Video tapes and DVDs from the 1st and 2nd Annual Exopolitics Expo: The X-Conference recorded in Washington, DC Metro in 2004 and 2005.
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The 1st and 2nd Annual Exopolitics Expo -
The X-Conference
April 17th and 18th, 2004
April 22nd, 23rd and 24th, 2005
(Audio Tapes Now Available)
Paradigm Research Group is pleased to present a series of tapes, recorded at the X-Conference in the Washington, D.C. area, that document the connection between extraterrestrial-related phenomena, the United States Government and the ongoing truth embargo by the government on the facts of this issue.
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IMPORTANT TRAVEL ALERT I'll be on the road gathering more content from March 20th until August 1st, 2005. I will still be proccesing orders and checking email while I'm away, I will have DVD copies of everything with me, to ship from various points along the way. I will also have both X-CONFERENCE DVDs and VHS VIDEO TAPES with me, available to ship. If you would like VHS VIDEO of other tapes on this website, please email us. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
THE SECOND ANNUAL EXOPOLITICS EXPO THE X-CONFERENCE - 32 DISK/TAPE SET. Paradigm Research Group is pleased to present a series of tapes, recorded at the X-Conference in Washington, D.C., that document the connection between extraterrestrial-related phenomena, the truth embargo and government actions, documents and policies. XCon-741V UPC 8 82917 07413 4 40 hours 32 VHS Videos $499.95 +++ XCon-741D UPC 8 82917 07419 6 40 hours 32 DVD Disks $499.95

WHAT IS IN THE BASEMENT OF THE SECRET EMPIRE? with Richard Sauder - When Dr. Sauder was first told late one night in 1992 that "the underground bases are real" he didnt take the assertion on faith -- he immediately began an exhaustive search of every document collection and database that he could openly access to try to find out the truth behind that statement. As a consequence of his findings he can conclusively report that there is no longer any doubt the secret underground bases are real. But what is happening down there? Whats going on underground, and undersea? Information keeps surfacing that strongly points to the reality not only of clandestine underground bases, but also of clandestine undersea bases. UFO lore is peppered with accounts of facilities jointly run by terrestrial humans and "others" whoever or whatever those "others" might ultimately prove to be. What is the truth of these stories? What is the clandestine "un-public" policy that is being concealed from the public? Dr. Sauder jumps straight into the documentary evidence and uncovers little-known, declassified memos going back to the Kennedy and Johnson administrations in the 1960s, and even rare memos from Project Paperclip in the 1940s! Also, new material from Larry Warren, the famous experiencer who co-authored the book, Left At East Gate, with Peter Robbins, that sheds new light on the incredible Bentwaters-Woodbridge UFO incident in the U.K. And new information from Nazi Germany how much technology filtered across the Atlantic from Nazi Germany to the USA after WW-II? We know about Wernher von Braun and his NASA rocketeers, but what about other Nazi scientists and specialists? The paper trail holds definite thought-provoking surprises. Xcon-742D UPC 8 82917 07429 5 75 min DVD Disk $24.95

THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL PRIME DIRECTIVE AND THE NEW PHYSICS: MACCABEE AND DEARDORFF TALK EXOPOLITICS, with Bruce Maccabee, Ph.D. and James Deardorff, Ph.D. After 57 years of sightings, not to mention abduction reports, crop-circle formations and related phenomena, we should know something definite about an apparent extraterrestrial strategy of dealing with us. In our Journal of the British Interplanetary Society (JBIS) paper we do delve into this topic, noting that it can be no accident that after hundreds of thousands of appearances to UFO witnesses, science in general has not caught on to the reality of the phenomenon. In a substantial fraction of UFO events the factuality of the event is known with 100% certainty by the witnesses. How can these UFO aliens do this over and over again without yet ever having caused an abrupt rupture to the UFO coverup? Dr. Deardorff's talk will give answers to such questions, and also address the related issue of the ethical level of the aliens in charge. The ever recurring question of why Earth has seemingly not been visited by extraterrestrials (ETs) has received considerable discussion under the topic of Fermis paradox. The problem originated as a quip by Enrico Fermi to colleagues in Los Alamos over lunch one day in 1950. Whether one assumes the existence of only one other civilization or of many alien civilizations in our Milky Way galaxy, and whether one assumes colonization involving interstellar travel at near-light speed or far below, diffusion modeling predicts colonization or at least visitation of all habitable planets in the galaxy. We thus find ourselves in the curious position that current cosmological theory predicts that we should be experiencing extraterrestrial visitation. At the same time, current physics and astrophysics suggest that such visitation may not be as impossible as had been thought. Xcon-743D UPC 8 82917 07439 4 75 min DVD Disk $24.95

COVERT INTELLIGENCE INVOLVEMENT IN SURVEILLENCE OF EXTRATERRESTRIAL CONTACT WITNESSES, with Melinda Leslie. Is the U.S. governments real position on the extraterrestrial presence impacting the alien abduction phenomenon? Must exopolitics, with all its implications, take the abduction phenomenon into consideration? And, could abductions have played an integral part in the structuring of the government imposed truth embargo? She will outline how the military-industrial pursuit of developing extraterrestrial technologies, in combination with the hardware, economic, and political gains that would be derived from such a pursuit, has resulted in making alien abductions a matter of national security, providing immense insight into at least one reason why disclosure has not been forthcoming. Melinda contends that it would be a complete dereliction of duty if the national security apparatus were not monitoring the abduction phenomenon given the sheer number of people with experiences world-wide, the totality of evidence for abductions, the technology thats to be gained, and implications derived from the covert nature of abduction. She adds that this monitoring of abductees by covert intelligence/paramilitary agencies may be the strongest evidence for the very reality of alien abduction experiences. She will share abductees experiences including; threats made, confrontations, black helicopters, illegal break-ins, mind control, re-abductions by covert human personnel, interrogations and much more. Also the evidence for the involvement, such as extensive corroborating experiencer testimony, multiple forms of physical evidence, eyewitnesses, the accounts of military insiders, and many forms of surveillance. She will also examine the work of the leading abduction researchers regarding this subject. Melinda will explain that these agencies are involved for many reasons, but predominately out of a quest to back engineer technologies that operate on paranormal functioning (psi), the pursuit of which may not only be behind the governments suppression of the UFO subject, but the suppression of the dormant human potential as well. Xcon-744D UPC 8 82917 07449 3 75 min DVD Disk $24.95

HOLLYWOOD AND EXOPOLITICS: HUMAN / ALIEN RELATIONS IN THE MOVIES VS. THE NEW EMERGING REALITY, with Paul Davids. In co-writing and producing the film ROSWELL, Davids took a serious look at what UFO researchers now feel they can prove (in spite of the endless stream of mindless and contradictory official denials) was the first, or one of the first cases of modern human alien contact, including an alien survivor in military custody. Well look at and listen to a few of the latest proofs, including the startling 2005 confession of former Air Force Special Agent Richard Doty and a stream of original documents that have surfaced. In this presentation, Davids shows precisely how Hollywood has anticipated all of the trends and facets of the new emerging reality of actual human/alien contact. Hollywood never argues with commercial success. Nine of the fifty top grossing films of all time have featured aliens. But even the old smaller classics were ahead of the curve of modern ufology, introducing concepts as various as flying saucers, alien abduction, implants, missing time, underground alien bases, advanced alien technology, crashed UFOs, alien invaders, a military UFO coverup and the vulnerability of the human race to space invaders. Accident or design? Hear it and see it -- from Paul Davids, who not only produced ROSWELL but handled production of 90 original TRANSFORMERS episodes and wrote six of the STAR WARS sequel novels for Lucasfilm. Xcon-745D UPC 8 82917 07459 2 75 min DVD Disk $24.95

SEEN FROM ABOVE: MILITARY AND AIRLINE PILOTS EXPERIENCES WITH UFO PHENOMENON, with Commander Graham Bethune, David Coote, Jim Courant, Don Daniels and Robert Durant - One of the most trusted segments of our society are the civilian pilots who transport millions of Americans safely every year and the military pilots who defend the country. In the early years they reported many sightings, and such reports were eventually suppressed and discouraged. Some pilots began researching the issues, many have learned much over the years and all have risked some personal discomfort by seeking the truth of these matters. After civilian and military pilots were strongly discouraged from publicly reporting unusual sightings, thousands of pilot reports were collected over many years by Dr. Richard Haines. This database now forms one of the most important evidence compilations for the ETH in the world. Stephen Bassett will moderate a panel of five senior pilots who have engaged the most important issue of our time. Xcon-746D UPC 8 82917 07469 1 75 min DVD Disk $24.95

HOW UFO SECRECY HAS DAMAGED AMERICAN SOCIETY AND POLITICS, with Richard Dolan. Whatever UFOs actually are (whether aliens, or classified military technology, or something else), most people realize that secrecy surrounds the topic. Richard Dolan, author of UFOs and the National Security State, argues that this secrecy has been fatal to Americas concept of government of the people, by the people, and for the people. After discussing how UFO secrecy has been one of the major unacknowledged problems of our time, he questions whether or not the U.S. political system could survive a truly open disclosure of UFOs. Dolan has published numerous articles on anomalous phenomena, science, and the intelligence community for UFO Magazine. In 2003, he helped to found Phenomena, a magazine dedicated to leading edge issues pertaining to science and society, and for which he continues to serve as Senior Editor and regular contributor. Dolan has been appeared many times on television documentaries and radio programs on the theme of UFOs and government disclosure. He has been a featured speaker at numerous conferences. Richard Dolan also continues to research and write volume two of UFOs and the National Security State. For more information visit Xcon-747D UPC 8 82917 07479 0 75 min DVD Disk $24.95

WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON, JAMES EARL CARTER, JR. AND THE POLITICS OF DISCLOSURE, with Grant Cameron. Grant Cameron and Stephen Bassett are co-authors of a manuscript with the working title, U.S. Presidents and the Politics of Disclosure. That manuscript is 450 pages in length with 550 footnotes. A book proposal was presented to three dozen publishers by a top New York literary agent. The typical response: "Great proposal, but we couldn't do this book." Translation: "It's too controversial". Grant Cameron is going to go into the most controversial aspects of this book in waiting. This material is at th4e center of exopolitics. Xcon-748D UPC 8 82917 07489 9 75 min DVD Disk $24.95

