 85 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ SIGNS-114D UPC 8 82917 01149 8 85 min DVD Disk $24.95

CROP CIRCLES REVEALED: A SPIRITUAL PERSPECTIVE, with Barbara Lamb. A licensed Psychotherapist in Claremont, CA, specializing in hypnotic regressions to remember past lives or alien contacts. Barbara has also been investigating crop circles since 1991. She recently co-authored Crop Circles Revealed: Language of the Light Symbols, with channel Judith Moore. Barbara has stated her belief that the electromagnetic light and sound frequencies of each crop circle are mathematical and geometric formulas for the healing of our planet, for the evolution of our world and for the spiritual ascension of the human species. Barbaras unique perspective on the crop circle enigma even takes human-made formations into account as she feels they too are influenced by unseen forces whose ultimate purpose is both positive and spiritual. For more information visit www.blambms.com SIGNS-115V UPC 8 82917 01153 5 85 min VHS Video $24.95 +++ SIGNS-115D UPC 8 82917 01159 7 85 min DVD Disk $24.95

CROP CIRCLES 2001-2002: A YEAR OF SURPRISES, with Dr. Chet Snow. An internationally-acclaimed author, lecturer, researcher and regression therapist, Chet Snow has degrees from Columbia University and Paris Sorbonne. As the promoter of the Signs of Destiny conference, the third in a series of Earth Mysteries conventions, designed to study what has led our species and the planet to these special times of challenge and opportunity. In this lecture, Chet Snow reveals the latest information on crop circles from the English countryside of the 2001-2002 season. For more information and to find out about future events visit www.chetsnow.com SIGNS-116V UPC 8 82917 01163 4 53 min VHS Video $19.95 +++ SIGNS-116D UPC 8 82917 01169 6 53 min DVD Disk $19.95
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