SEEING WAS BELIEIVING: THE MAKING OF A RESEARCHER/ACTIVIST, with Lyne D. Kitei, M.D. During the evening of March 13, 1997, thousands of Arizona residents witnessed a silent mile-long, v-shaped formation of lights and/or craft slowly gliding overhead. The unexplained sightings garnered headline news, catching the attention of USA Today, EXTRA, national morning TV shows, and the Evening News with Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather. One person, however, was not surprised by the appearance of the lights. Lynne D. Kitei, M.D. was simply grateful that a phenomenon she'd been witnessing --and documenting--for months was being validated by the experience of thousands of people statewide. After the incident, Dr. Kitei preferred to stay in the background, anonymously feeding information and video clips to the many news organizations who wanted in on the story. Now, for the first time, Dr. Kitei comes forward to tell her own story. The Phoenix Lights is a meticulously researched look at the phenomenon, including astonishing photographs and Kitei's own take on the wider implications of this remarkable event. Dr. Kitei will share her findings, present a 15 minute video of how the story unfolded through the media and answer questions. Xcon-750D UPC 8 82917 07509 4 75 min DVD Disk $24.95

JAIME MAUSSAN AND 15 YEARS OF UFO SIGHTINGS IN MEXICO, with Jaime Maussan. The most comprehensive review of events ongoing in Mexico since 1991 - perhaps the greatest geographic concentration of extraterrestrial-related phenomena in history - by the man at the center of it all. Extensive and extraordinary new footage. Jaime Maussan was born in 1953 in Mexico City. After one year at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (1972-73) he attended Miami University (Ohio) and graduated with a B.A. in Radio and Television. During his college years, he was Midwest Correspondent and sports reporter for Televisa (Mexico). His present occupation is Investigative Journalist/Anchorman and General Producer of the TV show Tercer Milenio that is broadcast via the Televisa Network to all Latin American countries, Europe, the United States and also through the Sky Satellite System. In 1996, he was producer of the feature radio program "Jaime Maussan, UFOs and Other Mysteries" transmitted through XEW Radio and the RASA Network, which became one of the most popular radio programs in Mexico. Jaime has earned many awards for his films, radio and television shows both in North America and Europe. He received the National Journalism Award from the Journalists Club of Mexico in 1983, 1987 and 1993. He was presented the "AMPRYT" award for the TV program "60 Minutos" in 1990-91-92. His investigations into the still on-going Mexico UFO wave has garnered world wide acclaim and he has been invited to speak at conferences around the world. Xcon-751D UPC 8 82917 07519 3 3 hours 2 DVD Disks $34.95

THE RELIGIOUS IMPLICATIONS OF EXTRATERRESTRIAL-RELATED PHENOMENA: MONSIGNOR CORRADO BALDUCCI SPEAKS IN AMERICA, with Monsignor Corrado Balducci. The intersection of the world's great religions with extraterrestrial-related phenomena and the disclosure process is of enormous exopolitical consequence. PRG is pleased and honored that Monsignor Corrado Balducci will come to the United States for the first time since 1968 and give the Keynote Address at the X-Conference. Monsignor Balducci, now retired, is the highest ranking Catholic official to publicly speak to the issue of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. His comments arose from his personal research and did not represent an official position of the Holy See. Nevertheless, they drew much interest and debate worldwide. This will mark the first time Monsignor Balducci has spoken of these matters in the United States. Xcon-752D UPC 8 82917 07529 2 90 min DVD Disk $24.95

EXOPOLITICS: POLITICS, GOVERNMENT AND LAW IN THE UNIVERSE, with Alfred L. Webre, J.D. "Exopolitics" is the evolution of Alfred Lambremont Webres groundbreaking work as a futurist at the Stanford Research Institute, where in 1977 he directed a proposed extraterrestrial communication study project for the Carter White House. Exopolitics may turn the dominant view of our Universe upside down. Exopolitics reveals that we live on an isolated planet in the midst of a populated, evolving, and highly organized inter-planetary, inter-galactic, and multi-dimensional Universe society. Exopolitics explores why Earth seems to have been quarantined for eons from a more evolved Universe society. Exopolitics suggests specific steps a Decade of Contact and a Star Dreams Initiative (SDI) to end our isolation, by reaching out to the technologically and spiritually advanced civilizations that are engaging our world at this unique time in human history. A growing number of mainstream scientists are concluding that civilization as we know it may be extinct by the end of this century because of probable ecological catastrophes caused by climate change, nuclear war or earth changes . To survive, we must transform the permanent warfare economy into a sustainable, cooperative Space Age society, release our addiction to fossil fuels, and move toward new, clean, renewable energy sources. An exopolitical approach to these challenges may well provide us with ecologically sound, life-saving solutions a legacy of hope for our children and all future human generations. Xcon-753D UPC 8 82917 07539 1 75 min DVD Disk $24.95

TAKING UFOLOGY OUT OF THE DARK AGES: THE EMERGENCE OF EXOPOLITICS AND THE NEED TO DEVELOP A PHILOSOPHY FOR EVENTUAL CONTACT, with Paola Harris. Paola Will discuss how all her research calls for an exopolitical solution to the UFO question. It is time to take the study of Ufology out of the dark ages! In the Advent of such films as War of the Worlds, we are currently in need of an enlightened strategy. If the new alien agenda is to go directly to the people, then how will the people act or better react. That is why it is so important we weigh the exopolitical implications of this inevitable contact through examining the actual facts and testimony and past political policy. That will become more important than measuring the radiation level of the soil sample or the radar positioning of the object in our skies! Ironically, the UFO examined could be ours. It is time to determine our individual positions and our own individual philosophy of contact and then look at our role as a species. In the end we need to work out a philosophy of study that can be incorporated in our academia to educate our future generations so they do not re-invent the wheel but maybe re-interpret it. Also, to eliminate this regime of fear, we may need to return to a more naive time where we acted out of respect to bring back the enthusiasm of the 50s days of space exploration and Sagan-like wide-eyed wonderment of the Universe. With a philosophy in place, the protocol must come next. Ex-airman Charles Hall, when confronted with the physical presence of the Tall Whites needed to decide whether to stand or run, whether to speak or shoot, whether he was sane or insane and whether he acting as an individual or part some established program. This is all protocol and any future contact will present us with these future dilemmas. Xcon-754D UPC 8 82917 07549 0 75 min DVD Disk $24.95

OPERATION MAJESTIC TWELVE: THE CRASHES, THE REVERSE ENGINEERING AND THE COVER-UP, with Robert M. Wood, Ph.D. and Ryan Wood. The Majestic Documents that have been leaked since 1984 by multiple independent sources that tell the history of UFO crashes and subsequent military and government actions since as early as 1941. Three craft had been recovered during the FDR administration by 1942, and when the Roswell crashes occurred in 1947, the stage was set for Harry Truman to initiate the Top Secret Operation Majestic Twelve project to evaluate the wreckage and to try to improve our technology, medicine, and even our culture. Thousand of pages of "leaked" documents have been analyzed to assess the clues that suggest an aggressive "reverse engineering" effort to gain a military advantage for several years before letting the private corporations have access to the technology via a seamless process of invention seeding, patenting, and application to commercial enterprise. Specific examples previously revealed by other authors such as Corso will be evaluated from the viewpoint of "technology trail" for credibility. Fathoming a cover-up of these proportions seems impossible for many people, so we will specifically answer the key questions: "Why would the Government keep UFOs Secret?" Interestingly, half of the answer to this question is in the documents themselves. The other question, "How Could Such Secrecy Be Maintained?", is likewise dealt with in part by the documents, but other factors may transcend the simplistic "compartmentalization" and "threats" solutions. The subtleties of psychological warfare, honed to a fine pitch today, with the Peter Jennings ABC show offering the strongest false messages: "There were NO crashed UFOs" (anywhere) and "People are NOT being abducted!" Clearly, the idea that our technology of today is partly the result of reverse engineering captured alien craft is a huge secret that warrants deceiving the public on the recovered crashes and the serious difficulty of explaining the abduction activity, which may be heading towards the greatest of all reverse engineering achievements: reinventing the human race with an alien twist. Xcon-755D UPC 8 82917 07559 9 75 min DVD Disk $24.95

COULD CHRISTIANITY ACCOMMODATE A GENUINE EXTRATERRESTRIAL REALITY? with Michael S. Heiser, Ph.D. - Part of the resistance to a formal disclosure of an ET reality concerns the presumed impact such an event would have on the worlds religions. Over four decades ago the famous Brookings Report questioned the adaptability of conservative Christianity to handle such disclosure. There are many today who would agree that the assessment of Brookings is still valid. I believe that there would certainly be those in the conservative Christian camp who react negatively to disclosure, but I also believe many even the majority could adapt to disclosure relatively easily if they were educated as to the intellectually flimsy nature of the common theological objections to an extraterrestrial reality. This presentation outlines why todays conservative Christianity may object to an extraterrestrial reality, assesses those objections and fears in light of what the biblical text actually says and how Christian theology has addressed the issue in the past, and suggests how disclosure could be done with respect to this issue. Xcon-756D UPC 8 82917 07569 8 75 min DVD Disk $24.95

GOVERNMENT UFO LIES AND THE TRUTH BEHIND THEM, with Stanton Friedman. For almost 60 years the public has been hearing about flying saucers and UFOs. Press coverage has ebbed and flowed, but polls have always shown a very high awareness score. Motion pictures, tabloids, and TV programs have picked up the slack with a mélange of fiction and some truth. Unfortunately, much of what we have been told by the powers that be has been false. Many different government agencies have shared in the misrepresentation and have provided outright lies as well. These include the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, United States Air Force, etc. The press and certain other academic and supposedly scientific groups such as SETI have often blindly accepted and promulgated nonsense without any effort to get at truth. Hopefully, the specific lies presented in this paper will cause these protectors of the public to do their job: seek and present truth. Xcon-758D UPC 8 82917 07589 7 50 min DVD Disk $19.95

THE TALL WHITES: ET EXPERIENCES IN THE NEVADA DESERT, with Charles James Hall - Charles Hall was a weather observer in the United States Air Force during the mid-sixties. He was stationed at Nellis Air Force Base and the Indian Springs gunnery ranges outside Las Vegas, followed by a year in Viet Nam. After the service, Charles married and earned a Masters degree in Nuclear Physics at San Diego State University. He also did post graduate work at the University of Maine at Bangor. Raising a family pushed memories of the terror and unprecedented experiences on the Indian Springs gunnery ranges into the background, but they couldnt be forgotten. Charles began work writing his memoirs for his children and grandchildren in his spare time. Eighteen years later, his wife Marie convinced him to publish what eventually became the Millennial Hospitality series of three books. Because of the nature of the material, it seemed prudent to change the names of friends and places to protect the privacy of others. The Millennial Hospitality series is an account of one mans experiences with extraterrestrials in the Nevada desert while in the service of the government. Xcon-759D UPC 8 82917 07599 6 50 min DVD Disk $19.95

AN EXOPOLITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE MOTIVATIONS AND ACTIVITIES OF THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL RACES INTERACTING WITH HUMANITY, with Michael Salla, Ph.D. There are an extensive number of extraterrestrial races that are claimed to be currently visiting Earth and/or interacting with humanity. The evidence for these different races come from a variety of sources, including whistleblowers, contactees, abductees and remote viewers. In a highly classified 1964 Nato document titled the Assessment, for example, Master Sergeant Robert Dean claims to have read NATO accounts of four extraterrestrial races interacting with humanity. Sergeant Clifford Stone, a retired US army veteran of 22 years who allegedly participated in covert operations to retrieve crashed extraterrestrial vehicles and extraterrestrial biological entities (EBEs), claims in 1998 that there are almost 60 extraterrestrial races known by the US military to be either visiting Earth or interacting with humanity. This presentation describes the extraterrestrial races most commonly referred to in the UFO/Exopolitical literature who have most strategic significance for the evolution and sovereignty of humanity. There is evidence that the most significant extraterrestrial races who are interacting with humanity fall into two distinct groups. The first is a group of extraterrestrials that have become part of a military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex that while mainly associated with the US, is global in scope. The second group comprises extraterrestrials who have declined to be associated with the military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex. Understanding the motivations and activities of the most significant extraterrestrial races visiting Earth and/or interacting with humanity helps answer questions about appropriate policies to adopt in response to visiting extraterrestrials; and also helps private citizens respond adequately to the dilemma over which extraterrestrial races contribute to global problems confronting humanity, and which extraterrestrial races can be worked with for solutions to these problems. Xcon-760D UPC 8 82917 07609 1 50 min DVD Disk $19.95

DR. JAMES E. McDONALDS FIGHT FOR UFO DISCLOSURE AND THE FALL OF N.I.C.A.P., with Ann Druffel. Dr. James E. McDonald was the most prestigious and most influential scientist who ever entered the UFO research field. He was the single scientist who made the most valuable contributions and the one who gave up more of his life for the cause of disclosure. This remarkable atmospheric physicist is becoming widely known in our field since the 2003 publication of Firestorm? Dr. James E. McDonald's Fight for UFO Science, and it is hoped that the field will return to his strictly scientific approach. Known previously only to veteran UFO researchers who knew and worked with him personally between 1958 and 1971 his contributions in our field were numerous, meaningful and complex, as were outlined, although necessarily briefly, in last year's talk. Now, specific examples of roadblocks from government and high scientific sources that were placed in his way during the unforgettable years he worked publicly with us will be detailed. It is essential the disclosure movement be aware of previously-hidden facts about the demise of NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena) which began during Jim's last two years with us. McDonald had chosen to work most closely with NICAP and its famous Director Major Donald E. Keyhoe (USMC Ret.) because he regarded NICAP as the most objective and scientifically-oriented civilian UFO research organization at that time. He and NICAP were making unprecedented strides toward government disclosure, including proof that Project Blue Book was merely a public relations scheme instead of a true government UFO study. Jim McDonald's prestigious scientific career in climatology and meteorology stands by itself. So also does his remarkable contributions to our UFO research field and his work for disclosure of what our government truly knows about this most mysterious phenomenon. Xcon761D UPC 8 82917 07619 0 50 min DVD Disk $19.95

NASAS DILEMMA: UFOS CAUGHT ON CAMERA, with David Sereda. David Sereda discusses his personal UFO sighting in Berkley, CA in 1967, When you see video and photographs, from the perspective of having seen a UFO with your own eyes, eyes that never lie, the photographs remind you of the truth that this is all real. But for the person who has never seen one with their eyes, they think perhaps this is all some kind of trickery. Always following the Astronauts on every Apollo mission, David Sereda grew up with the love of spaceflight. He has particularly followed closely the career of Astronaut Gordon Cooper, the legend with the "right stuff" who also happens to be the most outspoken on the matter of extraterrestrial-related phenomena. As far as Sereda is concerned, if Gordon Cooper says it's real, you can take that to the bank. In 1994, Martyn Stubbs, the Canadian UFO researcher, who archived hundreds of hours of live NASA missions, approached David to conduct a scientific investigation into anomalies with NASA video footage. He spent 6 years in private discussions with top NASA officials and scientists about these anomalies. In 2002, he released a book and 3-hour documentary film, Evidence, the Case for NASA UFOs. He will discuss the significance of UFO technology, the quest for a supraluminal propulsion system and becoming free of the bonds of planet earth! He will also talk about his upcoming documentary to be released by Lions Gate Films, Dan Aykroyd, Unplugged on UFOs. Xcon-762D UPC 8 82917 07629 9 50 min DVD Disk $19.95

THE BLACK VAULTS QUEST FOR THE TRUTH, with John Greenewald, Jr. For nearly 9 years, John Greenewald, Jr. has been exploring the archives of the U.S. Government for undeniable proof of the UFO Phenomenon. In those nine years, he has created the largest online archive anywhere in the world. Join John as he sifts through the mounds of Government documents and see the most fascinating results... undeniable proof the Government is actively involved in UFO research. See the documents, the correspondence and the blatant lies that were presented by the U.S. Government. He will also discuss the future of The Black Vault, and its current success producing documentaries for The History Channel, The Black Vault Television Series, The Black Vault Radio Network, and much more! Xcon-763D UPC 8 82917 07639 8 75 min DVD Disk $24.95

THIRTY FIVE YEARS WITH THE MUTUAL UFO NETWORK, with Walt Andrus. During the 30 years he served as the International Director of the Mutual UFO Network, Walt Andrus witnessed the explosion of public awareness, the second stage of Hollywood's ET gravy train (beginning with 2001 Space Odyssey), the final years of NICAP, the emergence of cable television, the rise of the Internet, thousands of related web sites and the birth of the "politics of disclosure" - exopolitics. Throughout this time MUFON was and still is the largest and most recognized public organization engaging the phenomena. The 2005 PRG Hall of Fame recipient will talk about these years and what he learned. Xcon-764D UPC 8 82917 07649 7 75 min DVD Disk $24.95

THE 2ND ANNUAL EXOPOLITICS EXPO: THE X-CONFERENCE PANEL DISCUSSION, with Walter Andrus, Jr.; Stephen Bassett (moderator); Commander Graham Bethune; Grant Cameron; David Coote; Jim Courant; James Deardorff, PhD; Richard Dolan; Don Daniels; Ann Druffel; Robert Durant; Stanton Friedman; Charles James Hall; Paola Harris; John Greenewald, Jr.; Michael Heiser, PhD; Lynne D. Kitei, MD; Melinda Leslie; Bruce Maccabee, PhD; Michael Salla, PhD; Richard Sauder, PhD; David Sereda, Alfred Webre, JD; Robert Wood, PhD; Ryan Wood - Easily one of the most powerful assemblages of researchers and activists ever to discuss and answer questions about the exopolitical implications of their work, the phenomena and the government posture. Xcon-765D UPC 8 82917 07659 6 75 min DVD Disk $24.95
Paradigm Research Group is pleased to present a series of tapes, recorded at the X-Conference in the Washington, D.C. area, that document the connection between extraterrestrial-related phenomena, the United States Government and the ongoing truth embargo by the government on the facts of this issue.
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IMPORTANT TRAVEL ALERT I'll be on the road gathering more content from March 20th until May 1st, 2005. I will still be proccesing orders and checking email while I'm away, I will have DVD copies of everything with me, to ship from various points along the way. I will also have both X-CONFERENCE DVDs and VHS VIDEO TAPES with me, available to ship. If you would like VHS VIDEO of other tapes on this website, please email us. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Call 1 (800) 952-LOST to place your order by Credit Card or email us for a subtotal to submit your order... Visitors from please CLICK HERE for a special deal on Linda Moulton Howe video tapes and DVDs.
SATURDAY NIGHT KEYNOTE ADDRESS AND PARADIGM RESEARCH GROUP AWARDS, with Stephen Bassett. The executive producer of the Paradigm Research Group and the extraterrestrial phenomena politcal action committee (X-PPAC), political activist, commentator, author and producer of The X-Conference. Between April 19 and November 5 of 2002 he conducted an independent candidacy in the 2002 congressional campaign in the 8th District of Maryland. It was the first instance in which a candidate on the November ballot in a federal election openly addressed the matter of an extraterrestrial presence and the government imposed truth embargo. This presenation includes some featured music, the keynote address, the PRG awards and the good times had by all. XCon-740V o UPC 8 82917 07403 3 o 106 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ XCon-740D o UPC 8 82917 07409 5 o 106 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
On VHS Video:
On DVD Disk:
THE FIRST ANNUAL EXOPOLITICS EXPO THE X-CONFERENCE - 35 TAPE SET. Complete set of X-Conference tapes listed below. XCon-700V o UPC 8 82917 07003 7 o 45 hours o 35 VHS Videos o $649.95 +++ XCon-700D o UPC 8 82917 07009 9 o 45 hours o 35 DVD Disks o $649.95
Full Conference Set On VHS Video:
Full Conference Set On DVD Disk:
 THE FIRST ANNUAL EXOPOLITICS EXPO THE X-CONFERENCE PART Y (LECTURES ONLY) - 21 TAPE SET. Partial set of X-Conference tapes listed below. XCon-741V o UPC 8 82917 07413 4 o 17+ hours o 21 VHS Videos o $369.95 +++ XCon-741D o UPC 8 82917 07419 6 o 17+ hours o 21 DVD Disks o Normally $369.95 o SHOW SPECIAL PRICE OF $300.00 STILL IN EFFECT SAVE $70.00
Lectures Only Set On VHS Video:
Lectures Only Set On DVD Disk:
THE FIRST ANNUAL EXOPOLITICS EXPO THE X-CONFERENCE PART Z (WORKSHOPS ONLY) - 13 TAPE SET. Partial set of X-Conference tapes listed below. XCon-742V o UPC 8 82917 07423 3 o 24+ hours o 13 VHS Videos o $249.95 +++ XCon-742D o UPC 8 82917 07429 5 o 24+ hours o 13 DVD Disks o $249.95 o SHOW SPECIAL PRICE OF $210.00 STILL IN EFFECT SAVE $40.00
Workshops Only Set On VHS Video:
Workshops Only Set On DVD Disk:
GLIMPSES OF DISCLOSURE: THE OTHER SIDE OF THE COVER-UP, with Grant Cameron. The public's general impression is that of a government which hid away the facts surrounding extraterrestrials and refused to release anything. Those controlling the secret have been painted as evil men who have contempt for the truth and for the people's right to know. "Glimpses of Disclosure" will tell a more complicated story. Those who kept the secrets were men of good will who agonized over releasing the truth. Concerned over the impact of complete disclosure, they took a middle position of carefully releasing the story of the U.S. government's role without allowing anyone to obtain a critical mass of information. Those who controlled the secrets have on a number of occasions purposely released key pieces of the UFO story into the public consciousness through a mixed process of disclosure and disinformation. Glimpses of Disclosure will also look at the efforts of various presidents to release elements of the UFO story, or who actually tried to initiate a complete disclosure. The efforts of the Carter and Clinton administrations will be the focus of this section. XCon-701V o UPC 8 82917 07013 6 o 72 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ XCon-701D o UPC 8 82917 07019 8 o 72 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
On VHS Video:
On DVD Disk:
NEWS MEDIA COMPLICITY AND THE TRUTH EMBARGO, with Terry Hansen. A mesmerizing account of his investigation into whether some of America's most influential news organizations, many having maintained close ties to the U.S. intelligence community, have willingly suppressed full and accurate news coverage of extraterrestrial related phenomena for a variety of "national-security" reasons. Hansen reveals the remarkable and persistent difference in UFO-related news coverage exhibited by local and national news organizations and reviews the history of censorship and propaganda during the twentieth century and the evidence for media-government collusion over the course of the half-century-long UFO controversy. Terry Hansen is an independent journalist with an interest in scientific controversies and the politics of mass media. He is author of The Missing Times: News Media Complicity in the UFO Cover-up. He has organized and moderated two symposiums about the science and politics of UFO research for the Science Museum of Minnesota. Hansen holds a bachelors degree in biology and a masters degree in science journalism, both from the University of Minnesota. He was a founding partner of KFH Publications, Inc., a Seattle computer-magazine publishing company. This presentation covers some of the more recent and important stories that have been suppressed by the media cartels and powers-that-be. XCon-702V o UPC 8 82917 07023 5 o 50 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-702D o UPC 8 82917 07029 7 o 50 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
On VHS Video:
On DVD Disk:
THE FIRESTORM: DR. JAMES E. MCDONALDS FIGHT FOR UFO SCIENCE, with Ann Druffel. Ann will expand on her new book, Firestorm, which tells the important story of Dr. James McDonald. Her book and presentation powerfully demonstrate what researchers have gone through to bring a truth to the public which the public's elected and appointed officials did not want acknowledged. Of all the researchers who intersected with the process and prospects of governmental public disclosure, none was more intellectually suited and had collected more scientifically valid data than Dr. James E. McDonald, a prominent scientist and professor with the Institute of Atmospheric Physics and the University of Arizona at Tucson. He had unprecedented high-level contacts, and during his scientific career introduced numerous groundbreaking projects in meteorology and climatology under ONR contracts and with top scientific organizations. Between 1958-1971 he worked closely with science-oriented UFO groups nationwide and in several foreign countries. He gave hundreds of talks on UFOs before top scientific organizations, influencing numerous scientists to take the UFO question seriously and in 1968 was instrumental in bringing about one of only two public Congressional hearing, thus far, on the UFO subject. His premature death, a suicide, at age 51 stands as a warning to researchers, for McDonald was under surveillance by unknown sources. McDonald had the right methodology, adequate empirical data, and always presented his facts in strictly scientific terms. In seeking disclosure, we must follow his lead, for those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. XCon-703V o UPC 8 82917 07033 4 o 64 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-703D o UPC 8 82917 07039 6 o 64 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
On VHS Video:
On DVD Disk:
THE NEXUS OF EXPOPOLITICS AND GLOBAL PEACE, with Dr. C. B. Scott Jones. One of the key figures in the private approach to the Clinton administration by Laurance Rockefeller seeking the release of government documents and an end to the truth embargo, former Naval intelligence officer, Dr. Scott Jones, will discuss how humanity is placed in a highly vulnerable position by politics of exclusion and denial of the intimate relationship of all life in the universe. That is the direct relationship of Exopolitics and global peace and survival. Up to this point, strategies used to engage the nation-state system on Exopolitical issues have failed. A new strategy, formulated around the historical precedence of successful use of the think tank in American politics, is recommended. A short "Issues to be Explored" think piece would be personally briefed to a number of international think tanks. They would be requested to do pro bono studies on the challenges and opportunities that the Exopolitical enigma presents. This approach is deliberately designed not to engage countries, but private think tanks from a variety of cultures. The think tank studies would be used as wedges to open a public debate involving, among others, international media, the National Academy of Sciences and their counterparts in other countries, universities, and organized religion. National governments and the United Nations would not be directly approached, but allowed to enter the dialogue at their own initiative. This presentation is filled with accounts of trying the old strategies with research and intelligence communities in China and the former Soviet Union. Much was learned about their interests and activities. The Chinese suggested a special role that the United States might be destined to fill. XCon-704V o UPC 8 82917 07043 3 o 52 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-704D o UPC 8 82917 07049 5 o 52 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
On VHS Video:
On DVD Disk:
MJ-12 COMMITTEE OF THE MAJORITY: THE STRANGE DEATH OF JAMES FORRESTAL with Peter Robbins. Once the truth embargo is ended it will be necessary to reexamine significant portions of the historical record of the second half of the 20th Century in light of this extraordinary new information with particular emphasis on military/intelligence/political events. In fact, this is already underway. Peter Robbins is investigating the strange death of James Forrestal. In the official account, early on the morning of May 22, 1949, a despondent James Vincent Forrestal, former Secretary of the Navy, chief architect of our modern Department of Defense and recently retired as first Secretary of Defense, threw himself to his death from the 16th floor of the Bethesda Naval Hospital where he was being held under a round the clock Marine guard while being treated for depression. The Navy's five-month investigation concluded that Forrestal had taken his own life. The investigation report was then classified and remains so to this day. James Forrestal is the third official on the list denoting the members of the MJ-12 Committee of the Majority. Peter Robbins will take us through a diverse body of evidence that counters the Navy's contention and makes the case for officially sanctioned murder with a most compelling motive. Peter is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the website and writes a column for "UFO Magazine" called "Webwatch." Robbins has been involved with the UFO field for many years. In 1977 he created and produced "The Question of UFOs," a series of six half-hour programs for Channel C, Manhattan Cable TV. XCon-705V o UPC 8 82917 07053 2 o 52 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-705D o UPC 8 82917 07059 4 o 52 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
On VHS Video:
On DVD Disk:
EXOPOLITICS: NEW DISCIPLINE FOR A NEW PARADIGM, with Dr. Michael Salla. Within a short number of years the study of the political science of extraterrestrial phenomena will be commonplace at universities around the world. It will be called "Exopolitics" in no small measure due to the work of Dr. Salla, who with a few others, is founding this new area of study. Attendees will be in the room for the birth of a new academic discipline. This lecture will identify the key features in the emergence of exopolitics as a branch of political science. Attention will be placed on identifying the different conceptual frameworks used to understand the extraterrestrial presence and its political implications. Attention will be on the various sources of information on the extraterrestrial presence, the coherence of these sources and their persuasiveness as evidentiary bases for making policy recommendation. Special focus will be on the motivations, activities and moral orientations of different extraterrestrial groups identified by a variety of sources. Finally, the way in which political control has evolved in response to the extraterrestrial presence by responsible government agencies in the US will also be identified and analyzed in the context of the present international political climate. XCon-706V o UPC 8 82917 07063 1 o 49 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-706D o UPC 8 82917 07069 3 o 49 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
On VHS Video:
On DVD Disk:
HIDDEN EMPIRE: UNDERGROUND BASES AND TUNNEL SYSTEMS, with Dr. Richard Sauder. One of the most mysterious and secretive developments of the 20th Century was the coming together of the Cold War, extraterrestrial related phenomena, the national security infrastructure and advances in digging and tunneling technology. The author of Underground Bases and Tunnels: What is the Government Trying to Hide? will present a packed lecture on the extraordinary proliferation of underground military, intelligence and agency facilities, the relationship to the black budget and possible relation to extraterrestrial phenomena. Dr. Sauder may be the world's leading researcher in this particular area of study. XCon-707V o UPC 8 82917 07073 0 o 51 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-707D o UPC 8 82917 07079 2 o 51 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
On VHS Video:
On DVD Disk:
COLONEL PHILIP J. CORSO AND THE POLITICS OF DISCLOSURE, with Dr. William Birnes. Phil Corso once told Bill Birnes during the course of working on the manuscript for The Day after Roswell, that the Army never had to worry about disinformation or a conspiracy to hide the truth because the public was more than willing to hide the truth for them. In other words, the UFO community itself, such as it was in the 1950s and '60s was so focused on some of the wilder stories about trips to Venus and creatures from nearby planets that the rock solid evidence of UFOs, right before the eyes of the American public, largely went unnoticed. Real sightings, witness reports from the military and from credible public safety officers were dismissed as wild ravings by the tabloid press and never even covered by mainstream media. Corso said that the government never actually had to worry about disclosure because the truth of the matter was so self-evident it was in plain sight and nobody was looking at it. This is the springboard for the presentation about Corso and how in his final lectures before academic audiences, he was able to present his story, stripped of all the hype and derogatory criticism, in a way that people could understand it. Corso's story encompassed far more than UFOs, although the Roswell file and his technology transfer program certainly became prominent in the latter part of his life. Of course, he was able to keep what he knew about the Roswell crash and the debris retrieved a secret. For more information visit www.UFO XCon-709V o UPC 8 82917 07093 8 o 49 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-709D o UPC 8 82917 07099 0 o 49 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
On VHS Video:
On DVD Disk:
THE LEGACY OF COLONEL PHILIP J. CORSO: PART 1, with Philip Corso, Jr. One of the most important milestones since the disclosure process began in earnest after the dissolution of the Soviet empire in 1991 was the publishing in 1997 of The Day After Roswell by Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso with William Birnes (also a speaker). The allegations in this book rocked the foundations of the cover-up. To this day the neither the Army nor the Department of Defense nor any agency of government has formally responded to these allegations. The Washington Post would not even dare write an obituary for this noted Washington insider rather than mention the book. If you plan to attend this conference, it is recommended you read The Day After Roswell in advance. The life story of Col. Corso, who died on July 16, 1998 at 83, is extraordinary. Col. Corso was a decorated officer and a patriot who believed the public should know the truth about the extraterrestrial reality. His son shares this belief and is determined to defend his father's legacy. Paradigm Research Group is pleased to announce Philip Corso, Jr. will come to Washington to talk about his father and the family's experience in the aftermath of one of the most controversial books ever published. In his lecture and workshop he will present information never before revealed to the public. The story of Col. Philip J. Corso is not over. It has only just begun. XCon-711V o UPC 8 82917 07113 3 o 47 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-711D o UPC 8 82917 07119 5 o 47 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
On VHS Video:
On DVD Disk:
THE LEGACY OF COLONEL PHILIP J. CORSO: PART 2, with Philip Corso, Jr. and Dr. William Birnes. One of the most important milestones since the disclosure process began in earnest after the dissolution of the Soviet empire in 1991 was the publishing in 1997 of The Day After Roswell by Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso with William Birnes (also a speaker). The allegations in this book rocked the foundations of the cover-up. To this day the neither the Army nor the Department of Defense nor any agency of government has formally responded to these allegations. The Washington Post would not even dare write an obituary for this noted Washington insider rather than mention the book. If you plan to attend this conference, it is recommended you read The Day After Roswell in advance. The life story of Col. Corso, who died on July 16, 1998 at 83, is extraordinary. Col. Corso was a decorated officer and a patriot who believed the public should know the truth about the extraterrestrial reality. His son shares this belief and is determined to defend his father's legacy. Paradigm Research Group is pleased to announce Philip Corso, Jr. will come to Washington to talk about his father and the family's experience in the aftermath of one of the most controversial books ever published. In his lecture and workshop he will present information never before revealed to the public. The story of Col. Philip J. Corso is not over. It has only just begun. XCon-712V o UPC 8 82917 07123 2 o 131 min o VHS Video o $29.95 +++ XCon-712D o UPC 8 82917 07129 4 o 131 min o DVD Disk o $29.95
Roswell Anniversary Special: $5.00 off, now only $24.95
On VHS Video:
On DVD Disk:
ROSWELL: THE MAKING OF THE MOVIE "ROSWELL" AND THE OFFICIAL REPLY with Paul Davids. In 1994, "Roswell-mania" struck nationwide as Paul Davids produced and co-wrote the Showtime film, ROSWELL, starring Kyle MacLachlan, Martin Sheen and Dwight Yoakam. This will be a lecture filled with rare video clips (an amazing, largely different set of visuals than will be shown at the Paul Davids workshop). It will examine the debunking, official denials and attacks on witness credibility that has marked the entire history of the UFO phenomenon. This is given as background for understanding the firestorm the Roswell UFO case unleashed in Washington from 1994 through 1997 which became a three-ring circus on the national stage: Congressman Steven Schiff's inquiry to the Pentagon, the Government Accounting Office investigation, President Clinton's statement from Ireland, and the Air Force reports which officials say make Roswell a CASE CLSOED. The build-up to the 1997 50th anniversary of the Roswell Incident was accompanied by ever-increasing national hysteria -- incredible claims of UFO reality from Lt. Col. Philip Corso, suicides by the Heavens Gate cult, a controversy over apparently fraudulent alien autopsy film and claims and counter-claims about the mysterious MJ-12 documents. Debunking of the Roswell Incident was raised to a shrill and fevered pitch by the government, media news shows and skeptical magazines. Having lived in the center of the Roswell media storm, Davids will reveal how a $25.00 deal made between friends (Paul Davids, Captain Kevin Randle and Donald R. Schmitt) became the famous Showtime TV movie -- and how the film that no one in Hollywood wanted to make suddenly became a project that was rushed to completion for broadcast with a lavish 6 million dollar TV budget, just in time to be officially debunked in a series of Air Force reports and newscasts. Davids grew up in nearby Bethesda, Maryland, and is a graduate of Walter Johnson High School and Princeton University. His father, Dr. Jules Davids, was one of Georgetown's most famous professors and historians, who taught Jackie Kennedy and Bill Clinton and was a "secret writer" for JFK. The movie producer, whose life was shaken by a daylight disc sighting near his home in 1987, will re-live his personal journey on the road to Roswell and the bizarre aftermath, including his current views on the incident that the government says, for the 4th time, is explained and is a CASE CLOSED. For more information visit XCon-713V o UPC 8 82917 07133 1 o 52 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-713D o UPC 8 82917 07139 3 o 52 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
On VHS Video:
On DVD Disk:
PROFILES IN UFO COURAGE, with Paul Davids. This workshop is a highly visual presentation, with photos and many rare TV and news clips that document the boldest uses of the media efforts to expose the public to facts and concepts about UFO's and alien contact. You will hear from the likes of astronaut Gordon Cooper and Walt Disney CEO Michael Eisner that some UFO's are extraterrestrial spacecraft, and that a wall of secrecy has kept the facts from the public. The presentation will impress upon you just how much things have changed since the days when the CIA-backed Congressional Robertson Committee in the early 1950's recommended that media companies, such as Disney, be enlisted to debunk UFO's for the good of the nation. Paul Davids was executive producer and co-writer of the Showtime film ROSWELL (starring Kyle MacLachlan, Dwight Yoakan and Martin Sheen and Golden Globe nominated as Best TV Motion Picture of 1994). His interest in the UFO field was propelled by a daylight UFO sighting in 1987 in close proximity, with his two children. The experience opened his mind about a subject he knew little about until 1987, and it led to his conviction that excessive official secrecy on this issue is a negative and mistaken national policy. The sighting directly led to his becoming a producer of UFO-themed movies, TV shows and documentaries, as well as a writer in the field (FLYING SAUCERS OVER HOLLYWOOD for AlienZoo, etc.) and lecturer. Paul Davids' father, the late Georgetown University professor Dr. Jules Davids, was a principal contributor, or "ghostwriter," of JFK's Pulitzer Prize-winning book, Profiles in Courage. Paul Davids will reveal the story, the documents -- and how his father's contribution was "covered up" during the 1960 Presidential campaign so as not to derail JFK's election. The whole point of the book PROFILES IN COURAGE is that it is in fact very rare that a Senator will take an unpopular position, against his personal interests and contrary to the wishes of his constituency, for what he perceives as the larger good of the nation. On the UFO issue, there have been precious few examples of courage in the Senate or Congress or anywhere else -- including the media, among journalists, military men and astronauts. Using his father's essay for JFK on political courage as a point of departure, Paul Davids will forth his view of "Profiles in UFO Courage" -- those in the media (film, journalism, TV), politics and astronautics who took personal risks to try to pull back veil of secrecy hiding the facts of UFO reality. Paul Davids also had repeated correspondence with one of his father's former students, President Bill Clinton, which he will share, as he sought to provide information to the President on the Roswell incident. The workshop will bring to life Paul Davids' "Profiles in UFO Courage" to show how a rare group publicly known personalities -- dedicated, outspoken, brave and courageous people from Washington to Hollywood -- have pushed the envelope to work toward raising public awareness on the UFO issue. For more information visit XCon-714V o UPC 8 82917 07143 0 o 95 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ XCon-714D o UPC 8 82917 07149 2 o 95 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
On VHS Video:
On DVD Disk:
NATIONAL SECURITY AND UFOS: THE FOUNDATION YEARS 1941 TO 1973, with Richard Dolan. Richard Dolan is the author of UFOs and the National Security State, a recent work central to understanding the government management of the extraterrestrial phenomena issue during the second half of the 20th Century. He will provide a historical foundation for UFOs and government secrecy. Drawing on official documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act, he will detail the extreme levels of interest given to UFOs by the U.S. military and intelligence community, despite public statements to the contrary. One reason he offers is that unknown and extraordinary objects have repeatedly violated sensitive U.S. airspace. Frequently, these objects exhibited capabilities far beyond those of military aircraft even today. Dolan's historical analysis will include the origins and development of a secrecy/cover-up posture during the cold war, as well as descriptions of several spectacular military encounters with UFOs. He will also point out why it is unlikely that "true" UFOs in the early years could have been the product of a secret military program. PRG strongly advises any Congressional Members and staffers or political journalists coming to the X-Conference to attend this Lecture. Richard Dolan is the author of "UFOs and the National Security State," published by Keyhole Publishing, which covers the period from 1941 to 1973 and provides a thorough historical analysis of the national security dimensions of the UFO phenomenon. For more information visit XCon-715V o UPC 8 82917 07153 9 o 54 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-715D o UPC 8 82917 07159 1 o 54 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
On VHS Video:
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NATIONAL SECURITY AND UFOS: THE RECENT YEARS 1973 TO THE PRESENT, with Richard Dolan. Richard Dolan will expand his lecture on UFOs and government secrecy to cover the last thirty years. This in fact is the time frame in the forthcoming second volume of his, UFOs and the National Security State, due for release in 2005. Dolan's approach combines a rigorous adherence to verifiable facts with the willingness not to shrink from logical conclusions. Working strictly from historical documents and verified sources, he will describe the amazing story of military encounters with UFOs since the mid-1970s. In addition, Dolan will delve into the history of Area 51 and assess the state of our knowledge of what is actually going on there. This includes assessing the critical issue of whether or not the "deep black" world has developed its own "flying saucers." He will explain why UFO secrecy continues to this day and emphasize why this topic is one of grave concern for all of humanity. Richard Dolan is the author of "UFOs and the National Security State," published by Keyhole Publishing, which covers the period from 1941 to 1973 and provides a thorough historical analysis of the national security dimensions of the UFO phenomenon. For more information visit XCon-716V o UPC 8 82917 07163 8 o 105 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ XCon-716D o UPC 8 82917 07169 0 o 105 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
On VHS Video:
On DVD Disk:
UFOS: THE COSMIC WATERGATE, with Stanton Friedman. Over the past 57 years there is overwhelming evidence that agencies of the US Government have intentionally withheld and misrepresented data on sightings of extraterrestrial craft. One can understand such an attitude during WWII. It is much harder to justify it now. There is no question that some technical data probably should be withheld. But the fact the planet is being engaged by extraterrestrial space craft should be of concern to all humans. Ignorance is not bliss in this case. Stanton will touch on the cover-up of the Project Blue Book Special Report #14, the Roswell incident and the disinformation targeting operation Majestic 12. The government was clearly guilty of misrepresentation in the manner in which Project Bluebook was terminated. He will introduce new material from his next book with the working title " Flying Saucers and Science." Stanton likes to refer to debunkers as noisy negativists. He has been taking on these debunkers for 47 years and shows no sign of slowing down. He is a legend in the field and possibly the best known researcher in the world. XCon-718V o UPC 8 82917 07183 6 o 54 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-718D o UPC 8 82917 07189 8 o 54 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
On VHS Video:
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UFO COVER-UP: DEBUNKING THE DEBUNKERS, with Stanton Friedman. At the center of the truth embargo is a core of propaganda promulgated over 50 years in the guise of scientific skepticism. This false "skepticism" came to be known as "debunking." Having given more than 700 lectures about flying saucers in 15 countries; answered more than 35,000 questions; published more than 80 papers, 2 books, a CD-ROM and videos about UFOs and visited 20 document archives; Stanton Friedman has heard all the objections the human mind can conjure in opposition to the extraterrestrial hypothesis. In the workshop, all objections will be discussed such as the notions that interstellar travel is impossible, there is no good evidence for flying saucer reality, secrets can't be kept, aliens engaging the earth would land on the White House lawn, SETI (Silly Effort to Investigate) is sensible science, the Drake Equation predicts extraterrestrial contact is unlikely and other false arguments. For those who want to test their skeptical mettle against this research legend, here is your chance. XCon-719V o UPC 8 82917 07193 5 o 91 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ XCon-719D o UPC 8 82917 07199 7 o 91min o DVD Disk o $24.95
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BEYOND TOP SECRET: UFOS AND USOS (UNIDENTIFIED SUBMARINE OBJECTS), with Timothy Good. Beyond Top Secret UFOs and USOs (unidentified submarine objects) remain the most highly classified subject on Earth. In his fully illustrated presentation, drawing on the latest evidence, the highly respected researcher and best-selling author will outline the involvement of intelligence agencies in North America, South America and Europe in top-secret investigations. He will describe some little-known and disturbing cases reported by military and civilian pilots, army and naval personnel, and discuss contacts with ETs reported by highly credible witnesses, such as a former British deputy chief of Strike Command and Equerry to HM The Queen and Prince Philip, and a former CIA communications specialist, currently a respected Brazilian scientist. Good will also discuss his meeting at the Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office at the Pentagon in 1998, and some of the information provided to him over the years by his contacts in Washington, including revelations via a high-ranking source who worked at the Pentagon with the USAF Air Staff and Joint Staff. XCon-720V o UPC 8 82917 07203 1 o 41 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-720D o UPC 8 82917 07209 3 o 41 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
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BEYOND TOP SECRET: EXTRAORDINARY CASES OF EXTRATERRESTRIAL CONTACT, with Timothy Good.Timothy Good's workshop presentation will include some extraordinary cases, such as the encounters reported by a witness in Italy in 1993 who took a series of remarkable color Polaroid photographs of an unusual creature. Officers from the US Embassy in Rome attempted to steal the Polaroids and the witness was eventually arrested by the Italian military police. Good will also describe some of his investigations during seven visits to Puerto Rico in the 1990s, including an animal mutilation apparently monitored by US federal agents, the shooting by a police officer of an alien creature at point-blank range, the teleportation of a British Airways captain while flying a light aircraft, and the disappearance of an aircraft and its young pilots after reporting a UFO. Trips to alien bases in the Andes and the Pacific Ocean reported by a South American witness will be discussed in depth. Invited to Washington by the CIA, the witness was interrogated for several days at a "safe house." Finally, Good will reveal astounding new information about alien bases on Earth - including alleged locations - as provided to him via a high-ranking source who served in the USAF Air Staff and Joint Staff at the Pentagon. Earth - unique in our solar system and perhaps for light years around - is a center of operations for several species. Some are here for purposes of exploitation, such as hybridization. This has led to a conflict of interest, at both a terrestrial and extraterrestrial level. XCon-721V o UPC 8 82917 07213 0 o 109 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ XCon-721D o UPC 8 82917 07219 2 o 109 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
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AREA 51: AMERICAS SECRET SPACE BASE, with William Hamilton. Area 51, also known as Groom Lake, is a secret military facility about 90 miles north of Las Vegas, Nevada USA. The number refers to a 6-by-10-mile block of land, at the center of which is a large air base the government will not discuss. The site was selected in the mid-1950s for testing of the U-2 spy plane, due to its remoteness, proximity to existing facilities and presence of a dry lake bed for landings. Groom Lake is America's traditional testing ground for "black budget" aircraft before they are publicly acknowledged. The facility and surrounding areas are also associated with varying levels of credibility with UFO and conspiracy stories. In 1989, Bob Lazar claimed on a Las Vegas television station that he had worked with alien spacecraft at Papoose Lake, south of Area 51. Since then, "Area 51" has become a popular symbol for the alleged U.S. Government UFO cover-up. Bill Hamilton is a leading investigator of Area 51. Bill Hamilton read the book "Flying Saucers from Outer Space" by Donald Keyhoe when still in grade school. By the time he went to high school, he was actively pursuing interests in the UFO phenomenon. He met and became acquainted with the early UFO contactees by attending the Giant Rock spacecraft conventions hosted by George Van Tassel. Hamilton has had over one hundred personal sightings of UFOs. For more information visit XCon-722V o UPC 8 82917 07223 9 o 49 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-722D o UPC 8 82917 07229 1 o 49 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
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THE CASE FOR REVERSE ENGINEERING, with William Hamilton. The alleged recovery of a flying disk near Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947 has sparked discussions, opinions, and reports that the U.S. Army and Air Force studied the remnants of the disk, especially the methods and modes of its propulsion with the intent of "reverse engineering" the advanced technology found in the alien craft. Is it even possible to comprehend such advanced technology much less attempt to duplicate its function? Alien astronautics is a subject predicated on the existence of intelligent alien life forms whose evolution occurred on an extraterrestrial world and who developed means to travel from their world to other worlds in spacecraft. Reverse engineering is predicated on the fact that we have acquired alien hardware through flight systems failure of an alien spacecraft or through communication and negotiation. Reverse engineering of mechanical parts requires extraction of information about an instance of a particular part sufficient to replicate the part using appropriate fabrication techniques. In a letter to researcher William Steinman, Dr. Robert I. Sarbacher who was with the Washington Institute of Technology, confirms that some of the scientists involved in the study of recovered flying discs were Dr. Vannever Bush, John von Neumann, and Dr. Robert Oppenheimer. New technology such as morphing airplanes and carbon nanotubes may be the result of alien technology back-engineering studies conducted by the military-industrial complex. For more information visit XCon-723V o UPC 8 82917 07233 8 o 96 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ XCon-723D o UPC 8 82917 07239 0 o 96 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
On VHS Video:
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ITALY, COLONEL CORSO AND THE VATICAN: PART 1, with Paola Harris. International Journalist and researcher Paola Leopizzi Harris will discuss how the Italian media, newspapers, TV, magazines handle the coverage of UFO related events. She will cover several of the most notable cases including the visits of Colonel Philip Corso to Italy, the disclosure efforts of Monsignor Corrado Balducci and this year's Italian coverage of the Travis Walton Story on major prime time TV . From her early work with Dr. J. Allen Hynek to her current efforts to bring researchers to Italy through Starworks Italia, Ms Harris will explain the great importance of networking information world wide to prepare humanity for disclosure. Drawing upon the researcher for her new book, Connecting the Dots: Making Sense of the UFO Phenomenon, she will discuss "field investigations" and the research process she uses in order to piece together a very complex picture of the extraterrestrial presence on the planet. XCon-724V o UPC 8 82917 07243 7 o 44 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-724D o UPC 8 82917 07249 9 o 44 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
On VHS Video:
On DVD Disk:
ITALY, COLONEL CORSO AND THE VATICAN: PART 2, with Paola Harris. How did Colonel Corso's revelations and the Italian publication of "The Day after Roswell" change the field of Ufology in Italy? How did his presence in two conferences affect the media coverage of the phenomena? How does the Italian press handle sightings, witness testimony and the publicity around Monsignor Corrado Balducci's acceptance of the possibility of extraterrestrial life? Paola Harris' book "Connecting the Dots" contains a great deal of inside personal testimony from notable figures in the UFO Field. She will explain the amazing synchronicity that enabled her to cover these stories and obtain the respect of these key figures. She was one of very few people close to both Colonel Philip Corso and Monsignor Balducci. In 1997, after the Roswell 50th year Reunion, International Journalist researcher Paola Harris and the editorial staff from Futuro magazine brought Colonel Philip Corso back to Rome where he had served as head of Intelligence (CIG) from 1944-1947. In 1998, Corso was the keynote speaker at the International Conference in the independent Republic of San Marino and signed a document along with other international researchers calling for full disclosure of the facts surrounding extraterrestrial-related phenomenon. This document was sent to the United Nations and it was the first of its kind coming from any country. XCon-725V o UPC 8 82917 07253 6 o 98 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ XCon-725D o UPC 8 82917 07259 8 o 98 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
On VHS Video:
On DVD Disk:
UFO CRASH RETRIEVALS: SECRETS KEPT IN THE INTEREST OF U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY, with Linda Moulton Howe. Journalist Linda Moulton Howe is an Emmy Award-winning investigative, reporter and editor of the science, environment and real X-Files website, and correspondent for Coast to Coast AM with George Noory and Dreamland with Whitley Strieber. "It is the collective view of this investigative body that the aircraft recovered by the Army and Air Force units ... are not of United States manufacture for the following reasons: a) The circular, disc-shaped 'platform' design does not resemble any design currently under development by this command nor of any Navy project. b) The lack of any external propulsion system, power plant, intake, exhaust either for propeller or jet propulsion, warrants this view." From document signed by U. S. General Nathan F. Twining, July 10, 1947 This presentation plus video and audio is excerpted from Linda Moulton Howe's extensive research about U. S. government knowledge and cover-up of UFO crash retrievals and reverse engineering of advanced technology, as well as information from the UFO crash/retrieval status reports produced by Leonard H. Stringfield between 1978 and 1994 after his honorable discharge from the U. S. Air Force. For more information visit XCon-727V o UPC 8 82917 07273 4 o 55 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-727D o UPC 8 82917 07279 6 o 55 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
On VHS Video:
On DVD Disk:
SHOW ME THE EVIDENCE: INVESTIGATIVE UFO SCIENCE AND BISMUTH/MAGNESIUM LAYERING OF ARTIFACT FROM WHITE SANDS, NEW MEXICO IN 1947, with Linda Moulton Howe. Show me the evidence! Find out what it is like to investigate hard evidence when your own government says there is nothing there, universities are scared to use their resources, foundations will not provide funding and peer review science is closed off. The amazing tale of a unique layered metal allegedly removed from a wedge-shaped aerial vehicle of unknown origin at White Sands, New Mexico, in 1947 "I have basically exhausted every resource that I have ever tried to use from about 1940 to now. I have found no reference, even in government research, for bismuth/magnesium layers. This material didn't just make itself. It had to come from somewhere. ...And nobody's told anyone about this material!" Travis Taylor, Physicist working for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Redstone Army Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama. In her presentation Linda will have a physical sample of the unidentified layered metal for the workshop audience to see and touch, plus video and audio excerpted from her 9-year effort to find a source in government, military or civilian sector anywhere in the world with knowledge about layering 1-4 microns of pure bismuth with 100-200 microns of nearly pure magnesium. For more information visit XCon-728V o UPC 8 82917 07283 3 o 72 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ XCon-728D o UPC 8 82917 07289 5 o 72 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
On VHS Video:
On DVD Disk:
SECURITY MATTER X: THE UFO / FBI CONNECTION, with Dr. Bruce Maccabee. During the early years of UFO sightings (1947-1955) the FBI collected information provided by the Air Force. As with the proverbial "black hole" or "roach motel," information went in and didn't come out. No one outside the FBI (and few within) knew of the Flying Disc File with reports labeled "Security Matter - X." the REAL X-files. Not until 1977, when Maccabee received the Flying Disc file from the FBI as a result of a request under the Freedom of Information Act, did more than a couple of people know that in the early years there were top Air Force officials who secretly and seriously considered the Interplanetary Hypothesis. The FBI, because of its penchant for collecting and storing information, acted as a sort of "window" on Air Force activities. Through the historical eyes" of the FBI one can see the internal struggle of the Air Force officials to make some sense of the flying saucer problem without publicly, or even privately, admitting that something unusual was really going on, something of potentially great importance. The FBI, too, "covered up" its initial interest in the flying saucer reports. When asked, in the 1960's, whether or not the FBI had ever been involved J. Edgar Hoover, Director, said "no." He lied. This lecture will present some of the early history of FBI involvement and the surprising (some might say "shocking") revelations about the Air Force UFO investigation.XCon-729V o UPC 8 82917 07293 2 o 57 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-729D o UPC 8 82917 07299 4 o 57 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
On VHS Video:
On DVD Disk:
1952: WASHINGTON, D.C. AND THE YEAR OF THE UFO, with Dr. Bruce Maccabee. More than fifty years ago during the most amazing flap of sightings in the USA (and the world), the Air Force almost publicly admitted that at least some of the objects seen during sightings of UFO sightings could be objects that were literally "from out of this world." However, when that opportunity arose during a large press conference in late July, 1952, instead of admitting that the Air Force couldn't explain all sightings and that some "high officials" were seriously considering the "interplanetary hypothesis," the Air Force, represented by General John A. Samford, Director of Intelligence, said that everything could be explained as natural phenomena, effectively slamming the lid down on the UFO subject. But what the Air Force said privately was a different matter. This report tells "the rest of the story" of that amazing year. This lecture will show how the events of that year have had an impact on the history of UFO investigation, even continue today. XCon-730V o UPC 8 82917 07303 8 o 96 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ XCon-730D o UPC 8 82917 07309 0 o 96 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
On VHS Video:
On DVD Disk:
RULE BY SECRECY: THE POLITICS OF SECRET SOCIETIES, with Jim Marrs. There have always been powerful financial interests and secret societies. Both candidates in the coming presidential election, John Kerry and George W. Bush, are members of the secret society Skull and Bones, based at their Alma Mater, Yale University. Skull and Bones. However, from 1947 to the present day a new player took the field - the "Secret Empire" - the intelligence wing of the military/industrial complex. Jim Marrs, author of the best sellers Crossfire, Alien Agenda and Rule by Secrecy, has written about it all and will bring a new perspective to the connection between secrecy, extraterrestrial related phenomena and the wealthy elite. Beginning with a documented UFO crash that predates the Wright brothers through the development of Nazi flying saucers to President Kennedy's UFO connections, Marrs will weave together these fascinating topics. Jim has lectured all over the world and is famous for being able to bring humor to the darkest of subjects. A native of Fort Worth, Texas, Mr. Marrs earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from the University of North Texas in 1966 and attended Graduate School at Texas Tech in Lubbock for two years more. After a leave of absence to serve with a Fourth Army intelligence unit during the Vietnam War, he became military and aerospace writer for the newspaper and an investigative reporter. Since 1980, Mr. Marrs has been a freelance writer and public relations consultant. For more information visit XCon-731V o UPC 8 82917 07313 7 o 51 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-731D o UPC 8 82917 07319 9 o 51 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
On VHS Video:
On DVD Disk:
THE U.S. GOVERNMENTS SECRET REMOTE VIEWING PROGRAM AND THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL CONNECTION, with Jim Marrs. One of the more intriguing hypotheses put forward to explain government intransigence to end the UFO/ET truth embargo in the face of mounting public awareness does not center on nuts and bolts or the public's right (or lack thereof) to know about extraterrestrials and new technology. Rather it is a deep concern for the consequences from people learning about profound mental abilities and powers of perception which they may possess and might enhance and which would hugely undermine governmental control mechanisms such as propaganda, misinformation, disinformation and outright lies. Think that is absurd? Think again and learn about the 25-year secret research by military services and intelligence agencies to perfect "remote viewing" - the ability to "see" not only at a distance, but backward and forward in time. And whenever this research was being conducted, it repeatedly intersected with extraterrestrial related phenomena. This fact combined with consistent reports of the telepathic capability of extraterrestrial beings from contact events worldwide makes such an hypothesis worth serious consideration. Jim Marrs, who first wrote of "remote viewing" in 1993 when it was still a Top Secret program and before dozens of participants in this research began to come forward, will give an overview of its history and future potential. For more information visit XCon-732V o UPC 8 82917 07323 6 o 116 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ XCon-732D o UPC 8 82917 07329 8 o 116 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
On VHS Video:
On DVD Disk:
SECRET HISTORY OF THE UNITED KINGDOMS UFO PROJECT, with Nick Pope. In 1950 the United Kingdom's Ministry of Defence commissioned an official study into the UFO phenomenon. The MODs Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir Henry Tizard ordered this initiative, and scientific and technical intelligence personnel carried out the study. Nick Pope's lecture will tell the story of this study, and explain how a number of senior political, military and scientific figures become embroiled in discussions and disagreements over policy on UFOs, and over the true nature of the phenomenon itself. In the aftermath of a skeptic versus believer debate that raged at the heart of government, the MOD set up a UFO project to research and investigate the phenomenon. The project was modeled on the USAF's Project Blue Book, and although less well-known, survives to this day. Nick Pope stewarded this work from 1991 to 1994, and his lecture will reveal the secret history of the British Government's UFO project. For more information visit XCon-734V o UPC 8 82917 07343 4 o 52 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-734D o UPC 8 82917 07349 6 o 52 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
On VHS Video:
On DVD Disk:
BRITAINS CONTINUING UFO PROJECT, with Nick Pope. For much of the early Nineties, Ministry of Defence official Nick Pope ran the British Government's UFO project. In this workshop, he lifts the lid on the operation of the project during his tour of duty. He sets out the policy, and explains how UFO investigations and related research projects were carried out. Nick Pope explains how the project interfaced with Parliament, the media and the public, and will give an insight into the day-to-day business of the team. He will dip into the case files, discussing a series of incidents - some explained, some still a mystery. Finally, he will explain how he undertook one of the most extraordinary UFO investigations ever to have been carried out in the 50-year history of the project - a case from 1993 which involved a UFO flying directly over two military bases, with the subsequent inquiry involving senior political and military figures, and going to the very heart of government. For more information visit XCon-735V o UPC 8 82917 07353 3 o 91 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ XCon-735D o UPC 8 82917 07359 5 o 91 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
On VHS Video:
On DVD Disk:
THE MJ-12 DOCUMENTS: WHERE DO THEY LEAD? with Dr. Robert Wood and Ryan Wood. Dr. Bob and Ryan Wood have been a father-son team of investigators for ten years, having focused on the topic of authenticating questioned UFO documents and taking the findings to their logical conclusion. The first, and classic, document shown to be a genuine 1954-produced document was the now-famous Manual, Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology: Recovery and Disposal. This led to a series of apparent leaks from other sources, including some from inside the government today, based on postal information and the original envelopes, carefully preserved. The various techniques used to authenticate will be shown, and specific examples of famous erroneous evaluations will be noted, including the Truman-Forrestal Majestic authorization letter typewriter font from a 1940 Underwood. New testimony from a source who saw this letter while in the Navy will be revealed. The trail to the Cape Girardeau crash site will be followed and updated, together with an assessment of how this secret played in the parts of intelligence communities that had access to the UFO secrets. Of even greater interest to many are what do these documents say about whether we have technically been successful at reverse engineering UFO technology and what would be the process for dealing with this evidence. Some of the early documents have major clues to routine technology today, such as integrated circuits and fiber optics. Proving the relationship to UFOs is a significant challenge. For more information visit XCon-736V o UPC 8 82917 07363 2 o 49 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-736D o UPC 8 82917 07369 4 o 49 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
On VHS Video:
On DVD Disk:
MJ-12 DOCUMENTATION AUTHENTICATION WORKSHOP, with Dr. Robert Wood and Ryan Wood. This workshop will provide a clear description of the processes used to initiate the authentication of questioned UFO documents. It will include establishing provenance, physical factors such as dating techniques, identifying typewriters, matching printed type fonts, and comparison of handwritten evidence. The usual hunt for anachronisms that would belie authenticity will be exemplified, and examples of etymological issues (word sources and usage) will be provided. The mother of all authentication processes - the comparison with known authentic documents - will be exemplified using several examples. Not content to rest on their achievements to date, Dr. Bob and Ryan Wood will be willing to discuss documents that seem to have problems that they cannot totally explain. Foremost among these are apparently identical marginalia written back in the forties, where skeptics have claimed that identicalness implies the obvious use of a modern copy machine. These workshop leaders will look beyond the obvious here and postulate alternative explanations. Specifically, several examples of similar language between some questioned documents and some genuine documents will be discussed in detail from the point of view of supporting fakery on the one hand, or the common use of "boilerplate" on the other. As a fitting climax to this topic, a relatively recent Majestic document, shredded and subsequently reconstructed, will be evaluated from the points of view discussed in the workshop. If it were authentic, it would be front page news. For more information visit XCon-737V o UPC 8 82917 07373 1 o 79 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ XCon-737D o UPC 8 82917 07379 3 o 79 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
On VHS Video:
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THE UNTOLD HISTORY OF THE DISCLOSURE PROJECT, with Dr. Steven Greer. While a majority of American citizens and journalists do not yet know it, one of the most important events of the 21st Century to date took place at the National Press Club in Washington, DC on May 9, 2001. In the main ballroom before 100 journalists, 17 camera crews and 100 interested public, the Disclosure Project, founded by Dr. Steven Greer, presented the testimony of dozens of former military and agency employees which collectively confirms the extraterrestrial presence. Statements were presented in person and via video tape. All witnesses in attendance vowed to repeat their testimony under oath before Congress. This press conference was aired live around the world via the internet and is continuously being downloaded from the Disclosure Project website along with the witness testimonies. While the near term impact of this event was blunted by the terrorist attacks four months later, it will play an historic role in the disclosure process and will almost certainly be repeated - in or outside of Congress. Take a "tour" with Dr. Greer behind the scenes inside the meetings that led to the Disclosure Project press conference. For more information visit XCon-738V o UPC 8 82917 07383 0 o 48 min o VHS Video o $19.95 +++ XCon-738D o UPC 8 82917 07389 2 o 48 min o DVD Disk o $19.95
On VHS Video:
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SECRECY IS TERRORISM: THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL TRUTH EMBARGO, with Dr. Steven Greer. Dr. Steven Greer has written, "It appears that the fear and ruthless control exercised by these projects (i.e.. Unacknowledged Special Access Projects - USAPs) around the world has effectively kept the matter [of a government imposed truth embargo regarding the extraterrestrial presence] off the public radar screen. In our view, the propagation of such controlling fear is a genuine form of international terrorism. Its effects are devastating: it has neutralized democratic processes and institutions, engendered paralyzing fear, hijacked the future of humanity, impoverished billions of people and decimated the environment of earth in the span of one human lifetime. Indeed, the harmful effects of such rogue secrecy exceed by orders of magnitude the consequences of any terrorist organization operating today." At the center of the extraterrestrial truth embargo lies the fundamental relationship between the American people and their government - the social contract. Is the truth embargo now endangering that relationship? Come hear the opinion of a man who has spoken with members of Congress, the Department of Defense and a host of other entities in Washington over the past 11 years. This workshop offers an opportunity to ask questions of one of the most controversial figures in America today - a successful physician who committed his life's work to challenging his government's decisions regarding the most controversial event in human history - the engagement of the human race by extraterrestrial beings. For more information visit XCon-739V o UPC 8 82917 07393 9 o 93 min o VHS Video o $24.95 +++ XCon-739D o UPC 8 82917 07399 1 o 93 min o DVD Disk o $24.95
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THE FIRST ANNUAL EXOPOLITICS EXPO THE X-CONFERENCE - 35 TAPE SET. Complete set of X-Conference tapes listed below. XCon-700V o UPC 8 82917 07003 7 o 45 hours o 35 VHS Videos o $649.95 +++ XCon-700D o UPC 8 82917 07009 9 o 45 hours o 35 DVD Disks o $649.95
Full Conference Set On VHS Video:
THE FIRST ANNUAL EXOPOLITICS EXPO THE X-CONFERENCE PART Y (LECTURES ONLY) - 21 TAPE SET. Partial set of X-Conference tapes listed below. XCon-741V o UPC 8 82917 07413 4 o 17+ hours o 21 VHS Videos o $369.95 +++ XCon-741D o UPC 8 82917 07419 6 o 17+ hours o 21 DVD Disks o $369.95
Lectures Only Set On VHS Video:
Lectures Only Set On DVD Disk:
THE FIRST ANNUAL EXOPOLITICS EXPO THE X-CONFERENCE PART Z (WORKSHOPS ONLY) - 13 TAPE SET. Partial set of X-Conference tapes listed below. XCon-742V o UPC 8 82917 07423 3 o 24+ hours o 13 VHS Videos o $249.95 +++ XCon-742D o UPC 8 82917 07429 5 o 24+ hours o 13 DVD Disks o $249.95
Workshops Only Set On VHS Video:
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CONTROLLED REMOTE VIEWING 2004 APPLICATIONS WORKSHOP with Lyn Buchanan Concord, CA. 8 DVD Disks Normally $139.95 Now $124.95
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We've recorded the following conferences: the X-Conferences in Washington DC, the World Explorer's Club Ancient Science and Modern Secrets Conference in Sedona, Arizona, the Pacific Northwest Ghosthunters Conference in Seattle, the Controlled Remote Viewing Conference in Concord, California, the National UFO Conferences in Hollywood, the 9/11 Truth Convergence conference in San Francisco, the UFO Crash Retrieval Conference in Las Vegas, the Tesla Technology Conference in Salt Lake City, the Ancient of Days UFOs and Abduction Conferences in Roswell, New Mexico, the New Living Expos in San Francisco, the Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles, the Stargate Mystery School Conferences in Los Angeles, the Alternate Realities Conference in Tennessee, the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Annual Symposiums in Michigan and New York, the Aztec UFO Crash Symposiums in New Mexico, the Controlled America conferences in Davis and elsewhere, the Ancient Wisdom and New Science Conferences in Berkeley, the Bay Area UFO expos in Santa Clara, the Ancient Earth Mysteries conference in Laughlin, the Nikola Tesla Energy Science Conference and Exposition in Washington, D.C., and the Signs of Destiny Conferences in Tempe.
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Presenters include Freddy Silva, Lyn Buchanan, Annette Martin, Loyd Auerbach, Paul Kimball, Ron Reger, Chuck Wade, David Pace, Peter Davenport, Marc Davenport, Lynne D. Kitei, Eric Felsson, Jose Arguelles, John Major Jenkins, Clarisse Conner, Michael Peter Langevin, John English, Allan Brown, Flordemayo, Dr. Louis Turi, William Henry, Geoff Stray, Bert Janssen, Jaime Maussan, Melinda Leslie, John Rhodes, Leah A. Haley, Michael Horn, Dr. Robin Falkov, Tricia McCannon, James Gilliland, Lloyd Pye, Katherine Pacheco, Dennis William Hauck, Patricia Wollard, Mike West, Marie DePerlarlta, Ross Allison, Jeferson Davis, Dutch Jackson, Stef Marshall, Leslie Rule, Jake, Jake Warga, Jim Hoffman, Don Paul, Jim Garrison, Byron Belistos, Robert Rabbin, Medea Bejamin, Stephen Dinan, Swami Beyonananda, Archarya S, Stephen Mehler, Greg Bishop, Mark Amaru Pinkham, Mark Kimmel, Gloria Hawker, David Perkins, Sanni, Bill Winkler, Joe Fex, Mary Munoz, Michael S. Heiser, Jim Wilhelmsen, William Alnor, David Flynn, David Sereda, Guy Malone, Jim Hickman, Lisa Davis, Joe Jordan, Larry Oja, Glen Gordon, Bruce Forrester, Jr., Tony Cocilovo, Konstantin Meyl, Kirl Chukanov, Bruce Perreault, Alan Francouer, Sonne Ward, Moray King, Robert Patterson, John Balfour, Dale Pond, Dan Davidson, Hal Fox, Paul Pantone, Jan Marwan, Vladimir Ginzburg, Thorsin Ludwig, James and Kenneth Corum, Elizabeth Rauscher, Ph.D., Ryn Raevis, Marc Seifer, Ph.D., Thomas Valone, Ph.D. Ralph Suddath, Mark Neveu, Ph.D., Jeffrey Behary, Eltjo Hasselhoff, Earle Benezet, Doug Kenyon, Jeffrey Morgan Foss, Sherry Lee Malin, Constance Clear, John Gray, Jack Canfield, Loren Coleman, Gail Ferguson, John Alexander, Ph.D. Marcia Schaefer, Brian O'Leary, Richard Boylan, Ph.D., Jason Martell, J.J. Hurtak, Robert O. Dean, Robert Perala, Ruben Uriate, Steven Marino, Paul Anderson, Colin Andrews, Dennis Balthaser, Dr. Nick Begich, William J. Birnes, Francine Blake, Carol Brouillet, Karena Bryan, Walter Bowart, Eldon Byrd, Prudence Calabrese, Grant Cameron, Dolores Cannon, David Hatcher Childress, Wendy Conners, Philip Corso Jr., Michael Cremo, Paul Davids, David W. Davis, Richard Dolan, Ann Druffel, Christopher Dunn, MUFON Field Investigator Training, Joe Firmage, Patrick Fitzhugh, Neil Freer, Stanton Friedman, Antonio Garcez, Sir Laurence Gardner, Timothy Good, Stan Gordon, John Greenewald Jr, Steven Greer, William Hamilton, Terry Hansen, Paola Harris, Jim Hickman, Betty Hill, Budd Hopkins, Linda Moulton Howe, David Jacobs, C.B. Scott Jones, Barbara Lamb, Jack "Kewaunee" Lapseritis., Don Ledger, William C. Levengood, Ted Loman, Bruce Maccabee, Mark Macy, Jim Marrs, Randy Masters, Jordan Maxwell, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Father Charles Moore, Andreas Mueller, John Nowinski, Karl Pflock, Nick Pope, Raphaela Pope, Steve Purkable, Nick Redfern, Peter Robbins, Jeff Sainio, Dr. Michael Salla, Richard Sauder, John Schuessler, Frank Scully, Esen Sekerkarar, Jerry Smith, Dr. Chet Snow, Tédd St. Rain, Mary Ann Stratton, Chris Styles, Deborah Taj Anapol, Nancy Talbott, Albert Taylor, Richard Thieme, Hal Treacy, Transdimensional Systems, David Twichell,Travis Walton, Cheryl Welsh, John Anthony West, Jeffrey Wilson, Dr. Robert Wood, Ryan Wood, Dan Wright and many more.
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